
Dimensional warper

Casual trolling and tomfoolery. Nothing much hehehehehe Also if you aren't a fan of op mc. Do not touch thank you

Malphathus · Urban
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58 Chs

Chapter 14

"I'm sorry if I wasn't able to serve you the way you wanted." Laura had recently woken up to find Andrew already up sitting at the piano but facing her . She then continued ,"It was my first time." Andrew just laughed it off and came to her and sat next to her wearing only shorts and said ,"Do you have meeting today ?" Laura with a coy look replied ,"No. As our major priority is serving our masters." Andrew then gave her a hug and a light kiss and spoke on a warm voice unlike his usual self who talked in a nonchalant tone ,"Then dress up because we have a lot to do. He then stood up and went to the shower and this time he decided to wear the robes present in his dressing room. After browsing for some time, he found what he wanted to wear. It was snow white robes similar to those of ancient China. They had golden linings at their tips and well ironed as they looked freshly baked. (Not literally baked.) After looking himself im the mirror which made of glass not travesty ,he admitted that he did look exceptionally dashing.

Laura had already attended to the bed before leaving and cleaned herself up in her own room before reporting back in clothes which followed the traditions of ancient China. Andrew simply followed Laura as she continued with her tour of the place as he was still curious and after a while,he decided to go and see where the food was prepared since he was getting quite hungry. He could use his ability of Fanfiction and remove his necessity of feeling hungry but he wanted to retain his humanity as much as possible. Though he did remove some of the unwanted feeling like  fatigue and tiredness. He was sitting at a front row seat looking at his palace and enjoyed his meal. Though it was based on China and their traditions,he thoroughly enjoyed it though he did start to long for some more modern food. As he was done, a chest was presented to him by some of the servants under Laura's order and inquired ,"What is this ?"looking at Laura who was done with her food. She ordered the servants to open it and what lay in the chest was a pile of bones.

He was a little surprised and asked ,"The hell is this." Laura with a smile on her face ,"It's Elmer's bones. His bones are actually worth a lot not to mention they could be used in making weapons." Andrew looked at the chest to see a pile of glittering bones and believed Laura. "Okay." Laura then continued pleased with herself ,"Take it to the treasury." Andrew maintaining a composed face ,"We have a treasury?" Laura realizing something ,"I forgot to tell you about it. Please forgive this servant of yours. Yes we do have a treasury and if it piques your interest,we could visit it." Andrew with nothing better to do agreed and they followed the two servants who were carrying the chest. They kept on walking till they arrived at the center of the palace. There were few guards stationed here but their levels of power certainly were at an astronomical level. They were probably from the higher dimensional planes but Andrew if he wanted could dispose of them pretty quickly. The guard who appeared to be strongest of the rest they had encountered made a small bow seeing Andrew and Laura and welcomed them.

Laura instructed him to open the door which seemed to be hidden with an illusion magic. There were powerful runes and arrays all over the place protecting the door. They were all deactivated and they made their entry and Andrew was greeted with quite a sight. He saw what appeared to be an infinitesimal space which was loaded with countless treasures. From weapons , combat techniques, ridiculous amounts of immortal gold to purely refined pills for one's development were all present. He saw the two servants gently place the chest and quickly making their leave without even looking at the magnificent sight of abundant treasure right infront of them. Andrew's eyes were browsing through the collection of treasures infront of him then asked "How did you acquire all of this ?" Laura with a proud look on her face  ,"Some of it is tribute from the lower dimensional planes. The rest was from the four excellencies." Andrew simply took a small gold coin from the neverending pile of wealth infront of him and put it in his pocket. Laura caught a sight of this but she didn't dare stop him as it was all his though she was internally shocked seeing how uninterested he appeared.Content with his curiosity, he headed out and shortly after Laura followed . "Make sure to come again, your excellency." The guard commented as he saw Andrew starting to make his leave and Andrew thanked him and left.

He had gotten a notification from the system that he had acquired some abilities from the Archangel he had devoured but he was complacent about it but finally decided to check it out. He went back to his room after dismissing Laura back to her duties and lay on his bed with an interested look and commanded. 'System open.' To which it heeded.

[{System on standby}]

"Show me what I got from devouring the angel."

[{Showing abilities acquired.}]

[{Morning star: It is an ability that enables the user to shoot a magnificent ray of light to his opponents and completely vaporize their content.}]

' So that's what that attack was.' Andrew remembering the effect of that beam of light shot at him. For him he did feel that it was impressive move, it was that the person using it lacked substance as he wasn't affected that much. The system continued,


[{The side effect of the described move drains the user 30% of his energy reserves.}]

"What kind of energy reserves are there ?"

[{There are two kinds of energy reserves.}]

[{There is mana reserves.}]

[{There is qi reserves}]

[{Different worlds have different reserves.}]

"Which one is better than the other ?"

[{Qi reserves are comparitively superior but their rate of depletion is faster if one is not adept in using it.}]

"What are my reserves?" Andrew curious since if he had a theory and if he was correct then his was either a combination or something different.

[{Host's reserves is will}]

'Well my abilities don't require any form of energy to run which means this is better since I won't be able to run out of energy.' "What is the other skill I got ?"

[{Eyes of luck.}]

Andrew felt something that he would encounter a variant which he hoped he wouldn't.

[{The eyes of luck enables the user to check one's own luck and the luck of others.}]

Andrew had a feeling that his luck wasn't that high since he killed an angel from the heavens. "What is my luck ?"

[{Host's luck is permanently bad luck but due to your will, this bad luck is cancelled and so are the drawbacks but host cannot raise his luck.}]

"As expected. System are there any other abilities ?"

[{Abilities are unable to be wielded by host due to his race.}]

"Of course. I wonder what kind of energy reserves Laura is using." Time for another ability . Using his Overwrite skill, he created another skill <Telepathy > . 'I'm glad I chose this skill.' After searching through the palace with his heightened senses, he found her.

<Hey Laura.>

Laura who was busy overseeing the maids who were busy cleaning the palace felt a small buzz in her head and after a while she got accustomed to it to hear Andrew's voice.

<Just imagine talking to me and you should be able converse.>

After giving it a few more tried she got it.

<This is very impressive your excellency.>

Andrew straight to his point.

<What kind of energy reserve do you use ?>

<I use qi energy reserves, your excellency. Why do you ask>

<Nothing, just curious. You can resume your duties.>

Laura was bewildered how Andrew could do that but then again he could erase heavens will so doing something like this should be no hassle. She resumed her duties whilst Andrew face a problem back in his room.

He was lying carefree till he was summoned by Omniphinx back in the eerie void but this time he wasn't that shocked. "Do you know why I told you not to conquer the fourth dimensional plane." Omniphinx inquired with a relaxed expression on his face. Andrew wondering where this conversation was headed responded ,"Yes. You told me that it would directly affect the third dimensional plane as the two are closely linked." Omniphinx content with the answer given by Andrew continued ,"Well I know about your plan. I'm not stopping you but you can't do it." Andrew puzzled asked ,"Why? " "You're aware that there are laws separating the dimensional planes. Weirdly in the fourth and the third dimensional plane, these laws are stronger compared to the rest of the higher planes. And this time you can't perform that little act of yours without dying. Those abilities won't be able to save you as the laws implemented there are directly linked to God."

Andrew starting to understand where this conversation is going asked another question ,'' Callum was able to bypass these laws, why shouldn't I ?" Omniphinx maintaining a poker face on him ,"Because unlike him, you are directly wanted dead by the heavenly and the moment you try to bypass it, you'll be dead. There's no way you can go to the third dimensional plane." Andrew then appeared back in his room with a emotionless face but beneath it, he was upset and disappointed that he couldn't unite with his mother and sister. He continued to ponder about this while laying on his king-sized bed when he got a notification. He was surprised as the system was disabled but he checked at and saw that it was Omniphinx. He sent a text and Andrew found this spectacle funny and checked it and saw what shocked him. The text read ,"I can bypass the laws set up but for that I would have to reduce your powers." Andrew was disappointed seeing this. The sole reason why he chose these abilities was to be powerful enough to shelter those he cared about. If he had his powers reduced then what would have been the point of getting them in the first place. It was all or nothing with him and as of now he chose all as he couldn't tell to how much he would be reduced.

A few moments went by and Laura came into the room with Andrew's food. She had a graceful air around her as she skillfully put the food on a nearby table and seeing Andrew closing his eyes, she assumed that he was asleep so she left the room as quietly as possible though Andrew was drowning in his thoughts. He imagined his phone back when he was back at earth and texted Omniphinx

in an unhurried manner ,"I'll pass." Omniphinx then responded ," There is another way of you going there but it sorely relies on luck and chance with your abilities still intact." Andrew seeing this finally got interested and hurriedly asked ,"How?" Omniphinx then replied ,"It's equivalent of a wall. If you can't go through it then you'll have to go around it." Andrew puzzled by what Omniphinx said asked ,"How so I go around it ?" Two minutes later he responded ,"From the first to the hundredth dimensional plane, it is enclosed by antimatter. This is rather unstable and highly poisonous as it starts to corrupt your body and soul no matter which plane you're from. Remember the certain individual who gave you that demonic side of yours, well he exists there and if you're lucky enough he will allow you to get around this law."

Andrew knew that there were many mysteries to uncover but he was in no rush. One can go to great lengths inorder to see one's own family again and he was willing to take this risk. "Fine , I accept." "Though do know there all of your abilities are immediately nullified the moment you enter it." Regardless of the risks involved, Andrew was determined to see his family again. After this Andrew woke up and had his meal before resting up though he wasn't feeling sleepy. 'Maybe I shouldn't have removed my ability to feel sleepy.'