
Deadly Secrets (DeaSec)

Mrs Elizabeth Palmer, a British immigrant who so happens to be the wife of Nathaniel Palmer, an international investigator. In many eyes, Elizabeth is seen as nothing but an ordinary housewife whose only there to tend to her husband. A big suburban house with a white picket fence, the Palmers may seem like your stereotypical couple. Oh, they are anything but that. They say there's always more than what meets the eye and I say that the Palmers are the perfect example of such phrase. Trust me when I say, they're not who you think they are.

jasmin_author · Urban
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10 Chs

Elizabeth - Hairpin

I took a deep breath before stepping inside the elevator and pressing the button that said top floor.

Alister Haynes, full-bred American, divorced with two kids and a human trafficking business.

Who would've thought that a man with two daughters have a business that involved kidnapping and selling girls?

It makes me sick.

The elevator dinged before opening the doors, notifying me that I'd arrived at my destination.

I was wearing a black spaghetti strap dress with a bare back and bold cleavage and see-through black tights.

Which in most people's eyes made me look like a hired escort.

And thankfully, Alister's bodyguards thought the same thing and let me in without hesitation.

I waited until they closed the door before I locked it shut and clasped my chain necklace around the door handles just to be sure.

His bedroom was dimly lit and although it was already late at night, he wasn't asleep yet.

Good, because I wanted to talk to him first.

From what I could hear, he was still in the shower. That's okay because I've got some stuff I have to do anyway.

I sat down in his chair and opened the laptop that sat on his desk which was just across from the bathroom door which was next to his bed.

I put in the thumb drive that was designed to hack into anything and waited for the laptop to crack open for me. Once it did, I opened some files that were locked which were also hacked into, and found what I was looking for.

Proof. I found the proof of the entire operation as well as its plans to expand and the locations they usually stay in.

Now all I have to do is give all this to my employer and he'll make sure to put an end to it.

Suddenly I heard the sound of a gun cocking and I immediately looked up to see our very own

Mr Haynes in a towel wrapped around his waist with a gun pointed towards me.

"What...the fuck do you think you're doing?!" He demanded, in a loud voice but not loud enough to get his bodyguards' attention.

"Hello, Alister." I calmly greeted him as he slowly walked over towards me, pointing the gun to my head, he looked at his laptop screen to see what I was doing.

Downloading Files: 82%

He scoffed at what he saw and chuckled humourlessly and took the safety off of his gun.

"You know I'm going to kill you for this right?" He said, threatening me.

"It'd be a shame, I have quite the pretty face, don't you think?" I asked, tilting my head slightly towards the right and looking at him straight in the eyes as if daring him to shoot.

Before he had the chance to say anything, I quickly took his arm and twisted it to his back forcing him to let go of the gun all while I pushed him towards the wall very hard that it broke his nose.

He let out a painful grunt before trying to wriggle out of my grip free. "YOU FUCKING BITCH!"

I used my free hand to grab a handful of his hair and pulled his head backward before using it back unto the wall, hitting his broken nose again.

"Now, listen up Alister. There's a lot of people out there who'd want to kill and torture you because of what you did to them."

He didn't say anything this time and just let out some whimpers which I took as a sign to continue.

"You're lucky I don't have anything personal against you otherwise I wouldn't be as merciful as to give you the death you deserve."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, okay?! I won't do it again..." He kept saying, his voice was trailing off as it got muffled by his sobs.

"Please don't kill me..." He begged. Oh, how I hate people who beg for their lives.

I reached up for my hairpin that tied up my hair and took it out of its protective cover. I lightly tapped the sharp hair accessory to his cheek which scratched him a little but nothing serious.

"You're pathetic..." I whispered in his ear before slowly stabbing him in the neck with my hairpin.

He tried to struggle out of my hold which I gladly let him and he started running towards the door but collapsed before he could even reach them. He was coughing hard and let out some blood which caused him to start choking.

My hairpin was embedded with a deadly poison hence the reason why I put a cover in it whenever I put it on to avoid getting killed by my own weapon.

The poison was a unique little thing, it could make any death, more or less, seem natural. It is called Succinylcholine, which is an extreme muscle relaxant. With the right lethal amount, this could cause apnea and pulmonary edema which is a fluid build up in your lungs. The best part is that it never shows up in autopsy reports.

Alister made one last attempt to breathe but failed before fully collapsing into his floor.

It was unsightly to look at.

But I've gotten used to it, this is my life and there's nothing I can do about it.

At least I can sleep at night knowing I killed someone who did no favor to the world whatsoever.

And besides which one is better? She who protects evil? Or she who kills them? My point exactly, I know I'm not the hero here but I'm not the villain either.

I walked over to the desk and saw that download was complete and ejected the thumb drive, I then took out my hairpin out of him and washed the sharp parts with a cloth. I couldn't put myself at risk by washing it by hand, I always had to use a cloth or gloves as the blade was extremely sharp.

After I gathered my stuff, I took the chain off the door and clasped it back unto my neck.

Then I deliberately messed up my hair a little, putting away my hairpin in my purse and smudging my lipstick a little before slightly opening the door to fit my body and then closing it before sending the bodyguards a quick and suggestive wink and then taking my leave.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I entered the elevator again and pressed the ground floor button and then took my burner phone out and dialed a number.


"It's done, sir."

"Well done, I trust that you also got the proof?"

"Yes sir, I'll meet you at the rendezvous to hand it over."


And with that, he hung up just as the elevator dinged and opened its doors. I gave a smile to the receptionist before leaving the building and calling myself a cab.

The place where we met up was some popular local park.

I've seen my boss a couple of times but only when necessary, but I never knew his name and mainly called him Sir or Mr B for Boss.

Mr. Boss was already sitting on one of the park benches wearing a black hat, Black trench coat, and black everything, the only thing that stood out was a gold watch.

Specifically, the one I gave him for Christmas. I didn't know his birthday and I did a job for him during Christmas and got the opportunity to steal the watch from one of my...clients.

They were already dead, there's no way he was gonna need that watch anymore.

"Sir." I said, acknowledging his presence and giving him a slight nod before I sat down next to him.

As far as I've known him which was when I was 18, he always looked the same, a middle-aged man with a good build, blonde hair and blue eyes, with a scar on his right eyebrow.

I gave him the thumb drive just as he showed me his phone which showed the receipt that he had transferred money to my account.

"$1,500,000." He said before turning off his phone, standing up, and walking away.

I watched as he disappeared into the shadows of the night before I left as well.

Finally, I arrived back home and collapsed into my bed before getting up again to change out of my clothes and refill my hairpin's poison.

My phone pinged and I checked my notifications which just said something about money being transferred to my account.

After making sure that all was well, I fell asleep.

That was until Nyx interrupted me by sitting on my face, but oh well.

Cats will be cats.