
Droid War Project

To realize his dream of creating the best defense system in the world, he conducted various experiments that cost many lives.

Prati_fent · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

Latest news from 1990

"Recently, more than a thousand children from orphanages and low-income families have disappeared without a trace. The government has directed special forces to search for missing children, which include military, police, and civilian personnel.

Mrs. Tuti, the chairman of the Love Mothers orphanage foundation, just shook her head. Recently, there has been a lot of bad news. However, she was grateful that none of the missing children came from the orphanage she was caring for.

"Mrs. Tuti!" The orphanage's pale-faced caregiver rushed into Mrs. Tuti's room.

"What's the big deal? Are we having another child?" Mrs. Tuti pondered as she worked on putting together the old archives.

The orphanage's caregiver nodded. "Yes, Mrs, but we're getting bad news too!"

"What's wrong, Ki? Don't beat around the bush!" Said Mrs. Tuti, who began to be curious.

"Raka, haven't gone home yet!"

Deg! Mrs. Tuti was shocked and she accidentally dropped the file she was stacking on the floor, hitting her thumb. The pain struck, but she didn't feel anything. His body felt cold; the news he had just seen had come true.

"We had to report it to the police or find it ourselves, mom?"

"Report the police!" Said Mrs. Tuti firmly, though she believed that hope should never have existed.



Breaking news.

"Archaeologists who have just managed to find the entrance to the megalithic site of Gunung Padang found something surprising in the labyrinths of Mount Padang."

A researcher showed the camera the thing, they encountered; the most surprising thing was that they found hundreds of skulls dressed as soldiers hanging upside down in sthis place.

"It seems that hundreds of years ago, the warriors of this nation had already found the entrance to the Padang Mountain site, and they used this place as a torture site for the invading soldiers."

After that, the researcher showed another place. "This is a worship room because there is no way that any statue of Dwarapala can be here without being created, but the worship room still cannot be opened, such as because there is a special key or language that we have to look for to open this worship room."

"Can we determine the age of these skulls and their race or they age?"

"Yes, we will bring these skulls for further research, as well as these statues." "I'm sure there are still many mysteries that exist within this place."


The rainbow appeared after months of rain; its beauty was like a miracle that afternoon as seven lights appeared from the end of the sky closest to the rainbow. The seven colorful lights grew larger and continued to grow, featuring silhouettes of the bodies of the seven women that became increasingly visible from a distance.

At that time, a handsome young man about twenty years old who was practicing archery accidentally saw the seven lights. With a curious look on his face, because, in his entire life, it was the first time he saw a miracle like this, the young man named Jaka Tarub walked into the forest to find out what exactly the light and silhouette of the female body he saw were.

After fifteen minutes of walking through the bush and thickets, he finally came near a misty lake. Faintly, he heard female voices joking, laughing, and even singing, their voices giving him goosebumps, and his curiosity increased.

Jaka Tarub walked closer and closer, finally coming to a bush where he could peek more clearly at what the sound was. In front of him now are seven women who have luminous bodies like someone who has just descended from heaven. The beauty of the seven women makes Jaka Tarub stunned, and his whole soul seems to be in a passage of miracles that he could never imagine.

But quickly, Jaka Tarub resuscitated himself and accidentally saw seven colorful shawls lying not too far from him and driven by a curiosity about the seven mysterious girls. Jaka Tarub decided to grab one of the shawls that were nearby.

The seven girls had finished showering and taken their scarves, but because the scarves were gone, one of the girls couldn't return home. As the rainbow fades, the other six girls decide to abandon the girl who lost the shawl. She began to cry when she was left alone because she could only leave with her magical shawl to reach heaven's stairs.

After that, Jaka Tarub reappears in front of the woman and saves her, and then the scene changes again when the woman finally rediscovers her shawl after a long time she has lived as a human being, and she disappears back to heaven, leaving the man named Jaka Tarub with his regretful cry.

Prok…. Prok…. Prok....

The sound of applause echoed throughout the room.

"This is the latest technology. The technology that will make us closer to all the fairy tales, myths, and folk legends that exist in our country." Among the many attractions are the underwater palace of Nyi Roro kidul, Timun Mas, the statue of Roro jonggrang, Malin Kundang, Mahapatih Gajah Mada, and even our famous pirate Sidi Mara and the world explorer from Maluku, Enrique of the Moluccas. And all those fairy tales are no longer heard from our mothers and fathers or read from boring books called "One Hundred Fairy Tales" or "One Hundred Indonesian Fairy Tales." You won't be able to read because of this technology. But you will be able to see and feel it so clearly that you will be able to bring it to your home, making you an angel whose shawl was stolen by Jaka Tarub, Nyi Roro Kidul, or possibly Calon Arang. "This technology is called Droid Nusantara, and this droid can promote Indonesian culture to all countries in the world!"

Prok…. Prok…. Prok…. Prok….

The sound of applause echoed again throughout the room, after which the president, ministers, and several ambassadors from foreign countries one by one came to Bagas Nataya and congratulated him because the 35-year-old young man had succeeded in boosting Indonesia with its latest technology.a