
Evolution of the Monster King [Dropped]

Zazen a world where the strong prey on the weak, where gods watch over their creations and choose their champions. War between all races of fantasy and nature to decide who is the true species A world where anything is possible Ragnar a soldier who died in war gets reincarnated into this world as a lizard What will he do? will he die weak? or become the supreme monster? -------------------------------- This is my first time writing so I'm sorry if it is horrible Please let me know my mistakes so I can improve. Inspiration from "EVOLUTION:CONQUEROR" Cover is not mine.

OdinEatsBooty · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Sneak Attack

Ragnar now stalking his prey begins to think about the right approach, he feels they are too powerful to fight head on so he thought "Its probably better if I pick them off one by one."

So Ragnar begins slowly walking among the trees while holding his breath, the group then slowly comes to a halt as a man dressed in knight armor takes off his helmet with golden hair falling out lifts his hand.

"What is it Arthur?" a beautiful lady in similar armor asks.

"We are being followed" Says Arthur, but as Arthur says this Ragnar hops out of the bushes using [Bite] slamming down on James's leg with razor sharp teeth. Causing James to scream out in pain saying "Help me gods chosen! Please!!" alerting Arthur and Ashley, As Ragnar sees this he rips off James leg while cocking his head back swallowing it whole, then he lunges forward mouth wide open over James head and torso while slamming his jaws shut killing James as blood gushes from James remaining leg.

Now seeing their fellow adventurer killed by a giant lizard, Ashley and Arthur then lunge into action as Arthur cast's [Divine Fist] making flames on his fist while punching towards Ragnar saying "Fucking lizard you dare to kill in my divine presence?" Ragnar then tilts his head to the right narrowly dodging his fist while only getting glazed leaving a burn mark on Ragnar's scales. Taking advantage of his opponents miss, Ragnar uses [Bash] slamming his bulky body into Arthur flinging him into a tree stump knocking him unconscious rendering Arthurs passive [Light Heal] useless.

[-10 Health] from the burn on his cheek. Damn that fucking hurts thinks Ragnar as he growls

Ragnar then hears a woman's voice "Arthur!" says Ashley as she dashes towards Ragnar saying "Take this you lizard bastard!" While she casts [Sword Slash] slicing into Ragnar's side causing blood to gush out of the wound.

[-40 Health] as Ragnar sees this he gets pissed, he then swings his tail hitting Ashley in the head momentarily stunning her while swifting his body in front of Ashley using [Swipe] as his claws slice through Ashley separating her head, shoulders and hips from her body causing blood to spray like a waterfall.

Ragnar then walks toward Arthur who is currently unconscious at the stump of the tree, thinks "so this is a gods chosen? so weak.." as he opens his maw slightly digging his teeth into Arthurs waist picking him up.

Arthur then wakes up while feeling sharp pains begins screaming "Help! Help mee!"while crying. Ragnar seeing this cant help but chuckle how fun it is to torment "Gods chosen's" who have so much pride, Ragnar starts thinking he may have a new found hobby as he throws Arthur into the air while jumping up mouth wide open swallowing Arthur whole.

Ragnar then licks the left over blood on his lips thinking "This is fun" while chuckling.

[1000 Experience for killing Human]

[4000 Experience for killing Human Champion]

[2500 Experience for killing Human]

[New Title Earned]-[Human Eater]

[New Title Earned]-[Chosen Slayer]

[New Skill Earned]-[Stealth]

[New Passive Earned]-[Brawler]


Human Ashley POV

While the group is hunting the new found creature, Arthur whose in front of the group stops while lifting his hand. As he does this James and I come to a halt, so I ask "What is it Arthur?"

"Something is following us" says Arthur as we hear a loud noise behind us, causing us to turn to see what's making noise. We then see a dark red salamander much bigger than a lion as its maw wide open filled with razor sharp teeth jumping out of the bushes grabbing James by the leg causing him to fall on his side then ripping it off swallowing it whole. James then screams toward us saying "Help mee! Gods Chosen! Please!" the salamander then lunges toward James mouth open over his head and torso slams its giant maw swallowing everything leaving only a leg remaining. The salamander then looks up towards us with its whole face covered in blood with remaining dripping out of its mouth.

Seeing this Arthur and I spring into action towards the beast. Arthur who is ahead of me then punches out his [Divine Fist]. As he does this I begin to think this creature is screwed, but I become startled seeing the creature dodging his punch while slamming into him sending him flying into a tree knocking him unconscious.

As anger begins filling me while I see this I scream "Arthur!" while dashing to towards the lizards side swinging my sword using [Sword Slash], as I do this I scream "Take this is you lizard bastard! cutting into the lizards side.

As I do this I begin to think the lizard would be dead but to my surprise I see a red tail swinging my way with no room to dodge it hits me in the head almost breaking my neck. As the beast looking down at me with a almost grinning supreme expression as he lifts his scale like paw with feet long claws swipes towards me ending my life.

If you wondering why James didnt use his skills is because him and ragnar are completly different in stats. James never even had a chance to use his skills. Also the reason why Ragnar may seems kinda op is because of his species. Even if someone has the exact same stats as ragnar thats doesnt mean they are the same strength. Different species have differnt strengths, This worlds not fair, at all.

OdinEatsBootycreators' thoughts