

Sending the subject off with a wave of his hand, Zhizhan turned to face Ramzes; a childish smile plastered on his face. Holding his hands up, "Well, did I do it correctly?"

Sitting by the riverside a snapping crawler at his side eating bites of a peach. "That was good. The Dark Being looked almost human, or at least had the silhouette of one." Rising from his spot he came over to place his hand on Zhizhan's chest, "How is the box you created? Nothing is seeping out?"

Zhizhan was taken aback by the amount of concern in Ramzes voice, and took a moment to answer the question.

Grabbing Zhizhan's arm, Ramzes pulled him closer and checked the pulse on his neck. "You have been learning very quickly, it is understandable if your body needs a break. If there is a problem, tell me." After checking his pulse he moves his fingers around Zhizhan's eye and studies his pupil.

Shaking himself out of his shocked stupor he pushes Ramzes hand away, "No, no I am fine. The box works well. I can easily use the Dark Blood when I need to and then lock it away."

Gently moving Zhizhan's jacket collar, "Good. A few more weeks of practice and you will be ready to go after the Rose Path Sect."

A glint flashed in Zhizhan's eyes, "You will really allow me to enact my revenge?"

Walking back to his snapping crawler, Ramzes speaks in a bored tone, "I told you I would. Whatever you wish to do, however you wish to do it." Spinning he lifts his arms so his sleeves do not brush on the floor as he takes a seat back on the stone, "I will allow, and if it is fun enough, I may even participate."

Those words gave Zhizhan more motivation, and he threw himself into training. 5 months passed without any pranks amongst the men. Zhizhan was too focused on forming Dark Beings that looked like humans. It took much effort but after perfecting how to absorb dark energy he was no longer as drained and exhausted as he used to be.

Summoning a group of dark beings he gave 3 the shape of humans. Their eyes were pitch black, and their legs faded into black shadows that he covered with clothing.

"I want to know if Rose Path is having an event where all members will be in attendance. Find what the event is for, who will be there first, and where it will be."

The beings bowed, but before they could leave Ramzes spoke up.

"From now on," resting a hand on Zhizhan's shoulder, "this will be your new master. Do all you are ordered to do and he will reward you by returning you to the Spiritual King."

The beings shuffled with excitement. The Spiritual King was said to have the power to help them look and stay human indefinitely. If they made the Spiritual King happy they hoped to be able to live in the human world. Turning into smoke and all blew away to complete their orders.

As they left Ramzes chuckled and patted Zhixhan's shoulder, "Look at you. Creating your subjects."

Shoving his hand away, "Do not try to act like a proud mom."

His eyes widened in mock shock, "Do you remember your mom?" He said playfully. "Here I thought you remembered your family hating you." His voice was high and playful but the glint in his eyes was something that was not missed.

"Why do your eyes look so serious?" Zhizhan called Ramzes out on it, "My family was not very close. But that does not mean I do not know what praise from a parent looks like. There were other members in the sect."

The cold gaze lessons and Ramzes smiles, "You pour soul. Never had a family that loved you, yet still plans to seek revenge for them."

Grabbing his jacket from the ground, Zhizhan shoves Ramzes. "For my sister and my sect. My father and brother chose their ending, but my sister had hers thrust upon her. When I reach Mal Khan I will make him suffer."

2 months later La Yae stood outside of Light's manor, she wore the traditional yellow dress and jacket. A hundred beads decorated her clothes, 50 black beads on the belt that was tied around her waist, and 25 each hung on the long loose sleeves. After so long she finally wore her hair down, the black loose locs swaying in the wind at the middle of her back. The sides of her hair were held behind her ears by Sun Stars flowers.

Her golden scabbard holding her sword rested on the right side of her waist, the white hilt easily seen as well as the yellow and white tassel that hung on it. White daggers stayed at her lower back on either side. Today, her brother was named Sect Leader of Sun Pond as custom 3 days after her father was put to rest.

She stood outside the back door, by the gardens away from the other cultivators. After a short time her brother stepped out.

Xaemin wore his hair braided at the sides, his bangs sweeping to the left of his forehead, giving a hint of the kind man behind the uniform he wore.

His dark purple sheath was a stark comparison to his bright golden vest. Its white buttons held it closed over his heart. The long sleeves were decorated at the top and bottom with 25 beads each. His yellow pants had 1 line going down each side with the remaining 50 beads. At his wrists were white cuffs that held 2 small blades each. At his back 2 war disks sat in the middle.

Xaemin lifted his hands and gave a nervous smile, "Do I look like an idiot?"

She reached up to rub his shoulders moving stray threads, "You look like father."

Xaemin's nose scrunched up, "From you is that a compliment?"

"You are dressed similarly to father is all. Your smile will remind our people that you are still you."

Xaemin gave a small smile of relief, then it grew wider after he inspected his sister. "You look beautiful, but you still refuse to braid your hair. I said I would give you that right."

She shook her head, "wearing braids, having my sword, using the name Kal-la Lun so soon after father has died will make it seem as if you are being lenient on punishments to me. You are the Sect Leader of Sun Pond before you are my brother. You can not go easy on me. What will the others think?"

Xaemin stayed quiet for a moment, and both siblings looked calmly at the garden.

Turning to face her, "Today I become the leader, but to you I will always be Zey-yim."

Her eyes softened under her brother's gaze, "Look to the left and I will always be there Zey-yim."

Xaemin extended his hand and waited for his sister to take it, "I will tell you the first secret as leader, and you must vow to never tell a soul." He spared a glance as they both walked around the building to the naming ceremony. Leaning down he whispered, "I am terrified, so please stay by my side."

They reached the crowd of people and La Yae was unable to respond so instead she squeezed her brother's hand.

Weeks later on the other side of the mountains Zhizhan calmed the darkened blood he had locked in his chest. With practice and patience he was finally able to maintain Dark Blood in his body; without it mixing with anything else.

Ramzes stood off to the side playing with the ends of his hair, "You can now make your own beings, when they are no longer of use to you, please be sure to send them to the Spiritual King. I taught you how to open the pathway in the ground, yes?" He paused to glance at Zhizhan.

Zhizhan nodded, in the past months Ramzes had been acting strange. Well stranger that unusual, his memory seemed to be inaccurate at times. Although he was one to talk, his memory of the past seemed to be just as inaccurate.

Ramzes pulled Zhizhan from his thoughts, "You recall the plan, yes?"

Ah yes the plan. After a little more than a year of training and doing missions Zhizhan was now finally allowed to get payback on the men who had done him wrong. First being Rose Path. They were on the outskirts of the capital coincidentally looking for him with help of the guards. It had been no more than a year since he escaped from his confinement, and the guards were still secretly searching for him. The plan was for him to allow himself to be 'captured'. Then they would lead him to the location of all his enemies. Rose Path, who thanks to his subjects, knew they were already in the capital celebrating the birthday of Kal Len; the eldest son of Sect Leader Raul. It would be swift, easy, and fun. Once he is in the center with everyone around him he would attack.

"Yes I remember the plan."

Ramzes smiled, normally for once which was rare, "Great. I need to return to the Spiritual King. The plan should go well. We will leave you on your own for a few months before calling you for new missions. Try not to cause trouble that can be traced."

Zhizhan grinned mischievously, "So untraceable trouble is alright?"

Clasping his hands together, "Of course, you would not be deemed 3rd in command if you did not cause trouble. You have worked very hard these past months. I hope to hear about the Energy Using World falling into chaos very soon."

Then opening a fiery pit in the ground Ramzes jumped in and disappeared.

Zhizhan made his way to Cozbi Capital, he stopped in a small town on the way to buy a new change of clothes. Stopping at a trash bin he took off his mask. From now on the best disguise for him would be maskless. The world had only seen him with it on. He chuckled to himself, "Who knew the time would come where the best way to go undercover would be to look like myself?" When he gets to the capital he would put a new mask back on to be noticeable to the men looking for him.

Feeling like his past self, he walked down the path out of the town in black clothing, a red belt tied around his waist. His hair had grown longer and he tied into a bun at the back of his head. In a week's time Mal Khan would be dead. All the people who harmed his sect and his sister will be dead. Time could not move faster.

In Sun Pond Kal-la Lun stood in the main hall with her brother and senior members of the sect.

Seniors Raela, Yejay, Jahan and Rekha attempted to hide their shock and confusion at the order Leader Xaemin had given his sister.

Raela spoke up, "Sect Leader Xaemin, are you certain that you wish for Kal-la Lun to go on this mission alone?"

Xaemin sat in the chair at the front of the room, one leg resting on his thigh. "Kal-la Lun is the only one I trust to do this mission without getting caught, if she succeeds in the mission," He let his eyes rest on every person in the room before finally studying his sister, "When she returns I will braid her hair."

Everyone's eyes went to La Yae's hair. Since she had been in Sun Pond she had been wearing it down, the soft waves of her hair curling the ends of her black locks. She kept it simple pulling the sides of her hair up, holding it in place with the Sun Pond clip.

Raela had made a plan to ask about her lack of braids by the end of the week, but as usual Xaemin was already planning to address it.

Jahan, one of the eldest seniors being 4 years older than Xaemin. He was the son of Elder Kiet, a respectable member of Sun Pond. "You wish to send Kal-la Lun on a recon mission, to gather intel on Rose Path. If Rose Path finds out we are doing this the peace between the sects will break. They will be upset that we are spying on them instead of speaking to them up front."

Xaemin stood, "The Rose Path has been entering the lands of other sects and taking weapons. These sects that they have been stealing from are not well known, and not strong enough to fight back. I have received numerous messages from various groups asking for assistance. However, before I can accuse them, or choose a side I need all the information first." His eyes catch Jahan's, "Outright asking them will alert them that people are complaining, and if the information is true, who knows how they will retaliate. Which is why I am sending one member to go on a recon mission. After Kal-la Lun's return Sun Pond will have enough information to decide how best to respond."