
Chapter 23


  Raymond had now been discharged. Mrs Wilson ( Ariana's mum) hadn't shown up. When called,

" Listen, I'm in an important meeting and I can't abandon it for anything " she said.

" But she's your daughter" Casey reminded her.

"Yeah. A stupid one, what kind of person can't even protect herself from her own allergies. Infact, I'm not coming. " She said with a tone of finality over the phone.

" How can you even say that about Ari? She's your daughter Mrs Wilson" Casey said trying to put some sense into Mrs Wilson's head.

" I'm not coming till next week" she said.

" but......" Mrs Wilson hung up.

" What am I supposed to do?" Casey thought to herself. " What has Ari done to deserve a mother like that?.... I......"

" It's okay Casey" 

" Mum...." Casey ran and hugged her .

" How are you doing cupcake?" She asked.

" You know I'll always be fine as long as I have you around" Casey said.

" I came to the hospital immediately I found out you were here. You don't look sick at all. Infact, you just look tired":her mum said.

" Yes. I'm not only tired, I'm completely drained. My best friend has been in a coma for two days now and I don't know what to do." Casey said sadly.

" Have you tried calling her family? They should know what's going on." Her mum Said.

"" I already got in touch with her mum and she said she's not coming. She's not leaving her meeting for Ari. It's of no use" Casey said downcast.

" And her dad?"

" I don't know. Her parents are divorced and I don't know how to get in touch with her." Casey said.

" Hold on Ill handle this" her mum said.

" really?" Casey asked excitedly.

" Hi" her mum greeted the receptionist.

" Hello, how may I help you?" The receptionist asked politely.

" Ariana Wilson,....."

" Yes? What about her?" The receptionist asked going through her computer.

" I wanna pay her bills" she said.

" What's your name?" The receptionist asked.

"Miranda Lambert" she said.

" Ok Mrs Lambert. I'm sorry but Ariana's bills were just paid few minutes ago" the receptionist said.

*By who? I guess her mum had a change of heart" Casey said.

" No. It was....." She was interrupted by Raymond.

" Me"

" What do you mean you?" Casey asked

" I paid the bills. Listen, I did not know Ariana was deathly allergic to apples if I did, I wouldn't have fed them to her" Raymond said.

" Oh please, you're only saying this because you don't wanna ago to jail and...."

" Cassandra,.... That's enough already. Let's go see Ariana" Mrs Lambert said and Cassandra lead the way.



" Oh my goodness!" Mrs Lambert exclaimed. " She looks so..... I don't even know what to say."

Ariana had now lost a lot of weight.( Not like she was that chubby) she had red marks all over her face and her lips were swollen

 Mrs Lambert could not help but feel sorry.

Mrs Lambert made sure to take very good care of Ariana while Cassandra was away and this made Casey feel at ease. After some time, Ariana started to recover.

" I have good news for you" the doctor said to the trio ( when I say trio, I mean Mrs Lambert, Raymond and Cassandra. Mr Shawn was out of the country"

" Tell us doctor.b what is it" Casey asked eagerly.

" Well,.... Ariana has..... we'll she's regained consciousness and she's outta coma" the doctor said and Cassandra screamed for Joy.


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