
The Predator And The Prey (1)

Looking at the man pleading for his life and explaining his pitiful situation, Ryujin's lips twitched.

A month ago while training a bit late he had stumbled upon a scene.

In the dark of the night, a man and woman were walking hand in hand.

The man was drunk and seemed like he was returning from work while the woman seemed refreshed and casual.

Ryujin had noticed a little oddity about them from afar. The man kept on rambling something while the woman just walked with him with no expression at all and was completely silent.

Of course, Ryujin being Ryujin followed them. Out of the many guessed he had, most of them were normal while the last possibility was something he was looking forward to.

That was the woman being a Devil!

He silently followed them far, just enough to keep them in his vision.

Of course, he wasn't afraid of the devil being out of his league. Only Low-Rank and Middle-Rank Devils hunted humans since most High-Ranking Devils were instantly located and exterminated by either Angels or The Devils themselves.

Fallen Angels didn't give a shit about them.

If the woman was a middle-rank devil he would instantly flee and if she was a low-rank devil then...

Ryujin patiently observed her over the past month.

When he first saw her brutally killing someone and eating them like a sandwich he almost puked and went to save the person impulsively but he somehow held himself back.

No matter what, He was the most important, He wouldn't risk his life for some random stranger that might already be dead.

He wasn't different from a devil in a sense since he too had eaten someone alive. Though it wasn't as bloody as the scene before him.

He even had to move his eyes away from the gory scene and leave.

He was quite upset that day but his mood went back to normal the next day. If there was one quality about himself that he liked then it was that he didn't linger on useless stuff for too long.

Somehow he found himself at the same spot the next week and this time it was a 15-year-old child and Ryujin forced himself to watch through it without looking away.

He still had a stupid excuse for himself nonetheless. It was that if he wasn't here then they would still be eaten regardless. It was their 'Fate' to become devil food.

So he wasn't the cause of death.

The third time he saw the scene he imagined himself watching a gory anime and found himself feeling numb from seeing her eat humans again and again

He had already observed her habits, patterns, etc. but he couldn't tell much about her fighting style besides that she loved to use her tentacles while standing still in a single spot.

Humans weren't exactly strong in the first place and due to this, he couldn't exactly gauge here true strength.

All he knew was that she was a Low-Ranking Devil.

Currently watching her enjoy her food, Ryujin found himself indifferently staring at the scene.

The scene continued for a few more minutes and the man's tragic howls and pleadings died down and the warehouse became silent.

Seeing this Ryujin sighed and started making preparations.

Inside The Warehouse.

"Hmm, That was delicious." Muttered the Devil with her blood-soaked lips in a sweet voice.

She rubbed her stomach and gently smile before starting to clean up the scene.

She couldn't leave a mess or she would be discovered and purged instantly.

"The human brain is always the most delicious part about them and thigh meat was quite tender, though the hair he had was a problem, maybe I should only hunt young girls from now but it's so hard to find them alone at night." Sighing in frustration she shook her head.

After gracefully cleaning up the scene she heaved a sigh of relief and started heading towards the exit while humming merrily like a young girl who obviously hadn't brutally killed and eaten a healthy young adult just now.

As soon as he exited she saw something fall on her. As soon as it fell on her, her eyes widened and she started rolling on the ground.

"AAAAAAAAAH!" Letting out a shrill shriek she hurriedly got up and started inspecting herself while enduring the pain and letting out muffled grunts.

She saw that the 'thing' that had fallen on her had caused her severe burns, "Holy Water" She muttered in fear and hurriedly looked around but found no one near her.

Was she being hunted by priests? But how did they find her?

'Was it a coincidence or did they lock on to me somehow?'

Many thoughts passed through her mind as she prepared to run away but looking back she saw the one who had ambushed her standing on the roof of the warehouse coldly looking at her.

'It was a fucking kid!'

"I will make you pay!" She growled and her tentacles emerged from her back and instantly rushed at him.

Four red slimy tentacles that were extremely sharp at the end were rushing at him from different directions.

She saw an illusionary crown hovering above his head. 'That must be his sacred gear.'

She couldn't sense any other kind of energy on him and concluded that he was a human brat who was trying out his sacred gear on her.

'Was he looking down on me just because I'm a Low-Ranked Devil!? How DARE he!'

Rage consumed her.

She didn't find the crown threatening at all so she ignored it.

Ryujin saw the tentacles rushing at him and his eyes narrowed, they weren't as fast as he expected them to be. He flipped back and slid down from the edge on his right.

Two tentacles switched direction and once again locked on him.

Ryujin wouldn't make the mistake of underestimating his opponent. He instantly ran in a different direction, he rushed straight through the entrance of the warehouse.

How could a rage-consumed devil not follow him?

And his guess was right, she barged in without thinking.

Ryujin rushed at the corner of the warehouse while jumping around to avoid the tentacle from harming him. Reaching the corner he slapped his hand on the button that cut off all electricity immediately.

He had already made all the preparations he needed.

Yes, the abandoned warehouse had electricity and lights. He didn't know why but that didn't matter to him.

What mattered was how he used it in his favor. The entire warehouse turned dark and the windows were suddenly covered with dark clothes.

besides the entrance that had a little light, the whole warehouse was pitch black.

The devil was baffled by the sudden darkness but it didn't matter to her. She needed to capture the kid and have her dessert.

She used her special senses to lock on to his position but she sensed something weird. Instead of running away the kid suddenly rushed at her. She could also see his glowing green eyes.

She immediately crossed her arms to block the punch coming at her.

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