
Chapter 22

Hi all,

I just wanna give special shout outs to those of you who have read and rated the book

 It is your comments and love for the book that gives me the joy to keep on writing. I have decided to update one chapters daily but that doesn't mean I might not update more. I just wanna say thank you all.



" Then it means you love her..." Those words kept on ringing a bell in Ray's ears. 

" What does that doctor think of himself?" Raymond thought to himself. " Everyone in this town knows Ariana and I are sworn enemies" Raymond said.

" Mr Styles, please sit back. I need to inject you so you can go home" a nurse said pulling out an already filled syringe from her pocket.. 

" Can I ask a favour?'' Raymond was being extremely nice and polite.

" What is it?" The nurse asked after injecting him.

" Listen, it's not a new thing Ariana and I are enemies. But at the moment, I feel remorse for what I have done and I just need to be updated on her health and.........." He was interrupted by a fair, average heightened, red haired woman.

" Ray, how are you doing?" She asked giving him little kisses on his forehead.

" I'm no little kid anymore" Raymond said trying to separate himself from her.

" What were you thinking getting into a fight at the hospital" she asked obviously worried.

" Mom........ I'm eighteen. You can't keep treating me like a child." Raymond said.

" Keep quiet Ray. Just because you're eighteen does not mean you can do as you want." She said. " Nurse, can you excuse is?" She asked the nurse politely.

Unlike Raymond, his mum wasn't arrogant. She was as sweet as..........( Find that out yourself).

The nurse immediately left at Mrs Styles' request.

" Mum, can I ask you something?" Raymond asked his mum.

Let me Chip this in: whenever Ray was with his mum, he never dared to misbehave because she was the most important person in his life.

" Sure, I'm all ears" she told him.

" Mum, there's this girl. Everyone knows that I hate her and.......".

" Is it Ariana Wilson" his mum asked.

" Yes but let's not deviate. I mistakenly fed her apples and now she's in a coma" Ray explained everything to his mum.

" Oh my!!! Ray, what'd you do? She's gonna fike a case against you for sure when she regains consciousness." His mum explained.

" How'd you know she's gonna regain consciousness?" Raymond asked inquisitively.

" Cases like this are usually rear, but one thing is certain. She'll regain consciousness before twenty four hours." Mrs Styles explained.

" Are you sure?" Raymond asked her.

" Yes. But now let me ask you a question..."

" Sure mum, I'm listening" 

" Do you like her?" Mrs Styles asked 

" No. Especially not now I know she's gonna file a case against me and besides, she hates me because she claims I'm way too arrogant but I don't like her because she's too simple and honest" Raymond said.

" It's okay dear. Relax" she told her son before embracing him in a warm hug.



Hey guys, I just came up with an idea. I'm gonna be giving shout outs now. The first two people who comment everyday are gonna be shouted out to.

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram@ Star Macy.

You can chat me up on fb @ Star Macy or send your messages in the comments section. I look forward to reading your comments.