
Death Games

What if you were in a death game? Sword art online? Squid Game? The Maze Runner? The Promised Neverland? What would you do when you are the entertainment for gods, forced to compete in death games for your survival, being twisted into a terrible human just to survive? That is what Gregory has to go through. Will he survive? Or will he succumb to the death games and die? I do not own Cover Art or any property other than my original work. Uploaded whenever I want. 43.55K Words

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30 Chs


Pov Albe:

The sound of some kind of metal elevator hit my ears as I felt the cold metal on my skin. My eyes shot open to see the flashing lights coming through the metal. I was disoriented, confused, and scared. 

The Elevator stopped, a sliver of light was coming from the roof of this elevator, two-door like trapdoors was the only thing keeping me from leaving.

The trap doors were opened by a 10 or 11-year-old kid. I remember nothing about myself, where I come from, or what's happening. So I was understandably confused and scared. The kid looked at me with a spear in hand, he had an excited look on his face. 

"You have no idea how glad I am to see you." 

'Why is he glad to see me? Is he a cannibal?' I reverse away from the cannibal kid.

"Who are you and what do you want from me?"

"Oh… You must be scared and confused from not remembering anything. My name is Gregory and I just want to talk, I haven't had human interaction for a month"

"Wait… so you're not a cannibal?"


"Ok, what is happening?"

"I'll explain in a second, but we have to get those boxes out of that elevator before it goes back down again."

He was right there were a couple of boxes in the elevator with me, Gregory jumped down into the elevator with his own box in hand. He placed the box in the middle of the elevator so he could get out. I watched as he went over to the other boxes and opened them.

"Yes, Meat!!! And hey come help me!"

I guess meat was in the first box, he also looked very excited to see it. Helping him was a good idea so I got up and opened a box. I found a rope in the box, it didn't seem that useful.

"Wait, is that rope! That's so useful! Here help me get all of this out of the elevator"

He grabs the meat box and lifts it. 

'looked quite muscular for a kid, he might even be stronger than me.' 

I looked at my puny muscles, and I felt sadder. I watched the kid lift the box out of the elevator, before wiping the sweat off his forehead.

"What a pedophile, admiring a child!"

"Huh… No, I wasn't"

I felt embarrassed so I grabbed a box and lifted it out of the elevator. We put the rest of the boxes out of the elevator, I pulled myself out of the elevator only to see a sight that shocked and terrified me.

Walls that reach into the sky walled us in here, the only opening to these massive walls was the four openings on each side of the wall. I fell to the ground.

"Where are we?"

"We are in the Glade, beyond the walls is the maze, I haven't gone into the maze yet. Every month a new person and some supplies come from the elevator. I'm the first person to arrive here, so I've gone through all the emotions you're feeling now… here let me help you up"

Still shocked, I grew delirious, slapping his hand away. I stood and started running from this hell I found myself in. With no memories or any common sense, I ran to one of the openings of the maze.

"No! Stop!" 

Gregory cried out, but I didn't hear, or maybe I didn't care, I wanted out. Running at the full speed my legs could go I was fastly approaching the opening. Running through the opening I was getting away from Gregory.

Pov Gregory:

'Shit, if he gets himself lost and dies then I'll be here for another month without any human interaction, I have to stop him'

The black teenager ran into the maze, he was slightly faster than me with his long legs. It looks like my first time going into the maze is to save someone.

I turned my brain power up to the max, I had to remember the path we came from so we don't get lost coming back, the longer it takes for me to catch him, the harder it will be to remember the path back.

The teenager ran to take the first left, the moss-covered walls slowly surrounded me. I made a mantra in my head in every direction he took, I will eventually catch him, I have better stamina.

'Left. Left. Left, Right. Left, Right.'

The mantra rang through my head as I sprinted after the teenager, adding a different direction every time. 

Ran through the corridors huffing and puffing my way through the mossy walls of the maze, I was slowly gaining ground on him. It was getting hard to remember the mantra, the mantra was getting longer and longer, and I was gaining a new direction before I could finish the mantra. I even abbreviated right to R and left to L, but it was still getting hard to remember.

"L, R, R, R, L, L, R, C, L, L…"

I said the mantra out loud, this was not how I would go about exploring the maze. My skill was screaming at me that this is the wrong way of doing this, but I had no choice. I would prefer to leave a mark everywhere I went, but I couldn't do that.

I was right behind the Teenager, using my now exhausted legs I gave one more sprint and can tackle the teenager. Tumbling down with the teenager, he looked surprised and scared. I don't blame him but I have to get him out of here, I had been chasing him for 30 minutes.

"What is happening?"

I slap him across the face.


The teenager flinched and nodded his head. I grab his hand and start the mantra in my head again. I hope we can get back before the doors close, or else we will die.

"... C, R, L."

I had to take the opposite direction, so if it was L I had to take a right and vice versa. Grabbing the teenager's hand I make a right, then go through the mantra again, to take a left, then I go straight. 

It was hard at the beginning, I had to repeat the mantra every time I was at a junction.

Slowly we made our way through the maze, the mantra got faster and faster to say, as we got closer to our escape. The teenager looked at me with surprise, he wasn't expecting me to remember every different way he took and for such a long sequence.

20 long, 15 long, 10 long. The sequence got shorter and shorter, but there was a problem. It didn't look like we were anywhere near the entrance.

"Shit, I messed up somewhere"

The mantra ended as I looked at a dead end. 

'Ok, Ok,  you have a maze expert skill, from all the information you have gathered, how do we get out of here?'

A map of the maze appeared in my mind, I tried to make the map from where I started and said the mantra in my head, drawing the map from the mantra I was able to get an idea, but I still didn't know where I was in this maze, so I had to explore.

"Ok let's go this way."

I took in all of the information I could from the maze, if anything looked like the map I made in my mind then I would know where I was, it was getting late I had at most an hour left before the doors closed. 

"Don't tell me you're lost" 

"Shut up, I'm getting us out of here, I'm good at mazes, I'll get us out".

My mind was smoking with how much brain power I was using, I felt a headache coming in my near future. Slowly making my way through the maze, keeping track of everything I saw, I found a familiar pattern.

"C, L, L, R, R, I know where we are follow me"

By some miracle, I was able to find the place we ran from, it was getting dangerously close to the doors closing, if I didn't hurry I would be stuck in here with the monsters that screech at night.

The teenager had shut up the entire time I was figuring out how to get out, I guess he might have seen my experience and he was lost so he relied on me to get him out of here, so he didn't interrupt me.

"This way… then here" 

I kept mumbling to myself things that nobody except myself would understand, but I finally found the exit.

"The exit is this way, we have to hurry!" 

I ran in front of the teenager, taking a right. I saw the glade, but the huge doors were closing, and rock was scraping on each other closing us off.

"We have to hurry" 

I scream as I run, I sprint in front of the teenager, I would rather keep myself alive if it came down to it. The wall was closing, I will be able to fit in, but I'm not sure about a teenager. Getting through the wall I turn around and hope that the teenager can make it through.

"Come on, you can do it!"

"Ahhhhhhhh, Fuck!"

(Power stones and review are what I want, so you better give them to me before I call your mother over to my house and *Cough* *Cough*.)