
Dimensional warper

Casual trolling and tomfoolery. Nothing much hehehehehe

Malphathus · Urban
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Chapter 13

Everyone was shocked by his sudden transformation and sensing that his power level was rising at a terrific rate, some started to flee but it was too late. Andrew formed a devilish smile on his usual nonchalant face making it seem weirdly terrifying. He suddenly started bursting into a laughter much to the four's surprise and his servants as most of the time he would have an air void of any emotion around him but now he was laughing like a psychopath. He looked upwards and a portal seemed to open up. It was similar to when he took over the ninety ninth plane but this one was much larger. Callum and Laura recognized it and simply felt pity for Andrew's adversaries.

The tentacles which appeared to have a demonic and chaotic aura around it suddenly poured through the portal and started to absorb the souls of those beneath Andrew's feet. It would take the souls of it's adversaries and slowly feed off them until they cease to exist. It was resilient to any form of damage inflicted upon it and slowly made a feast on its opponents till there was none left. The process was similar giving Laura and Callum a reminder that even though Aldritch appeared human, he was something else underneath. After it was done instead of it resigning,it started to devour the laws governing the plane. Adrial put on an intrigued face and spoke telling the other three ,"Is he not aware of what he will attract if he keeps that up?" Ivor ,"I already informed him before he left . But this should be interesting."

After the tentacles had devoured every single being on this plane, it tore through the void and started to make it's way down the dimensional planes. It would leave terror and remorse wherever it went but unlike the eighty ninth plane, it devoured and assimilated people who had I'll intentions towards Andrew and the Prime Echelon etching memories of horror onto those who chose to submit. The tentacles kept on going with this process until it reached the fifth dimensional plane. It would sense any hostility directed at it and kill without hesitation and the officials faced this fate. Vincent looked at the origin of these monstrous tentacles to see  a dark silhouette at the top of it all. Andrew's body was no longer visible as it was now enveloped with a dark aura which had a humanoid shape. It was similar in his shadow except it had a red and dark halo above it exuding a deadly aura.

Vincent knew inorder to do this one has to overpower the laws established and it seems that Aldritch did. After it was done, an earth shattering voice was heard. Everybody from every plane  looked up and saw the most dazzling being they have ever laid their eyes on. It had a majestic and holy aura engulfing it and a bright golden halo around it. Everyone was at a loss for words as they couldn't even describe the beauty they saw. Everyone could feel the power emanating off it and they all knew that it was a being from the hundredth plane. An angel from Him. Adrial letting out a small laugh ,"I want to see how he'll get out of this. That's Elmer if I'm not wrong. He one of the seven archangels present. I have to admit it but he's pretty powerful. Everyone continued to see the spectacle unfold infront of them. Andrew gauged in his mind ,'So this is the repicursion Ivor was talking about.' Those on the lower planes wished in their hearts that Aldritch would meet his demise as they truly didn't want to be under someone else's command.

Elmer spoke in an unhurried manner ,"Are you aware of what you have done ?" Andrew refused to reply and looked at the angel infront of him with a mocking gaze. Elmer unbothered by this spoke in a peaceful and audible manner his voice giving off a refreshing feeling  ,"Those who go against the heavens will face dire consequences." And his peaceful face disappeared and replaced with a face void of any emotion ,"I am your punishment." His eyes narrowing into narrow slits and forwarding his right arm  shot a beam which could vaporize anything that would come in contact with it at Andrew. Andrew had no time to dodge it and with that his aura started to slowly subside and reverted back to human form. Everyone was shocked by the power of that attack. Ursula and Ivor were sure that they wouldn't face an attack like that head on and everyone on the lower planes were joyful that Andrew was dead. Elmer noting that Andrew's upper torso was atomized into nothingness decided to leave but sensed something. He looked at the body as it slowly got up and healed itself in a matter of seconds with a smile on his face.

Elmer was disturbed by this as that attack would render anyone dead provided that they were not from the hundredth dimensional plane. "All style but no substance." Elmer looked at  Andrew who said those words. Before Elmer could realize it , Andrew was already infront of him with his devilish smile and crimson red eyes. He stepped back in fright and summoned a sword similar to Adrial's but it seemed more potent. He did not hesitate and went straight for his neck cutting it off clean. He was bewildered as as soon as he cut off his neck, it healed even before it fell on the ground. He cut his body over and over again but it would heal right back up. Performing every single attack at his disposal but still the devilish human stood perfectly still without an injury on his body. Realizing that the situation was out of his hand, he asked a question out of desperation ,"Why aren't you dying ?" He had given his all and yet Andrew stood perfectly unharmed infront of him. People from the other planes witnessing this started to lose hope in their freedom. They saw Andrew being blasted, atomized, pulverized and ripped to shreds but he would heal himself eventually thus they accepted their despicable fates.

Andrew walking over to Elmer with a nonchalant expression and summoned two sickles ,"Because death doesn't exist for me." Andrew knew earlier on that he would encounter opponents who could kill him rather easily so he used his skill Fanfiction and implemented that death doesn't exist for him making him unable to die. Elmer just like the rest were baffled by this but before he could do anything, his felt indescribable pain in his knees and fell on the ground. He noted that it was Andrew who had cut his legs of with his blood red sickles and tried to fly away leaving a trail of golden blood but before he could go far ,he was impaled on the ground by a spear which appeared out of thin air on both his wings. Andrew started to walk over to Elmer who was lying on the ground with golden blood spraying frantically out of his wings. To get away from this monstrosity ,he forcefully pulled himself from the spear and started to crawl away with fear written all over his face.

Everyone was shocked with what they were witnessing. When one ascends to the next plane,they go from being the strongest to being the weakest thus the moment the angel appeared,they expected to see Andrew dead after making it's first move but how wrong were they. It seems that the situation was reversed and now it was the glamorous angel running away from a human. After going a couple of steps away from Andrew,he seemed to notice Adrial and started to beg ,"Adrial my brother. Please let us unite together so as to kill this monster." But instead of aid ,he got a question ,"The moment I was framed and banished from heaven, where were you ? You chose to conspire against me so as to get my rank. Consider this karma." And laughed it off.

Elmer knew what he did back then was wrong but the greed for power never failed to disappoint and took over. He was simply facing his consequences making it rather ironic as he was the who would issue the repercussions.

A shadow enveloped him and he teleported back to Andrew this time pinned in a wall. Andrew put his right hand on the angel and before he could proceed ,"Do you have any idea what you are doing ?" Elmer continued ,"The heavens will have you dead if you kill me. You will forever face the wrath of  the heavens where ever you go. So release me now or ..." Before he could continue with his ramblings, Andrew with a cold look on his face said ,"Heavens wrath huh, it will be the heavens not me who will face wrath." And started to absorb Elmer's soul. His cries were short lived and what remained was his bones which remained impaled on the wall. The were shining and emitting a holy aura but Andrew ignored this and his eyes reverted back to his usual jade green eyes. He then proceeded to teleport back to his place leaving a catastrophic aftermath but his goal was achieved. Everyone saw the entire fight as he fought the billions who opposed him and as he fought the angel though was it really a fight. He was basically playing with his prey and those who submitted were glad that they chose this option.

From then on everything went according to plan as the aspect of fear was well integrated into the minds of those who survived. Any ideas of rebellion were simply abandoned as they had already seen what Aldritch could do. As for the convening of meetings, Andrew just like the other four never showed up, only their subordinates they personally chose and Andrew's representative was Laura not Callum as Andrew gave him another task to accomplish. Andrew was on his balcony gazing at the tree which had accommodated thousands of mythical creatures before getting bored and going to the council. He walked in and as the servants saw him,they made a respective bow before resuming their task. He met the guard infront of the door who informed him that a meeting was currently underway but he gestured him to open the door and he did without hesitation. The five representatives were surprised as no one would interrupt their meeting. Sybil's subordinate who appeared to be the half angel and devil spoke without looking at the door ,"Aren't you aware that a meeting is currently underway ? Why didn't the guard stop you." Andrew with a monotone voice ,"Because he couldn't." The five of them looking at who opened the door noticing that it was Andrew quickly stood up and made a small bow and spoke at once ,"Your excellency."

Andrew looked at the one who addressed him earlier and asked ,"What's your name ?" He was already nervous as he didn't expect Andrew to be here and replied with a scared voice "Your grace, my name is Jayden." Andrew walked over to his seat and sat as they all remained standing. "Is this meeting over ?" Laura answered with respect in her voice ,"Yes. We were just about to conclude." Andrew gestured with his hands signifying them to leave in which no one hesitated to say. After witnessing his performance, no one dared to underestimate him because if they were to be put in his place, they would have struggled with the hoards of people and emerge with a pyrrhic victory. And as for removing the laws or facing the angel, they would be unable to succeed. After they had all left Andrew remained with Laura in the hall. She slowly made her approached to him and asked ,"Is there anything you would like for me to do?" Andrew looked at Laura with a playful gaze and snapped his fingers suddenly appearing in his room. She was a little surprised but she could understand his intent. He stood up and walked up to Laura and gave her a gentle kiss on her mouth. She was taken aback but she did find it enjoyable. Andrew then slowly went to her back and once again pulled her hair clip making her hair fall. "Beautiful." He commented before he slowly started to take her clothes off but she was expecting this and removed his and once again I say it , things got real zesty and creamy.