
Dungeon ME: Becoming a fantasy world

"Where am I?" "Who am i?" "Why... where the fuck is my body!" Waking up to a dark cave like space, he suddenly noticed that he was now a dungeon. He had no memory of his past life. Only certain knowledge of his past world were left. "I came from earth." His most prominent memories are of movies and fantasy novels. Now as a dungeon, his only wish was to... "I'll become a fantasy world!" ... In less than a hundred years, a certain dungeon that shook the world appeared. Young heroes and villains around the universe came to plunder this dungeon's riches. The arrived there seeking power and fame, but what they found was a world. A world where mages formed academies to teach magic, dragons kidnapped princesses for their own pleasure, colossal creatures roamed the land, angels descended to the world, demons tempted mortals and gods are worshipped. this was a world where strength rules above all. A fantasy world... ... And while these mortals enter the world seeking riches and fame, they did not know that above them, an ancient figure eyed their very souls. wishing to make them a part of him and never return. ...

BlackGoblin · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 18: dungeon parasite

[Father, if you are hearing this, it means I have already been captured.]


Zeno frowned.

[A day after you took over a your new body, an entity had invaded us.]

Zeno was confused. They clearly still had more than 200 days till the protection period ended, so how were they invaded?

[A parasite from the second dimension forcibly invaded through a a loophole. The parasite had not linked to our dimension coordinates and opened a gate. They instead entered our spirit consciousness and corroded it.]

Zeno's frown deepened. He the understood what was truly going on. From what he knows, there are three dimensions in the world. To be exact, there are three dimension planes.

3rd dimension: the mortal world. Also known as the physical plane. This is a plane where the laws of physics are in control. This plane has planets and stars. His past world earth was also from the 3rd dimension.

2nd dimension: this is the pocket world. Or the magic world. This was where multiple worlds exist. The space here acts differently from the 3rd dimension. The laws of physics are either blurred or ignored. Dungeons, space rings or pocket dimensions exist in this dimension. This was also where holy lands or god worlds exist.

1st dimension: the mana realm. Or known as the Zero realm. Because no one who entered has ever returned, not much is know of this dimension. But one thing can be confirned, mana originates from this dimension plane.

As a dungeon, Zeno exists in the second dimension. If he is right, the protection period protects him from mortals from the second dimension connecting him to the 3rd dimension, thus allowing them to enter his world. The question here is, does this protect him from creatures in the second dimension?

Since he is in the same realm as him, what was stopping them from just forcibly entering his world?

And from what Xera just said, this dungeon parasite is for the second dimension like him.

Many thoughts passed through Zeno's mind, but Xera in the voice message never stopped talking.

[At first I did not see signs of the parasite invading. But when I entered the sea of conciousness, I found out that our thoughts were being tempered. Our sea or consciousness was being corroded to fit to the parasites thoughts. As such many weird and chaotic things appeared in our sea of conciousness.]

Zeno looked at a the towering book shelves and the egg in the floor. Although it was not so chaotic, it was indeed weird.

[I found out the invasion far too late. As a last resort, I severed you from our main conciousness. Right now, you are an individual conciousness, no longer connected to the main conciousness. I send this recording so that you can understand our predicament. Since I severed you from the main conciousness, your power is limited here.]

When Zeno heard that, he instantly stretched out his hand.


Light covered his arm and a sword appeared in his hand. As this is his own sea of conciousness, he can create anything an everything he wants inside. This whole world was his to changed and mold as he wishes.

He the turned his head upwards. In his mind, he willed for a dragon to appear.

Nothing happened.

[But do not worry, the parasite should not have taken full control. It's control would also be restricted. But it should still have more than enough power to destroy you father.]

Zeno felt his mood lower even more.

[But do not worry, many years ago, I predicted something like this might happen. As such, I created a weapon to combat possible parasites. I hid the weapon somewhere deep within our concsiousness. Because I fear the parasite may find its whereabouts through my brain, I deleted all knowledge of its location. You have to find the weapon and use it to kill the parasite father. Due to the corrosion, the weapon may have changed form father. At this point, it could be anything. And please heed my warning: don't damage the books.]

Up to here, Xera's voice turned fainter. The more she talked, the less humane it felt. It was as though she was reverting to robot.

[I am currently trying to suppress the corrosion. Father, please be quick. I don't think I can hold on for too long...]

The panel then disappeard.

Zeno stood rooted on the spot.





Who kidnapped my littel girl!?


Pain assaulted his hand. He looked at his hand which was now red. Due to his anger, he had unconsciously been changing his body. His skin turned red and his height increased from the normal 1.7 meters to the tall 2.3 meters. Fire started coming out of his body. It was this fire that crossed Xera's warning.

Don't destroy the books!

The corner of the book was burned. This burned corner did not crumble and turn to ash. The book left over being parts turned to blue sparkling dusk that attached itself to his hand. It was then that the stinging pain came to be.

Zeno dropped the book.

He watched his left hand and saw that... it turned to dust!

His hand was gone.

After what happened to his hand, Zeno turned calmer. His body turned slowly back to normal. Green skin and averagely height.

Zeno looked at his hand and the world around him.

"This isn't good."

As such, Zeno set up his mind to destroy this so called parasite. His sea of conciousness was already such a mess. He had to be quick and destroy it.

But he had a problem.

"Where was this ultimate weapon Xera talked about?"

Zeno streched our his hand. Slowly, the hand started growing back. In a matter if two minutes, the hand was fully restored.

Although he was now perfectly fine, he felt his mind weaken just a little. In this world, Zeno can create anything and everything he wants. The problem is that it was not without cost.

Every time he uses the power of creation or reality alteration, his mental power weakens.

Because he has been cut off the original conciousness, his mental power was truly limited. It's strength can now only be comparable to a human.

If he was reconnected and still had full control, he would have been able to create a country within seconds. But now he was limited creating a sword or small things. Right now, he can't even change the reality of place he was at.

Zeno picked up the slightly burned book and started thinking.

After thinking for a while, Zeno came up with the first step to getting the weapon.

Finding a map.

Well, even if it was not a map, as long as he could find out where he was, it should be fine.

All he knows of his location was that he was in a very large library. He only has two ways to go f...

"Did that shelf just move?"


Zeno saw a shelf not far away suddenly sliding foward slowly. As it moved, it made a sound as though it was a large slab of rock being pushed foward.

Before he could try to even unrest and what was happening, the shelf close to him started moving too. Nor only that one, but the one behind him.

The two shelves moved closet to each other. Although they weren't fast, Zeno felt scared just seeing this.

He had seen many movies in his head. He knew where this was going. If he stopped for too long, the two shelves would soon squish him.

So he instinctively started running. He ran to the other side of the library. This was the part that hadn't had a any of its shelves move.

And as he had thought, the two shelves collided soon enough.


Then the shelves started moving uniformly to the other side of the library.


Then, another shelf near him startled him. But this shelf was not moving towards him, the shelf moved back. Letting another corridor to appear. This corridor had multiple shelves close to each other.

Another shelf not far away also moved back. Soon, almost all the shelves started moving.

Because they were moving quite Slowly, Zeno was still able to dodge the relatively easily.

One shelf passed through him, while another opened a path. The other then turned and replaced another that disappeared far away.

Zeno watched all this and had almost got dizzy.

Luckily, they all soon stopped. They seemingly returned to their original locations and formed two walls of shelves. One in the left and the other in the right.

Juat like before.

Well, except that he was no longer alone in the loong corridor.

To the left of the path, a group of wolves looked just as confused as him.

But just like him, they did not take long to notice him. With it wasting time, they soon showed their fangs.

"Why is it always wolves?"

The wolves ran towards Zeno. He of course wanted to run, but then changed his mind.

He was an all powerful dungeon, why should he run? Even with his conciousness being a fraction of what it used to be, these small wolves were still nothing to him.

In fact, he even got a good idea.

When the wolves were closer to him, Zeno did not run. He instead simply...

Opened the book in his hands.

To be exact, he opened the third page of the book!


The Author is sleeping~

Well, I finally reached my weekly quota.

4 chapter/week

That means i won't be updating in the next three days. What you want more?

Sorry... my too lazy...

I need to use these there day let my writing catch up with my updating. So I can't do anymore...

But then again, you guy have been so good to me. Tell ya what... *clicks on my invisible Author system*



Mission: One more

: the author is too lazy to write another chapter. Encourage him to write one more!

Requirements: reach 45 donated power stones, Give 3 compliments to the authors writing.

Reward: +1 bonus chapter, authors favorability increases, increases chance of author releasing bonus chapters, decreases chance of the author dropping the book.

Time limit: 2 days
