
New Devil In Town -3

Since my speed had greatly increased the travel time to the peak had decreased. The climb up to the top still took a while because quickness had nothing to do with strength and precision. My thoughts were on one thing. Kill the wisps. I was sure that I was able to dodge their spikes but the spears were a completely different matter. Since they came out of the walls they were a huge threat. I had to be fast enough to doge the spike whilst also being maneuverable enough to slide off of the spear.

Maybe I was fast enough to sling myself over the edge and quickly kill one? "Damn." I said gritting my teeth. Even if I did get over the edge I still don't know the way they attack at close range. Not to mention there is twelve. Even if I could kill one I'd get blown to pieces in an instant. I'm not sure if the kill would stay in the system after I get resurrected.

I was almost to the top when I heard the ice crack. "Well shit." I said to myself. If I move I'm as good as dead. Once the ice cracks this trip would've been wasted. I sighed and took my left pick out of the ice wall. A spiderweb of cracks originated from the hole left by the pick.

Even though it was cold sweat started appearing on my face. This was a very dangerous situation to be in right now. I was this close to my goal but the ice is keeping me from reaching it. I only had one option, take the pick and reach as high as fast as I can and nail the pick into the wall. A minute mistake could very well be my demise.

I took a breath in and pumped myself up. The next moment took place within the slightest fraction of a second. I launched myself up as far as I could go and tried to hit my pick into the wall. My face fell as my pick scraped off the side of the ice wall.

I plummeted down the mountain at insane speeds and landed at the bottom in a heap. The pain was excruciating but nothing like the first trip I took down here. My body was currently mangled on the top of a bunch of rocks. "Ouch." I say. This is the worst week I've had by far. It doesn't even compare to that weekend on that desert planet. Just thinking about it sent a chill down my spine.

Suddenly the system pinged.

<Due To User's incompetence Regeneration Lvl 1 Has Been Added To Skill List>

Man even the system knows I'm a loser. Compared to the other falls this one wasn't as bad as the other ones. I hadn't died so the system didn't send me back. "How do I activate the skill?" I asked myself. A menu popped up with the instructions. I think the system pitied me at that moment.

"Activate Regeneration." I yelled.

<First Time Non-Passive Skill Used, 10 EXP Given>

<Regenerating Lost Cells>

My body gradually un-crumpled itself. This was the worst pain I'd had by far. My body was practically stitching itself together. I rolled over onto my stomach. My breathing became erratic and heavy. Sweat poured down onto my face. My breathing deepened and slowed as my lungs got rid of the blood in them. My bones started snapping into place and regenerating cells.

I screamed bloody murder. "Ah...!" The scream seemed to be endless until finally all the pain subsided. I nearly fainted but managed to stay awake through the whole process. My whole body burned. I was also incredibly hungry. My stomach responded to the thought of hunger with a loud gurgle.

I propped myself up on the rock and looked it the mountain. "Damn, now I get to climb the whole thing. I can never catch a break." I say to no one. I had 2 days left to kill the wisps. I thought about snapping my neck to save time. Although I don't think I'd have the nerve to.

I finally got off the rock and looked around. My bag seemed to be hung on a rock ledge halfway up the mountain. "My bad luck never ceases to amaze me." I say. As if lady luck herself responded, a rock the size of a baseball fell off the top of the mountain and crushed my skull on its descent. I was instantly killed and sent back to the lodge.

I just stood there blankly staring at the ceiling. "Are you fucking kidding me?" I asked to the universe.

Hello you nice lovely people. How'd you like the chapter? On Sunday I'm going to start something special called Crackpot Sundays. I will submit 4 chapters instead of 2. If this is a success I will add a powerstone goal for each Sunday.

For now I would like to see the book get to 15 powerstones! Even if I get none I'd still be pleased but it would make spending the time to write these much more bearable.

Wishing_For_Wingscreators' thoughts