
Death Games

What if you were in a death game? Sword art online? Squid Game? The Maze Runner? The Promised Neverland? What would you do when you are the entertainment for gods, forced to compete in death games for your survival, being twisted into a terrible human just to survive? That is what Gregory has to go through. Will he survive? Or will he succumb to the death games and die? I do not own Cover Art or any property other than my original work. Uploaded whenever I want. 43.55K Words

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30 Chs


Pov Gregory:

*CREEEEK* The sound of stone sliding interrupted my sleep. When I heard that I ran out of my improv shelter to the field. It was still not completely dark yet so when I ran out into the plain I was able to see all of the openings in the wall were closing up. 

'I'm glad I didn't try and go into the maze or I will be trapped' I think as I head back to my shelter and snuggle myself up on my pile of leaves and try to get some sleep.

————30 Minutes Later————

"Screee!" I jumped back awake to something screeching, I didn't know where it came from so I got my knife and carefully made my way to the metal box and my food, I was getting hungry so I might as well eat something and if something was in the glade the metal box was the safest place to be.

It was very dark outside, so I was careful to not make much noise, sneaking my way to the middle of the Glade I could tell I was a little freaked out, the screech wasn't anything human. I arrived at the rations and started eating, it was hard to eat with my dry mouth, I needed to boil some water to drink.

'I don't think I'm going to be able to get any sleep, I should get a fire started and boil some water. The creature should be outside of the glade, but I should still be careful.' I think as I grab the pot from the tool crate and make my way to the water source.

Arriving at the water source I place the pot down and make a bow drill, similar to the one I made to start the fire in the orphanage. I didn't have any rope on me so I had to use my shirt again. Finding a good patch of dirt and some burnt stuff, I spin the bow drill.

A spark of fire appeared, grabbing the pot and filling it with water. I had no way of propping up the pot so I just put it directly on the fire. After a while the water boiled and I put it off the flame and waited for it to cool.

*Gulp* *Gulp* *Gulp* the soothing warm water went down my throat. After satisfying myself I put the pot away and stayed up for a while longer until the tiredness swept me away to the land of dreams.

The sun's yellow glare shone through my eyelids bringing me to the land of the living, but that wasn't the only thing that woke me up, the prompt… 

[Side Quest - Escape in 1 day(Impossible) ~Failed~]

'Huh… like I was ever going to do that. I wonder if there are more quests like that, maybe one in a week?'

I stood sore from sleeping on a pile of leaves, but I had things to do. The seeds needed to be planted and the sooner the better.

Getting a snack from the rations I get to work, in the tools box was a hoe to pull up grass, so I found a nice patch of grass and started hoeing. It was rough work for my 10 year old body, but after half of the day I was able to get enough space for all the seeds I had.

From the survival book I read I knew the next step was to moisturize the soil with water, the book didn't explain why. Using my pot I got some water and moisten the soil. It took quite a few trips, but I made the patch not that far from the water source. 

It was already mid day, after having something to eat I started making divots in the soil for the seeds. There was a shovel in the tool box so it wasn't that hard to do. After I made the divots I took the seeds and put 1-2 seeds in each divot, and after that covered them up.

While I was working the metal box made noise, it had still been there but now it was going down right now. 

'So I was right, if it went up, then it can go down' 

I finished my work on the plants. 

'Ok now that's done, I still have some daylight so maybe I should make a spear'

Liking my idea, I went searching through the woods for a branch. I wanted a fresh branch and not a dried up one, those were too brittle. After finding a suitable branch I get the hatched from the tool box and chopped.

'I'm going to be so sore tomorrow! But '

*Crack* The branch fell to the ground, the inside was still wet. The sun was still up so I started using my knife to carve the branch. *Shuck* I was halfway through when it started to get dark. So I boiled and drank some more water, ate some food and tried to get some sleep.

When I was about to go to sleep the surrounding doors all closed, but that didn't bother me as I got some sleep. When I woke up I was sore, every part of my body felt like it couldn't move. 

'I think I should take it easy today and recover, also I feel like this month will be miserable. Without any human interaction I might go insane, at least I will have a new person in a month.'

I got myself up with some effort and ate something before going back to carving my spear. It wasn't a labor intensive task, so I was able to do it. I also had to water the seeds, they were very important to my survival. What if they never sent any food again, then what would I do? 

This cycle went on, waking up, making something, boiling water, eating food. On days when my body wasn't sore I worked out to strengthen my body, and mostly to make me faster, I will have to go into the maze eventually. 

After a week I noticed that the plants haven't shown any signs of growing, I had been watering them every day, I was starting to get worried. In that week I have been doing work. I finished my spear, improved my shelter, and made a proper fireplace. I also tried making rope out of plant fiber, but failed miserably. 

I also had been training mostly my legs, the faster I was the better. I also increased my stamina, equally important. 

The next week I finally saw some progress with the seeds, in certain ones a little sprout was coming from the dirt, I was proud of myself. I also created more things, like I was getting the hang of making rope with plant fiber, though it wasn't very good, I had plenty of food left.

I noticed that I was getting stinky so I took a bath in the water. I didn't like washing myself in the same water I drink from, but I'll be fine because I boil the water. I kept on training and felt I could run longer and faster.

2 more weeks passed and nothing new happened. I felt I was deprived of social interaction, I really wanted to talk to someone. The same things happen: I train, I build stuff, I eat, and then I sleep.

'If I keep being in situations where I can't talk to people, I might buy something from the shop, if this becomes a problem.'

Something new happened on the 30th day of me being here, I heard the elevator rising, in the distance, getting excited I sprint over there.

(A little short of a chapter but I hope you enjoyed the first draft with no editing whatsoever, so dirty you people. You dirty people should review and give power stones in shame.)