
Double Comparison: Start with Revolutionary Army

Two years after the Summit War, the Contrast Room came to the world. The contrasting figures are the leaders of the revolutionary armies of the two worlds. The original leader of the world, Monkey·D·Dragon is already very good, leading the revolutionary army to grow stronger. However, Roja, the leader of the Revolutionary Army in the parallel world, is even more astonishing. Relying on the idea of time travel, it brought a dimensionality reduction blow to this pirate world. A few years later, when the dragon was still gathering strength. Roja has boarded the Mary goisie, and the flags of the Revolutionary Army are flying high all over the world. Fujitora: He is the unique mentor of the Revolutionary Army. Aokiji: On Ohara's side, I knew this man was the real justice. Kizaru: I was doing badly until I met a mentor. After watching the movie, when the two worlds merged, the Five Elders in the original world panicked. ______________________________________________ This is Chinese Fanfiction I am just translating it . ______________ If you want to read more join my Patreon. My Patreon link https://www.patreon.com/AnimeFanfic01 ---------- if you want to show more support u can donate or tip me on Ko-Fi website. My Ko- fi link https://ko-fi.com/animefanfic01 note- Ko-Fi only supports PayPal.

AnimeFanfic01 · Anime & Comics
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168 Chs

chapter 58

Chapter 58 Soot-Soot Fruit, Comrade Karasu

[The bald man's voice is very low, which is in great contrast with his fierce appearance. ]

[Roja is okay, his five senses are sharp, he can hear clearly, and he doesn't feel anything. ]

[On the contrary, Naguri, who was used to being loose, couldn't hold back his laughter. ]

["Are you laughing at my voice?"]

[The bald man saw that Naguri was laughing, his face was instantly filled with anger, and he shouted loudly. ]

[Although the mouth appears to be shouting, the voice is actually not much louder than muttering. ]

[Therefore, Naguri, who originally wanted to apologize, laughed again in an instant. ]

["Square coal."]

[In an instant, the bald man appeared in front of Naguri, his right hand turned into a sharp black cone, stabbing towards Naguri. ]

[He wanted to teach Naguri a lesson. ]

[However, one finger was on the black coal tip, and he easily hit his target at the moment. ]( Like rayleigh stopping Marco)

[The bald man looked up in disbelief, only to see Naguri's calm face, he couldn't imagine how this thin old man, who looked so small, used a finger to block himself. ]

["Slanting coal." The bald man kicked out, and his right foot turned into a thick black coal, and the terrifying force caused the howling wind. ]

[And Naguri still kicked easily, stepping his foot directly on the ground. ]

["Boy, your ability is very interesting, but your current strength is far from enough." Naguri expressed it very relaxed. ]

[Seeing that the bald man was still trying to struggle, Naguri directly hit the man in the chest. ]

[However, the next moment, Naguri was surprised and directly revealed his eyes covered by his eyebrows. ]

[I saw that he punched out and fell into the man's chest. The man's chest turned into a black whirlpool and swallowed his fist. ]

["You turned out to be a Logia fruit user?" Naguri was really not calm. ]

[Compared to Paramecia and Zoan, Logia is the rarest and the most valuable among Devil Fruits. Among other things, just one elementalization can kill people who don't know Haki. ]

[He didn't expect to meet a Logia ability user in a factory in such a trash country, and this Logia ability user seems to be just a casual worker here. ]

[Who has ever seen a Logia user who is a hard worker?]

[Although I was surprised in my heart, Naguri's current strength is still very strong, and his armament haki spewed out like an invisible shock wave, sending his bald head flying straight away. ]

[That is, at the moment when Naguri knocked the Karasu into the air, both Fujitora and Roja frowned. ]

[Underground, there seemed to be a flash of breath just now. ]

["Boy, I was not joking just now. If you feel offended, I apologize, but think before attacking, I will be serious if you Attack me again."]

[Naguri looked at the bald man who was still about to make a move, and said in a serious tone. ]

[Just now he was holding back, otherwise, it is impossible for this kind of person who only has fruit ability and has not undergone rigorous training to withstand his move. ]

[The bald man didn't continue to fight when he saw this. ]

["My name is Karasu." The bald man named Karasu still spoke softly. ]

[But this time no one laughed again. ]

["Naguri." Naguri lowered his eyebrows to cover his eyes, and returned to the image of a kind-hearted grandfather. ]

["Issho." Fujitora nodded in the direction of the Karasu. ]

["Roja." Roja said with a gentle smile: "let's Go into the room and talk, we have already attracted the attention of a lot of peoples just now."]

[Although it is dark now and the supervisors have left, there are still so many workers here after all. ]

[The Karasu looked around, there were already many people around who were attracted by the battle just now, and poked their heads out of the room, he could only nod, followed Roja and the others into the room.

Kingdom of Kamabakka.

"This is Mr. Karasu?" Sabo felt that guy looked like Karasu when he first appeared on the stage.

But the current Karasu does not have the iconic megaphone mask in the future, nor does it have the black big coat, and it is so much younger.

It made him a little uncertain.

It wasn't until he activated his fruit ability that he could tell.

"Yes, this is when Karasu was young." Dragon nodded.

"Mr. Karasu used to be from the Lvneel Kingdom." Koala said.

Karasu is a very mysterious existence in the Revolutionary Army. On the one hand, he has a temperament that no strangers should enter. On the other hand, he is really not good at communication, and he doesn't like to talk about the past.

So even many members of the Revolutionary Army knew nothing about his past.

"Wait, in this way, didn't Mr. Karasu participated in the uprising of 100,000 people which happened 27 years ago."

Koala and the others have also seen Robin's history popularized in the chat room.

If you count the time, it is really fast.

As soon as Koala's words came out, Dragon and Ivanka who were present were a little silent.

After a while,Karasu said in a low voice.

"Karasu, he was once the leader of the great Lvneel uprising 27 years ago, but that uprising was forcibly suppressed by the bloody suppression of the World government"

Dragon sighed: "In that battle, the World Government dispatched 20 warships and tens of thousands of Marine soldiers. In the face of absolute violence, the labor movement was completely defeated."

"Until now, the Karasu has not completely come out of that uprising."

"Mr. Karasu."

Sabo's tone was low.

Even if he could imagine the feeling of hundreds of thousands of people putting their faith in their lives and failing miserably, he could feel the heavy pressure like a mountain.

"Mr. Roja from another world, the uprising will be successful." Koala tried her best to improve the heavy atmosphere with a cheerful tone.

However, the faces of Dragon and the others were still heavy.


Dragon sighed softly.

Even if there is more confidence in Roja, the situation of the Lvneel Kingdom is unsolvable.

As Roja himself analyzed, on the bright side, there is basically no solution.

Meanwhile, the North Blue Kingdom of Lvneel.

In the underground mine, a hidden base of the revolutionary army is located here.

The Karasu is in the center of the base.

Today, twenty-seven years after that uprising ended, the coal in the Kingdom of Lvneel has also been completely empty out.

The eyes of the world government moved away from here, and a large number of Marine branch bases also evacuated this basically worthless, emptied island.

Few people remember the dark factory that was once established in this country.

Karasu was here, as if he could smell the bloody smell left in the air. He launched a worker riot back then.

However, under the Marine's bullets and shells, workers fell one by one, and the corpses seemed to fill the mine.

"Mr. Roja, please, at least, give us hope in that world."

Karasu's voice was low as a murmur.

But the blue veins on his head can make people feel his mood at the moment, which is not as slight as the voice.

[In the small room, six people were crowded. ]

[Among them, Roja's side is he himself and Fujitora, as well as Naguri. ]

[As for Karasu, besides him, there are two workers who are strong and powerful, and their breath is not bad. They are stronger than the revolutionary soldiers on Roja's side. They should have experienced arduous training. ]

["There were too many people outside just now, let me introduce ourselves again." Roja said with a smile. ]

["My name is Roja, and I am a proletarian fighter. I have formed a revolutionary army in East Blue. I came to East Blue to spread ideas and liberate the people from being oppressed by the nobles and the world government."]

["This is Mr. Issho, and this is Mr. Naguri. They are not malicious, and they are also staunch fighters."]

["Revolutionary army? Proletarian fighters?" Karasu looked at Roja with some doubts. ]

[During the conversation just now, he was a little surprised to find that things didn't seem to be what he thought. He thought that this young boy was the descendant of two Adults.]

[But now, it seems that this young man is actually the real leader among the three. ]

["The revolutionary army and the proletariat are." Roja explained the meaning of the proletariat and the revolutionary army in a concise and clear language. ]

["It's a very interesting idea." Karasu said.]

["After talking about us, let's talk about you." Roja looked at Karasu. ]

["We are workers in the steel factory. We are here today because you are all new faces who have just joined for a few days, and our people found that you often investigate something among the workers, so we came to have a look. Look," said Karasu. ]

["Steel factory?" Roja muttered. ]

[He doesn't know much about things at the steel factory. ]

[The Coal and Iron City is divided into two parts, one is the coal mining area, which specializes in complex coal mining, and the other is the steel factory, which is responsible for the smelting and processing of iron ore. ]

[The two sides are not connected to each other, and the middle is blocked by a tall city wall. Although the workers here still have a high degree of freedom after the supervisor leaves, they cannot cross the soldiers to go to the other side. ]

["I remember that the steel factory and the coal mine are not connected. How did you get here?" Roja asked with a frown. ]

["It's just that it doesn't communicate with you. In fact, the supervisors in the coal mines are actually workers in the steel factory." The Karasu said something that surprised even Roja. ]

["The supervisor in the coal mine is the worker in the steel factory?"]

["Yes, about 400 to 500 workers are selected every seven days to go to the coal mine area to oversee the work. The pay is not low, and it is much easier. This is considered a good job for the iron and steel workers." Karasu explained. ]

["What about your steel factory? Don't you have a supervisor?" Roja continued to ask. ]

["Also, our prisoners are from the aborigines of the four major port cities."]

[After the Karasu finishes speaking, Roja is a little amused. ]

[He doesn't know if this is the method of the Lvneel royal family or the method of the World government. It's really a loop. ]

[The living conditions and tasks of the workers in the iron and steel factory are much better than those in the coal mine. Letting the workers in the iron and steel factory come to the coal mine in batches to work as supervisors basically splits the two groups that are most likely to unite. ]

[And let the aboriginals of the four major port cities come to the steel factory to work as supervisors, which splits the steel factory workers and the aborigines of the port cities. ]

[Counting the tall city walls and the thousands of soldiers, this can be regarded as reducing the possibility and scale of the uprising to the greatest extent. ]

[Every experience in suppressing dozens of uprisings cannot use such means. ]

["You probably didn't come here through the identity of the supervisor." Roja looked at the Karasu with a half-smile and said.]

["If I were the person in power in this country, if I could use this method of splitting the group to prevent you from uniting the uprising, I would not let you steel workers in the factory have the right to come and go as they please. "]

["Even the time when the supervisors come and go back is fixed. At this point in time, it is impossible for the supervisors to stay in the coal mining area."]

[Roja's words made Karasu's back covered with cold sweat. He didn't expect this young man to be so sharp in thinking, and he could push the real situation out just by a little bit of information in his words.Most of the time I tested it, I didn't do it. ]

["It seems that you still don't believe us." Roja said helplessly. ]

["No way, the contact time is too short, unless you can give me a reason to completely believe that you are not from the government." Karasu said calmly. ]

["I have basically seen that you are an organization within the workers, and your goal is to unite the workers to launch an uprising. If I am really a member of the World Government, in your opinion. I would have already arrested or killed you."]

[Seeing that the young man directly judged his identity, Karasu was shocked again, but he calmed down and said: "If it was just me or a few of us. I would have believe you."]

["But I have a lot of people's beliefs in me, so I'm sorry, I can't trust you." The Karasu said calmly. ]

["Even if you detain us here, there are some things I will never say."]

[Looking at the Karasu's obstinate look, Roja admired his awareness, but at the same time felt a little helpless: "I told you that we are not from the World Government, and our purpose of coming here is the same as yours. "]

["By the way, Mr. Issho, do you still have our book?" Roja suddenly remembered, and said to Fujitora. ]

["I always carry it." Fujitora fished out a mass-printed and bound book from his breast pocket. ]

["Here, you will probably be able to trust us when you read this book to a similar degree." Roja smiled and handed the book to Karasu. ]

["What is this?" The Karasu took the book and read the words on it by the faint moonlight: "A Collection of Revolutionary Thought Guidance——Kingdom of Goa."]

["These are some of our ideas and revolutionary methods during the uprising in the Kingdom of Goa. If you don't trust us after reading this, there is nothing we can do." Roja Said ]

[ "I think you should go now." Roja said ]

["Of course, if you don't want to leave, Karasu, I'd love to chat with you guys."]

[The Karasu stood up, put the book away, and before leaving, turned to Roja and whispered: "I'm sorry, if it's just me, I'd like to believe you. But I am responsible for everyone. I can't put my trust in you."]

["It's okay." Roja didn't feel anything. ]

[In the environment of Lvneel, if you want to revolt, you must have such a cautious attitude, otherwise not only will you die at any time, but you will also implicate your comrades. ]

[If Roja is in the position of Karasu, he is estimated to be more cautious than Karasu. ]

[Karasu left. ]

["Do you want to follow them and see how they got here?" Naguri asked Roja in a low voice. ]

["No need." Roja said: "If he is discovered, it will only make the misunderstanding worse. After reading that book, he will believe us."]

["What if he never comes again?"]

["He will definitely come." Roja smiled confidently: "From the first moment I saw him, I knew that he would definitely become our comrade."]

[Seeing that Roja was so sure, he didn't say anything else. ]

[Instead, Fujitora on the side spoke: "Have you noticed that there seemed to be something under our feet before?"]

["You mean the moment when Naguri fought Karasu?" Roja asked fujitora]

[His observation haki is very strong, and at that moment, he also caught the vague breath, but it was very short, just for a moment. ]

["Yes, he hid it very well, it seems that he showed a little breath because of the Karasu's defeat." Fujitora said. ]

["It seems that our comrade still has a lot of secrets, but just wait quietly, he will tell us sooner or later."]

["There seems to be some turning points in the revolution. " Roja said with deep eyes.]

[Things were just as Roja expected. Three days later, Karasu appeared in front of Roja and the others again. ]

[The earth cracked a passage like plasticine, and Karasu walked straight out of the passage. ]