
Doulou Dalu: The Power of a Book

Su Wen, traversed to the Douluo Continent and witnessed the helplessness of being unable to control his own destiny as he saw his newfound family perish as mere collateral in the clash of two powerful Titled Douluo. He vowed to avenge the two individuals who had given him a fresh start in life. However, life did not favor him, as he only awakened an ordinary Book Martial Spirit. Undeterred, he refused to be disheartened and, leveraging his unique perception talent, embarked on the journey to transform his martial spirit. An ordinary book martial spirit? No! I will evolve it to an extraordinary Heavenly Book Martial Spirit!

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241 Chs

Chapter 107: Grandmaster's Thoughts

"Su Wen."

Repeated in his mind, this familiar name left Grandmaster feeling complex emotions.

Book Martial Spirit, Su Wen.

This was no longer a coincidence; Grandmaster could preliminarily confirm that the Su Wen mentioned in his father's letter was indeed the same Su Wen he knew.

However, everything in his mind left him completely baffled.

Thirty-nine levels of Soul Power!

Based on the timeline, Su Wen, who was now at most fourteen years old, already possessed a staggering thirty-nine levels of Soul Power and could potentially break through to level forty at any moment.

Even Tang San, who had full innate Soul Power, was only twelve years old and had just absorbed the Third Spirit Ring. Although his Soul Power had directly surged to thirty-two due to absorbing the Soul Power of the Man Faced Demon Spider's Spirit Ring, it was nearly impossible for him to reach level thirty-nine within two years.

Two years, seven levels.

This is extremely difficult even in the Spirit Master Realm, let alone in the Spirit Elder Realm.

Moreover, Grandmaster hasn't forgotten one crucial point: Su Wen's Innate Soul Power is only at level five!

Even without considering the gap represented by Innate Soul Power, Su Wen would still have to increase his Soul Power by five levels more than Tang San.

With this calculation, the gap in cultivation speed becomes even larger.

After much thought, Grandmaster could only attribute the reason to one point: Su Wen's Martial Spirit mutated.

"His Martial Spirit underwent a mutation upon awakening." This was analyzed by Grandmaster and Bald Dean back when they were at the Nuoding City Primary Spirit Master Academy. Su Wen's Martial Spirit underwent a mutation, making it stronger in terms of hardness compared to ordinary Book Martial Spirits.

At the same time, Su Wen's cultivation speed at that time was also somewhat different from that of ordinary people.

Therefore, Grandmaster speculated that this mutation also included a variation in Soul Power cultivation.

Now, with Su Wen's Soul Power experiencing such a rapid increase, Grandmaster can only attribute the reason to Su Wen's Martial Spirit undergoing a more thorough mutation in this direction.

As for the possibility of overdrawing potential to increase Soul Power, Grandmaster has also considered it, but from his father's letter, he could hear the admiration for Su Wen, knowing that this possibility is almost non-existent.

Thinking about his own situation, Grandmaster fell into silence.

Flender, who was originally proud of his acting skills, noticed Grandmaster's change and was also puzzled. He restrained all expressions, trying to prevent his own thoughts from being seen through.

'Tianheng will come to Suotuo City for Spirit Fighter training in a while. At that time, I will personally talk to Tianheng. If Tianheng insists on staying at Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, then I will persuade Flender to merge Shrek into Blue Tyrant Academy and participate in the Spirit Master Competition under the name of Blue Tyrant Academy.' Putting aside his own affairs, Grandmaster began to rethink the 'official business'.

Over the years, he has grown accustomed to the process of emerging from self-doubt.

Or perhaps, he has become adept at avoidance.

At Godwind Academy, Su Wen has already experienced six battles.

Apart from the captain of the Godwind Team, Feng Xiaotian, all six other team members have been defeated.

"So strong!" Feng Xiaotian's expression was solemn, feeling the pressure increasng in his heart.

"Xiaotian, prepare yourself." Diector Mo's expression was also heavy at this moment as he looked towards Feng Xiaotian with high expectations.

They can afford to lose, but you cannot.

Your strength should far surpass that of your teammates.

Out of respect, Su Wen rested for a while after each battle before starting the next one.

After resting for ten minutes, his condition had already returned to its peak, and he had fully absorbed the Martial Spirits replicated during the previous battles.

"Come on, Su Wen, let me see how strong you really are!" Feng Xiaotian stepped forward slowly, with a green light shimmering around him.

"The battle begins!" Diector Mo announced the start of the battle once both sides were ready.

The green light around Feng Xiaotian's body became denser, his bones crackling, his figure towering, his hair turning green, and a wolf's head appearing above his left shoulder.

Behind him, the shadow of a double-headed storm wolf condensed.

"Third Spirit Skill, Stormwind Wings!"

A pair of green wings condensed behind Feng Xiaotian, lifting him swiftly into the air.

"Second Spirit Skill, Double Wolf Body Enhancement!"

The shadow of the double-headed wolf behind him gradually merged with his body. At this moment, his attack, defense, and agility were all increased by fifty percent!

The battle had just begun, and Feng Xiaotian had already elevated his state to its peak.

Similar to Su Wen's combination, Feng Xiaotian's three Spirit Skills were currently all enhancement or foundation types, used to complement his development of his self-created Spirit Skill.

After consecutively using the third and second Spirit Skills, Feng Xiaotian's first Spirit Ring also lit up.

"First Spirit Skill, Wind Blade Formation!"

Sharp wolf claws sprang from his palms, with semi-circular Wind Blades condensing above them.

His First Spirit Skill could unleash dozens of semi-circular Wind Blades, blocking all evasion routes of the enemy. However, at this moment, he refrained from attacking directly. Instead, he condensed the Wind Blades on the wolf claws after executing the Spirit Skill.

Seeing this, Su Wen didn't interrupt Feng Xiaotian. He wanted to observe how far Feng Xiaotian's self-created Spirit Skill had progressed and also wished to experience it firsthand.

However, he remained cautious.

In his hand, a Rasengan had already formed.

"Su Wen, this is the self-created Spirit Skill I've developed over the years, and it's also my strongest move. Given your strength, I'll directly use this move to battle you!"

Feng Xiaotian's wings behind him burst with a surge of blue energy, swiftly maneuvering through the air and diving towards Su Wen.

"My self-created Spirit Skill is named Stormwind Demon Wolf's Eighteen Successive Chops!"

Just eighteen consecutive chops?

Su Wen's heart stirred.

However, his hands didn't hesitate at all, and the Rasengan collided with the Wind Blades condensed between Feng Xiaotian's wolf claws.


Feng Xiaotian quickly retreated.

There was blood flowing from his right wolf claw.

With just one clash, the Rasengan caused an injury to his right arm.

However, his figure never stopped moving. Riding the impact force of Su Wen's Rasengan, he swiftly swung out the second chop after converting the force.

The force of this chop was stronger than before.

However, Su Wen countered this chop with an equally powerful Rasengan.

Third chop.

Su Wen still used the most basic Rasengan to counter, but he was pushed back a step by this chop.

The fourth chop, the fifth chop, the sixth chop—Su Wen's retreat became more pronounced with each strike, and he began using air currents to cushion his backward steps.

By the seventh chop, Su Wen changed his approach. The Rasengan seemed to undergo a transformation. Upon colliding with Feng Xiaotian's Wind Blades, instead of erupting with condensed Wind Blades, a massive wind spun into a small vortex, countering the force of the strike.

Under layers of swirling airflow, Su Wen weathered this chop.

At this moment, Feng Xiaotian's heart grew increasingly heavy.

Even until the tenth chop, Su Wen continued to use this method to withstand the attacks.

However, by this point, Feng Xiaotian's chopping force had become terrifying.

The first strike was only equivalent to the effect of a hundred-year Spirit Skill, but by the tenth strike, it could rival a Spirit Skill of around three thousand years old.

The eleventh chop.

This time, Su Wen chose to condense Rasenshuriken and threw it, intercepting Feng Xiaotian's strike midair.

However, Feng Xiaotian's chopping force became more and more terrifying with each successive strike, and his speed increased as well.

The reason there were only eighteen consecutive chops was not only because his physical endurance couldn't withstand it, but also because he himself couldn't control the speed at that level.

The seventeenth chop.

Su Wen didn't have time to condense Rasenshuriken, so he directly used Giant Rasengan, using the vortex-shaped airflow to counteract the force of the chop.

The eighteenth chop.

The final chop.

Su Wen conjured cyan wings behind him and flashed past.


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