
Diary, jan 1st ( part 3 )

Suddenly someone rung the door bell. His lustreless eyes beamed up and a cheerful smile appeared on her face beneath which she concealed all her pain . She opened the door and her eyes met with a man standing with his arms wide open, waiting for a hug.....

" My Baby... "

The man said with a wide smile .. Without wasting another second, she rushed and hugged the man in front of her...

" I missed you Paa.. "

She said with a smile and brimming tears of joy...

" I missed you too baby... "

The man tighten his grip around his daughter. Even though it was temporary, she could sweep away all her worries in that fatherly embrace....

She dragged him inside and made him sit on the couch. While the father was letting his lovely daughter drag him.. He chuckled at his daughters cuteness and pout.. She sat along with him..

" Paa.. How was your trip? "

He patted her head and gave her a gentle and affectionate smile.

" It was good dear, How were you? Did you eat well? "

She started sweating a bit a thought for a few seconds whether to tell him about her conditions now or later. While a smile was plastered on her face while she was thinking..

" NO I shouldn't, i can't tell something like that to him just like nothing.... "

' Yes paa... I'm well and trust me, I ate meals on time.. '

She said while playing with her fingers. Raymond was still patting her hair. He sighed and thought.

' This little one of mine.....I'm sure she's lying, What shall i do about you my dear???? Honey I'm sorry, I think i failed as a father. I couldn't even take care of her. Should i just ask someone to run my business in my stead ??? '

While Raymond was in deep thought, Olivia called him over five times which was subconsciously ignored by Raymond. Then she finally stood up and bend down to her paa's ear and shouted...

" Mr Raymond Rosario.... "

He recoiled back and looked at his daughter with a shocked expression. Olivia sighed and said while dismaying with a face palm..

" What were you thinking so deeply? You didn't even hear me calling out for you.. "

" No worries dear.... It's nothing, just.. just some business... "

" Paa... Are you free this week? "

" Yeah.. I think so... "

He said while scratching his head. ..

" Anything wrong young one? "

" Paa... I've got something to say ... "