
Double Comparison: Start with Revolutionary Army

Two years after the Summit War, the Contrast Room came to the world. The contrasting figures are the leaders of the revolutionary armies of the two worlds. The original leader of the world, Monkey·D·Dragon is already very good, leading the revolutionary army to grow stronger. However, Roja, the leader of the Revolutionary Army in the parallel world, is even more astonishing. Relying on the idea of time travel, it brought a dimensionality reduction blow to this pirate world. A few years later, when the dragon was still gathering strength. Roja has boarded the Mary goisie, and the flags of the Revolutionary Army are flying high all over the world. Fujitora: He is the unique mentor of the Revolutionary Army. Aokiji: On Ohara's side, I knew this man was the real justice. Kizaru: I was doing badly until I met a mentor. After watching the movie, when the two worlds merged, the Five Elders in the original world panicked. ______________________________________________ This is Chinese Fanfiction I am just translating it . ______________ If you want to read more join my Patreon. My Patreon link https://www.patreon.com/AnimeFanfic01 ---------- if you want to show more support u can donate or tip me on Ko-Fi website. My Ko- fi link https://ko-fi.com/animefanfic01 note- Ko-Fi only supports PayPal.

AnimeFanfic01 · Anime und Comics
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168 Chs

chapter 57

Chapter 57: Work, Revolutionary Army

The chat room outside was also shocked by the situation in the Lvneel Kingdom at the moment.

Roger: Is this really a place where people live? I have seen many islands with harsh environments, but I have never seen such a dirty one.

The giant screen images are extremely realistic.

Just now Roger felt as if he was just like Roja and the others, in the soot-strewn Lvneel Kingdom, he could feel that difficult feeling even when he breathed.

As well as the gloomy sky as far as the eye can see, and the huge chimney in the distance that swallows thick black smoke.

Golden Lion: What a strange island, I have rarely seen this kind of island, an extremely harsh island created by humans similar to the gray terminal of the Goa Kingdom before.

Hawkins: Regardless of the size or the degree of poor survival, this country is probably much worse than the gray terminal.

Most people in the chat room have never seen this scene before.

After all, the mainstream of Pirate World is not technology, especially this kind of heavy industrial city with super heavy pollution level.

The vast majority of islands even maintain the original ecological environment, dense forests and beasts are the norm, not the black and gray scene in front of us.

Sanji: Speaking of which, hasn't there been an uprising in such a country?

Robin: Of course there were eruptions, just for records. Since the discovery of coal in the Lvneel Kingdom a hundred years ago, there have been more than 30 uprisings.

In particular, a super-large-scale uprising that occurred 27 years ago, the total number of people in uprisings exceeded 100,000.

"An uprising of 100,000 people?"

Everyone in the chat room couldn't help exclaiming.

You must know that Roja's detailed investigation report on the Kingdom of Goa showed that the total number of people in the Kingdom of Goa, including those in the Mt. Colubo and all villages outside the Mt. Colubo does not exceed one hundred thousand .

And just a major uprising in the Lvneel Kingdom has exceeded 100,000 people.

This is equivalent to an uprising by everyone in the entire Kingdom of Goa.

Although the Lvneel Kingdom is definitely much larger than the Kingdom of Goa, the scale of the uprising of more than 100,000 people is still too exaggerated.

Robin: I remember very clearly that this was the largest uprising before the uprising of the Revolutionary Army, but it failed in the end and was completely suppressed by Marine. The specific details are not clear.

Robin: Moreover, there is a very interesting record in the historical materials. Since the failure of the large-scale uprising twenty-seven years ago, there has been no uprising record in the Lvneel Kingdom, and the specific reason is unclear.

Robin is curious about this too.

She was not very clear before, why there were so many uprisings in the Lvneel Kingdom.

After watching the movie, she finally understood that in this living environment, it would be strange if the residents here didn't rebel.

It's just why there was no subsequent uprising.

This is hard to understand.

I am afraid that only those who experienced the incident back then can truly understand the inside story.

[Roja and the others have been living in Lvneel Kingdom for about 20 days. ]

[During the past 20 days, they conducted a detailed investigation of the Lvneel Kingdom. ]

[The area of the Lvneel Kingdom is about twice the size of the Kingdom of Goa. ]

[However, the habitable area is much larger than that of the Kingdom of Goa, because the Mountains of the Kingdom of Goa are basically in an undeveloped state, and the terrain of the Lvneel Kingdom is flat. ]

[Therefore, there are basically no tall mountains in the entire Lvneel Kingdom, and almost everywhere can be inhabited. ]

[In terms of city division, the Lvneel Kingdom is divided into five cities in total, and the most central and largest city is named Coal and Iron City. ]( city name is made up by author )

[It is said to be a coal and iron city, but it is actually a super-large factory, where a large number of coal miners and other workers who use coal to smelt steel and other minerals live here]

[The specific number is unknown, but it must exceed one hundred thousand people. ]

[This is also the place with the most serious pollution and the worst living environment. ]

[The other four cities are four port cities. The air quality of the port cities is slightly better than the coal and iron cities, and the population density is not high. The permanent residents of the four cities are basically around 20,000 people. ]

[It is generally composed of people who have lived here for generations. There are few elderly people. There are also a large number of hotels, which are used to entertain businessmen who come to purchase steel and coal mines. ]

[In addition, the four port cities have also set up four Marine branch bases, but the number of them is not large. ]

[According to the investigation, it is because the air quality in the Lvneel Kingdom is too poor to carry out daily military training, so in each branch base, there are only more than a hundred Marines responsible for monitoring and vigilance. ]

[On the islands around Lvneel, a complete Marine Base has been established, with a total number of soldiers of more than 5,000, and more than five small warships. ]

[According to some residents in the city, the role of these Marine soldiers is to suppress worker riots, because since the discovery of coal resources in the Lvneel Kingdom, there have been many large and small uprisings. ]

[In addition, this is an important resource-based island, which provides a large amount of coal and steel to the World Government every year, so the World Government dispatches a large number of Marines]

[The investigation of the Lvneel Kingdom is fairly detailed. If it was just Roja and Fujitora, it would be impossible to complete this investigation within twenty days. ]

[However, the investigation of this dragon-slaying technique should be combined with the masses. The dozens of elite revolutionary troops brought by Roja from the Kingdom of Goa played a great role at this moment.]

["There is a lot of resentment among the people in this country," Fujitora said. ]

[He has been to many places in the Lvneel Kingdom for so many days, and the only feeling he feels is depression. ]

[The residents here give him the feeling that they are only better than those in the gray terminal, as if they are those muddle-headed gangsters in the border town. ]

[Only the children are a little more lively, but because of environmental problems, their physical condition is not very good. ]

["If we divide the class according to Roja, more than 90% of the people on this island may be our comrades, and they are also the main force of the revolution" Fujitora sighed: "This is the only one Good news. "]

["Compared to Goa Kingdom, the revolutionary work here should be done better."]

["Don't be optimistic now." Roja frowned, carefully looking at the investigation report in his hand. ]

[This report was made by a colleague of the Revolutionary Army according to the template of his Goa Kingdom report, and it is not bad. ]

[But the information recorded above made Roja feel bad. ]

["Why?" Fujitora asked. ]

["About the Marine power here, I feel that it is too strong. The Marine branches in the four port cities, as well as the large Marine Base on nearby islands, have very powerful weapons."]

["Considering that the Lvneel Kingdom is a country with a large coal resource and a large steel production country, it is still very important to the world government, and even has strategic significance." Roja looked down at the investigation and thought. ]

[From this point of view, if we want to do like the Kingdom of Goa, it is basically impossible to complete the uprising. In history, there have been dozens of uprisings in this country, large and small. But they were all Suppressed."]

["With the power of a country, what we have to face is no longer the suppression of the nobles of the Lvneel Kingdom, but the armed suppression of the World government."]

["So the difficulty of the uprising is not how to start the uprising, but what to do after the uprising?" Roja tapped the table lightly. ]

[Other people present also began to think along Roja's train of thought. The more they thought, the darker their faces became. ]

[There No way. ]

[Unable to resist the suppression of the World government, the uprising will have no effect, and it is impossible to counter the World government with the strength of a country. ]

[And it is impossible for the World government to give up here, after all, the resources here are so rich. ]

[If you want to escape from here with more than 100,000 people, it will be a big problem to provide food . In the chaotic North Blue, 80% of them will starve to death on the road, let alone the boat problem. ]

["Actually, it's not that there is no way to break the situation." Roja looked at the crowd a little frustrated, and said with a smile: "At least, although there is no guarantee for the success of the uprising, there are still ways to improve the conditions."]

["Moreover, if the coal here is exhausted, the World government will naturally give up gradually. After all, it has been a hundred years, and maybe the coal is about to be empty."]

[Roja's words made everyone look better. ]

[They have enough confidence in Roja. As long as Roja doesn't show any embarrassment on his face, they feel that everything can be done. ]

["We discuss things in the city outside the city, after all, we are just looking at the flowers in the fog. If we really want to find a way to make a revolution, we still have to go to the city to have a look."]

["Investigative practice is fundamental." Roja said. ]

["So, let's start working."]

[The next day, Roja, Fujitora, Naguri, and 40 or 50 revolutionary soldiers went to the recruitment sites in each city in disguise, and signed the recruitment contract. ]

[Then they got on the characteristic large steam wheeler of the Lvneel Kingdom, which is said to be a technology specially tailored for the Lvneel Kingdom by the World government on Karakuri Island. ]( Skip if you know - Karakuri Island is an island somewhere in Paradise on which resides the Future Country Baldimore. Vegapunk Hometown)

["This is where you work." The neat wheeler stopped at a sentry position, where a tall city wall was built, and soldiers wearing gas masks and holding muskets guarded the place. ]

[The person in charge who transported Roja and the others looked at the city in front of him in disgust. The air here made him not want to stay for a second. He just pushed these people to the soldiers in a hurry, and then started the steam wheeler to escape. ]

[ Roja frowned, the air here became even more foul. ]

["Is your name Roja? This is your badge." A masked soldier threw an iron badge at Roja. ]

[Then he said in a low voice: "It's best not to think about making trouble, otherwise."]

[As he spoke, he raised the long gun in his hand and aimed it at Roja. ]

["I understand, sir." Roja said with a calm face, nodded and smiled. ]

[Entering the city wall, this place is almost equivalent to another world, with messy and small houses, the big chimney that is clearly visible in the distance, and those emaciated and numb people. ]

[ Roja froze for a moment, he thought for a moment that he had returned to the gray terminal. ]

[In front of you are still those hopeless people lying in the garbage mountain. ]

[Just in a split second, he regained his composure. ]

["Sir, where do I live?" Roja asked. ]

["Go and see which house is unoccupied, you can just find one, and go to work if you have nothing to do, don't bother me." The soldier waved his hand impatiently. ]

[Roja didn't care, he just thought about it the moment he turned around. ]

["The management and monitoring here are very loose, at least in the evening."]

In the chat room, Roja was already analyzing the situation of the city.


They all laughed.

Rayleigh: The soldiers don't seem to know who they're sending here.

Roger: I already started laughing in advance. With Roja here, the World government may suffer a big loss again, and this loss is much bigger than that of the Goa Kingdom.

This is basically what everyone thinks.

They have witnessed too many miracles of Roja. Although this city of coal and iron is difficult to revolutionize in the previous analysis.

But this is Roja after all, and when the man begins his investigation, nothing seems too difficult for him.

[At about seven o'clock in the evening, Roja saw a group of black-clad workers coming back from work, and a group of people who were probably supervisors brought some hardly food that can be called human food. ]

[But for numb workers, this seems to be the norm. ]

[Eating this unpalatable food with the surrounding workers, Roja's first day on the construction site ended like this. ]

[The next day when it was just dawn, there was a piercing sound that woke Roja up directly. It was a group of people in blue clothes who were obviously different from the surrounding workers, wearing masks and whips.]

[Son, wake everyone up. ]

["Get up quickly, you pigs, do you still want to eat? If you want to eat, go to work honestly. If you can't finish today's workload, you will have nothing to eat."]

[The workers got up numbly and walked outside, Roja also mixed into the crowd. ]

[Then go to the mine to dig coal. ]

[The work is very dangerous and the income is very low. At this moment, Roja knows very well that the people here are not workers at all, they are just slaves. ]

[However, it is not completely fruitless. In one day, Roja has basically figured out the system here in the coal mine. ]

[A supervisor manages about a hundred workers. This is a team. Each team completes the corresponding workload according to the standards of each team. When they finish, they will have food. If they don't finish, they will be hungry. ]

[Overseers generally only call people to work at dawn in the morning, and they will ensure that no one can stay in the room, not even children. ]

[As for the evening, they will leave directly after distributing dinner. Roja doesn't know where they went, since they are not in the city anyway. ]

[The Coal and Iron City is very large, and besides the coal mine, there is also a smelting place. In order to avoid suspicion, Fujitora and the others came in from the person in charge of different cities, so there was no contact at the first time. ]

[Three days later, in a small room, Roja, Fujitora, and Naguri had already gathered, and in the surrounding rooms, most of the comrades of the Revolutionary Army lived. ]

[The management here is just like what Roja observed before, loose and chaotic. ]

[Roja ordered everyone to mix into the crowd to scout around the target and collect all the information about the interior of this coal and iron city. ]

[Seven days later, when Roja and the others gathered together again to prepare for a meeting, there was an intriguing expression on their faces. ]

["It seems that there are still some people among these workers. We were so careless that we were discovered." Roja didn't care, but stood up with a smile instead: "Go and see our friends. "]

[The outsiders are definitely not the supervisors, this is what Roja can be sure of, the group of supervisors don't care about what happens between the workers at all, and they will leave the city in disgust at some point. ]

[The soldiers are the same, they are only responsible for guarding the city wall, and they just don't let these workers go out. ]

[And these outside are definitely workers' organizations, which is a bit beyond Roja's expectations. He thought that the status of the workers here is basically the same as that of the people at the gray terminal. ]

[Unexpectedly, there are still some people who can establish an organization here. ]

[Roja walked out the door and saw people coming, a group of workers who seemed to be much better mentally than the people here. ]

[The leader is a young man which age he don't know, compared with Fujitora, he has another kind of aging. ]

[bald head, no hair and eyebrows, very prominent skull, very sharp facial features, scary white skin, very tall Basically on par with Mr. Shibi. ]

[And Roja can feel that his aura is very strong. ]

[It was so strong that even Roja was a little surprised. ]

["Who the hell are you guys?" The bald man asked. ]

[Compared to his strong appearance, his voice is pitifully small, like an ordinary person muttering to himself. ]