To realize his dream of creating the best defense system in the world, he conducted various experiments that cost many lives.
A hidden place.
"The Westerners repeatedly colonized this land."
"Those foreign nations have ruled Indonesia for centuries. They monopolized trade routes, stole gold from us, stole spices, tortured the indigenous people, and built their colonies without being expelled, except with blood and life."
"We won't have such a bad thing again!"
"But how?"
"Yes, how? Decades after our country became independent, we have only become a developing country. Not so developed countries like their nation."
"It's all because they have taken our wealth like leeches, and now they are also forcing our nation to give up our wealth voluntarily. They leave only meatless bones for our nation because we prefer to multiply children."
"Now look at our sea, forests, and land; our mining products are like gold, nickel, and everything they have stolen!"
"It's all because our nation is weak, lazy, and unlike those who are far greater than us!"
A bullet was directly lodged in the head of the person who spoke, and instantly everything fell silent.
"After thousands of years of life, I still hate the pessimistic remarks of a stupid human being like him!" Flicks a sound that has no visible source. "You guys get rid of this useless human corpse!"
"Yes, my lord."
Several burly men dressed in black and wearing masks walked into the room and dragged the bodies. After the bodies were dragged out, a new chair appeared out of thin air, replacing the one left by the dead in the middle of nowhere.
"My lord," a man spoke up again."Our nation is already independent, but, my lord, it must have been rumored two years ago that our nation was having a problem—the assassination of army generals whose masterminds are still unknown."
"Some speculate that the massacre was a foreign act!"
"But my source says the disaster came from within the country!"
"Yes, my lord."
Several burly men dressed in black and wearing masks walked into the room and dragged the corpses. After the corpses were dragged out, a brand new chair appeared out of thin air, replacing the one left by the dead in the middle of nowhere.
"My lord," a man spoke up again. "Our nation is already independent. But, my lord, it must have been rumored two years ago that our nation was having trouble, the assassination of an army general whose mastermind is still unknown."
"Some speculate that the massacre was a foreign act!"
"But there are also those who say the disaster came from within the country!"
"It's all foreigners' fault, and it's obvious!" The voice said again, echoing in all directions."Those who make our nation hate each other, suspect each other, and kill each other just because of the differences we have." And I don't want anything stupid like that to happen again."
"What should we do, my lord?"
"Destroying them with their technology. A thousand years ago, I stole the technology from them, and the technology and all the things needed were already built on a desert island in the country. And how many years later, I guarantee it will be our country's turn to control them?"
coming soon