
Fated for Life

Katherine Jones is the daughter of a very famous mob boss. Sam O'Brian is the perfect man she needs. Together they have a love story and a relationship of two very beautiful and promising years. He would have done anything for her to be safe and happy, and she would have done anything not to see him suffer. Everything changes between them when she chooses to go to a college far from him, but this only strengthens their relationship... Until her father comes out of prison and finds Katherine. She enters the dark world of her father and everything goes crazy in her life. She cheats on Sam, she loses Sam because of her carelessness, she gets shot, but ends up working with the one who shot her to overthrow her father and to be able to return to her quiet life that she had now seems like a long time. Will she manage not to get involved again sentimentally? Will she manage to get her beloved man back or will she get lost in the crowd not knowing what to do?

Georgiana_Seiche · Teenager
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11 Chs

Chapter 5

I reach the room physically unharmed, but inside me there is a fierce struggle between the pleasure of hearing the teacher talk dirty and the horror of what is wrong. I take off my shoes that almost broke my ankles and then I take off my dress  , quickly pulling on my pyjamas. Sam, why did he never show me that he wanted me?  Does he really not want me?  Does he have to stay with me?

 Before I realize what I'm doing, I call Sam and he answers very quickly with a hoarse voice.

 -"Kate? Are you okay? It's quite late."

 -Sorry I disturbed you...

 -"You didn't bother me at all. I always like to hear your voice... Did something happen?"

 -I came back from the party.

 -"Ok...I don't think that's why you called me. You could have told me this thing in the morning when you woke up. Tell me. What is it?"

 -You asked me today if everything is okay with us and if I still want you near me, right?


 -What about you, Sam?  What is your opinion?  Your answer?

 -"I do not understand..."

 - Are we okay?  Do you still want me with you?

 -"That's really a stupid question, Kate. What happened to ask me that?"

 -Answer me honestly, Sam.  Whatever it is, I think I can handle it.

 I hear him sighing on the phone and a tear falls while waiting for his answer.

 -"Kate...I don't know how to express in words how I feel about you, but...I'm arriving in California in two days because I have a little work to do with a contract. Can we talk more then?"

 -Sure, Sam?


 -I really miss you.

 -"I miss you too, Kate. I can't wait to see you."

 I end the call and turn off the light, putting myself to sleep and dreaming of two brown eyes saving me from the darkness.


 The morning comes early and I start to get ready. I took a shower, I fixed my hair, I got dressed... The door opens and I let out a small scream, being taken by surprise by Selena. She undresses and throws herself on the bed  , literally.

 -Are you not coming to class today?

- I'm just not in the mood for classes right now. You left the party with Chris, didn't you?

 Wow...gossip travels fast.

 -So why?

 -What happened on the way?

 - Nothing. Was something supposed to happen?

 She turns to her side to look at me and wets her lips. I'm not going to like what I hear, right?

 - Just be careful with Chris, ok? He's not exactly a model teacher.

 -You mean?

 -I mean...He likes new girls. In fact, he likes girls a lot. Half of the college had a crush on him.

 -Here you go?

 -You didn't hear from me, okay?

 - I have to go. You will be late.

 I leave the room and for the first time I'm afraid to show up to classes. I have to consider the idea of ​​moving from Chris's class. I'll talk to Sam about it.

 When I get to college, I almost run down the hall and in all my agitation I manage to bump into someone again. I curse and look up.

 - Kate? How was the party?

 I breathe a sigh of relief when I see that the person I bumped into is Karl and I hug him, taking him by surprise.

 - You don't even know how happy I am to see you.

 He laughs and I follow him too.

 -So the party was really that bad?

 -Bad?  It was horrible. The next time you call me, remember what I just said.

 - I promise. Say and we will enter the class.

 Everyone whispers and looks at me strangely. Of course I'm talking about the fact that I went alone with Chris to the dormitory.

 - Please, God, have mercy... I say and Karl laughs again, sitting us down on the bench.

 - Did you have a good time last night with the teacher?  Says the guy behind us and the rest start giggling.

 -Here you go?

 I am absolutely shocked but also scared by these rumours. If the director hears, I might kick her ass and be ashamed to ever see my mother again.  Even if the rumors are not true, my mother will not believe me.

 - We just heard about it... Adds the guy and I want to take Chris's head.

 Did he brag about something that didn't happen? I had a bad impression of him, but now I'm totally disgusted. Chris enters the class and looks at me a little... wrinkled? The bastard. He caused this. I get up from the bench and run to  exit breathing jerkily. This can't happen to me now... Not while I'm at college...

 - Kath!  Chris shouts and I stop.

 -What?  Didn't you get how much more humiliated already?  What do you want from me?

 - I'm sorry that you were dragged into something so pathetic, but it wasn't me.

 -What wasn't you?

 - I didn't say anything about last night. I think someone else did.

 -I really don't care...I don't want to see you ever again.  I say and run as far away from the institution as possible.

 I realize I'm heading to the dorm but I don't want to be there either... Maybe Selena is to blame for all this... I go to a cafe and order a hot chocolate... Maybe more... I'm not sure how much  I've been drinking until now and it's getting dark outside. I check my phone and see several calls from Sam and my mother. I haven't talked to her since I arrived and I don't want to talk now either.

My phone rings again and I see it's Sam.


 I hear him sigh with relief and I refrain from crying.

 -"I arrived faster in California...Where are you?"

 After giving her the address, I hang up and try to pull myself together. I'm not weak. I've been through worse times than some gossip.