
Chapter 2

Over the next two years, training under Whis's guidance transformed Mira into more than just an ordinary warrior. The first year was marked by what Whis called "the purification of the body."

Days began with an intense series of physical exercises meant to harden every muscle, improve stamina, and hone reflexes. Through his advice, Whis emphasized the importance of staying calm even in the most critical situations, strengthening both the mind and the body.

Soon, Mira learned to move at speeds that defied the laws of physics, bordering on "Instantaneous Movement" and mastering effortless flight. As the training progressed, the exercises progressed from simple movements to the execution of complex combat maneuvers, where Whis maintained a focus on the perfect balance between strength and control. For Whis, everything had to be graceful, efficient, and precise. The simulated combats became more intense, but Whis never lost his patience. Every mistake was a lesson; every defeat, an opportunity to grow.

In the second year, Whis began to introduce higher concepts, teaching Mira how to sense and control his ki to an almost godlike level. He showed him how to expand his energy and connect it to the universe itself, making each attack devastating yet controlled.

Patience and refinement replaced the aggressive instinct, and each strike became as accurate as lightning. Mira also experimented with new battle techniques, adapting Whis's fluid style to his own nature.

By the end of those two years, Mira was no longer the same. He had achieved power that rivaled the lesser gods and a self-control that few mortals had attained. Still, Whis always maintained a mysterious smile, suggesting that Mira's path was far from over.

(2 years later)

On the distant planet of the God of Destruction, more activity than usual could be seen, that had been the case for the last 2 years since Whis had taken Mira as an apprentice, however, someone within the same planet was about to wake up.

The air was cold on Beerus' planet, but the atmosphere was charged with a vibrant energy. Mira floated in the air, sweating profusely as he tried to keep up with Whis' graceful movements. Every blow the angel made seemed almost like a game to him, but to Mira it was as if he was fighting a living mountain.

"Your technique has improved, but you're still too predictable," Whis commented, his tone relaxed, continuing to dodge Mira's swift strikes with the ease of a stroll.

Mira unleashed a flurry of punches, attempting to focus his energy on speed and precision, just as Whis had taught him.

However, each attempt was thwarted by a mere deflection of the angel's staff, which seemed to vanish into thin air before Mira could even make contact.

"But I'm giving it my all!" Mira growled, pausing briefly to catch his breath. His eyes were shining with determination, but also with a hint of frustration.

Whis gently landed on the ground, letting out a patient sigh.

"And that is precisely the problem," the angel said with a calm smile, pointing with his staff. "You are wasting too much energy. You insist on fighting with brute force, but that blinds you to opportunities. Elegance is as important as power."

The warrior dropped to the ground, kneeling, his body exuding exhaustion, although his will remained intact. He stared at Whis as if he were an enigma he could not decipher.

"What I want you to understand is that combat isn't just about strength or speed. It's a constant flow, a dance in which you must adapt to every change in the environment, every movement of the enemy." Whis spun his staff in the air, generating a small shockwave that kicked up a breeze. "Relax. Let your movements flow, rather than force them. Remember your training."

Mira closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He remembered what Whis had said about feeling the ki around him, not as a force to push, but as an energy to guide. Slowly, his muscles began to relax. Whis watched with interest.

"Now you're beginning to understand," the angel murmured, as Mira returned to his fighting stance, but this time his movements were more fluid, less desperate.

Mira threw a punch, this time guided by instinct rather than brute force. Whis easily blocked it, but this time it wasn't with the same predictability as before. The angel let out a small "hm", barely perceptible.

"Better, much better. But..." Before Whis could finish his sentence, they were both interrupted by a thunderous sound in the distance.

An explosion lit up the sky, and then another, closer. The clouds lit up in shades of orange and red as Bills' bombs began to detonate one after another, shaking the air with each blast.

'Looks like he's waking up,' Mira thought silently as she looked at the flashes.

"Ah, it seems Lord Beerus is about to wake up." Whis commented calmly, as if the explosions were nothing more than a slight annoyance. "I wonder what kind of dreams he had this time."

"What is that?" Mira asked, feigning bewilderment as he watched the air show.

"Alarms I set up to make sure Lord Beerus doesn't get too much sleep. Bombs that detonate in the atmosphere." Whis explained, unfazed by the chaos erupting in the sky. "Though… it seems I went a bit overboard with the amount. Well, a little shock won't hurt him."

Another series of explosions shook the sky, this time closer, creating shockwaves that made the ground vibrate. Mira stood on guard, instinctively raising his ki to protect himself from the shockwave.

"Now that we're on the subject, it's a good time to remind you of one more important thing, Mira." Whis continued, not taking his eyes off the explosions. "You must always be prepared for the unexpected. No matter how well you've prepared or how strong you've become, the universe is full of surprises. So it's not advisable for you to let your guard down, especially when you're in the presence of Lord Beerus."

Mira nodded, trying to absorb the words as the light show continued above them. There was a lesson even in something as chaotic as Bills' alarms.

"And speaking of surprises…" Whis raised his staff and, with a swift movement, deflected an energy wave that had been launched from one of the bombs, preventing it from directly hitting Mira. "Sometimes, even a small distraction can change the course of a battle."

Mira could tell that Whis was testing him even now, using the environment as part of training. Still panting, the warrior stood up, his muscles aching, but his mind much clearer. The explosions, Whis's lessons, everything was starting to fit into a single pattern. His mind opened to a level of awareness beyond simple physical combat.

The explosions in the sky were beginning to die down as Whis dropped his staff to the ground with a nonchalant gesture.

"Well, it seems Lord Beerus is already restless enough to wake up," he commented, adjusting his robes elegantly. Mira, still catching her breath after training, looked at him curiously.

"So… he's really going to wake up?" Mira asked, feeling a shiver of excitement and nervousness run down his spine. He'd spent two years on this planet, training under the angel's guidance, but until now he'd avoided coming face to face with the God of Destruction. He knew who he was, sure, and he'd seen him sleeping in his massive floating bed on top of a floating rock, but seeing him awake was another matter.

Whis looked at him with a playful smile.

"It seems so. It's time for you to formally introduce yourself," the angel replied, beginning to float in the direction of the temple where Beerus slept. Wasting no time, Mira followed him, his thoughts revolving around what was about to happen. After all, it's not every day that you get to meet the God of Destruction.

'God, I will finally meet beerus, I wonder if his appearance will be the same as in the anime or if he will have some changes, I just hope his personality will be just as goofball as in Super. And I hope he won't ask me about my motive for being God of Destruction, if I tell him that I accepted only to be trained by Whis, he will surely destroy me.' Mira thought somewhat alarmed, although he was able to camouflage it quite well in front of Whis, after all his training to improve control over his body had not only helped his combat skills but also his ability to disguise his true thoughs and emotions. 

The temple where Beerus slept was as imposing as it was silent. An aura of eerie calm enveloped it, as if the latent power of the god sleeping within permeated every corner of the place. Whis advanced unhurriedly, as if awakening him was a routine task.

Mira, however, couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and fear. Even though he had spent two years living in this world, the idea of ​​meeting Beerus, the being who could erase planets with a sneeze, in person was overwhelming.

Whis stopped before the massive golden doors that led to Beerus' chamber, raising his staff and tapping it lightly against the floor. A soft echo resonated through the room, and the doors creaked open.

Inside, Beerus was sleeping soundly, floating above his bed with his ears twitching occasionally as if he were still in the midst of a restless sleep. His breathing was slow, but each inhalation seemed to charge the air with an overwhelming energy.

"It's time to wake him up," Whis said with a light smile, waving the staff over Beerus' bed. A soft beam of light came out of the staff, surrounding the God of Destruction.

"Lord Beerus, it's about time..." Whis crooned in his usual tone, almost as if he was calling a child to breakfast.

The god muttered something in his sleep, shifting slightly in the air. His body floated gently above the bed, tangled in his sheets as if he were still immersed in a deep sleep. The explosions that had shaken the planet had already stopped, but his lazy response remained the same: to remain asleep.

Whis, standing next to the God of Destruction's bed, cracked a smile and turned his head to Mira, who was looking at him with a mix of amazement and amusement. Mira wondered how someone as powerful as Beerus could behave so relaxed and, honestly, a little disorganized.

The angel elegantly raised one hand and suddenly, with a small flash of his staff, a microphone appeared in his other hand. Mira looked at the object curiously, wondering how it worked as it didn't seem to be connected to anything in particular.

"I won't let you sleep for fifteen years like last time," Whis said, a mischievous smile on his face. "If you insist on not getting up… do you want me to sing you my wake-up song again?"

A deep silence filled the room. Beerus showed no signs of having woken up or even been fazed by Whis's words. Mira looked at him nervously, knowing that this silence was more dangerous than any explosion.

"Well then…" Whis cleared his throat, bringing the microphone to his lips with a theatrical expression.

"Okay! Okay!" Beerus suddenly interrupted, his voice irritated and raspy. Still half asleep, the God of Destruction slowly rose from his floating bed, staggering and almost tripping several times as he walked towards Whis and Mira. His walk was listless, and on more than one occasion, he nearly fell, but he managed to keep his balance just in time, wiping his face and arms like a cat would.

Mira couldn't help but smile internally. The scene was exactly as he had seen in the movies and in some episodes of the Super anime, at that moment however he regretted not having finished it and instead having read the manga because the truth was that it didn't do it justice. Beerus' lazy personality was as authentic as he had imagined, and seeing it up close made the entire Dragon Ball universe feel more real. 'It's just like how it was described in the movies... too bad I haven't seen much of the anime outside of them because of the poor animation,' he thought to himself, although his respect for Beerus' magnitude did not diminish.

"I only slept for 39 years this time." Beerus groaned, rubbing his eyes and yawning. "That's nothing more than a catnap."

Whis smiled serenely, bowing slightly.

"Mr. Beerus, you were the one who set your awakening time. In fact, you were quite specific with the date. By the way, why did you choose this particular time?" Whis asked curiously, though he already had an idea.

Beerus, still sleepy, looked at his assistant with one eye narrowed.

"There's something I'm curious about…" the God of Destruction replied, as if his own curiosity was reason enough to wake up.

Whis nodded, as if he perfectly understood what Beerus meant.

"Well, I've prepared your bath, Lord Beerus. Please head over to take it." Whis said as he extended an arm towards the door leading to the bathing room.

Beerus frowned and waved a hand in dismissal.

"No way. I hate baths." He replied in annoyance, brushing off the dust still lingering on his clothes after the explosions.

Whis remained unfazed, but his tone became slightly firmer.

"It's covered in bomb soot, sir. It could contain mold, which would not be appropriate for someone of your position."

"Bah!" Beerus exclaimed, dismissing the idea with a wave. "What if I say no?"

Whis narrowed his eyes, his voice taking on a tone of restrained amusement.

"Well, someone could say, 'Beerus the Destroyer is awesome, but... pee-yew!! ' And that reputation could spread throughout the universe.

Beerus glared at him, his tail whipping behind him in irritation.

"Whis, I'm tired of your unfunny jokes. I will destroy you."

Whis smiled pleasantly, as if the threat were an everyday compliment, and stepped aside so Beerus could pass.

"As you wish, Lord Beerus. But before that, perhaps you would like to enjoy some breakfast. I have prepared your favorite meal. And, besides…" Whis looked towards Mira, who had remained silent this entire time. "There is someone you must meet."

Beerus blinked, just noticing Mira's presence. Her golden eyes looked him up and down, assessing him with a mix of curiosity and disdain.

"And who is this supposed to be?" Beerus asked, slowly floating towards Mira, who was standing firm but felt her heart pounding in his chest.

Whis, ever the elegant one, gestured towards Mira, formally introducing him.

"This is Mira. He has been training with me for the past two years," Whis explained, looking at Beerus with a slight smile. "But he is no ordinary warrior, Lord Beerus. In fact, he has a particular ambition."

Beerus raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued.

"Oh, yes?" Beerus replied, his feline gaze now fully focused on Mira. "And what is that ambition, exactly?"

Mira took a deep breath, knowing that this was the crucial moment. His desire had grown during his training with Whis, and now it was time to declare it before the God of Destruction himself.

"I want to be the next God of Destruction," Mira declared, his voice firm and determined.

Beerus was silent for a moment, staring at Mira with a mixture of surprise and amusement. Then, a low, mocking laugh escaped his lips.

"You? The new God of Destruction?" Beerus let out a laugh, clearly not taking Mira's statement seriously. "How amusing! And what makes you think you have what it takes to replace me, boy?"

Mira held Beerus' gaze, resisting the pressure of his intimidating power.

"I have trained under Whis, and I believe that with enough time and effort, I can reach that level. My wish is not only to obtain power, but also the balance needed to carry out the responsibilities of a God of Destruction." Mira replied calmly.

Beerus stopped laughing, his expression hardening. The atmosphere grew more tense. It was clear that he didn't like the idea of ​​being replaced, let alone by someone he had just met.

"Do you think it's that simple? Being a God of Destruction isn't just about destroying planets or having unlimited power. It's a role that requires more than you can imagine. And I doubt you, someone so young, would understand it." Beerus said disdainfully.

Whis, who had remained silent until that moment, took a step forward.

"Lord Beerus, perhaps it wouldn't be a bad idea. Mira has shown great potential during his training. If you teach him some techniques from the Gods of Destruction, perhaps he can prove if he's cut out for the job." Whis suggested softly, though there was a hint of intent in his voice.

Beerus snorted, clearly not convinced.

"Teach him my techniques? No way!" Beerus exclaimed, crossing his arms. "I don't have time to train someone who hasn't even proven himself worthy of my attention."

"But, Lord Beerus," Whis insisted with a patient smile. "It would be an excellent opportunity to test your true potential. If he manages to learn something from you, it could be proof that his ambition is not completely unreasonable. And, if you fail to live up to it, you will be the first to know."

Beerus eyed him suspiciously, considering the proposition. The fact that Whis was intervening in such a manner gave him something to think about. Plus, the idea of ​​facing Mira in combat and putting his skills to the test was starting to sound more appealing.

"Hmm… Well, I guess it could be entertaining." Beerus admitted with a crooked smile. "But I make no promises. If you don't impress me on the first try, I'll just drop it and we won't speak of this again. Understood?"

Mira nodded firmly, agreeing to Beerus's conditions without hesitation.

"I understand, Lord Beerus. I am ready to learn." Mira said, his determination shining in his eyes.

Beerus looked at him for a few more seconds before turning back to the dining table, where breakfast was served.

"But first, let's have breakfast. I'm hungry." Beerus said as he sat down, lifting one leg to rest it casually on the table.

Mira, Whis, and Beerus sat down at the table, and the air of tension began to dissipate as breakfast progressed. Though the chatter was lighter, Beerus would occasionally cast appraising glances towards Mira, studying his every move, as if he was already gauging his true potential.

As Beerus wolfed down his food, he interrupted the silence with a casual question, but with a tone of genuine interest.

"Tell me, Mira, if you really want to be a God of Destruction, what motivates you? Power, glory, or something else?"

Mira put his fork down, pondering for a moment before answering.

"It's something else," he answered honestly.

"It's not just about destroying or imposing myself on others. It's about balance, about maintaining order in the universe. I think I can be the kind of God of Destruction that the universe needs, someone who doesn't just destroy on a whim, but understands when it's necessary and why."

'God, I am bullshitting so much right now, thank god I think fast.' Though our protagonist.

Beerus looked at him with narrowed eyes, as he continued to eat. That answer was not what he expected. Most of those who had shown interest in the power of the Gods of Destruction were usually motivated by more selfish desires, but Mira seemed to have a deeper understanding of the role. 

"Hmph. Interesting..." Beerus muttered, returning his attention to his food, which caused Mira to let out a silent sigh of relief.

After a few minutes of silence, Beerus put down his cutlery and stood up from the table, stretching out his arms with a feline smile on his face.

"Very well, Mira. I've decided to give you a chance. After breakfast, I'll put you to the test. If you have what it takes to be a God of Destruction, I'll see it in combat. If not…" Beerus grinned, showing his sharp fangs.

"Well, then I'll make sure you regret ever making that request."

Mira nodded, fully aware of what was at stake, but not letting fear or doubt cloud his judgment. He knew that this would be his moment to prove that his two years of training with Whis had not been in vain.



Did you think I forgot about this fic? I didn't hahaha. But seriously, I hope you have enjoyed it, I will try to update this one weekly. That would be all my dear readers. Bye bye!!


Storie_Master_Kickcreators' thoughts