
DxD: Denying Fate

One does what 'Fate' dictates it to do. None can escape this predicament. Is that true? Is 'Fate' truly Omnipotent? Does it really have a path formed for everyone and everything? But What if one wishes to escape the path set by 'Fate'? ... Ryujin was just an ordinary person living an ordinary life. But after his death he found himself in a situation that forced him to defy his 'Fate'. Will he succeed or ultimately fail to the entity that is known as 'Fate'? ____________________________ If the owner wants me remove the book cover then contact me on discord. Yuma#5368 Also, join the discord community if you love evil protagonists, https://discord.gg/NvebMwA5Va

ILoveChaos · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs


Soon Ryujin's laughter died down and only a small smile remained on his face as he started thinking,

'The amulet is really magical but why does it have so many random effects?' He knew what had happened just now because of the amulet.

There was a ranking of talent for magicians that went from 'E to S' (E < D < C < B < A <S) in ascending order and his talent had shot up straight from 'C' To 'S'.

It wasn't surprising that his talent was 'C' after all he had quite the affinity for Lightning.

Lightning, Light, and Darkness were rare magic affinities while Fire, Water, and Wind were common.

There was another elemental magic known as 'Ice Magic' it was a deviation of Water Magic. It came in the same category as Lightning, Light, and Darkness.

The greater the talent the easier it was for magicians to absorb and manipulate E.P (Elemental Particles).

This was only for Elemental Magicians, Which Ryujin was. The other Magician types like Sealing Magicians, Summoning Magicians, Healing Magicians, etc also had the same system but instead of E.P they directly absorbed mana.

They were similar to E.P but they were just grey. Since Ryujin was an Elemental Mage he was unable to sense the grey particles.

Unless he tried it through some other external means.

He had finally understood what the term 'lucky' meant.

Not to mention his newly 'S' Rank talent he also had 100% Element Affinity.

Soon Ryujin's emotions settled down. The last thing he needed was overconfidence.

He still knew that his luck was in no way near real protagonists and not to mention those abominations in fanfictions.

Thinking of 'It', who he had a promise with, and the 'Being' he saw on the throne absorbing emotions his mind turned sober.

'An advantage is still an advantage. I should still see how I can benefit from this.'

He opened his palm and thought of the particles from before.

Soon on his hand, a small fireball was formed. Soon it changed and water flowed above his palm like a wave, just like that various elements danced around his palm.

Thunder crackled, Wind created a small tornado, Light enveloped his palm, and Darkness turned his hand pitch black.

Like a kid who had just found a new toy, he played around with them for a while before sighing with complex emotions.

He knew that he had only created illusionary forms of the elements. Even if he threw the fireball at his new parents they wouldn't burn to death, instead, it would just pass through them.

He still needed the proper spells and incantations.

He shrugged his shoulders, 'I need to find someone to teach me there is only so far I can go by myself.'

He circled his room for a few minutes before his eyes lit up.


He remembered that it was one of the leading  Magician organizations in the supernatural world. It was created by the Magician; Johann Georg Faust.

After his death his contracted demon Mephisto Pheles took over the organization and became its leader, Acting on behalf of Johann Georg Faust.

If he could join it then most of his troubles would be solved.

The only problem was Mephisto. Being a Pure-Blooded Devil he obviously had a peerage as well and someone like Ryujin might just cause him an orgasm.

To any magician, Ryujin's body was like a treasure ready to be harvested.

But from his knowledge, he knew Mephisto was a kind devil. He didn't remember the exact details but he knew that Mephisto didn't like the original Satans and preferred the current ones. He also never participated in 'Rating Games'.

So this did paint a positive image of him in Ryujin's mind. As long as he didn't go around yelling "Hah! Peasants look at me, I can easily control all elements and even mix Fire and Water." Then he should be fine.

Having made up his mind he put joining Grauzauberer later on his 'To Do' list. He still needed to find where it was located.

He soon realized that the alarm was ringing and he was snapped out of his thoughts.

'So it's that time again.' Ryujin's eyes narrowed and he began changing his clothes.

He wore full sleeves black shirt and black pants along with a black mask. He went to the washroom and also dyed his hair black.

If he had to name any disadvantage of his current body then it would be its striking green color. It stood out like a sore thumb.

But he didn't mind it too much. He would find a spell to change his hair color later and if there was a rare chance that it didn't exist then he would create one himself.

Though he was sure he wouldn't have to make one himself.

He picked up a small bag from the side of his table and strapped it to his waist and headed out.

He exited his house and activated super strength for a few seconds.

Using that short time he squatted and jumped to the roof of his house.

He didn't deactivate the crown. If he actively used super strength then the crown would disappear in around 5-10 minutes.

He had noticed that keeping the crown activated would also passively strengthen his body.

Using that passive strength he jumped from roof to roof.

The wind went against his body and the night was silent. The moon was shining brightly and the stars twinkled. It was just your regular night but the scene in front of him wasn't.

He had arrived on the top of an abandoned warehouse at the outskirts of the city. Leaning his body down from the edge of the roof he peeked into the warehouse from the window.

The scene inside caused him to frown but he watched on indifferently.

Inside of The Warehouse.

"No! P-Please let me leave, I have to support my mother she's in the hospital and I n-need to pay her bills, please spare me!" A man in his early thirties was dragging himself back because of fear.

He was lying on the ground trying to crawl away but unfortunately, the area where his legs should've been was not there and all that left was flowing dark red beautiful blood that smeared the ground.

His eyes were red and full of tears. His face had scraped against the cemented ground causing many scratches and wounds.

And the target of his horror was the person behind him. It was a young beautiful woman that seemed in her early twenties. She had long purple hair that cascaded down her back like a waterfall.

She was wearing casual clothes, A blue shirt that was tied at her waist, and black jeans.

Her skin was fair and she had great curves. Her eyes were as purple as her hair and there was a gentle smile on her face.

The only abnormal thing about her was the madness in her eyes and the horrifying spiky tentacles that emerged from her back.

She was a Devil!

Halt! If you have any questions list them in the comments. If I don't answer you then that means your question would be automatically explained by the next chapter.

I Love Chaos <3

ILoveChaoscreators' thoughts