
Fanfic Treasures: A Reader's Guide

Welcome to my treasure trove of fanfics! Here you'll find a collection of stories that I've loved, whether they're complete, incomplete, or still ongoing, from sites like Webnovel, Fanfiction.net, AO3, and more. Classic warning: English is not my first language, so forgive any errors (though I won't be writing anything myself, so we're safe!). And if you have any fanfic recommendations, bring them on! I'm always looking for new stories to enjoy.

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Seimeigakure: The Hidden Village of Life

Tags : #Comedy #OverPowered #Harem-Alert #Transmigration

Author: Cadenadeaventuras

Rating: T

Words: 210,000


With no other choice, I founded the Hidden Village of Life and became the first Seimeikage.

The other Great Ninja Villages: Envy!

Tsunade: I thought I was a pioneer in medicine, now I know I still have a lot to learn.

Orochimaru: My experiments make me look like a novice playing with a vinegar volcano compared to him.

Jiraya: Why didn't I know a place like this existed?! 

Link: webnovel.com/book/seimeigakure-the-hidden-village-of-life_26112031806305305

Personal Review: 

If I had to describe this fanfic, I would say it's a wish-fulfillment story. From the beginning, it's hard to imagine how anyone could defeat or hurt him without knowing his weaknesses beforehand. However, the fanfic is quite entertaining. I love how he creates his village and the idea of the floating island inspired by One Piece. I like how he incorporates technology from various worlds and appreciate how he interacts with the world in general, not just with a village.

I don't think it's the best story ever created, but it's on my high-priority reading list. The fanfic is already finished on the author's Patreon, but he uploads it slowly on Webnovel. He has already uploaded more than half, so I recommend giving it a look


Chapter 1: Prologue

I'm very angry about how I died.

I wasn't run over by a truck like the other transmigrators, nor was I struck by lightning or lost consciousness while filling out a mysterious online survey.

Damn, that would have been a luxury compared to what happened to me.

My death was the result of a prank by a wicked woman who enjoys entertaining her millions of followers live.

So wicked that she gave cream cookies to a homeless person to satisfy his hunger, but secretly replaced the cream inside with toothpaste.

So wicked that she made a video of the hopeful reactions of animals in a shelter, making them believe they were about to be adopted, only to leave while mercilessly mocking them.

So wicked that when she saw a six-year-old blind girl begging, she threw a bottle cap so that the girl would think it was a coin and accepted the girl's grateful gesture with an arrogant face while suppressing her laughter.

People like her and her followers show just how messed up society is.

She was undoubtedly one of the worst kinds of human scum at all levels, and I was extremely unhappy to die because of her.

Is there anything worse than that?

Yes, that your transmigration along with the wishes you made after dying goes wrong due to a bureaucratic error.

I asked to go to a peaceful world where people like her didn't exist and for some simple skills to make a living without drawing too much attention.

Maybe I would have a second life that many would consider mediocre, but it would be a relaxed and happy life.

But when I woke up, I realized that everything was wrong.

My body wasn't a younger version of myself.

My skills weren't the ones I asked for.

And more importantly, the world where I ended up was anything but peaceful.