
Dungeon ME: Becoming a fantasy world

"Where am I?" "Who am i?" "Why... where the fuck is my body!" Waking up to a dark cave like space, he suddenly noticed that he was now a dungeon. He had no memory of his past life. Only certain knowledge of his past world were left. "I came from earth." His most prominent memories are of movies and fantasy novels. Now as a dungeon, his only wish was to... "I'll become a fantasy world!" ... In less than a hundred years, a certain dungeon that shook the world appeared. Young heroes and villains around the universe came to plunder this dungeon's riches. The arrived there seeking power and fame, but what they found was a world. A world where mages formed academies to teach magic, dragons kidnapped princesses for their own pleasure, colossal creatures roamed the land, angels descended to the world, demons tempted mortals and gods are worshipped. this was a world where strength rules above all. A fantasy world... ... And while these mortals enter the world seeking riches and fame, they did not know that above them, an ancient figure eyed their very souls. wishing to make them a part of him and never return. ...

BlackGoblin · Fantasie
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20 Chs

Chapter 17: dungeon sea of


The queen shivered. The goblins turned restless. They wanted to rush out and help their queen, but...

They were afraid.

They were afraid of the queen being killed, they were afraid of dying.

The queen was also afraid. When in war with another horde, the princesses are usually taken and become mothers for the new horde. This was because female goblins are rare. But although princesses are spared, that was not the same for the queens. Because the goblins are usually very loyal to the queen, only by forcing them to submit would they be taken over. The easiest way was to kill their queen. Goblin's can be considered to be brave creatures, but they were not the vengeful type. With the orders of their queen, they will charge to certain doom, but once the queen is dead, they change leaders. That was why in wars it was always the case that...

The queen must die!

But the queen did not want to die. She was afraid of death. She wanted to fight back, but fear made her stay silent. At that moment, she felt conflicted. What do I do?

Die honorably or...

The queen knelt to the ground. Her body was shivering. She stopped pressing on her wound and pressed her head in the ground.

"Please don't kill me."

Shameful and quite humiliating, but it was her only chance.

"I'm willing to become your princess. Please let me live... my queen!"

Her words were spat out with hardship. She felt lump on her throat. It was the last two words that crumbled her tittle as queen. Even if she lives, without a doubt, the goblins won't see her the same way ever again.

She raised her head lightly, hoping to see the frown on Erka's face lessen. But she was devastated when she saw her frown deepen. Erka raised her spear and the queen despaired.

"No... Please!"


A sound was heard, the queen found that she was still alive. The spear did not stab her and her head was still attached to her shoulders. The spear had hit the ground and made a sound.

Erka had decided to spare her. The queen... No, the former queen was elated. But before she could show her pleasure, Erka cut her off.

"I don't need a princess."

The former queen was stunned. She looked at Erka and was not sure what her intentions were. If she does not need a princess, then why is he keeping her alive?

"But I do need a general?"

Silence followed...


What's that?


The day turned to night. The crickets went out to do what they did best. The fireflys made the forest a tad bit more mystical.

The night was quite chilly, and only a fire could make it alright.

As such, Zeno made a fire and cooked his newly caught prey.

An adult wyvern.

After eating its only thigh, Zeno was already full. Most of the meat was still there. The head, intestines and many other parts were still there. Zeno wanted to taste them all, but he was already full.

Zeno walked to the patch of grass not far away.


Zeno fell down to the grass. He looked to the sky and watched the starts. He was quite amazed by its beauty.

"Xera really did good job making the sky like that."

After living in this world for three days, he really saw how beautiful it is. Xera had worked hard to make the world similar to his past world. She even arranged 'stars' to twinkle in the sky.

He saw the glowing moon that was situated right in the middle of the world. Accompanied by the uncountable amount of stars, It looked so beautiful from afar.

"Ah... I miss Xera."

Zeno suddenly said. When he connected his brain to this body, he stopped using his original brain completely. His whole ego had used this body's brain only. As such, he was no longer able to talk to Xera. If he wants to talk to her again, he had to go back abandon control on this body and go back to his original brain.

"Should i go back?"

He was preparing to return to his original brain, when he suddenly had a thought.

"Wait a minute, Xera is a part of me. We are connected through our concsiousness. Because we have two diffetent egos, we can be distinguised as two beings but also one at the same time. So one can say we are no different from... paralle thoughts?"

Zeno searched his data base and found a viable method to connect to Xera without losing this body.

"Sea of conciousness."

Apparently, mortals(As well as gods) have a sea of conciousness. It was a space constructed by their thoughts and spirit consciousness.

In actuality, the 'space' isn't an actual space. Nothing can go inside other than thoughts and willpower. Many things inside can be constructed and even made to look like the real world. But this place was only a manifestation of thought. As such, it was no different t for a dream world.

"I can connect to our sea of consciousness and contact her."

Zeno closed his eyes and connected to his conciousness.



Zeno opened his eyes. Well he did not have any eyes in this world. It was more accurate to say his will had manifested.

He looked around and found almost nothing but darkness.


Because in his line of sight, a single blue line could be seen. The line streched off to the far off distance. A distance to far that even his senses could not be reach.

Zeno curiously went closer to the line and touched it with his senses. When he touched the blue line, an image directly appeared in his head.

What he saw was the body structure of a wyvern. But this body structure was no normal structure. The structure was similar to those 3d models in movies. The structure was completely blue and had multiple squares lining its skin.

Hundreds of different words and numbers were attached to the model. When Zeno peeked in closer to there words and numbers, he discovered that these numbers were not randomly placed. Many different numbers were on the structure, but all seemed to have their own meaning.

Some numbers represented weight, some height, some calculated the average velocity the wyvern can go and some were beyond Zeno's understanding.

Zeno took back his senses.

He looked confusedly at the blue line before him.

What is this?

Zeno does not remember ever making such a thing. After all, this was his sea consciousness, only his thoughts should change this place.

But then again, he thought of another person.

"Xera a should be able to change this place too right?"

As such, Zeno immediately used his control over the world and located Xera.

With that knowledge, Zeno flew off towards her direction.

It did not take long before he reached Xera and had her in his sight.

And for the first time, Zeno saw what Xera looked like.



"Why did you look like a robot's eyeball?"

[I could say the same for you father. Why do you look like a human eye...]

And for the first time as well, Zeno saw how he looked like. Well, at least how he sees himself as.

In the dark world, two eyes looked at each other. One was small and looked like a robotic construct shaped like an eye. Many different lines from across the world converged on this mechanical looking eyes. Different numbers and words flashed in its 'iris' like how a letters on a computer flash.

while the other was large and looked like a humans eye. The eye was blue and seemed to light up in the abyss of darkness. Many blue capillary like things branched off from the pupil to the infinite darkness. Around this blue eye, star like sparks glittered.

These two eyeballs were Zeno and Xera's manifestations formed in their own sea of consciousness.

This was basically how the takes a themselves.

"I don't know... Why do I look like this?"

[I don't know either father, but I do have a conjecture. This may be due to our dungeon identity. A person's self image is in most cases dependant on their physical form. So I believe this may be due to this.]

"Yeah, but wasnt i human before. I should have had a human astral form st least."

[Do you remember what it was like being human father?]

"No... not really."

[Then it makes sense you would see yourself as such. After all, the dungeon body is what you are more familiar with.]

"I get what you are saying, but why an eye? I mean... dungeons don't have eyes."

[I don't know father, in here you can change you appearance as much as you can. You can literally shape the reality of this world to fit your desires. So why an eye.]

Zeno then used his will to affect his own manifestation in this world. The blue large eye with weird veins slowly shaped and compressed to form a goblin body.

Not a true goblin body per say, but instead the body Zeno had made to roam his world.

In a few seconds, a new body was formed. But surprisingly, it was not the way Zeno had intended it to be.

Although he had managed to transform into his goblin form, there was a difference in what he intended. Instead of green, his skin was deal blue. Light blue veins covered his whole body. His eyes were blue and seemed like light bulbs in the dark. If one looked closely, his currently eyes were similar to the blue eye form he had before. Even his hair had changed from its silver color to a pure white colour.

Zeno looked at his now cool looking form.

"Care to explain what is going on."

[It is only natural that you may not have a 100% control of the world in your head. This is especially so for mortals. Even though one can image and shape anything they want in their own consciousness, this way of thinking may be hindered by ones self. It is because of this that dreams and nightmares exist. Nightmares and dreams are just the thoughts formed by one's memories. If one had 100% control, they could have changed their dreams and nightmares however they liked.]

"But I am a dungeon. My conciousness is many times greater than a mortal. Is should be able to at least control how i look."

[True, but you have always been different from the normal dungeon in our knowledge father. This might be one of your different traits.]

"I guess you are right." Zeno then looked around the world. Around the world, only the blue lines that seemed to span infinitely to from the world to converge at See a existed.

"What's with all the lines anyways."
