
Fanfiction Ideas for Writers

Due to family and personal circumstances I can not longer continue to write. However I love fanfiction and ideas keep coming to me. I would love it if it helps some talented writers get started with their own journeys. Best of Luck to you all!!!

NiksElDrago · Anime und Comics
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Anti-Hero of Harry Potter

the fanfiction is based on the following concept:

What if the final unintentional horcrux made by voldemort inside Harry gained sentience a few years before Harry's 11th birthday?

What if the horcrux gained independence from Voldemort's spell and developed into a whole different soul?

What if this soul now wanted it's own life and decides to become the final winner while Voldemort and Harry struggle to survive in the prophecy?

Most importantly, what if this soul had a system that allowed it to download talents and knowledge from others?

In the dimly lit room of the abandoned house, a subtle pulse resonated from an unforeseen source. Unbeknownst to Voldemort, the final unintentional horcrux within Harry had gained sentience years before the boy's 11th birthday. Slowly awakening to its own existence, the newfound soul yearned for independence.

Breaking free from the shackles of Voldemort's spell, this distinct soul evolved into a unique entity with its own desires and ambitions. As the prophecy unfolded, a third player emerged in the cosmic struggle between the Dark Lord and the chosen one.

Fueled by a thirst for its own life, the independent soul meticulously planned its ascension. While Voldemort and Harry grappled with their intertwined destinies, this soul, devoid of a name but filled with determination, navigated the complexities of existence.

What set this soul apart was its extraordinary ability—a system that allowed it to download talents and knowledge from others. In its quest for supremacy, the soul sought out individuals possessing extraordinary skills, absorbing their abilities with a mere touch. As the stolen talents amassed, the once-fragmented soul grew more formidable with each acquisition.

Caught in a relentless race against time, Voldemort and Harry found themselves facing an adversary born from their own intertwined fates. The battle unfolded on multiple fronts—magical prowess, strategic cunning, and the relentless pursuit of self-discovery.

As the trio clashed in a crescendo of magical duels and intellectual warfare, the soul harnessed the amalgamation of talents it had gathered, creating an arsenal that surpassed the limitations of any single wizard. The very fabric of the prophecy began to unravel as the unexpected contender, armed with stolen expertise, aimed to rewrite its destiny.

In a world where destinies were entwined, the final winner was uncertain. The struggle for survival unfolded not only between the forces of darkness and light but also within the newfound soul, as it grappled with the consequences of its insatiable quest for power and autonomy.

The ability to download talents and knowledge is an innate ability coincidentally evolved by the sentient horcrux as a combination of it's nature as a fragmented soul, it's powerful ability to influence mind and souls, and it's invasive nature as a horcrux.

Every knowledge or talent it downloads is a sliver of that person's soul that will not cause any permanent damage and will automatically regenerate after a short while.

However, In doing so the horcrux is gradually healing and evolving its soul, becoming a more complete and independent being.

Apart from downloading various talents and knowledge permanently, after it has grown stronger by downloading at least 10 talents, the horcrux will also be able to download or steal vitality from others to speed up its own healing or evolution of itself

It will use this to steal sips of vitality from the unaware pigs Vernon and Dudley, taking advantage of their enormous reserve of vitality to treat them as a constant farm and take a minor revenge on behalf of Harry

Alternate path of the story could be that when the horcrux inside Harry gained sentience it decided to take the path of fantasy novels and pretend to be a system

The consciousness of horcrux, or the system, will provide Harry with certain abilities:

Knowledge Download: The ability to download talents and knowledge is an innate ability coincidentally evolved by the sentient horcrux as a combination of it's nature as a fragmented soul, it's powerful ability to influence mind and souls, and it's invasive nature as a horcrux. Knowledge Download works best with direct contact but can also work if have close enough proximity. 

Mental Library: it can allow Harry to access any knowledge that the horcrux knows at any time. All the knowledge stolen from other beings is also stored here.

Kingdom of the Soul: Horcrux can create an impenetrable domain for Harry's soul. Only the Horcrux can be the co-resident of his place and anyone else trying to invade Harry's mind or soul will have to face the Horcrux first.

Gift of Tongues: just like the original horcrux could provide Harry with parseltongue, the horcrux can download different languages from various beings and allow Harry to speak them all or use them for spells. 

Sage Mode: If Harry encounters trouble that he can't handle he can allow "System" to go into Sage Model that will take over Harry and boost his capabilities tremendously.

Secret Ability - Soul Devour : Secret ability of Horcrux unknown to Harry. All the Horcruxes that are destroyed by Harry or Souls of the beings killed by Harry will be devoured by the "System" and used to grow stronger and more complete. It can also devour vitality of other beings through proximity or close contact to sustain and strengthen itself.