
Fated for Life

Katherine Jones is the daughter of a very famous mob boss. Sam O'Brian is the perfect man she needs. Together they have a love story and a relationship of two very beautiful and promising years. He would have done anything for her to be safe and happy, and she would have done anything not to see him suffer. Everything changes between them when she chooses to go to a college far from him, but this only strengthens their relationship... Until her father comes out of prison and finds Katherine. She enters the dark world of her father and everything goes crazy in her life. She cheats on Sam, she loses Sam because of her carelessness, she gets shot, but ends up working with the one who shot her to overthrow her father and to be able to return to her quiet life that she had now seems like a long time. Will she manage not to get involved again sentimentally? Will she manage to get her beloved man back or will she get lost in the crowd not knowing what to do?

Georgiana_Seiche · Teen
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11 Chs

Chapter 4

Arriving at the party, I already notice a lot of students present. Others are already drunk and others are dizzy. I smell cigarette smoke since I entered the courtyard of the villa. I wonder whose student is this villa and if his parents know that  a party during the week. However, the place looks expensive, so I doubt it's bad with the money. Selena grabs my arm while Roger gets lost in the crowd.

 - Let's have a drink, says Selena close to my ear so that I can hear her despite the music playing at full blast.

 - I don't drink. I have to be lucid for tomorrow.

 She laughs and pulls me into the villa after her. I doubt she heard me but I ignore it. I'll at least drink a glass of water. Once inside the villa, the music is no longer so deafening. I think the speakers are somewhere outside.  he follows her to a room that seems to be the kitchen and takes two glasses full of some colorless liquid from the table.

 - We're welcome. He says and hands me a glass.

 I try to look as cute as I can and accept the glass he offers me. God... I'd rather stay in the room... What am I doing here? I don't know anyone except Roger and Selena. It seems that Karl  and Maria decided not to show up at the party. Very smart of them.

 Selena finishes her drink too soon and looks at my glass.

 - We're welcome. I don't drink. I say giving him my glass.

 - You don't know what you're losing... She says and gasps for breath.

 - I'm going to see who else is here. I'll be back soon. I hope you don't mind...

 I smile at her knowingly and she leaves, getting lost in the crowd. I take a look around and then I take an empty glass in which I pour water from the tap. I drink half of the glass, and the rest is spilled on me because someone bumped into me  .



 We both say at once, and after I turn to the person in question, my cheeks are on fire.


 -Fate brings us together again?

 He has a glass in his hand and I don't really know if he's talking so casually because he's been drinking or that's how he is in general.

 - I don't believe in fate. I say placing my glass in the sink.

 -Sorry for the drink.

 - Keep calm, it's only water. I don't drink alcohol.

He seems surprised by my answer by the way he looks at me and I start to feel uncomfortable. Where is Selena when you need her?

 - Here you were...Come on. Let the game begin. Says Selena, taking my arm and exchanging a few looks with the teacher.

 What was that? That moment between them when they were talking with each other's eyes? Are they in some kind of relationship? Adventure, maybe?  I don't want to bother with this now.

 -What kind of game?  I say trying to keep up with her.

 These heels are killing me, nothing else. We arrive at what seems to be the living room and several students are seated in a circle. Girls and boys alike.

 -Selena, what game?  I say stopping suddenly.

 -Truth or dare. She says very enthusiastically.

 - I don't want to play. I say and one of the girls sitting on the floor snorts.

 - Of course she doesn't want to. She's a spoiled brat.

 Her unfriendly tone towards me makes me grind my teeth.  Spoiled chick?  I?  He went too far with this.  I look at Selena and she seems to be killing her with the looks on her face.

 - I will play.  What are the rules?  I say and Selena almost sings.

 -The rules are simple.  You refuse to answer the "truth" drink a shot of vodka.  You refuse to "challenge", you drink again.  Says the girl from earlier and I roll my eyes.

 - Can I join too?  I understand that Miss Katherine, you don't drink.  I will be her black knight.  Says the voice behind me and I don't have to turn around to know it's a professor.

 Since when is he my knight?  Why is it offered?  Can't I make my own decision?  After all, why am I here?

 The girls seem to get goosebumps just looking at him and feel a little jealous of me.

 -Let's be serious, Chris...Wouldn't you rather be my knight?  You know what I can do...Say another girl and I'm already sick.

 -For you, I am "Mr. Professor Steven", madam.

 The calm and at the same time the threat in his voice gives me goosebumps.  And I don't know if it's good or bad.  Selena seems to be muttering something to the professor, but I can't make out what exactly.  I have to find out what is happening between the two.

 I sit in a circle and the professor sits behind me with his legs extended to my right. This closeness between us makes me feel uncomfortable but I will not give him the pleasure of seeing this effect he creates.

 The tour starts clockwise deciding that the next one will start in the opposite direction.  Some respond to truths or provocations, while others drink anyway, agree to drink more just to not answer.

 - Kate, your turn. Truth or dare?  Say the girl from earlier again.


 - Is it true that you are a virgin?

 He finishes speaking and then starts laughing with a guy about the question he asked.

 - I refuse to answer the question.  I say and I can feel the teacher's gaze and breath on the back of my neck.  Why is he standing so close to me?  Isn't it inappropriate for a teacher?

He reaches for the glass and touches me, intentionally, on the shoulder, making me startle.  He withdraws his shoulder from my shoulder looking at me as he takes the shot.

 The round comes to an end and then starts in the opposite direction. I don't understand what they find so interesting and fascinating in such a stupid game.  One more time: Why didn't I stay in my room?  What am I looking for here?  I can't fit into a group of characterless students who can't wait for the next party to get drunk and let loose.

 -Kate, truth or dare?  a guy says to me.

 -She will choose truth.  Says the same girl again.

 Are they making fun of me?  Laughing at me?

 -Challenge.  I say and Selena motions for me to change my answer.

 I won't do it.

 - I challenge you to kiss French Chris for 10 seconds.  He says after a girl next to him whispered in his ear.

 I completely freeze when I turn my face to the teacher and see him looking at me deeply... As if he just wanted to kiss him. I feel my throat dry up and I try not to have a crisis in front of so many students.

 -I refuse this challenge, and I refuse to play anymore.  I say looking the teacher in the eye and I can see disappointment.

 Disappointment?  What is happening here is outrageous.  I refuse to stay at the party.  The professor pours the second glass of shot down his throat, and I tell Selena that I've gone to the dorm.  I can't stand this party for even 5 more minutes.

 I leave the villa in a hurry, then from the yard and move far away from that place. I stop and try to catch my breath and banish the dark memories with my father to a hidden corner of my mind.

 - Jesus, but you are fast, no joke.

 I turn around and see the teacher running towards me.

 -What happened?

 - Are you going to the dormitory alone?

 - Is this a problem, professor?

 - You don't know the neighborhood... It can be dangerous.

 - More dangerous than that gathering of .... what would they be? I don't really think so.

 -Come on...I was taking a taxi.

 He waves at a taxi and I look at him in shock.

 -What are you doing?

 -I'm stopping a taxi.


 - Well, you want to go to the dormitory, and I want to go home.  Is there a problem? That we share the same taxi?

 - It could be a problem since you are my teacher.

 -Don't worry about anything.  Everything will be in order.

 I open my taxi door and enter without adding anything.  It would be too much tonight if I argued with him, and I have classes tomorrow.  How the hell can I have hours with him?  Although he looks quite attractive and I can say...sexy, I will not allow him to treat me the way he treats the others.

 - Have you finished studying?  he says and only now do I realize that I'm staring at him.

 I turn my head and feel myself blushing.  Stupid.

 - I apologize for my behavior.

 - Do you really apologize for anything?

 - That is correct and mannered.

 -Why don't you drink alcohol?

 -Why would I drink?  Why are you curious?

 - We were just having a conversation.  So?

 -What the?

 -Why don't you drink alcohol?

 -Because I do not want to.  Why are you at a teenage party?

 - I like to be a teacher that everyone likes.  And?  Are you really a virgin?

 - Professor!!

 - I was just curious if I drank that shot for nothing or not.

 -I have a boyfriend.  I say and it's as if I passed him dumb.

 Speaking of Sam...I'll have to have a discussion with him.  Maybe I'll consider the idea of ​​doing college near him...Or maybe I'll change my course from this teacher.