
Not supposed to be here

Zhizhan rises from his perch on the rooftop where he is watching the youngest Rose Path disciples. They have to be very young, their faces not fully matured yet, and the wide uncontrollable laughter one was sharing is proof of a young age. A respectable Rose Path disciple would hold themselves with mock dignity, so they can look down on others.

While Zhizhan wishes for revenge he is very specific with his list and will not just kill because of association; but… the best way to attract the attention of Rose Path is to feed their ego; or harm them. 

With that thought he jumps down landing in front of them. "Such distinguished clothing you wear." He says, eyeing them in mock awe, "I heard there is a prestigious sect here that is known for its strength and power." Leaning close, "You wouldn't happen to be from there would you?" He keeps a wide grin on his face mimicking excitement. 

Enjoying the compliments, one of the boys smiles in a haughty manner, "That's right. We are from Rose Path, close ties to the Royal family itself. Not any sect can have those connections." he brags. Then he studies Zhizhan's clothing.Tidy robes, a black outer jacket stitched with intricate patterns, and a red belt tied everything around the man's thin waist. The boy assumes he must be a rich Lord from one of the family's in town. All of them have been invited to tonight's festivities, so it makes sense why he would be talking to them. The older male also has no weapon, so he could never be from a sect without a weapon. 

The other boy is not as trusting. Positioning himself between his friend and Zhizhan, "Where did you come from? Who are you to ask us?" He looks up into the shadows of the night trying to find where he thought the older male jumped from. 

Laughing, Zhizhan slaps the boy's shoulder gauging his strength. "You are truly Rose Path? That is amazing." Motioning towards the sky, "The heavens have blessed me today." Looking back at the boys. "I heard a great many things about your sect. It is great that even the youth are cautious." The boy did not stumble at all, very balanced on his toes. Zhizhan observed to himself. Turning to point at the restaurant building, "Do you see that building? 3rd window to the left." He clasps his hands behind his back, "I came from there." Circling the boys, "When I was eating inside I was told that there were members of a sect resting nearby. I have always dreamed of being an energy cultivator," He stops pacing and stands in front of them wearing a despicable look on his face, "But even with money I cannot purchase the ability to utilize energy." Frowning pitifully, "Instead, any chance I get I talk to cultivators and ask questions." Moving his arm he flashes his money bag that has some coins, but for the most part it is filled with stones. But he flashes it hoping to catch the boy's eyes, "I will pay you generously, please allow me to sit with you and your teachers for a meal to talk. I know that many Lords were invited to the dinner, I was out of town, and my family has already gone without me." He says, deciding on a new plan, many rich men were invited inside for the celebrations according to his beings. The first boy will be easy to take out. But this second boy he had tapped on the shoulder, Zhizhan cannot help but want the best for him. Harming him, may stay on his conscience. 

The two young boys look at each other. The cautious one's head minutely shakes; his silent way of disagreeing with the idea. However Mr Hungry For Ego, could not resist, a star pupil at Rose Path he must be. "Fine, if you want to come you can. We will show you some moves." 

Zhizhan holds back his scoff and eagerly nods his head. "Oh you live up to your name. I cannot wait to tell my friends how I met 2 amazing cultivators." He jumps in step behind them. "Tell me, are you senior cultivators? You must be, the aura of energy around you must be something only seniors have." He compliments as he follows them towards the dinner. Once there the plan will begin. 

The cautious one shakes his head, still choosing to remain silent.

The rambunctious boy smirks, "While we have trained, we do not deserve the right to be called senior cultivators." He shakes his head scoffing, at the thought that someone could mix their statuses up so easily. Commoners are truly fools, whether they have money or not it seems. "It takes years to become a senior. Earliest being 18, but some only become one after 20 years of training. But you are in luck. Tonight there is a big event and you will be able to see the difference between a senior and a 3rd ranking cultivator." 

Bouncing with joy, "How enthralling." Zhizhan motions to himself, "I will really be in the presence of amazing cultivators tonight! 3rd rank is 2 levels below senior right?" 

Mr. Ego snorts, "Not really. The levels are, 1st rank, 2nd rank, 3rd rank," He counts off on his hand, "then you become a junior. There are not exactly ranks in Junior, but you have to master certain skills, and grow before you can become a Senior. You can be a Junior for 10 years." He shakes his head, "It can be difficult to be a Senior. You have to train early, if you waste your youth in the beginning it can be impossible. Most cultivators that become seniors have trained since 5 years old, and it still is not a definite." He explains with a wistful sigh. Even within his sect there were only 5 Senior Cultivators. Sun Pond had the most with 7 seniors. But that was all under Leader Xumarc's rule. There have not been any new seniors since Leader Xaemin took over.

"Wow, amazing. Such a powerful sect, how many Seniors does Rose Path have?" Zhizhan asks, seeking more information." He smirks when the cautious boy nudges the first boy to stay quiet. Smart kid. "Sorry I didn't realize it was private information. I am just so happy." He explains, and his joy is no mask. Tonight Zhizhan will finally be able to do what he has dreamed up. Blood, he will spill so much of that it will sink into the dirt and grow red berries. 

Walking out of an inn, blue paint covers the top of La Yae's face. Her hair tied up in a tight bun, a wooden clip holding it up. Her black garments are tied with a yellow belt at her waist. Inside she has heard many fawning over Cais Kal. The leading family of Rose Path was here except for Mal Khan. 

Making her way through the town she hears talks of Rose Path hosting a big birthday celebration. From what she can remember no member of the main family has a birthday around this time. The only member closest was Kal Len, but his birthday was 4 weeks ago. It is not like Rose Path to celebrate late. Still the only members of Rose Path that could attempt to demand such attention and popularity for a birthday celebration, are the main family members. What is it that Rose Path needs so much that they would craft a big celebration for? Surely it would not be suspicious if Rose Path decided to call their cultivators back for a meeting, or even training. Why use a party?

The elders and main names of the sect are all to be present at this celebration. After some wandering in the town she has also learned that all the rich Lords have been invited. The intel she has gathered on the way to this town also makes her aware that the Rose Path cultivators that like to wander the empire have also been called back. 

Whatever is happening inside that manor, she needs to get inside; for it must be connected to the stolen weapons of other sects. But her face may be recognizable to some members of Rose Path if she takes off the blue paint. Vu Buyi is still in Rose Path, he knew her since childhood, despite years of not seeing her, he would recognize her face in a heartbeat. 

Glancing down at her outfit, it will draw too much attention if she attempts to go in as a guest. But her clothes can not match a guard either. The best way to slide under the radar is to act natural and make yourself easily forgettable. Or somehow follow someone naturally inside. 

From the left she hears screaming as people on the main road dive to the sides. A boy gallops on his horse out of control. 

"Move! Get out of the way." The boy cries, clinging to the reins as tight as he can. He was a fool for trusting anyone but himself. When the 3 respectable cultivators mistakenly left his pendant at the inn; he thought no ill of them. When they apologized profusely, he told them it was a small thing. Told them he knew they meant no harm. So when they told him he could use their horse to retrieve his token quickly, he thought nothing of it. Was grateful, even bowed in thanks.

It was when one of the respectable elder disciples snickered and slapped the back of the horse that he began to have doubts. When he found it impossible to get control of the horse there were moments where he wondered what he had ever done to upset his elders. 

Which is why he is currently galloping through the roads screaming at an octave that is not to be heard from members of Rose Path. His face full of horror, and his chin trembling like that of a cold puppy. He is going to get into so much trouble, he just knows it. Even worse, his brother will be upset.

Rushing forward La Yae expertly maneuvers herself onto the horse behind the boy and pulls the reins. 

The horse rears back and it is only La Yae's balanced hold that keeps the boy from falling off. Once the horse falls back down and is calm, La Yae gets off and helps the frightened boy onto solid ground. 

Bowing, "Thank you so much! I apologize for the disturbance I've made." 

La Yae shakes her head to show it's not a problem when she takes notice of his clothes. The white inner dress covered with a soft pink outer vest. His hair is tied back with a silver hair piece. Studying him he is missing his pendant, the clip that shows an insignia of his sect. But it is clear, he is a member of Rose Path.

Her hand goes inside her sleeve where she placed the pendant earlier. When she saw it earlier she picked it up hoping it may help her. Looking at the shaken up boy, it just might. 

Bowing profusely, "Thank you. Thank you." Turning to the people who were knocked to the sides, and are attempting to get back onto their feet. "I humbly apologise for all I have done." His new mission seems to be to apologise to every person he sees. La Yae watches in fascination as he bows again. And again, and again. And again, and again. Until finally she can watch no more and places a hand on his shoulder to stop him, "Enough, or you will dilute your apology."

Putting a shocked hand to his face, "You're right. I am so-" His sentence trails off when he takes in La Yae's stoic look. Dusting his clothes, "I came to find a pendant," pointing at the inn 2 buildings down, "I left it there." He explains to his savior. 

La Yae turns her head slightly to take in the inn he is pointing at. "Describe it." 

"Well it is small with a red jade, and a tassel connected to it. It has the symbols for my sect and name too." 

Reaching into her sleeve La Yae pulls out the pendant she found earlier. 

His eyes widen so much it puts owls to shame, "Yes! Thank you so much. You saved me." He exclaims in relief. 

She places the pendant in his hand. Motioning to the people who have gotten to their feet and are moving about. "Negligence creates misfortune." Then with a tilt of her head, "Return and accept your punishment without complaint.

Wrapping his fingers around his found pendant, "I understand." Of course he must be punished for what he has done. Causing havoc on the city streets during such a big celebration can tarnish the sect name; and get his brother in trouble. With a pleading look, "Please can you come with me to explain what happened to my senior?" Bowing, "My sect will also thank you for your assistance." 

All the pieces fall into place as La Yae accepts and follows the young cultivator to the Rose Path celebration. 

Stepping over the threshold into the manor, Zhizhan's grin is so wide his cheeks hurt. There are many people rushing to and fro to get all the party plans into place. In the main pavilion far off, Zhizhan can see many guards and a group of people sitting. That must be where the main family is. 

Following the two boys Zhizhan strategizes to himself. To attract their attention he must wait. Besides it doesn't seem like Mal Khan is present yet. If he doesn't come then he will have to follow the first plan of getting captured. 

Turning to face him, Mr. Confident asks, "What are you so deep in thought for? Nervous about talking to true cultivators?" 

The cautious boy stays silent, studying Zhizhan. He will most likely grow to be a wise cultivator. Observing first, and reacting later is a great trait. One that is rarely seen in Rose Path. 

Chuckling, "Do you have any pointers? I hope to make a good impression." Zhizhan asks. 

Holding his hands behind his back, "Not really. Anything you say will be wrong." Taking a deep breath, "Maybe it would be best if you said nothing at all." Smiling, "You can just observe and learn. If you are lucky the masters might check to see if you have the ability to cultivate." 

Zhizhan withholds his laugh, "Thank you so much." Then with a motion of his hand, "Lead the way please." 

Exciting a side door a male turns to see the 2 boys and Zhizhan. "Yang Yu, Wei Zhan?" Walking towards them, "Why are you back so late?" 

The 2 boys bow, "Swordmaster Vu." They bow in greeting. 

Mr. Confident now known as Yang Yu, "We heard that there was the Merian Dagger at an armour shop and went to check it out."

Smiling softly, "I have told you numerous times that dagger is a myth. You need not waste your time searching for it." Locking eyes with Zhizhan, "Who is your guest?" He asks the boys while eyeing him. Seeing no sword he relaxes slightly. 

"We met him on the road, he pleaded to meet cultivators. He says that he cannot cultivate but always wishes to learn. We brought him here because he is a respectable Lord in the town." Yang Yu says. 

The smile fades from Swordmaster Vu's face. "Tonight is an important event, the invitee should not overstep." Bowing slightly to Zhizhan, "I am sorry to trouble you Lord-" He trails off for Zhizhan to fill in his name. Swordmaster Vu is aware of all the Lords in the town, and they were all spoken to and given invitations. Those who were not invited had been paid off and given an excuse. To meet a Lord he is not familiar with is odd. 

Making an obvious fuss of fixing his clothes, "Oh Swordmaster Vu it is an honor to meet you. I have read a great deal about you. You have made a name in the cultivating world as early as 15 years old. Your sword skills are said to be the best now that the Sun Pond twins are gone." Spinning the tassel on his waist, "It is even said you fought one on one with Jay-nan and your sword clashed against Quick Leaf." Adding a bounce to his steps as he approaches Vu. "Please tell me, was Quick Leaf as great as the books say? How did you fight against him? Your skills must be legendary?" Zhizhan compliments in awe and astonishment. 

Swordmaster Vu swallows his annoyance at the questions. He does not find joy in discussing the twins of Sun pond. Or his position only moving up because they are gone. No one has heard of Kal-la Lun in years. Still, he forces a polite smile to cover his annoyance. An emotion that Zhizhan easily catches. 

Placing one hand on the hilt of his sword, "You seem well read." His eyes go to Yang Yu and Wei Zhan in disappointment. 

Wei Zhan, seeing that he is being brought down due to Yang Yu's stupidity, speaks up to redeem himself. "Swordmaster Vu, it is my duty to accompany Yang Yu in all locations. Wei Zhan is to protect, not guide." He states.

How interesting, Zhizhan thinks to himself. Yang Yu must be someone of high importance for him to have a guard. But he is not related to the leading family. Must be a child of a sworn brother? 

Keeping an aura of respect, "An extra guest is unexpected, did you have family already here? Is it possible you can sit with them?" Swordmaster Vu asks.

Zhizhan gives a respectful smile back, "I have also heard that Swordmaster Vu will soon reach senior cultivation. It is said that cultivators of high levels can know the energy abilities in another." Opening his arms, "Well, can you scan me? Do I have hidden talents?" He asks shamelessly, distracting Vu from asking about his name. 

Wei Zhan and Yang Yu stare at Zhizhan in shock. Everyone knows it is rude to ask cultivators to scan others. It is intrusive, involving taking off your clothes to show your arms and collarbone. To ask someone to do that in the middle of a crowded area is just-.

Yang Yu kicks Zhizhan, "How shameful are you?" 

Pretending to be wounded from the kick, Zhizhan bends down to hold his leg, "Why is it shameful to ask? If I can learn about my own energy I can become great and respectful like you." 

Feeling extremely uncomfortable, Swordmaster Vu clears his throat, "May I see your pendant?" He extends his hand, once he knows which family this 'Lord' belongs to he can be finished talking to him. 

A group of guards come with Cais Kal behind them. They part to allow him to step to the front. "Swordmaster Vu," he acknowledges, "why do you still stand out here? We have a spot for you inside." 

So this is Cais Kal, Zhizhan studies the man in front of him. He seems thin, must be from lack of training. His sword is tied to his waist incorrectly which is indication enough on how much he uses it, and why he has guards. His stance does not seem sturdy either, Zhizhan guesses that one kick will be all it'll take for him to fall.

Rose Path does not talk much about their youngest son Cais Kal. While Kal Len and Mal Khan are always in competition. Always the talk of the town, whenever the 3rd son is mentioned the conversation quickly dies. Observing the childlike man in front of him, Zhizhan understands why. It is not really Cais Kal's fault. If he was born a normal mortal he would not be so shameful. But to be the son of the head family in Rose Path and have such low cultivation abilities is a great disappointment. 

"Come we can enter together." Cais Kal says motioning for Swordmaster Vu to walk with him. "You can bring your students." He adds which only further proves his lack of observation skills. Zhizhan holds no weapon, doesn't wear the sect colors, and even his hair piece is not of Rose Path Sect. How on earth could Cais Kal see him and assume he is a student of Swordmaster Vu? Stupidity. That's how. 

Not wanting to shame Cais Kal in front of this strange lord, Swordmaster Vu thanks Cais Kal and follows behind him; Yang Yu, Wei Zhan, and a happy Zhizhan trailing behind. 

The young cultivator was too scared to ride the back of the horse again. Which is why he and La Lae walk slowly but steadily back to the manor. La Yae holding the reins of the now gentle horse in her hand.

The young pupil is uncomfortable with silence and rambles to his savior. 

"My name is Wei Liao, I have been cultivating since I was 5. My brother and I were found on the outskirts of town, and were taken in by Rose Path." Grinning widely, "You should meet my brother, he is amazing." He says in awe. "He easily learns everything. I think he is an amazing swordsman. Swordmaster Vu even says that he is okay, which if you know anything about swordmaster, then you'd know that is a huge compliment." His eyes shine as he discusses his brother. "He is 4 years older than me, and I am going to be exactly like him." 

Swordmaster Vu? Is that the name Buyi is going by now? She remembers her brother and Buyi always fighting together, they never got along. But then again, her brothers never like the members of Rose Path. 

"-sometimes my brother tries to train me. He says while I am a slow learner I am learning. I just need to focus and meditate more. He also says it is okay, because I am still young." Tapping the sword at his waist, "I still have time, one day this sword will truly be mine. I will continue pouring my energy into it, and then we will be one." Pausing to look at La Yae, "What is your name? I have to tell my brother about you saving me." 


Wei Liao waits for his savior to say more, but it seems that his savior is similar to his brother. They both do not say much. "Well… it seems you and my brother will get along." Scratching his cheek, "But you seem older than my brother, he is a 3rd rank," turning his body towards La Yae, "What rank are you?" 

La Yae hesitates to answer. There are not many senior cultivators who do not belong to a sect. But she is not one to lie, "It is not wise to reveal your hand to unknown people." 

Wei Liao frowns. Yep, Ilyana and his brother are exactly the same. His brother is always telling him not to blindly trust and talk to others. But he cannot help it. The best way to make friends is to be friendly. And quiet people are not seen as friendly. His brother has few friends, and just follows Yang Yu around. 

But maybe this time his brother will be proud of the new friend he has acquired, and maybe he and Ilyana can be friends. Ilyana looks young, maybe just a few years older than his brother. Although thinking about it, Ilyana is a girl's name. Smiling mischievously, he has to introduce his savior to his brother. Then his brother will not be so lonely. 

Sitting on a cushion behind Yang Yu, Zhizhan bounces with excitement. Sect Leader Raul has entered, and all he needs is for Mal Khan to come and he can seek his vengeance. He could care less about Kal Len. It would actually be best if he chose to be late and make a grand entrance to his birthday. The monsters he sent out for information told him that Kal Len's birthday had already passed. This isn't even a real party. Knowing Rose Path they are meeting for an excuse to show off their wealth. Still whatever mock party this is, Kal Len not coming would be ideal. Then Zhizhan will be able to kill his enemies and leave Rose Path a competent leader for the first time. 

Zhizhan watches as a servant walks around the perimeter of the hall to Sect Leader Raul. The servant whispers something that erases the joyful smile on Sect Leader Raul's face before bowing and walking away. 

Sect leader Raul stands, "I am sorry to announce that my 2nd son Mal Khan will not be attending tonight. He is held up a few towns away." Chuckling, "It seems my son has difficulty turning away from those in need." 

The hall is filled with polite laughter. 

"When Kal Len arrives we can start the festivities. Until then on your tables is sweet wine, please enjoy. 

Zhizhan rolls his eyes in annoyance. It seems he must enact his plan now, but it would have been so much fun to kill him tonight. Nonetheless it is time to become captured. When captured, Mal Khan will surely show his face in front of him. Rising he asks for directions to the restroom and walks off. Finding a location where no one is around he pulls out his mask to cover his face and switches his outer coat inside out so it is red. 

Summoning his energy he attempts to teleport into the hall. He has not perfected this skill yet, but he can go short distances. 

With a bit of focus he teleports into the middle of the hall and smirks. 

Swordmaster Vu is immediately at attention moving to be in front of his Sect Leader.

Zhizhan looks around the room and discreetly glances at the young Wei Zhan. He hopes the young boy will be smart enough to leave. With that he releases fire from his hands, and sets the hall aflame. 

Wei Liao picks up his pace, "Oh no, we are late. Everyone will be in the great hall." Frowning, "Not that I am supposed to be in the great hall but my teachers will be inside. And I will be in even more trouble for calling them out." Scratching his head, "But it will be even worse if I do not tell them what happened." Calculating his options, "Maybe we can just tell my brother?" Turning to La Yae with hope in his eyes, "You can help explain to my brother what happened, and if I have my brother on my side it will be easier to relay the information to my teachers." He says feeling calmer as he states his plan aloud. 

They finally reach the road leading to the manor, "Once we reach the end of this road we will be there." Wei Liao says. 

Looking towards the end of the path La Yae is confused when she sees a small amount of smoke coming from that direction. She turns to Wei Liao, but it seems he is not able to see it yet. 

Screams erupt as Zhizhan stands spreading flames around the hall. The guests run out, but the Rose Path Cultivators stand to fight. Wei Zhan quickly drags Yang Yu to leave the hall, aware that Yang Yu is not equipped to join the fight.

Swordmaster Vu draws his sword, "Who are you?" 

Smirking, "You don't know?" He asks daringly and fuels the fire around the hall with dark blood. "How about now?" 

Swordmaster Vu's eyes widen, "Your moves are that of the Father of Dark Rage. It is dangerous to follow his teachings." Pointing his sword at him, "Surrender now and I will not kill you."

Chuckling, "You are mistaken." Pouring energy into the flames, he fuels them with dark blood as well turning some flames into monsters. The dark beings awaken and attack the group of cultivators. "I am not a follower of the Father of Dark Rage." The dark beings kill, and when there are just a few members left standing Zhizhan opens his hands and pulls the dark blood back into his body. "I am him." 

Sect Leader Raul curses and pulls out a dark purple vial. "Enact Sun Defence!" He orders the remaining cultivators to move their hands to sign the defense. Protecting their lungs as Sect Leader Raul releases the poison into the air. 

Reaching the manor Wei Liao runs as he sees the entire hall on fire. "What happened!" 

The last guests, lords of the town, quickly run out. From the right Wei Liao sees his brother dragging Yang Yu, both holding their sleeve to their faces to escape the smoke. 

Rushing towards them, "Brother!" Wei Liao checks that his brother is unharmed. 

Pushing his hand away, "Enough fussing. Why are you here? You should be with the others in meditation." Wei Zhan reprimands as if there is not a building on fire behind him. 

Yang Yu pushes Wei Zhan away from him, "Why did you drag me out!" He yells bitterly, "We could have fought him and received extra status." 

Wei Zhan shakes his head. "That man is no easy foe. The skills he used to light the building a flame didn't take much energy from him. We are too weak to fight him." He states factually. 

Kicking Wei Zhan in the gut, "How dare you call me weak!" 

Wei Zhan takes the hit, allowing himself to crash to the ground. His arm reaches out to hold his brother back, who makes a move to defend his elder brother. 

Yang Yu huffs at Wei Zhan's cowardice, "How do you expect to grow if you never take risks?" He scolds and runs back into the fiery building. 

Rising from the ground Wei Zhan makes to follow after Yang Yu, but his brother clings to his arm. 

"You said earlier it is too dangerous. Yang Yu being in there doesn't make it safer." 

Giving Wei Liao a scolding look, "We owe our lives to the Yang family." Wei Zhan rises and pushes his brother to take a step back, "Go look for Master Kal Len and Master Rahn."

Deciding now will be as good of a time as any, La Yae slips away to find the armory to find proof of stolen weapons. 

Inhaling the poison, Zhizhan staggers. He held Sect Leader Raul at too high a level. Wiping his nose he focuses on slowing his breathing. He thought the use of poison was below Rose Path. 

As the poison goes through his lungs he recognizes the smell. Viran poison. Chuckling loudly, "Why Sect Leader Raul you wish to extend this fight?" Pacing the hot room with not a care in the world for the flames that grow, "Someone of your intelligence knows Viran poison is slow acting." 

A few young cultivators focus on extinguishing the flames, while Sect Leader Raul, and Swordmaster Vu stand in a face off with Zhizhan. 

Withdrawing his sword, "That is as long as your body has no weakness." Sect Leader Raul sports a sinister smile on his face, "You are a fool for showing up here, if you escaped you should have stayed out of sight." 

Blocking a hit, "As if you would have let me be free." He states sending a wave of fire so close to Sect Leader Raul that strands of his hair singe. 

Sect Leader Raul erupts with rage "Attack!" 

Zhizhan grins, now the plan is to be captured. But… why not destroy the place while he is at it? After all, Rose Path is the reason he lost his home. With that thought he breaks through the side door to destroy every building in his sight. 

Entering the room at the side La Yae does not see any weapons, but it is filled with papers. Picking some up, they appear to just be blueprints of the manor. La Yae tries to find the armory on it but before she can look she hears the sound of a boy. 

"Yang Yu, it is too dangerous! The fire's too hot. Your protection spell is not able to withstand this heat." 

Folding the blueprints La Yae tucks it into her pocket and steps out of the room to find a young boy attempting to battle the flames that have spread from the hall.

La Yae sends a protective barrier around the struggling boy to protect him from the hot flames. 

"I don't need your help Wei Zh-" Seeing a random blue faced man dressed in black, "Who are you supposed to be?" 

Stepping towards him La Yae wraps her hand around his arm and throws him outside in the direction she heard the first voice.

Yang Yu flies with a yelp. He does not even have a chance to curse the stranger before his back hits the ground outside. 

Wei Zhan's eyes bulge, "You were thrown out?" He asks, stunned. Yang Yu is not the most skilled but he knows the basics of staying balanced. It shouldn't be easy to throw him so far. 

Glaring spitefully Yang Yu lifts himself off the ground, "Shut up." 

La Yae continues her search on the outskirts of the flames. Due to her pause to help the boy the room she was in is now aflame, no more papers to look through. These flames are fueled with a high level of energy, she observes. That is why the boy had difficulty protecting himself from it. It is also why she keeps her blueprint in her pocket. For fear that if she takes it out of her protected fabrics it will catch a flame. 

There is yelling from the end of the corridor and La Yae steps into a shadow to avoid being seen. 

Zhizhan stumbles down the hall clutching his side. He underestimated Rose Path. Since when did they have the Green Spice's needle bows? He knew they worked together to kill him on Malyn Path, but he didn't think they would continue to be allies after. He figured it was just 2 enemies fighting the bigger enemy together; and once he was out of the picture they would go their separate ways.

Green Spice's needle bows are small weapons, easily hidden in the long sleeves that cultivators from Green Spice wore. You could hold the weapon with 3 fingers, and combined with your energy send out small needles to attack the enemies energy points. 

Not only did Rose Path have another sect's weapons, but they tarnished it by coating each needle in Viran poison. Surely Green Spice wouldn't know about this? Tarnishing their prized weapons with poison, they would be horrified.

Zhizhan turns a corner and sends flames to block off the way towards him. Leaning against the wall, he can feel the poison slowly taking effect. He just needs to use his dark blood to eat at it and he will be fine. Taking a deep breath he opens his hands to unlock the dark blood when he hears footsteps from his left. 

La Yae does not wish to believe it, but her eyes have never failed her. The move to send the flames, she recognizes it. She watched him use it. Stepping towards him she reads his stance and face. Mask or no mask, those are eyes she will always recognize. 

Zhizhan keeps his breath slow despite his shock, "My savior from the village." He grins, recognizing the blue faced person from a year ago.

His face is a ghastly sight, for it is at that moment that black arrows shoot through the flames hitting him in the leg. 

La Yae watches him collapse to the ground. These arrows are not like the ones Rose Path usually uses. They do not even have the same material. These arrows are from the sect in the mountains, the Trinsen Mountains particularly, made with Condor Oak. A wood so rare that no sect is able to use this material but Trinsen Sect. 

Condor Oak, once injected in the bloodstream, pauses your ability to use energy.

The flames are being dimmed as men attempt to break through the other side. 

Without thought La Yae picks Zhizhan up and summons her energy to help them fly out of the manor on her sword. 

As she flies out she hears yells and goes to the left towards the woods avoiding others. 

Zhizhan groans when they land his legs hitting the forest floor. His eyes take note of the way she assesses the arrows in his leg, and the needles on his wrist. 

"Are you aware of Condor oak?" La Yae asks as she prepares to pull it out. Blowing dirt out of the way she pulls out her bag that she hid in the ground. Opening it she takes out alcohol, needles, and thread. 

Zhizhan watches in awe, "I thought you were flying aimlessly. Turns out you had a destination in mind." When he gets no response he chuckles. "I forgot you were quiet." Clearing his throat. "Condor Oak, native to the Trinsen Mountains, only used by cultivators of the Trinsen Sect. It is said the longer the oak stays in your bloodstream the more it eats at your locomotor system. Making it difficult to move your muscles." He answers. "It is also impossible to use your energy while it is in your bloodstream."

Stabilizing the arrow La Yae places one hand on his leg and the other on the arrow. "Prepare yourself." 

Zhizhan shakes his head, "No. It is said that removing Condor Oak is very painful." He states honestly. 

Summoning her energy to her fingertips, "I will relieve your pain." She soothes, "Control your breathing." She orders and without hesitation rips out the arrow. 

The knowledge of it being painful to remove is all a lie. It was more than just painful. It is the equivalent of pulling your own bone out of your leg. Zhizhan does not try to hold back his roar of pain. 

Zhizhan's eyes open to a wooden ceiling above him. Looking down at a blanket over his body, his leg is elevated over a pillow. The door opens to his blue painted savior stepping through with a tray in hand. 

Setting the tray down, La Yae hands a glass of water to him. 

Accepting it, "It is the poison that made me pass out. I am not normally a weak person." He explains lifting his mask to drink. 

"Viran poison." La Yae factually states. 

More poison! Sect Leader Raul must have dumped it over all his newfound weapons. "How did Rose Path get their hands on so many things?" He asks aloud. "I mean, needle bows, I can pretend to understand. Green Spice and Rose Path have worked together once for the events of Malyn Path." 

La Yae nods. The needles, and arrows in his body are proof enough for her to go home. She carefully collected them, and sent a letter to her brother of her findings. He responded, commanding that she return swiftly with the items, and Zhizhan.

"But Trinsen Sect," he pauses to take a drink of water, "they have allies sure. But they never give Condor Oak." Tapping his fingers around the cup, "It had to have been stolen." He muses, "And Trinsen Sect is too prideful to say that their valuable resource has been taken." Setting the cup down, "Or they would only tell their most trusted allies, or strongest allies." 

La Yae nods, that is where Sun Pond comes in. Sun Pond is Trinsen Sect's most trusted and strongest ally. No one outside the sects knows the 2 have anything to do with each other. 

La Yae glances at her bag. She has kept the arrows as proof, as well as the blue prints. Now that she has had time to look at them, the blueprint is for the main manor within Rose Path. Why it was at the manor within Failn City she is not sure. Maybe the plan was to discuss the blueprints with others who otherwise would be unable to make it to Rose Path?

"So savior, what were you doing at the manor? Were you there for the celebration?" Zhizhan asks, changing the topic. 

Picking up his water, La Yae places it back in his hands, "Drink." 

Zhizhan watches the man sit on a cushion and make the motions to meditate. "When I first saw you, you reminded me of the twins from Sun Pond." 

La Yae's eyes open to study Zhizhan, her face portraying nothing. Her eyes go to the cup of water in his hand before she closes them and meditates. 

Sighing, Zhizhan sets the water down and reaches up to take off his mask. Leaving it on will draw more attention. His savior is from Blood Cloud Sect, he should be careful, and not be recognized. 

The ease used to fly him out and help him also meant that his savior is well skilled. They most likely possess great strength and knowledge. It is not wise for Zhizhan to let his savior be aware of his identity. It may be a challenge if they fight.

La Yae's eyes open, pausing her meditation to take in Zhizhan's face. Her chest tightens, after so many years of not seeing him, he is in front of her. He is alive. Her eyes scan him, his body is fit, strong and agile. He must have maintained his training. There were suspicions that he was still alive, but having him in front of her; how should one react?

And to think that she saw him a year ago and did not realise it. He was in front of her, talking to her. If only she had known.

Shaking her head she focuses on her meditation, strengthening her Ray Orb. 

Finishing the water hours later Zhizhan plops down onto the bed. He is bored. He has watched the sunrise and his blue faced savior didn't budge from their meditations. It would probably be rude to interrupt them, but Zhizhan cannot recall a reason to care about that. 

Sitting up from the bed, "Hey." He calls out. "How long will you meditate?" Smirking, "Or did you secretly fall asleep?" 

La Yae shows no reaction to his voice. 

Knocking on the cup, "I didn't get your name. What is it?" Tapping the cup, "Or shall I just continue calling you blue faced savior?"

Finishing her meditation, her eyes open. "Are you hungry?" 

"Hungry for your name." He jokes. "Hey, why did you choose to save me? Surely you were aware that people were attacking me? Are you not on Rose Path's side?" 

Rising from the cushion she picks up her sword that is on the left of her, "Should you not be saved?" 

Zhizhan sighs, "You don't like to answer my questions." Scratching his head, "What do I call you?" 

"Whatever you want." La Yae answers. 

"Eh? Come one, if you tell me your name I'll tell you mine." Zhizhan bargains.

Pulling bread from her bag, she hands it to Zhizhan. 

Taking the bread, "Fine don't tell me your name. But I will still tell you mine." Taking a bite, "You can call me Mu-Zhoul." He snickers at his joke. His brother is doing something good for once in his life.

La Yae freezes and her eyes go to him. "Mu-Zhoul?" She questions. Why is Zhizhan going by his brother's name? 

Nodding, "Yep. It is a good name don't you think?" He jokes. 

"Honorable." La Yae states, recalling Zhizhan's elder brother. He and her brother Xaemin were inseparable. When the news came that Colored Mountain Sect leader Kanzin, and his eldest son Yizhen were dead, Sun Pond mourned. 

Zhizhan shrugs. "I suppose." His brother was not honorable in his mind. After all, his brother and father left to fight and die. Leaving him and his sister alone. 

"We must travel to the next town to purchase your medicine." 

Smiling, "So you plan on sticking by my side Blue Savior?" Zhizhan asks, relaxing his arms on the bed. 

La Yae points to the mask next to him. Her way of asking if he will wear it. Or will she be blessed to see his living face everyday?

Tucking the mask in his side, "I catch more attention with it on. I'll keep it off. " He grins. Looking down at his bandaged leg, if he can summon his dark energy he can heal himself faster with the flames. But he doesn't want to do so in front of anyone. "Say what will you do today?" 


Zhizhan waits for more information but gets nothing. Chuckling, "Will you eat?" 

La Yae nods. 


She points to the bag she got the bread from. 

"When will we travel to the next town?" 


Zhizhan scratches his nose, "Alright. You will meditate until then?" He questions, and laughs when he receives a nod. "What will I do? I will be so bored. I can not walk around, or explore the town. Although even if I wasn't injured traveling throughout the town may not be a good idea. "But I did here there are great pastries to try." Looking around the room, "There isn't anything to do in here, no books, the window doesn't even show to the main road. I will be so bored." His eyes return to HIs savior, "What am I supposed to do if you do not talk to me to fill the silence?" 

"Meditate." She offers.

Chuckling, "What would I mediate for?" There is nothing wrong with meditation, but no one does it hours at a time every day. Even if there was such a disciplined disciple they would meditate for 3 hours daily. His savior plans to meditate for 12! Such a dedicated weirdo.

"To cultivate." She states factually. 

Crossing his arms lightly, "I get bored easily." 

La Yae nods and leaves the room. 

"Eh?" Zhizhan watches the door close in shock. "Just left?" Surely it will be even more boring with only him in the room. But wait… with only him he can heal himself. Tapping his chin, but if his savior checks on him he will have questions if his body is healed too quickly. Shrugging his shoulders, he'll just lie when the time comes.

Recovering from his shock he takes a breath to summon his dark energy but the Condor Oak prevents him. He tries a few more times before giving up with a frustrated sigh. Seems he really does need to wait. 

His eyes go to the door a while later when he hears footsteps. 

La Yae steps inside carrying a tray. 

"I thought you left me." He complains, watching her set the tray on the table in front of him. "You didn't say anything. You just walked out the door. The only hope I had was that you left your things here." He complains, "I was so bored in that short amount of time. Don't you care about my boredom? I need a good mental state to heal correctly." 

La Yae shakes her head at his childish complaints. Handing him a book. "Read," then pointing to the food, "and eat."

"You left to get me food and a book?" He asks, confused. 

"I must meditate." She says and goes to her cushion. Fixing her sleeves before sitting and doing exactly that. 

Zhizhan chuckles. What a dedicated cultivator he thinks to himself. Then picking up the book he reads.

The next day the two set out to the next town over. Zhizhan's leg is wrapped and he leans on La Yae for support. "How long will we walk?" He asks her. 

Shaking her head, "We will use a horse." She says as they make their way to a shopkeeper. 

The shopkeeper wears a relieved smile. "Thank you again. My son is in the town and needs the horse. I was looking for someone who could travel there," looking towards the sky, "The heavens must be watching over me for you to stumble here." 

"We are only using the horse to travel to the next town?" Zhizhan asks. 

La Yae nods. 

The shopkeeper hands La Yae a box filled with dumplings. "Please eat this on the way as a thank you." 

La Yae bows accepting the boxing and hands it to Zhizhan. 

Zhizhan accepts it in confusion. Why must he hold it? 

Making their way to the horse La Yae gets on first and extends her hand out to him. 

"Why do I sit behind you?" He complains but gets no response. Sighing he puts the food box on his back and lifts himself onto the horse, ignoring the hand. "No wonder you made me hold the box." He grumbles. 

Tapping her foot, the horse starts its trot out of town. 

As time passes Zhizhan can feel himself growing tired. The Viran Poison is working at a faster pace mixing with the Condor Oak in his system. He cannot even summon his energy to slow his heart rate to limit the poison. All he can do is practice his breathing.

Reaching behind him she summons her energy and takes his wrist. Holding over his pulse she eases his tiredness. "We are almost there." 

Resting his head on her back, "I didn't expect to feel so tired." He mumbles. "When we reach the next town, we need the medicine to heal my leg first before we get the Viran Poison anecdote." He explains. 

La Yae nods. 

Chuckling, "I suppose you already knew that." He says to himself. 

A bird suddenly flies from a nearby bush and the horse, startled jolts to the side. Zhizhan feels himself sliding off the horse and grabs for anything to steady himself.

La Yae gasps in shock when Zhizhan rips at her clothes exposing the undergarments covering her chest. 

Zhizhan's eyes widened, "You're a-" He doesn't have a chance to finish his statement when he is kicked to the ground. 

Hitting the grass with a thud he groans in pain. 

Clearing her throat La Yae forces herself to calmly fix her clothes, shooting Zhizhan a deathly look. Tying the horse to a nearby branch, she walks calmly to Zhizhan. 

Holding a hand up to defend himself, "Hey, it was an accident. I didn't know you were a woman!" He yells fearful of the dark glint in his blue savior's eyes. "I was falling and can't use my energy to steady myself," he reminds her, "I was reaching out for anything. It is instinctual." 

Kneeling down she moves his layers of clothes up to check his leg. 

Placing his hands over hers, "What is this? I see your body so you get to see mine? There is no need to match my level of shamelessness." He moves his hands upon seeing her dark expression. "Fine, do what you wish, I am confident. I have a great body." He states, still processing that the savior he shared a room with is a woman. A very talented woman. A slightly terrifying woman. 

She must have always been a woman. Even when he met on the bridge in the past. Looking at her face she has soft features. Thinking now, of course she is a woman. Her face is that of a woman's it seems obvious now. Maybe he still had some of his sect values instilled in his mind. Women did not fight. The fact that his blue faced savior was so knowledgeable and skilled, he automatically assumed she was a man. It is the pain it must be. People do not usually paint their faces, so of course he avoided looking at it. 

Lifting his pant leg up, "Your injuries have spread, the poison is fast. We must reach the next village quickly." 

He watches her cover his leg back up, careful not to harm him. "You are not going to exact revenge on me?" 

Rising she extends her hand, "Never harm the weak." She quotes as she helps hoist him onto the horse. 

Zhizhan struggles, but he still manages to voice his disagreement with being called weak as the horse shoots forward, riding fast towards the town. 

Reaching the town within 2 hours, Lae Yae rides straight towards the doctor. Dismounting the horse before it fully stops she spares a quick glance towards Zhizhan, "Stay here." She orders and disappears inside. 

Crossing his arms, "It's not like I can easily get off myself." He grumbles, and holds tightly to the reins. A woman! Ordering him around, who does she think she is? The only women he dares to listen to in his life are his sister and La Yae. Just wait, when he can use his energy he will show her. 

After he enacts his revenge, he will leave to carry out his plan. Once that is done he will do everything in his power to convince La Yae to reinstate their engagement. His stomach grows cold when he thinks of how she cancelled it. 

Inside the doctor picks up a jar containing a brown cream, "This can be used to help dress the wounds." Sighing he checks the shelves behind him, "But I sold the last anecdote of Viran Poison 2 days ago. I will not receive more for a few weeks. It is not easy to prepare." 

La Yae places a piece of silver on the counter, "Just the cream then." She bows her thanks and rushes out the door. 

Zhizhan lays on the horse feeling dizzy. He wiped his sweat, his eyes sleepily opened to watch people walking around with their thick outer coats. In this cold weather, why is it he feels he is in a hot water spring? 

Rushing to the horse La Yae checked his neck, "We are almost there. Don't sleep." She gently pleads. Her eyes scan the buildings around them and spots an inn, "Stay awake." She orders him once more and leads the horse towards the inn. 

Zhizhan's lips curl, "I'm fine. I am the epitome of strength." Weakly tapping himself, "Simple poison will not be my demise." The Condor Oak will fade in another day or two. If he can last till then he will be fine. 

Arriving at the Inn La Yae helps him off the horse, draping his arm over her shoulders. As they step inside she swiftly asks for a room on the first floor, and sends off a letter to the son of the shopkeeper to pick up the horse. 

Inside the room La Yae lays him gently on the floor. Opening her pouch she pulls out a powder and blows it in his face. 

"What are you do-" The tiredness becomes impossible to fight and he passes out. 

 Once he is unconscious La Yae undoes his pant leg; she has to open it higher now that the poison has spread to his thigh. She made quick work of cleaning and dressing the wounds from the arrows, placing the cream on them gently.

The Viran Poison will make it difficult for his wounds to close. While the Condor Oak is in his system he will not be able to heal himself at all. She placed a hand over his chest, there is no anecdote in this town, but it will most likely be in the next town over. He may not last, but she will. Focusing, she pulls the Viran poison from his body and injects it into herself. As long as she meditates and avoids the cold she will be fine.

Zhizhan opens his eyes sometime later feeling immensely better. His body is still exhausted but the pain is no longer as poignant. Turning his head he sees the back of the woman who saved him. She sits in front of a bowl of water, a small jar at her left. 

He smiles, she has changed clothes and seems to be in the middle of washing her face. Glancing at the bowls and cloth around him, she must have been nervous to leave him. Zhizhan shakes his head, to think he once believed she was a male is so foolish. Her movements are too graceful to be anything but.

His nose tickles and he sneezes. 

"Are you cold?" 

Rubbing his nose he lifts himself from the bed, "No I am good as new." He brags, "I suppose all I needed was rest. I am known for having a strong immune system." As he talks he notices the opened container of paint. "Why do you cover your face? Are you unsightly?"

Ignoring him, she focuses on drying her face and reapplying the paint. Holding the cloth in her hand she freezes. Zhizhan may not trust Ilyanna enough to follow her. 

Shrugging, "It is alright if you are, I am in no position to judge anyone." Positioning himself to face her, "Although if you ask me, the world focuses so much on what the senses can do, that the brain loses its logic. And that is why there is so much chaos running around." 

Placing the cloth down, La Yae closes the jar of paint and turns to face him.


 Seeing her face his jaw drops. "La Yae."

Standing from the cushion she was on, she takes a step towards him.

Zhizhan forces himself out of the bed, and limps towards her before she can disappear from his sight. "Is it really you?" Her eyes lock him in place. This isn't going to be another dream will it? All those times he dreamt about her in his cell, those moments too felt so real. Reaching his hand up to touch her, "La Yae."

Moving so his hand does not touch her face, "The medicine may affect your vision." She explains formally, glancing at his posture. It is amazing he is not dizzy from standing. "It is best if you sleep."

Reaching for her hand, "Don't lie to me."

Her head tilts at his words. "I do not lie." 

Placing a hand on her shoulder, "You knew it was me from the beginning didn't you?" He asked, recalling the swift decision she made to fly him out of the Rose Path manor. She helped him, that has to mean she doesn't hate him. Right? 

"You listened to me ask about Kal-la Lun and said nothing." His eyes refuse to look anywhere other than her brown orbs, "Why didn't you tell me?" 

Stepping back her left hand instinctively reaches out slightly.

Seeing that motion Zhizhan takes a step back. That is why. She must hate him.

 "Return with me to Sun Pond." 

Return? To do what? Punish him? So everyone can rebuke his actions? Chuckling slightly, "That is all you have to say to me?" He takes her in. Still this La Yae in front of him once more. He swore to himself that he would find her and regain her heart. He has dreamt of her, it was her face that helped him in times of darkness. He reaches out to touch her but she moves away. "If that is what you want." He pauses and they both stand in silence. "Whatever you want from me I will do. Just do not leave." He covers his mouth to cough.

"You will come?" 

Clearing his throat, "Whatever you wish. I will listen to you, and you alone." He vows. He studies her face, but she doesn't seem to react to his words. 

 "You are not healed, sleep." She orders.

He allows her to guide him back to the bed and lie him down. "It is really you." He whispered in disbelief.


"You are really here." He rests his head on the pillow, his eyes glued to every move she makes. "I have been searching for you." 

La Yae stills then taking a deep breath, "Sleep."