
En'Oat A Star Wars Story

A simple story about a regular Jedi

CruzControl67 · Filme
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10 Chs

A Question

En'Oat. POV.

"The Force is not something someone can fully understand. No one will ever understand it. It has its own agenda, its own needs, desires and wants. The misunderstanding of the Force comes when one does not listen to it. When one wants to taint it. To grab it and try to bend it to their will. No one will ever succeed in this endeavor. No one. Though many have tried. We call them the Sith."

"The Sith are users of the "Dark Side" of the Force. Drawing power from raw emotions like anger, jealousy, and even love. They may gain power; it is only temporary and at a cost. The force allows for this to happen but at a price. A constant thirst for power. That is why the Rule of Two was created, by Darth Bane. A former Sith Master. Many believe it was so the Sith can operate in secret, but I would disagree with this theory. I believe that he created this rule so that another Sith empire wouldn't be formed just to crumble from the inside again. Always two, there can never be more. A master and an apprentice. A smart plan some would say. After all, at the height of their power the Sith Empire still fell. Equal to the Jedi in terms of force users and equal to the Republic in terms of soldiers. Yet they still fell. From inter fighting. From apprentice killing master, to master killing apprentice, to master killing master, to apprentice killing apprentice. The constant hunger that will never be fulfilled. That is the Sith's flaw. As I said the Rule of Two is smart by all accounts. But it will never work due to this."

"The Jedi. Us. Are users of the "Light Side" of the Force. We attempt to understand it, to allow it to flow through us and then to others. For it to be used for the aid of others. To bring peace to the galaxy. Well, I'm sure Master Yoda has told you multiple times of our code. Of our history, I will not go into the details fully. The Jedi are meant to be peacekeepers, a beacon of hope in the darkest of times. We are monks. A life meant to be dedicated to the force."

I opened my eyes, and I could see Master Plo Koon staring out the window with his hand to his chin and the other grabbing his elbow in a thoughtful manner.

"I'm not sure I understand Master." He turned and looked at me, walking a few steps closer.

"What do you not understand Initiate En'Oat?" The rest of the Initiates turned to me, and I shifted nervously for a little bit.

"If the Jedi are meant to be monks, then why do we have lightsabers?" He simply lowered his arms and grabbed his lightsaber and held it out so the class could see.

"A lightsaber is a weapon to be used as the last possible option." He ignited it and room turned blue, with the soft hum filling the silence. "When your enemies have eliminated all possible outcomes for negotiations." He shifted to the form V stance like he was ready for conflict. "When you need to defend those who are unable to defend themselves." Then in a flash of movement he unignited and clipped back to his waist. "Just from seeing it, it can also be used to prevent further action."

"What do you mean Master?" I asked again.

"When one sees a Lightsaber, they think Jedi. Though no jedi should use his position for power, presenting as a warrior is sometimes better." He paused and looked to me to see if I understood it. I slowly nodded my head. "Regular individuals not gifted in the force would have a hard time fighting a Jedi with a blaster. Some have come close, the closest would be the Mandalorians." He looked at the clock and stopped. "That is a lesson for another time I'm afraid. You are all dismissed and should be in the training yard within the hour. Change into your combat robes and be prepared for Master Sinube's instructions." We all bowed, and I made ready to leave the meditation room before being stopped with a hand to my shoulder.

"Yes Master?"

"You asked good questions."

"Thank you Master." I said with a bow.

"It is a good quality. To think for oneself. A quality of a Master Jedi." He said with his hands behind his back and just staring at me.

"It was just a few questions, Master." I said and he barely allowed me to finish before saying.

"That no one else asked." He waved his hand across his body and brought out his lightsaber It flouted Infront of me, motionless. "The rank of Master is not given just based on martial prowess, nor how skilled you are with the force." The lightsaber then went back to his waist. "Or else Knight Skywalker would have been Master when he was first introduced to the High council." He laughed lightly and I followed. Silence followed. "Go. I have kept you long enough." I bowed and walked out the door and into the vast hallway of the Jedi temple. My name is En'Oat, a human male, born on the mostly unknown planet of Eadu and found by Master Adi Gallia on one of her Diplomatic missions by the council. There she discovered I had a connection to the force. Not overly powerful but a connection none the less. My skill with the lightsaber was much the same to be honest. I placed in the middle in everything.

"Initiate En'Oat." A warm voice said from behind me. I turned and saw Jedi Knight Stass Allie. "Shouldn't you have lightsaber training right now?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I was just heading to my room to change first." She just nodded and walked with me.

"Your initiate trial is coming soon. Have you given any thought as to who you would want your master to be?" I just shook my head.

"I am unsure if I will pass the trial. Not many initiates do." She just sighed softly.

"I have seen your scores. You do not give yourself enough credit. You will do fine on your trials."

"As you say, Master."

"Speaking like a padawan already." She smiled and I grinned lightly.

"I could learn many things from every Jedi Master. Master Kenobi and his impenetrable defense. Master Fisto and his mastery of Form I. Master Plo Koon's Force Judgment." She stopped sharply, and I looked over at her and saw an almost sour look.

"That is not a skill to be used lightly, little Oat. It is also a skill only Master Plo Koon knows, and the council wishes it to remain that way."

"That doesn't make much sense." She sighed lightly and continued walking.

"It is a constant behind the scenes topic. There are those that see its usefulness and there are those that deem it to close to the dark side." I was just about to ask her where she stood but we had already arrived to my rooms. "Well, be strong and be smart, Little Oat." I bowed and walked into my room to freshen up.