
Diary, jan 1st ( part 2 )

After reading a few lines, tears surged off his eyes..

" So, you were like this even before you met me... Never cared for yourself, not even your health."

He chuckled with teary eyes..

He continued reading....




It took her fifteen minutes to reach her home by bus. She was invited in by the gentle breeze. Which, smelled like roses.. Her eyes glittered and her face beamed up. Instead of going in she started walking towards the rose garden.. It was one of the most beautiful view you could ever see... A vast garden , only for white roses......

In the middle of the garden, resides her mother, sleeping peacefully in her grave. The garden stood as the symbol of love and respect for the departed one.

Olivia smiled looking at her mother's grave and walked towards it. She sat near her mother's grave, on the bare ground.

" Mom, how are you? You know I've always wanted to meet you whenever, he tells me about you.... "

She smiled bitterly and then beamed up..

" He said you were very beautiful.. He always told me how, you both loved each other and how madly he was in love with your eyes. I wanted to see those beautiful eyes of yours. It's a pity, i couldn't see you not even once. But mom, we are going to meet each other soon.... "

She said with a gentle smile and affectionate eyes. Soon it turned into a worried one..

" I'm happy I'll be able to see you but, I'm really worried about him. He'll be alone mom. "

A drop of tear left from her eye unknowingly. She could feel the warmth of her own tears. She wiped it with a smile plastered on her face..

" Mom, i hope he'll be alright after my departure . You know , i can only hope for his well-being. "

She let out a huge sigh and said..

" Mom.. I've decided to live my life to the fullest, leaving no regrets behind.... I hope you'll support me. "

A gentle breeze started to blow , it had the fragrance of the white rose, sweet and warm. The breeze gently hugged her. She could feel the warmth of a hug from the breeze. She wanted to hug the breeze that cannot be hugged. She chuckles.

" I'll take it as your blessings... "

She smiled and hugged her mother's grave and pecked the pendant that was hung on her grave.

She had never felt her mother's warmth ever since her birth. She was raised by her father and her nanny.

Even though they loved her and gave her warmth , it was never equivalent to a mother's love and warmth.

Even though her father was a busy man, he always found time for his precious daughter . Her nanny loved her the most unfortunately, she died three years back. From then onwards she never cared about herself expect , when her father was around her. But he was unable to stick next to her all the time. Nobody was aware of her illness, not even herself . She had frequent pain in her abdomen. Gradually, it became severe. She endured the pain for a while. She reached her limits during the past few weeks.. Hence, she consulted her friends...

She stayed like that for a while and walked inside her house. Silence echoed in her ears... A pin drop silence.. She stood in front of a man's picture and said while pouting her lips..

" I rushed back from the hospital just to see you.. Why are you not here yet? Am i the only one missing you? "

Suddenly someone rung the door bell. Her lustreless eyes beamed up and a cheerful smile appeared on her face. She concealed all her pain beneath her mask.. She opened the door and her eyes met with a man standing in front of her opening his arms wide waiting for a hug.....

" My baby... "

To Be Continued.. .


