
Diary, jan 1st ( part 1 )

He adjusted himself on the passenger seat and positioned himself comfortably for reading his beloveds diary, her treasured diary. He let out a deep sigh and opened the diary and started reading it silently ...

1st january 2022

Dear diary,

Today was a special day for everyone, the first day of the year 2022 . Everyone wishing for a delightful and peaceful year . This day was something special for me too...




A woman in her early twenties with pale skin ,brown long hair and lustreless eyes , was standing in front of the City Hospital. She took a glance at the file she was holding and let out a sigh and slowly dragged herself to the nearby bus stop . She took the first bus home... There were many empty seats, she made herself comfortable in a seat near the window.

She slowly opened the glass window. Air rushed in, making her hair dance in it.. She let out a deep sigh and closed her eyes... The worries of her doctor started popping up in her mind..

( few moments back , in the hospital)

" You should have done this earlier Olivia. Oh my god! How.. Just, How did you ignore and endure the pain all this time? What am i supposed to say to him ? "

Olivia smiled at the worried doctor..

" It's alright Jen...... "

Before she could say anything Jennifer (Jen ) interrupted...

" How, how can you smile even in this situation? If only I had known this earlier. If only you cared about yourself. I'm sorry... I'm sorry.. I'm such a useless friend and a doctor... "

Jennifer broke down in tears. She hugged Olivia tightly. She continued...

" I'm sorry... ( hic hic)... I'm unable to save you.. If only.. If only...... "

Olivia put her index finger on Jennifer's lips..

"Sh... Don't worry too much and ,you are not useless... It's just my fate... "

Olivia smiled and wiped away Jennifer's tears with her fingers, softly..

" Oli... "

Jennifer hugged her again. She let her do as she please...

" Jen, let me go. I've to get back home. He's coming back today. "

Jennifer looked straight at Olivia's eyes...

" So, how do you plan to tell him? "

Olivia looked down with a worried face.

" I'll just wait for the right time to bid farewell to him . "

They both sighed together...

" Jen I'm leaving.. "

Jennifer nods as Olivia walks away....


After reading a few lines from Olivia's diary, tears surged off his eyes.

" So, you were like this even before you met me... Never cared for yourself and your health..... "

He chuckled with tears in his eyes.. He continued reading..

To Be Continued....