
At the fork

La Yae walked down the path leaving the Blood Cloud Sect. A bag tied to her that held the few items she found important enough to keep, the powder her uncle gave her stayed tied to her waist. She would remove the paint once she returned to Sun Pond. Reaching the fork in the road she stopped and turned her head slightly right to call out, "Should I pretend to be unaware of your presence?" Tilting her head to the path, "Walk with me."

The two members Sect Leader San-nin had sent to watch over her spared each other a glance.

The older male with his hair tied back spoke first, "There is not a chance that she means us. We never get caught." Inik balanced himself on the tree branch. The time they had been trailing Ilyana had only been 10 minutes. He is certain, skilled or not, that she could not catch them so soon. He even made sure his shadow could not be visible from where she was watching. His skills of scaling and moving through trees was advanced, he made no sounds, he was sure of it. Right?

Yushin scratched his head, Leader San-nin told them not to get caught. His eyes watching to see if someone else would come onto the path. It is possible Ilyana noticed someone else following her. Although that would also be impossible, how could she notice what they could not?

Turning to face the trees, "Will you two stay in the trees forever?"

The men's jaws dropped. She was talking about them. After a bit of deliberation Yushin was the first to drop to the ground, with Inik following in his stead.

Bowing respectfully, "Ilyana, we received orders from our Sect Leader to ensure you return to your sect safely."

She nodded, "I am sure Sect Leader San-nin is nervous about me traveling without a sword."

Inik truly wished to ask why she was traveling without a sword but, because it was such a personal question he chose not to.

"Why are you swordless? You had a sword within the Blood Cloud Sect, was it not yours?" Yushin it seemed, did not have such difficulty speaking.

"The sword I used was not my sword."

Yushin assumed that Ilyana did not understand how swords worked, and chose to explain out of the kindness of his heart, "Swords can work like that sometimes. The more you fight with a sword, the more of your energy gets mixed with it. Then it matches you, and becomes your sword. You just have to keep fighting with it." What was supposed to be a playful tap looked awkward as Yushin tapped her shoulder. "Do not give up, sometimes it takes a while for swords to match with you."

"I appreciate your encouragement, the sword Sect Leader San-nin gave me was temporary. I have my own, it is in my home sect."

"You Sect is West of here, by the mountains. Right?" Inik asked.

Wearing a confused expression, "Why would you leave your sword?" Thinking back on when they went out on missions. "You left your sword and still fought that well?!" He scratched his hand, is Sect Leader San-nin really sure he and Inik are good at their jobs? How can a random girl outshine them?

Inik elbowed Yushin in the side, "Please allow us to escort you. We must follow our Sect Leader's order's. Surely you understand that?"

La Yae stayed silent watching them.

Yushin broke the silence, "It is understandable that you are uncomfortable being followed. It is not because Leader San-nin does not believe in your abilities. If anything you can take it as Sect Leader San-nin valuing you. You may be returning to your sect, but you will always find a home in Blood Cloud."

"I am going to Sun Pond Sect." She said, studying their reactions. Thanks to their training their shock was not noticeable.

For once Yushin was controlling himself and not asking the questions that dance on the tip of his tongue. Not missing a beat, "And we are to escort you there." Yushin responded.

Filled with curiosity, it was Inik who could not hold back this time, "To enter Sun Pond you need a letter of invitation that must be sealed with the Leader's insignia." Sun Pond was always interesting to Inik. He never met a member from Sun Pond, but he had heard stories of their fighting, their military style, and their culture. To see and fight with a high ranking member who wears braids is his dream. Win or lose he will be happy with the results.

Showing them the rolled letter she placed it back in her sleeve, and walked right of the fork.

Following behind her, Inik began to question her this time. "Have you been to Sun Pond before? Is it as beautiful as they say? Have you seen Sect Leader Xumarc in action? Is he as powerful as the stories tell?"

La Yae nodded.

"I heard that at sunrise the sun shines between a circle at the gate and glimmers across the pond. Is that true?" Inik moved to walk at her side before catching himself and staying a few steps behind her.

La Yae nodded.

"I also heard that even though it is called Sun Pond, daytime is not nearly as beautiful as night time. That at night the moon reflects off the pond showing a reflection unable to be described. That if you glanced you would believe that the sky was on the earth and the earth was in the sky." Inik grinned widely. "I heard so many amazing things about this sect. How is it you have been invited to it?"

Yushin elbowed Inik trying to shut him up, but was ignored. The audacity.

Inik received no response, but he did not let that dampen his excitement. "Sun Pond members have military training because of their leader. Have you ever learned the moves? I have seen you fight with a sword before, but you did not have Sun Pond movements." He scratched his arm, "I honestly do not know what style you have. Who taught you how to fight?"

Yushin pulled on Inik's arm, "Enough. We are to ensure she gets to her sect safely. How can you be on guard if you are too busy talking her ear off?"

Inik laughed nervously, "Sorry Ilyana."

La Yae spared him a glance and shook her head.

The trio continued in silence.

Meanwhile Zhizhan chose to stop in a small town for the night before returning to Ramzes and giving his report. Passing a talent house he remembered Ramzes words of having some fun. Smirking, he tossed his money pouch, "There is only one woman I hope to find, and she would never be in there." Walking through the town he looked around, the people here were wealthy. This town was popular for trading their colored silks, as a result everyone wore brightly colored clothing. The promise of blending in Ramzes had given him when he gave him his clothes to change into had greatly backfired. His mask was white and he wore a hat with white clothes, and even white boots! He understood the point of staying away from his signature colors of black and red, but white? In the so-called town of colors he was wearing all white, his black hair was not visible due to the hat.

An older woman hobbled up to Zhizhan, "Please bless my child." Grasping onto his hands. "Please Healer."

Attempting to step back, the woman held onto him firmly. "I am sorry eldest mother but you are mistaken. I am not a healer." Already they were drawing a crowd.

Tears streamed down her face. "I have no money but my son is sick. Please pray for my son."

Zhizhan looked around nervously as a crowd formed. He whispered loud enough for her to hear, "Truly I am in no position to pray for anyone. I am not a healer." But when he returns to Ramzes, Ramzes will be wishing for a healer. Curse him for giving him these clothes. He should have left on the black clothes he had on while he was spying, but he was nervous he would be recognized. The older woman's wailing only got louder, and the crowd began to mutter their opinions.

"Eldest Mother," The soft voice from the left drew everyone's attention to the 3 people dressed in blue. The crowd split to allow the group room to walk through.

Zhizhan glanced up expecting to see a woman because of the soft voice he heard. Instead he saw a man with dark blue garbs and paint covering the top half of his face. There were 2 men dressed in similar colors behind him with paintless faces. Zhizhan watched as this man gently pried the older woman's hands off his clothes.

"Your prayers can be heard more by the altar. It is best to pray for your son there."

The 2 men behind came and offered assistance. "The ground is dirty, please do not dirty your clothing." The male with his hair tied back said.

The woman sobbed, "I am too old to climb up the steps, but my son needs healing, the doctors do not know what to do." She turned back to Zhizhan, "Please ask this healer to help me."

Zhizhan placed his now free hands up, "I am no healer. These clothes are because I am being truly punished, think of me as one of the damned. If I was a healer I would help her, and myself." He turned to face the entire crowd, "Really I am not a healer." Ramzes was an idiot, how were these clothes to help him fit in? Sparing a glance at the man with blue paint on his face, "I am no healer." He repeated, hoping that he would be helped. Then with the money he had in his pouch he was going to buy new clothes and burn these ones.

The man ignored Zhizhan and instead kneeled to speak to the older woman. Holding onto her hand, "Surely a healer would be by the temples. I will assist you. We will go to the altar together." It took a bit more convincing but the men dressed in dark blue were eventually able to lead the older woman away.

Zhizhan watched as the group of three led the older woman away. He chuckled under his mask and walked in the opposite direction, with a voice like that, it is a shame he was not a woman.

On the way to an Inn he stopped to buy clothes choosing red and yellow garbs. There would be no more mistakes of being a healer. Honestly, how ironic? Zhizhan, a healer? Reaching the Inn, Zhizhan paid for a room and after burning the clothing by his own hands he went to sleep. The next morning he would go to Ramzes, and attack him for his insufferable fashion choices.

However, the night was long and Zhizhan found himself having trouble sleeping. Feeling bored lying down looking at the paint on the ceiling, Zhizhan picked up the hat and chose to take a walk. It had been almost 3 years since he was arrested. And almost 3 years since he used Dark Blood. Playing with small flames on his fingertips he realized that he did not miss it too much. In the past he had relied on the beads and once he was separated from them, he became defenseless. This time would be different. He would rely on no object, the power would come from him and him alone.

As he crossed a bridge he leaned on the side and stared at the water. It was strange thinking of what he would do in the future. He spent most of his time in that cell thinking of the ways he would tear his enemies apart. If only he knew of his fire being so powerful. If only he had known back then the extent of all he could do. Would his aspirations of death be different?

With a sigh he clasped his hands together, most likely not. The small kills like the members of Green Spice, and Blue Path sects; those members he may destroy with fire. But Mal Khan? He smirked, when he kills Mal Khan it will be with his own hands. No energy, no magic, and no weapons. Just him. He will pull the cries of mercy from Mal Khan's bones, allow his blood to make a mural of helplessness, and then ignore them. His death would be slow, and disgustingly bloody.

A movement from the side caught his eye. He turned to lean his back on the rail. "Well if it is not my savior." He joked. Even with the light from the moon he could recognize the blue painted man. Their blue garbs were tied at the waist blending into the night. "Where are your 2 friends? Are you the only one having trouble sleeping tonight?" Zhizhan studied him, he was tall, but thin. His stance was balanced, and the hand movements made him think that he was a sword fighter; but looking he could see no sword. "Are you a swordsman?"

La Yae crossed the bridge to walk closer. Yushin and Inik once again believed they were not noticeable from the rooftops of the buildings, but of course they were. She chose to leave them to believe she was unaware, enjoying her night walk alone. The man from earlier had changed. A yellow mask covered his face, a hat covering his eyes. Without seeing his face she could tell he was confident. The way he leaned on the rail and played with the tassel of his belt.


Zhizhan snickered at the short response. "Did the eldest mother find the healer?"


Resting his elbow on the rail behind him he scratched his chin. "You are not one for talking."

La Yae nodded her head.

Zhizhan tapped his fingers on the rail, "Say, since we both have nothing to do this night how about I ask your advice on something."

Crossing her arms behind her back, "Is advice from strangers helpful?"

Chuckling he crossed his arms, "I do not see the harm. If you say something I disagree with I will ignore it."

"Very well."

Studying the man's clothing Zhizhan could theorize he came from a sect. The clothing seemed to be made of special material. Thus this man would have knowledge of Dark Blood, and Inner-fire. "Have you ever been in a position where there was nothing you could do? Not because you were weak, but because you were ignorant?" Those years in that cage he should have just burned everything, but he was unaware he had that power. Even now after training for so long he is still ignorant on how to utilize his skills.

"It is best to take all moments of life as a lesson. You were ignorant in the past, so become wise in the future."

"And when you gain this wisdom do you return to those who harmed you?" Zhizhan watched as the man's eyes narrowed.

"You are speaking of revenge."

Stepping away from the rail, Zhizhan walked closer, "I will soon be in a position of restoring balance." Seeing her hand raised he paused.

"Revenge does not restore balance. It continues to stew negativity in the souls of the living." She unlocked her hands from behind her back. "Whatever powerful position you find yourself in, my advice is this," She took a step forward forcing him to move back. "When it is all over and you have enacted your vengeance, how will you control the negativity within you? A cultivator like yourself would be skilled, yes?" Her eyes traveled him from shoes to his hat. "As a cultivator you know that the more skilled you are, the more balance you need within you. Will you be able to find peace after swimming in vengeance?"

Zhizhan laughed loudly, "Peace? I do not need it. Everyone I could want peace for is gone."

Hearing the pain in his voice La Yae stepped back. "I knew someone who allowed vengeance to consume them. There is only one destination for that path. If all those you could want peace for are gone, then find more people to care for." Returning her arms behind her back, "I have given my advice. Goodnight."

Calling after him, "I have one more question fellow cultivator." Zhizhan smiled when his steps paused. "Do you know of the cultivator Kal-la Lun, Jewel of the Sun Pond? Where has she been in the past few years?" He had tried asking some of the townsmen earlier in the day, but none had heard of her whereabouts in the past few years.

"Where else could the Jewel of Sun Pond be but in Sun Pond?" reaching her hand to her left as if to hold something she tightened it on her clothes, then bowed and left.

Zhizhan did not stop him from walking away this time. His hand reaching out on his left side caught his attention. He had seen someone do that exact movement before. The twins of Sun Pond were always attached, Jay–nan always had his sister on his right. Anytime he extended his right hand his sister was always there to take it and vice versa. But despite recognizing the person in dark blue, and paint on their face as Kal-la Lun; he could not say anything, for he was not sure if the two men on the rooftops were aware of who they were protecting.

Returning to her inn she nodded to the workers and walked up the stairs. Stopping at her door, "I will sleep now. I give my word I will not leave this room until 10 tomorrow morning. Be at ease and rest." Then she walked into her room.

Sighing, Yushin came from around the corner and crossed his arms, "How does she do that? She knew we were following her the entire time didn't she?"

Inik clasped a hand on Yushin's shoulder, "I am beginning to wonder if Sect Leader San-nin gave us this mission to put our confidence in check."

"Hmm." Yushin crossed his arms, "She is a member from the Sun Pond Sect. Her skills most likely greatly surpass ours." He shrugged his shoulders, 'My skills need not be put in check."

Inik laughed, "She is not high ranked though. She wears no braids." Inik leaned close, "That means we are being out-skilled by a low ranked cultivator."

The confident smile on Yushin's face faded away. He thought about the tight high bun Ilyana always wore her hair in, "Maybe there is a secret brain in the middle of it."

Inik shook his head, "Whatever helps you sleep better at night." Yawning, "I will take the first watch, you can sleep first."

"Sounds good, night." Yushin grinned widely at Inik's shocked depression and rushed to sleep first.

The next day Zhizhan left town heading north, while Ilyana followed by Yushin and Inik headed west.

Zhizhan stopped to pick Ramzes favorite berries. He tied them in a brown pouch that was unable to be seen through. Then he found a snapping crawler to hide inside.

A snapping crawler was the size of a child's fist, they were mostly harmless. They lived lives of solitude hatching from the eggs their parents left in the trees, and then found the closest fruit they could find and lived contentedly. If you did not attempt to touch them they would not attempt to protect themselves from you. However, if you attempted to touch it then they would bite, and while the bite wasn't poisonous it was extremely painful.

A great surprise for a man who was so sure wearing white would help him fit in. Whistling as he walked down the path he was shocked to see Ramzes coming from the path to the right.

"Where are you coming from? This is not the meeting point we agreed on."

As he strolled down the path closer to Zhizhan, in his bright purple and pink clothes he shrugged. "I could smell the berries from here, what was I to do? Wait for you to make your way down the path?" He shook his head and upon reaching him extended his hand for the pouch of berries, "I would like to eat these delicious delicacies now."

Zhizhan pretended to be put out and 'reluctantly' gave the berries to Ramzes. "You should wait until later to eat them." In an attempt to distract Ramzes from looking in the bag he pointed up towards the sky, "I heard that there are fairies that can fly. Is that true? Have you seen a flying fairy?"

Giving an annoyed look he dug his hand in the pouch, "You are always so curious about fairies. You should focus more on your own fire. Do you plan on being pathetic all your -Eeeeoooww!" He screamed pulling his hand from the pouch, the snapping crawler hanging on the skin between his index and middle finger.

Zhizhan leaned on a tree, "Oh no," he said with mock concern, "Are you alright?"

Glaring at the happy smile on Zhizhan's face Ramzes cursed. "You son of a bitch! You did this on purpose didn't you?"

Zhizhan covered his face in horror, "Oh, I was not aware someone of your caliber could say such words. Your vocabulary is not as great as I once thought." He tsked, "Such a shame, I had such respect for the man who told me dressing in white was a great idea."

Ramzes could only glower at Zhizhan for a moment as he tried to ease the snapping crawler off. It would be easy to just burn it off, but hilariously enough Ramzes had a soft spot for small creatures. No matter how much pain he was in he would not hurt the snapping crawler.

Using the mask of moving his hair out of his eyes he laughed, then cleared his throat. "While you are being inconvenienced I will tell you what I saw. The men who were forming this weapon wore clothing from the Rais Kingdom, their speech and accent also matched that of Rais Kingdom people. They were not hiding or on the lookout which leads me to believe that they did not sneak into the Randin kingdom, but that someone had let them in." He paced around Ramzes who still struggled to free his hand. "They were unsuccessful in all their attempts to make a weapon until a man dressed in orange came."

Using a berry to attract the snapping crawler to leave his hand Ramzes finally looked up, "A man in orange? Was he young, my height. Followed by a guard who held 2 swords?"

Shocked at the perfect description, "Yes. At first I thought he was just a child placed in a leadership position due to his family's money, but…"

"He had the men kill themselves didn't he?"

Zhizhan nodded, "You have seen this before then?"

Rubbing the bit on his hand, "Yes, but not for a long long time."

Zhizhan chose not to comment on Ramzes being in his early 40's and not being that old. "Who is this man?"

Ramzes shook his head, "Never mind who he is. What he had them do is blood sacrifice. We need to train you to use Dark Blood again without beads. If you had this skill you would have been able to steal some of the power while you were there. With Dark Blood, you should be able to sense it, even if it is not yours to control."

"Not mines to control?"

"Correct, Dark Blood is more of a first come first serve. You just so happened to be one of the only ones using it at the time. There are others. Once they take the Dark Blood from a being, or creature you will be unable to control it. It will only listen to one master."

"I thought Dark Blood does not have a master. That is how I lost control. I cannot truly control the monsters, no one can."

Ramzes scoffed, "You did not lose control. You never had it, your beads did." He hit a pressure point in his hand to ease the pain, "Whoever gave you those beads was setting you up to fail. If you want to be in control then it has to be your power that shapes the monsters, your commands that they hear and listen to. Not some silly beads."

Zhizhan said nothing, and stayed deep in thought. The man who gave him those beads, did they purposely set him up for failure, or was that the only way he knew to give him power?

"He did seem to have taught you something though. You are able to stop the flow of energy in your body and specific places. That is great. This skill will help you keep your energy, fire, and Dark Blood separate."

"I need to keep them all separate?"

"Learning to perfect one at a time will be beneficial. Besides you do not want the Dark Blood running through your body all the time. You will create a space within your body to hold the Dark Blood. To only let it out when you need it."

Zhizhan shook his head, "Everyone believes I can hold Dark Blood in my body. I can not."

Ramzes laughed, it was airy and light, not matching the evil glint in his eyes, "You did not before, but you will in the future." Ramzes plates with the color of his clothes, "It will be difficult, and I will pay you back for this bite you gave me."

Zhizhan shrugged, "I do not mind difficult, I can always prank you another way."

Ramzes draped his arm around Zhizhan's shoulders, "Your family kept you so weak Jang Zhulan, but me… I am going to help you burn the world."