
Fated for Life

Katherine Jones is the daughter of a very famous mob boss. Sam O'Brian is the perfect man she needs. Together they have a love story and a relationship of two very beautiful and promising years. He would have done anything for her to be safe and happy, and she would have done anything not to see him suffer. Everything changes between them when she chooses to go to a college far from him, but this only strengthens their relationship... Until her father comes out of prison and finds Katherine. She enters the dark world of her father and everything goes crazy in her life. She cheats on Sam, she loses Sam because of her carelessness, she gets shot, but ends up working with the one who shot her to overthrow her father and to be able to return to her quiet life that she had now seems like a long time. Will she manage not to get involved again sentimentally? Will she manage to get her beloved man back or will she get lost in the crowd not knowing what to do?

Georgiana_Seiche · Teen
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11 Chs

Chapter 6

Caught in my thoughts, I don't even notice when Sam enters the cafe. I only become aware of it when he puts his hand on my shoulder and says my name.

 -Kate?  What happened?

 This light touch but which causes me so many feelings.. His calm voice that seems to promise me that everything will be fine... I didn't realize how much I care for him until I came here.

 I get up from the chair and throw myself into his arms. He responds to my hug immediately and runs his nose through my hair.

 - That's it, little one. Relax. I'm here with you.

 Tears stream down my face before I can stop them and I push my head even harder into his chest. He is much taller than me, and he is 10 years older than me. I am only 19 years old, and he will  he was turning 30 soon, but that never seemed to interest us.

 I withdraw from the hug, and he wipes my tears, touching me carefully this time as well.

 - Do you want to stay here?  he says looking at me adoringly.

 - No... But I don't want to go to the dorm either.

 -Then come with me to the hotel, ok?

 I simply nod my head and he takes me by the hand leading me to a taxi that seems to be waiting for him. I get into the taxi and Sam tells him the address of the driver.  and sending me a strange but very pleasant sensation down there, which calms me down. What did he do to me? I look at him and see his eyes clouded by something I don't recognize. Does he feel what I feel too? The thought that he would feel  it also makes my stomach rumble.

 The taxi stops in the hotel parking lot, and after Sam pays, we get off, holding hands.  We are both silent, each caught in our own thoughts. It is the first night in the two years we have been together that we will stay in the same room and I must admit that I am a little afraid. What will happen?

 Sam greets the receptionist and we take the elevator up 5 floors. It seems to me that the atmosphere has changed between us once the elevator doors are closed. The bell that draws our attention that we have arrived brings us both back to reality and I follow him to the room. Turn on  the light and the room seem to me to be tasteful. It is not very elegant but not poor either. I like that she did not choose something luxurious because I would like a little break from all the monotony at home.

 - You can take a shower, if you want. He broke the silence which was very oppressive.

 - I would like to, but I don't have a change of clothes.

 My voice is dry and I barely recognize it.

 - You can take my shirt. He says and starts to untie his tie.

 - Can I?  I say unsure.

 - You are my girlfriend. Why couldn't you?

 My heart skips a beat 3 times when I hear the statement he made and I wonder what happened to the restrained and calculated Sam.

 - Good. I'm going to take a shower, I say, and he takes off his shirt, leaving his chest bare.

I am gasping for air and I can say that my throat is dry at the sight of his body. I never imagined that he would look so good. I mean, I noticed that he has an enviable build, but I did not expect all these muscles that  straining at his every move.

 I take his shirt from his hand and make my way to the bathroom as fast as I can. Is it normal to feel all these new experiences for me? Is this what true love feels like? Carnal desire?

 I take off my clothes and start the shower. The hot water makes me forget all my problems and relaxes me immediately. I start to wash myself, and after 10 minutes I get out of the shower, frantically wiping my hair with a towel.  I put on my underwear and Sam's shirt and look in the mirror. His shirt is about mid-thigh, which means it doesn't cover much. Sure, on some girls the partner's shirt looks sexy, but on me... What  does Sam see me?

 I get out of the bathroom just as Sam finishes talking on the phone. I pull on my shirt but I don't seem to be successful in covering myself more. His gaze wanders over my body and when I see him smiling, I blush.

 He comes towards me, and I go towards him, meeting somewhere in the middle. He runs his fingers over my wet hair stuck to my neck and removes them. The simple gesture makes me want something... I don't know what.

 He comes closer to me, now he's almost glued to me and my breathing becomes difficult. Not in a panic attack, but something that...I've never felt before.

 - Do you know how well you look in my shirt?  I say in a hoarse voice.

 And he seems affected by what is happening between us.

 -...no. I manage to say, trying to sound confident, but the word just seems like a sigh.

 - Do you know how much I wanted to see you dressed in my shirt?  He says and strokes my hand with his index finger from the elbow to the shoulder.

 -...not.  I say swallowing the lump in my throat.

 Sam is the only one who knew how to approach me without scaring me. He took everything easy.

 -Would you like to know?

 I raise my chin to look into his eyes and what I see in them... makes me lose myself and forget everything.  he gently bends his head towards my lips, giving me time to change my mind, but I get closer to him. He sticks his lips to mine, inviting me to an intimate dance, at first slowly, then gradually the kiss turns into something more  so much. I become full of desire, of need. His mouth seems to eat mine and thousands of things explode in me with this new kiss. This kiss was something new... It always continues to amaze me.

 We stop the kiss because of the lack of air and we look at each other so differently...So much for more.

 -What did you feel?  he says, pressing his forehead to mine.

 - I don't know how to explain but, I felt...wanted. I haven't felt like this until now. I say with my eyes closed memorizing every touch of his again and again.

 - Didn't you feel that I miss you? He says amazed

 - Yes...I mean, I don't know that I have ever been so sure of what is happening between us.

 He sighs and walks his nose on my cheek.

 - I want you, Kate... In fact, I can barely control myself not to make love to you here.

 He says it so confidently that my whole body responds and I blush.  He touches my already hardened nipple with the tips of his fingers and gently squeezes it, making me let out an uncontrollable moan. I look at him curiously as to why he is doing this to me and in his eyes I see that there is an internal struggle going on.

 -Your body is very receptive to me...I love it.


 His name comes out more like a moan.

 - I can cause you more pleasure than you give yourself. He says and I take a step back to be able to look at him.

 Than I produce myself? With what?

 -You're touching, aren't you?  he continues and I don't know what he's referring to. Down there...You're touching, aren't you?

I put my head on the ground and hear him inhale strongly.

 -You've never touched, right? I deny with a movement of the head and he pulls me into his arms again. Do you want me to show you what I mean?

 I shyly nod yes and he takes me in his arms and lays me on the bed. He puts himself on top of me and starts kissing me, his hand goes under my shirt and he takes my breast in his palm. My hand goes over his  , stopping him and looking at him scared.

 -Calm down...Look me in the eyes while I do this to you, and if you don't like it I'll stop. He says and I withdraw my hand looking into his eyes.

 He begins and massages my breast slowly, and I curl my legs after him, touching his erection with my femininity, both moaning. He lowers his hand between us and gently separates my underwear to one side and touches my hot core that was begging for attention.  again sinking my head into the pillow while he penetrates me with a finger. He kisses me again and increases the pace of penetration, and I feel my whole body convulsing, then a pleasure broken as if from reality dominates me moaning his name.

 He takes his finger out of me and pulls me into his arms. My whole body feels relaxed, I am relaxed... What did he do to me?