
Chapter twenty one

Raymond was severely injured that they had to admit him in the hospital.


" Why'd you have to beat him up" Cassandra asked Max.

" That's what he deserves for making an attempt on Ariana's life" Max said without a sign of remorse.

" Well, what have you gained now you've landed him in the hospital? How does this make you any difference between you two? He landed Ari in the hospital and you....."

" Please. Don't make me frustrated." Max said and left.

" Max...." 

" I have o go see Raymond. What if he files a police report against Max I better go see Raymond" Casey said and left.


" Hi" Casey greeted.

" What are you here for?" Raymond asked arrogantly.

" I came to say sorry on Max's behalf. He's this way because he's Ari boyfriend. I hope you....."

" I landed his girlfriend in the hospital so he landed me in the hospital. We're even now. You may leave" he said. His wounds had now benn bandaged. 

" Doctor, how's Ariana Wilson?" Casey asked recognizing the doctor in charge of Ariana.

" Are you with her because I've been looking for you" the doctor said.

" Yes, I'm with her. Is she fine?" Casey asked impatiently.

" I'm sorry...... She  ......she....she, do you have an adult with you?" The doctor asked.

" Doctor, you're definitely hiding something from us. What's going on? Tell me. Is Ariana alright?" Casey asked sensing something was wrong.

" Where is Ms Wilson's mum or dad" the doctor asked.

" Actually, her parents are divorced. She stays with her mum but at the moment, her mum's in Singapore but we've put a call across to her. Tell me what's wrong with her".

" Are you related to her?" The doctor asked.

" I'm Ariana's friend so we must be related and besides I was among the people who brought her to the hospital".

" Well, you can come to my office" the doctor said.

" Whatever you wanna say, say it here. I also wanna know what's wrong" Raymond said arrogantly.

" Yes doctor....... doctor Scott. Say what you wanna say here." Casey said.

" Well, I'm sorry but Ariana Wilson has slipped into a coma."

" Aaaaaaaaaaaaah" Casey screamed before falling to the ground.

" What?" Raymond asked removing the drip connected to his wrist.

" Mr Styles, what are you doing? It's not advisable for you to stop your treatment." The doctor said helping Cassandra up.

" Shut up!!! What do you mean Ariana slipped into a coma?" Raymond was now dragging the doctor by his collar.

" Mr Styles, what are you doing stop this. I'm a doctor" the doctor said trying to free himself from Raymond's grip.

" Miss, stop him" the doctor said referring to Cassandra.

Poor Cassandra!!! She was not in the right frame of mind at the moment. Her beat friend had just slipped into a coma and the culprit was at school living a free life.

" When will she wake up? Tell me when?" Raymond yelled.

" Let go of my collar first" the doctor said and adjusted his collar.

" I'm sorry. When will she wake up doctor?"

" We can't say. It might take a day, days, weeks, months, years or she might not even make.............." He was interrupted by Cassandra.

" Enough. Don't even say it. Ari's gonna make it. She's gonna make it" Casey said crying.

" Casey, don't cry you....."

" Don't even dare touch me because you're the only reason Ari's in this condition. What kind of human are you? Just because you're both sworn enemies, you make an attempt on her life? That's disgusting" Casey said.

" I promise, I didn't know that.... "

" Don't even try to justify yourself. You made a mistake and at this moment, all you should do is feel remorseful" Casey said and left crying.

" Do you feel remorseful?" The doctor asked.

" Strangely, I do" Raymond answered.

" Then it means you are in love with her" the doctor said and left.