
Deadly Secrets (DeaSec)

Mrs Elizabeth Palmer, a British immigrant who so happens to be the wife of Nathaniel Palmer, an international investigator. In many eyes, Elizabeth is seen as nothing but an ordinary housewife whose only there to tend to her husband. A big suburban house with a white picket fence, the Palmers may seem like your stereotypical couple. Oh, they are anything but that. They say there's always more than what meets the eye and I say that the Palmers are the perfect example of such phrase. Trust me when I say, they're not who you think they are.

jasmin_author · Urban
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10 Chs

Nathaniel - Detective Maurer

"Alright, what do we have here?" My co-worker, David, asked one of the Swiss detectives the moment we arrived on the scene.

The detective was about 5'6, with fair skin and light brown hair.

"You must be the Americans, I am Detective Chiara Maurer. It's nice to meet you." She introduced herself, extending an arm before shaking hands with all of us.

She started explaining how she was the leading detective of this case and started showing us around the crime scene and explaining what she and others have uncovered.

"We appreciate your help. If any of you have any questions feel free to contact me." Chiara said, handing me her business card. Just me.

We gave her thanks before she left the crime scene, giving us the whole place to ourselves.

"That chick was hot." Ryan Hubert proclaimed as soon as he knew she wasn't within earshot to hear him.

"Quit it, Hubert," David warned him just as he gave him a playful smack on his shoulder.

"I'm just saying, it's not every day you get to see a hot lady cop."

"Whatever, man. So where do we start?" He asked, right after he brushed off Ryan's statement.

"Here, duh!" Ryan commented in an overly sarcastic tone and started chuckling when David smacked him again.

The two kept bantering and I barely tuned out their noise and started looking for some clues.

There were no cameras inside the room, only outside facing the door.

Since the crime scene hasn't been fully concluded, it wasn't cleaned yet and boy, did it stink.

There was some blood on a particular place, specifically one that was next to a desk that, I guess, he had been in before the assassin came in and killed him.

The wall behind the desk also had a splotch of blood and the desk had some scratches that were most likely because of nails, which suggested that the man had fought for his life before meeting his demise.

I dug through my pocket before fishing out my black light flashlight and walking towards the nearest light switch and turning it off.

"Close the curtains," I ordered the two, they stopped their banter and started closing the curtains as I turned on my black light.

I looked around until I saw the one thing I had been looking for.


Or footprints, I wouldn't have known whether or not they came in barefoot without seeing it yet.

It wasn't shoes though, it was heels. And by my guess, it had to be a size 7.

The normal average age for a size 7 woman would be in their 20s.

But then again, any woman could be size 7 no matter the age but at least now we have a specific look for our suspect.

"It's a girl..." I muttered to myself.

"Hm?" Ryan hummed behind me, still clueless.

"Our suspect is a girl, idiot!" David explained to him.

"Oh, I knew that."

"No, you didn't!"

"Yes, I did!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

And there they go again. I'm starting to wonder if I'm only here to babysit these two fuckheads.

I didn't notice it before but I do now. Beneath the desk was something made out of pure gold with real rubies trimmed along it.

That thing looked like it was meant to cover something, like a pen but smaller.

I need some beer.

Without another thought, I turned towards the door and left the two fighting.

And I also made sure the elevator door closed immediately before they could even catch up to me.

I'm already jetlagged, there's no way I'm spending the elevator ride with those two reliving their childish antics.

The elevator dinged before opening its doors and I quickly got out, making a beeline towards the door, so that I could finally get out.

"Hey, you!" Someone called out behind me, with fast-sounding footsteps, you could tell she was running.

And with a voice like that, It was Chiara Maurer.

She quickly catched up to me and was now walking by my side as she tries catches her breath.

"Did you figure it out?" She said, panting heavily as she struggled to keep up with my fast walking pace.

"Not yet. But I do know that the suspect is a woman, possibly in her 20s." I answered, reaching out to my coat pocket I dug out that golden cover thing and handed it to her.

"I also found this," I told her, she took it and examined it carefully.

"What is it?"

"I was hoping you'd know."

"What made you think I would?"

"It's a woman's accessory, you could tell by how decorated it is."

"I guess that's fair, but how do you know it wasn't some escort he hired?"

"It's made out of pure gold and real rubies. trust me, not everyone can afford something like this. Not some random sex worker." I explained to her, and she raised a brow as if to challenge me on what I had just said.

After she made sure I was completely serious, she admitted defeat. " I guess that's also fair. Where are you going?"

"You ask too many questions, you know."

"I am a detective, it's my job." She said with so much pride.

"I was going to go to a bar, maybe you could recommend some?"

"hmm...I know a place that you should try it out."

"Perfect. Where is it?"

"Come with me, my treat." She said as she grabbed my arm and l lead me to the parking area, where she introduced me to her car.

When we got inside the car, I pulled out my phone and sent two messages.


Be back late. Don't wait up.


Ryan and David

Go look at some CCTV footage if you can see a strange woman coming in the night he died.

"Ready?" She asked as she started the ignition.

"Yeah, let's go," I told her, grabbing the seat belt and putting it on.

Those two better do what I asked of them, otherwise, I will put it in the report on how useless they were.

But then again they know I didn't have the guts to do that.

After all, they were my only friends.

"We're here." Detective Maurer said as she parked and got out of her seat and as did I.


We made our way to the entrance and it was already filled with people.

Music was playing and couples were dancing around.

Some men were wearing three-piece suits and looked as if they were rich as fuck.

I guess looking like money is one of the best ways to score a girl.

Maurer ordered us drinks while I looked around the bar.

Observing everything and everyone.

"Hey, we're not at work right now. Let's have some fun, okay?" She said, handing me a glass of a drink that I didn't recognize.

"Okay," I said, relaxing easily when I took a sip.

It went on from there, and the next I knew I was dancing to her.

"You've got moves, detective." I complimented her as she smiled at my words.

"You can just call me Chiara."

"If that's the case, then call me Nathaniel."

"Nathaniel, I like that name." She said she was giggling uncontrollably as we swayed our bodies to the music.

I was having a good time.

That was until I saw a familiar shade of red hair, entering the back room.

With a man.

And he had a three-piece suit.

I thought nothing of it until the girl turned her head to the side.

She wasn't looking at me, she was looking at the bartender with a suggestive smile as she closed the door behind her.

And guess who that woman was.
