
Detesting The System: Sundering Fate

The MC gets Thanos'd after "stealing" a Goldfinger from a high-level deity and is forced to get stronger so said deity may one day take back the stolen Goldfinger. As a result, the MC is booped into the world of Danmachi with nothing more than a couple rags and three cheats he didn't even get to pick. From nothing, he will become hilariously overpowered and potentially traverse the anime-verse with the power of his system; Destiny's System P.S. Don't be fooled by my powers of clickbait, that creepy Majora's Mask moon will NOT be in the story. I just thought it looked cool while thinking of things to photoshop for the cover. If you leave a review, please state if the clickbait got you. Hahaha...

Vermillion_Yormsky · Anime und Comics
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38 Chs

A Trip To The Loki Familia

Having yelled out, "Miss, may I bother you for a second," I succeeded in earning the attention of one of the Loki Familia adventurers, an Amazonesses.

"What is it, kid?" She almost seemed surprised someone would approach her; as if she were too dangerous or something. It warranted similar reactions from everyone around us, but I didn't mind.

With only the idea of succeeding ingrained in my actions, I said, "I want to ask about selling your Familia potions. You'll need all the supplies you can get for the next attempt right?"

Apparently, some people took my words to be an insult as a hostile Werewolf made his way over to my side and tried to intimidate me into submission by cursing, "Attempt?! You trying to pick a fight with the Loki Familia, shrimp? Saying we failed, you fucking weakling?"

For a reason I couldn't comprehend, the people around me started cowering in fear, but I didn't feel the need to, so I calmly replied, "Uh… no? I'm trying to sell potions, are you deaf? Why would I make enemies with the people I'm trying to do business with?" Then, without minding the idiotic werewolf, I turned back to the Amazoness and said, "Anyway, I have Health, Magic, Regeneration, Fortification, and Magic Regeneration Potions that have all been appraised by the God Miach, which I'm willing to sell."

For a solid second, the Amazoness looked at me with her right brow raised, before she smiled and giggled, "Hahaha Bete, he's not the least bit scared of you. You probably look like a grumpy pup to him, hahaha."

"You've got balls kid. I like you!" Another Amazoness appeared from god-knows-where and did what I can only assume was an attempt at assassinating me as she almost crushed my head by smashing it in between her right arm and breast.

Eventually, I managed to separate myself from the second Amazoness with fear in my eyes for the first time in this life, 'Dear god… She's dangerous.' Fully conscious that she could have and still could kill me whenever she wanted, I became a bit more reserved as I asked, "A-are you interested or not? I wouldn't want to waste either of our times if you're not in-"

Before I could finish my thought, the less aggressive Amazoness said, "Even if they aren't interested, I am. Though the chances that they aren't interested as well are slim as we're an adventurer Familia; we can never have too many potions stockpiled..."

"But!" Another person jumped in. This time, a short blond-haired Pallum said, "We can't accept potions from just anyone. First and foremost, we need to know who you are and how you relate to us..."

"You can call me Keter, a Level 1 Adventurer and Novice Alchemist. Though admittedly, I don't really have a connection to you. In fact, aside from Miach and my Familia, I don't have a connection to anyone."

"Wait… you're a freelance Alchemist? You're not contracted to an adventurer Familia?!" The less aggressive Amazoness took a step back.

"Uh… no. Though my Goddess and Familia form an adventurer Familia, she didn't force me to become contractually bound to our Familia. I'm free to sell my potions and products to anyone at the moment."

"Well, that certainly makes things easier. Why don't you come with us so we can discuss this further at our home." The blond-haired Pallum offered and I accepted. Tailing the returning group, I saw that none of the other like-minded businessmen that came to solicit the Loki Familia were like me. Apparently, being a freelance Alchemist was exceedingly rare as I was the only one who was offered a chance to negotiate potion dealing at the Loki Familia's Estate, the Twilight Manor.

Following the returning expedition party, I was greeted to quite the humorous sight as the gates to the Loki Estate were opened. A small red-haired girl ran as if her life depended on it and jumped as if to ensnare a lineup of gorgeous women, two of which consisted of the two Amazonesses that I'd previously encountered. Unfortunately, both dark-skinned girls along with another fair-skinned blond-haired human girl moved out of the way and a poor brown-haired elf was caught by the red-head.

Even as I followed the returning party enter the estate I could hear the cries of the female elf as she had her breasts played with by that red-haired loli. Though I prayed she would make it out of her predicament alive, I followed the man who extended an invitation my way, the Pallum I had come to known was Finn; the Captain of the Loki Familia and a Level 6 Adventurer.

After being taken to one of the various meeting rooms within the enormous estate, I talked with Finn about myself, revealing only what was necessary and nothing but, while also showing him several of my potions.

When all was said and done, Finn said, "If it really is as you say, then I can't see why we wouldn't accept your business. Your mysterious background aside, I'll bring my Goddess in so you talk with her yourself. She'll be the one to decide whether or not we start a relationship, after all."

Then, a short three or so minutes later, that same red-head from before entered the room escorted by Finn himself. Rather boisterously, she said, "So you're the freelance Alchemist my Finny boy has caught for me!" The Pallum could only sigh helplessly at the way she addressed him; utterly helpless despite his status as a Level 6 Adventurer.

"Y-yes..." If she could talk to him that way, I'd be remiss to not be on my best behavior…

"So, kid," she started, almost menacingly, "whose Familia are you from again?"

"My Goddess is Hesti-"

"AHA! You thought you could sneak by me loli big-boobs, but I won't have it!" I think she was addressing me, even though the context of her words made no sense.

Unable to find the words to react to that dramatic response, I asked, "Pardon me? I'm totally lost..."

"Hmph! Telling me you weren't set up by that shrimp to spy and sabotage me?!"

"No? Why are you two like enemies or something?" My eyes narrowed as the tone of my voice deepened. I'd rather cut off all ties than betray the goddess that readily showed me goodwill when all the others kicked me while I was on my worst luck.

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