
Detesting The System: Sundering Fate

The MC gets Thanos'd after "stealing" a Goldfinger from a high-level deity and is forced to get stronger so said deity may one day take back the stolen Goldfinger. As a result, the MC is booped into the world of Danmachi with nothing more than a couple rags and three cheats he didn't even get to pick. From nothing, he will become hilariously overpowered and potentially traverse the anime-verse with the power of his system; Destiny's System P.S. Don't be fooled by my powers of clickbait, that creepy Majora's Mask moon will NOT be in the story. I just thought it looked cool while thinking of things to photoshop for the cover. If you leave a review, please state if the clickbait got you. Hahaha...

Vermillion_Yormsky · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

It’s Hard Being Patient

Caught unprepared, Loki moved back to a less aggressive posture; obviously, she didn't expect the sudden malice that came from my expression. "I wouldn't say we're enemies, but we sure as hell aren't friends!" She admitted.

"Well then, there's still a chance for negotiating, isn't there? I'm only here to sell my products after all, not snoop around or even stay for extended periods of time. But… if you're inclined to act with prejudice towards my goddess, I can go to some other Familia..." Just as I was about to stand up and leave, Finn moved over to Loki's ears and said something. It must have been important as Loki's perpetually closed eyes slightly opened my way if only for a second; as if in shock.

Hurriedly, Loki said, "Now, now, let me at least take a gander at the goods before you leave. I never said I wouldn't work with you."

Thus, I sat back down and unpacked my potions. Passing a few for her to inspect, I sat back on the comfy couch courtesy of the meeting room and decision subconsciously to renovate the church if only once before we — Hestia, Bell, and I — moved out and into a better home. It didn't take long for Loki to start chuckling to herself and soon after the joyous sounds died out, I was informed that we could negotiate prices.

To my disbelief, Loki didn't even try to bargain after I asked for a starting price of 1,250,000 Vali for all the potions. Even Finn, who was by her side audibly admonished her to at least try to cut down 50,000 Vali for buying in bulk. Yet the red-haired goddess simply shook her head at him.

"This… this could be the start of a beautiful relationship," I subconsciously said to myself as a heavy bag full of coins was handed to me; the coins were few, but dense. Addressing Loki once more, I asked, "How often can I come trade more potions?" Honestly, all I hoped for was for her to say once a week.

Never in my wildest imagination did I expect for the words, "Whenever you want, kid," to come out of her mouth. Though, it was logical, as one of the Amazonesses I'd met earlier had said; they could never have enough potions. They were one of the most prestigious and powerful adventurer Familias in Orario, after all. With hundreds of members who risked life and limb every day, potions were consumed at a scarily high rate.

Heh, I wasn't complaining, though. In fact, deep within my subconscious, I was celebrating as I would soon be rolling in money… Or so I thought. After another two days passed, my delusions of instantly becoming unbearably rich were quelled as I once more understood that all the things in my Status were tied together.

Like an idiot I had thought that with the rate my Alchemy had been increasing, I'd be able to make millions or even tens of millions of Vali overnight, when in reality I could barely make a million Vali every other day. With my parameters starting to stagnate once more, as I focused solely on Alchemy, my Light Flamingling and Alchemy Skills stagnated as well. I couldn't head deeper into the Dungeon by myself without a weapon and I still needed a party member. Moreover, Bell had recently come over to my side begging to learn Thunder Magic as he had apparently been motivated to quickly grow stronger.

'FUCK! There's no time for all of this,' I cursed to myself. But then I realized, 'Why am I rushing things? I should just take this one step at a time...' And so, I did.

"Alright Bell, you said you wanted to learn Thunder Magic to bolster your greatest asset, speed, right?"

Seeing him nod like a child would when called by a teacher, I smiled before saying, "Well then, I have good news for you. I can teach you a Thunder Magic technique that will increase not only your speed, but also your strength, and practically all the other Stats at the same time; a Body Remodification Technique!"

With stars manifesting in his eyes, Bell listened patiently as I imparted to him the methods of a thunder cultivation method I had conjured earlier in the day called the "Sky Lightning Body." I didn't so much conjure it for myself as I did for Bell since I was already busy as it was with my Gold Star Killer Technique and Light Magic cultivation. But along with that skill, I conjured one for the day in which Bell would master the Sky Lightning Body technique.

[Skill Conjured: Skill Imparting

Skill Imparting Unlocked!

New Skill

Name: Skill Imparting

Level: 1

Description: Unlike most other skills, this skill is tethered to your Level as an Adventurer; that or whatever power scaling method you are currently using. In any case, you may only impart skills of your given Level to someone of a similar or lower Level than yourself.

Effect: Only people with Inferior Stats and or parameters than you may be imparted Skills that you would be able to learn should you be at their Level.]

With Bell happy to train the Sky Lightning Body technique, he left to practice it in the Dungeon and I left to see how much money I would need to buy a faithful party member. As it was day time, it was the perfect time for me to head out, so without any notice, I vanished from the ruined church. I had a feeling it would be a grave mistake to tell anyone where I was going as even I felt a bit embarrassed thinking about it. But time waits for no one, and the time I had to complete my Side Mission ever-closing!

Embarrassed or not, I didn't have much of a choice as I wanted only the most loyal of companions. Thus I left… I left for… for… the Pleasure Quarter. It was this world's iteration of a red-light district, where prostitutes and deviants would engage in the night. So while I still had the cover of day, I headed for that oh-so sinful little corner of Orario. My destination, the Ishtar Familia Home: Belit Babili.


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