
Dreams of Stardom (Hollywood SI)

Troy Armitage knows that he was someone else before his birth in 1989. Yet, that didn't help him much when he was dealt a bad hand in life. A chance encounter led him to path that would make him the biggest superstar in the world. A showbiz story starting in 1997 and (hopefully) going all the way forward to 2020s if the readers keep supporting. Patreon Link: patreon.com/fableweaver PS: I have crossposted it on RoyalRoad, AO3, and Scribblehub. If you find it anywhere else, it's not me.

FableWeaver · Filme
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103 Chs


Around mid-September, we returned to London for Dad to make final preparations for set and prop designing before the filming of [Harry Potter] could begin. And of course, it was also time for the cast announcements for the first film.

I met my two fellow co-actors for the role, Emma Watson as Hermione and, surprise surprise, Jamie Bell as Ronald Weasley.

Believe me, no one was more surprised than me when I saw Jamie wearing his newly dyed ginger locks unabashedly when we met for a chemistry read for the first time.

"Troy!" Jamie came up to me and gave me a tight hug before letting go. "Thank you for getting me this chance. I still can't believe it's actually happening."

"You're welcome," I smiled at him sincerely. I had just recommended his name to Chris because the kid who was previously the top contender for the role of Ron didn't have much acting experience. Not to mention, from what I remember, the earlier movies took lots of retakes because kid actors did not have enough acting experience. One weird thing happened because of my involvement in the film. Because the film was being shot one year early, Rupert Grint didn't even audition for the role of Ron. So it was relatively easy for Jamie to secure the role of Ron.

With Jamie and me on the scene, the unnecessarily extra shots surrounding the main trio would be reduced by two-thirds at the very least.

There was some more shuffling in the cast members, with one important replacement being Ginny Weasley. The original actress didn't audition, or maybe she was too young this time, I don't know, but the role went to Imogen Poots instead. A cute little girl. No one other than me knew how important Ginny would be for Harry's future because the Half-Blood Prince book hadn't been released yet.

Then, of course, there was Emma. One of the most beautiful girls of her generation and a talented actress as well. I was surprised that she managed to bag the role, given she was only 9 years old at the moment. Heck, even Imogen Poots, who had also auditioned for Hermione, was closer to me in age, but Emma was the one who gave the best audition. I guess some things are written in destiny.

If only she had a little more experience, the shooting would be completed much more smoothly.

"Congratulations on your film." Jamie broke me out of my reverie. "Me mam told me you earned a lot?"

I laughed at his innocence and shook my head. "No, I didn't earn a lot, but my film did. Thank you, by the way."

Jamie rubbed his chin in embarrassment. "Oh, okay. So are you ready for this press conference thing?"

"You betcha," I grinned at him. "This will be my third one. I'm getting used to them by now."

Then my gaze fell on the girl standing sideways alone and a little uncomfortably. In my eagerness to talk with Jamie, I felt that I had almost forgotten to include Emma in our conversation. While in school, I wouldn't care about the feelings of others and may even be an arse sometimes, if I am being honest. But this is work and she is still a kid.

I'd feel pretty guilty if she quit the production halfway only because we weren't nice to her. I remember seeing the [Harry Potter Reunion] and getting to know that little fact was heartbreaking. Had Emma quit the series mid-way, I would have felt terrible as a viewer. I can't let this happen this time around.

"Hey, Emma! Come join us," I hollered.

Emma gave me a nervous smile but came closer nonetheless.

"Jamie and I were just talking about the press conference. How do you feel about it?"

"Oh, I'm a nervous wreck!" She said while fidgeting with her fingers nervously. "I don't know how I'll answer any questions directed at me,"

"Don't worry too much." I tried to reassure her with a smile. "Just take a deep breath and believe it's just another acting job. You know the questions they'd ask, just learn the answers like a…like an oral test at school."

That seemed to ease up some of her worries. She was good at school, like Hermione, so that was understandable.

"Thanks, Troy. I'll do just that." She smiled.

"No problem. If either of you need any help in school or for acting you can always come to me." I wrapped an arm around both of their shoulders like the iconic trio we were meant to be.

Emma blushed from the contact but didn't say anything, just nodded.

Jamie looked at me in confusion. "I'm older than you. How can you help me?"

"I'm already two years ahead in my classes, so trust me, I can help you," I answered nonchalantly. "I'm learning at a fast pace, and I'll finish my schooling by the time I'm 14, so that won't be an issue. And I'd love to help."

While I didn't like school on principle, I loved teaching others. I have a feeling that if I wasn't an actor, I would have been a teacher. Not to mention, I'd actually love to mentor someone in acting much more than I would in algebra, but I'd do both if given the chance. It could even mean a smoother shooting experience if the three of us are more comfortable around each other even when not shooting.

By now, Jamie had seen how much I dedicated myself to my acting or whatever I did, so he just nodded. Or maybe it was because of the gratitude he was feeling for the role. It didn't matter much.

I stood there silently as we waited for other people. I saw Tom Felton, who was playing Draco Malfoy. Then there were the same original actors for Neville, Snape, McGonagall, Quirrell, Flitwick, the Dursleys, and Dumbledore.

Not Richard Harris, but Michael Gambon. After my suggestion, Chris stopped contacting Harris and just went with Gambon.

Harris did contact Chris later on after his granddaughter insisted on him to play the role, but by then Gambon had already signed up for multiple movies.

A few people who were part of the cast were not in attendance, like Julie Walters who played Molly, or Imogen Poots for Ginny, because their role was more or less a cameo in the first film and they didn't need to be present for the same. There was one more person who wasn't on the set but was on the cast list.

It was Ralph Fiennes who would be playing Voldemort. Again, that was my suggestion to Chris and Dad. I told them that getting a top-class actor is necessary in the long run, especially in later movies.

From what Dad told me, Ralph Fiennes was hesitant to take up such a small negative role with little pay, but they convinced him because just like the Weasleys, it was a cameo. To convince him, they didn't even ask him to sign multiple films, just one. That will give him great negotiating power in the future for his salary as Voldemort didn't even appear in the second and third books. And if they do make a fourth film, then the studio would be much more enthusiastic to give him a raise.

Slowly but surely, as more people, mostly reporters, came in, we settled in our allotted seats for the conference. Mine was in the middle, with Jamie on my right and Emma on my left. All the others were spread in a row beside us, including Chris Columbus and Dad. J.K. Rowling was also present and was sitting beside Chris.

Dad took over the role of the emcee as he announced the cast members by name and the roles they would portray.

When it was done, it was time to ask questions. Because I played the titular character and also because of my recent fame, most of the initial questions were directed towards me.

"Troy, is it true that it was you who persuaded Mr. Kloves to buy the rights to [Harry Potter]?"

Dad had already leaked some information to the press beforehand to guide the direction of interviews.

With a smile, I nodded. "Yes, I read the book for the first time when it was released. I told Dad that I would love to play Harry if he could get the rights. And the rest is history."

"Don't you think it is unfair for other kids that couldn't get to audition for Harry's role?" a reporter asked, trying to trap me.

"Who said there was no audition for Harry?" I asked in what I hoped would be genuine bafflement. "As per my knowledge, there were at least three other people who were seriously considered."

I looked at Chris, and luckily, he got the hint and took over the conversation. "Yes, we didn't hold an open audition because we wanted someone with experience in acting, to carry such a big role, so we contacted working actors of the right age throughout the UK. It wasn't until the release of [The Sixth Sense] in the States that we finalized on Troy."

Internally, I heaved out a sigh of relief. That could've gone bad very quickly. Thankfully, we had already anticipated this question because allegations of nepotism were a major problem against my casting.

I didn't see it that way. Big stars like Tom Cruise or Leonardo DiCaprio always bought rights to books or other stories they liked for themselves. It wasn't much different from that. But because I couldn't do it myself legally, I got Dad to do it for me. Was it much different from that?

After that, I had to shoot down a few questions about [The Sixth Sense] and its UK release as this was an event for a different film.

After some questions from other actors, one question was asked to Dad. "Mr. Kloves, how do you feel that your son is working in such a big film?"

Dad looked at me for a moment before answering the question. "Honestly? I hate it. I want Troy to finish his schooling like normal kids and enjoy his life, but he is very dedicated to his acting career and he won't forgive me easily if I forbade him from this. So here we are. To make sure the kids get the best environment they can, we have set up a comprehensive tutoring system for them and have also included sports and extracurricular activities like music, dance, and art lessons. We have even received special permission from the parliament to hold these lessons for the kids to accommodate shooting and give us more flexible timings."

Then a reporter turned to Rowling, "Ms. Rowling, do you approve of the casting choices for the roles for your beloved book series?"

"Absolutely," Jo said emphatically. "I personally attended Troy's audition, and couldn't have chosen a better person to play Harry myself. Troy was born to play Harry, he's that good. I'm sure he'd do justice to the role. As for the other kids, and adults, everyone is cast perfectly by Chris and Steve. I trust them implicitly to make the best film."

The unabashed praise by Jo made me a little flustered. I knew she liked me as Harry, but hearing such high praise was more than a little flattering. Hopefully, just as she said, I would be able to do justice to the role. I would hate it if I did any worse than Daniel Radcliffe.


The worst thing happened on our way back home from the conference. We were followed by the paparazzi.

"These people are awful," Mum sneered at the car that was blatantly following us with their camera pointed at our car.

"Dad." He looked at me questioningly with a raised eyebrow. "Can I make a phone call?"

He didn't ask me anything, just handed me his phone. I promptly dialed 999, the emergency number in the UK.

"Hello? Yes, I'm afraid we are being followed in our car."

"They have some sort of black thing in their hands that I think could be a gun."

"My dad is driving the car so he can't talk right now. Dad, can you just tell them that this is not a prank call?"

Dad had an amused smile on his face and just went along with me, "Yes, this is not a prank call. These people are following us in a black vehicle. Troy, give them the number of the car."

So I did, along with the make of the car.

"Yes, that's our location. Thank you. Dad, they are asking you to take four right turns and if they still follow, to wait for a police dispatch to apprehend them." I answered in amusement after I put the phone down.

Dad did as asked, and the vultures followed suit. Soon, however, there was an audible siren sound and a police car came into the vicinity and stopped our followers.

Without waiting for them, Dad stepped down hard on the accelerator and we were off towards our house at full speed. Dad and I laughed out loud at our little prank but Mum didn't find it funny.

"You know that the police will come to us for interrogation, right?"

Dad waved her off. "Oh, come on Kathy, lighten up a little. For all we know, they could've been child abductors. This will teach them a lesson. Also, I think we need a new car, chauffeur, and security guard for Troy."

Mum thought for a while before nodding. "That is a necessity. We can't show preferential treatment to Troy. If other parents are not allowed on set extensively, we'd have to follow the same rule."

"Wait, parents aren't allowed on set?" I asked in confusion. Mum had always been there for me every time I was shooting. As far as I know, there was even this law that said that parents can't be stopped from being on-set when their child is filming.

"We can't legally bar their entry on set," Dad replied, "but we'd prefer if they weren't there as it would increase unnecessary costs. There will be chaperones for kids who will also be the tutors. We'll divide them based on their ages and the classes they will be taking. Essentially, it will be an unofficial school of sorts. Also, not all parents are free; most of them have their own jobs to take care of."

That did make a surprising amount of sense.

"Let's not talk about the serious stuff," Mum stopped the talk about the film. "Tell me, do you like a particular car, Troy?"

"Any car will do, as long it looks good." Then I thought for a few moments and added, "And dark-tinted glasses for the paparazzi."

I didn't know much about cars because I didn't drive yet and didn't have easy access to the internet like on a smartphone to do some car research in my free time. Moreover, I trusted that my parents would get me a good car.


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