
Final Fantasy: Crisis and Tranquility

In a world called Gaia. A different timeline has emerged, a foreigner from another world has arrived. With the strength of will and a faulty memory. Will he change the world? Or lead it to ruin far faster with the villain?

Khay_Cee_Padua · Videospiele
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153 Chs

Chapter 46: The Hydraean

Wutai village, the home of one of the ministers in the past. The new generation were currently having a meeting. Dissatisfied with Godo's rule over Wutai, rumors spread around that he sacrificed his ministers who wanted to defeat Shinra efficiently so he could have more power over the country.

And of course, the ignorant does not know that their home was owned by Ramiel and Alexandra anyway. So they decided to take matters to their own hands, not that Godo gave any of them a real explanation anyway. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Even if he explains, no one would really be thrilled to know that they are a victim of the machinations of the higher ups.

"Are the preparations ready?" The son of one of the ministers asked, they have a plan to take over Wutai and take care of Shinra once and for all. "Preparations are ready, young master. Fort Tamblin is not prepared and we will be able to take that."

The young master nodded in satisfaction as his eyes showed his rage towards Godo Kisaragi. "You think you can rule over this land by sacrificing our flesh and blood, fat chance Godo. We will take matters to our own hands and bring Wutai to greatness."

"Make Wutai great again!" His lackeys chanted and everybody prepared for their plans to destroy Shinra's soldiers as well as take Wutai for their own.


Meanwhile, at Midgar. Vincent was watching Aerith and Ifalna practice magic. "Unbelievable, they're growing fast, too fast." He got suspicious and thought that something was wrong, so he gestured to Ifalna that he wanted to talk to her later.

Vincent noticed that their strong bodies were showing its true capabilities under his tutelage. Ifalna and Aerith had ridiculous dynamic vision and are already sharpshooters that would definitely defeat him if he was still a normal Turk.

Their frail looking frames packed strength that could shatter boulders once they knew how to use it to deliver blows. Their diets also made a sizeable dent on his gil reserves, their metabolisms not slowing down at all. The two were eating a ton of food.

"Go on and practice your spells honey, remember to not release it or we'll destroy Elmyra's back yard okay?" Ifalna patted Aerith's head and reminded her to be careful. Ifalna changed the environment a bit and used her power over the lifestream to give the place some flowers and plant life.

"Un! I'll definitely be the best mage ever mom! I wish Ramiel-nii and Alex-nee can see my progress." Aerith got a bit sad as she missed the twins, especially their pampering. Ifalna gave a wry smile and thought that they will surely meet them again.

"Don't worry Aerith, just wait for them. I know they'll come for us." Ifalna ruffled her hair a bit and went to Vincent so they could converse more. "You and your daughter have quite the special qualities, I'm pretty sure that ancients don't have that characteristic. Mind telling me what's up?"

Ifalna sighed and thought that she should tell Vincent more about their circumstances. As they haven't talked about any more than Shinra wants them back. "Let's sit down, this will be quite lengthy. We are a product of the Jenova project."

Vincent went wide eyed and immediately clenched his fist. "Damned Shinra!" He remembered his twins being experimented on, the circumstances of Aerith and her mother hit close to home with Lucrecia and his children.

"Calm down, Vincent. I think it wasn't so bad, let me explain." Ifalna put a hand over his and tried calming him down with her powers over the lifestream. She already knew that Vincent has something special inside of him. She could feel the dark Mako that flowed in his veins.

He looked at her with a frown, but Ifalna's efforts weren't in vain as he felt calmer and relaxed. "You see, Ramiel and my husband Gast researched extensively about Jenova. May the planet let him sleep in peace. They were able to balance Jenova's cells with extensive Mako treatment. And it is basically a supersoldier serum right now with no side effects. If it is catered to the person that is." Ifalna began her explanation and Vincent got anxious immediately, remembering the SOLDIERs he fought.

"Then Hojo is making an army of super soldiers right now!?" Vincent battled with them, he knew what will happen if the crazy scientist managed to make an army of them. Shinra will surely control the world without effort whatsoever.

"Good thing Jenova is a thing of the past now, they're extremely limited in their plans." Ifalna smiled at him and Vincent was shocked, he was about to go to Avalanche and try to destroy Shinra now. But it seems that they have more time than he thought.

"How?" Vincent was curious and ifalna looked at the sky. "Ramiel booby trapped the Nibelheim manor with explosives. Especially the laboratories." Ifalna was still quite sad about it and Vincent went quiet. "I see, a self-destruct mode?" Vincent nodded in satisfaction with his son's foresight.

"Jenova was lost, they needed tons of time and resources to make more of her cells. Limiting them very much. Ramiel and Gast called it project Minerva, now me and Aerith have a lot more Mako and strength as a result. It's pretty much a better version of Jenova's cells." Ifalna was thankful once again that the situation didn't spiral out of control.

"I see, then you both are an asset now. We will double down on your training, you will fight with. No more questions." Vincent stood up and Ifalna was dumbstruck. "B-but why? I don't really have it in me…" Ifalna of course did not want to, but Vincent held on to her head and craned her neck to Aerith.

"Do you wanna see your daughter be captured by Shinra? Experimented on? Unspeakable horrors done to her?" Vincent squinted his eyes and Ifalna shook her head. "Then fight, with how Ramiel and Alexandra are, I don't doubt that they are doing something behind the scenes. We will do our part."

Vincent glared at the upper plate and thought that this was the best he could do for Lucrecia and his children for now.


Back at Wutai, the pair of Angeal and Genesis were arguing about something. "Are you crazy Genesis? Commander didn't tell us to risk going here to their village. We might get caught or something." Angeal was chiding his friend's recklessness.

"Don't worry about it Angeal, why are you so scared? We are SOLDIERs, besides. Commander trained us well enough that we could escape from here without so much of a scratch." Genesis waved his hand nonchalantly and they entered the village with a disguise.

"Hah, what can I do? We're already here anyways… Weird, don't you feel like something is wrong?" Angeal noticed that there were no guards on the posts. And the village felt a bit, deserted.

"You're right, there might be something happening here. Come on, I knew it was a good idea to infiltrate the village and get more information!" Genesis excitedly went to the fort in the middle of the village.

Angeal wanted to say that they should be careful, but Genesis was too excited to go to the fort. "Huh? Why are the gates unguarded too? Angeal, prepare yourself. This might be a trap." Genesis went serious and prepared to brandish his sword at any second. He might still be quite overconfident, but he knew that the fort shouldn't be that defenseless.

After roaming around for a bit at the grounds of the place, they heard a roar from the distance. They saw a serpentine beast that floated in the air, it's reptilian eyes looking at Wutai with intelligent eyes. (pic)

"W-what the hell is that?" Genesis was gobsmacked and Angeal frowned immediately. "A summon… A high tier one at that. That thing is bad news Genesis! Let's go back to the base! We need to inform the commanders about this!" They felt magic swirl around the serpentine creature and water started to rise up from the ocean.

With a roar, vortexes of water formed all around the island and caused mayhem.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.