

(THIS IS MTL I.E MACHINE TRANSLATED NOVEL) (FROM MTLNOVEL) (AUTHOR:qingsi looking back,日常系美剧) [ORIGINAL SYNOPSIS: Traveling through the world of American dramas, in order to avoid premature death, embark on the path of an ordinary doctor. Along the way. Existing The Big Bang Theory Group of Seven, Friends of the Six Group, and the Five Group of Xun Ma Ji as friends, There are also Interns Grey, Dr. House, and good doctors. There is also the disappearing lover, fruit hard candy, and the horror of Ulenka. Daily life is not ordinary, and American drama life is endless.] [MY SYNOPSIS: NOVEL IS IN MULTICOMPLEX WORLD CONTAINING AMERICAN TV SHOWS AND MOVIES. SOME OF THEM ARE BIG BANG THEORY FREINDS YOUNG SHELDON HOUSE M.D GREY’S ANATOMY AND OTHER MOVIE SOME THILLERS MOVIES. SO BASICALLY THIS NOVEL IS ABOUT AUR PROTAGONIST WHOSE LIFESPAN IS SHORT BUT HE CAN GET MORE LIFESPAN BY HELPING OTHERS GOOD KARMA SO HE DECIDES TO BECOME A DOCTOR TO LIVE HIS SYSTEM : BASICALLY GETS ATTRIBUTES FROM HIS FRIENDS SUCH AS INTELLIGENCE OR STRENGTH ETC .] (NOT MY NOVEL IT IS FROM MTLNOVEL)

binnu99 · TV
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40 Chs

Daily American Drama Chapter 21: Bloodthirsty Little Red Riding Hood


"Any questions?"

   Juno said casually while looking at the big tome.

"Ha ha."

   Adam, who had been peeping all the time, gave him a smile. Although reason told him to ignore it, his sensibility made him curious.

   "What do you think of medical monographs?"


   Juno raised his head and smiled slightly: "Maybe we will all become doctors in the future."


   Adam's mouth twitched.

   "Isn't it?"

   Juno smiled: "Isn't your goal to become a doctor in the future?"

"How did you know?"

   Adam was shocked. He had never told anyone about this dream.

"My guess."

   Juno blinked.


   Adam turned dark and stared at her unkindly.

   "Okay, I'll confess."

   Juno tilted his head and smiled: "Maybe I am better at observing, you know~"

"What do I know?"

   Adam wanted to ask, but looking at Juno's meaningful eyes and words, he swallowed again. People like her are indeed good at observing and acting quite steadily.

  Before she was about to talk to him, I was afraid that he had been observing and studying him for a long time. Although he had not told anyone about his future goals, it was not surprising that she had checked the target university and was secretly seen by her.

   I didn't see her and now I started studying medical monographs...

   Thinking of this, Adam had a chill in his heart, his reason completely suppressed his sensibility, he smiled at Juno Qiang, and looked down at his textbook again.

   "Aren't you curious why I am watching this now?"

  Unfortunately, after he didn't dare to be interested, Juno became interested and pushed a large part of the medical book in front of Adam.


   Adam saw the picture that made him painful at a glance. It was a step-by-step diagram of the introductory surgery of the Sunflower Collection.

   "Your interest is really special. Isn't this a book for introductory medicine?"

   "Just take a look."

   Juno smiled and said: "This is not a sophisticated operation, so many farmers in the world can master this, it is very simple, and don't you think this operation is cool?"


   Adam only felt chills.


Juno smiled and said: "Compared to survival in the wild or selling cookies, this is the skill that Girl Scouts should learn. Oh, no, not just Girl Scouts, but Boy Scouts are the same. After all, this society is abnormal. Mostly, boys should also pay attention to protecting themselves when they are outside!"

   Boy Scouts, a kind of civil organization, children from 6 to 20 years old can participate. It is similar to military training, but different from the short-term military training and only exercise. Boy Scouts can participate all year round, and there are special people who teach various life skills.

  The most representative of these is the group of children in uniforms in twos and threes in the American TV series, holding their homemade biscuits and selling them everywhere.

Sheldon and Leonard helped Penny go to her ex-boyfriend to get back to the TV. Before they saw Penny's ex-boyfriend, they were blocked downstairs in the apartment. They said they would be able to get in with their high IQ of 187 and 173. At that time, a group of children easily got the code to enter, allowing the geniuses of Sheldon and Leonard to enter, but they were finally stripped of their pants and returned in embarrassment. The group of children were the Boy Scouts.

   "It is to protect yourself."

   Adam nodded in agreement, but unconsciously moved aside, trying to stay away from Juno.

   Had it not been for the wisdom that Juno had brought him, he would have been hiding far away.

   Juno is so awesome, let her be there with her arms akimbo, his world does not allow such an awesome existence.

   After class ends in the afternoon, it heralds the end of the regular course, but the following group activities will begin.

   Rugby, basketball and other sports are already in full swing on the playground. Cheerleading, choir and other activities are also gathered in their respective classrooms.

  The four of Adam are habitually preparing to go to the basement of Adam's house and play on the team.


   A radiant demon stopped the four of them.

   "Hi, Gretchen~"

   Adam hadn't spoken yet, Emmet couldn't control the power of the wild in his body, and greeted him by scratching his head.


   Gretchen glanced at him, frowned, looked at Adam again, made a perfunctory cry at Emmet, and then said with a big smile: "Go to me?"

"Figured out?"

   Adam smiled slightly.

   Little Shelton: ⊙▽⊙

   Juno: ←_←

   Emmet: -_-||


   Gretchen nodded vigorously.

   Last night, Adam told Gretchen about his love outlook, which shocked and uncomfortable. After all, what she values ​​most is the sense of vanity that comes from being a school rock star girlfriend.

   But after one night, her mind changed. She realized that vanity is bad and there are many good things in the world.

   Studying can also make people happy!


   Adam glanced at the sports car Gretchen parked in front of the school, and declined.

  He doesn't want to be treated as a little white face, how can he get in her car under the audience.

   "Good too."

   Gretchen's face became stiff, but looking at Adam's plain face, the negative emotions instantly dissipated, he smiled ambiguously, got on the sports car, left a word, and left with a roar.

   "I'll wait for you~"


   Emmet looked at the back of the sports car, and vomited: "This is what you didn't do? What did Gretchen invite you to do in the past~www.mtlnovel.com~It's always a tutoring class, right?"

   "Huh, you know?"

   Adam looked at Emmet in surprise, with an expression of 'how are you so smart, you can guess it all at once'.

   "Really tutoring homework?"

   Emmet was stunned: "A girl like Gretchen cares about studying? Don't be kidding me!"

   The only daughter of the richest local family, she was already at the end of most people when she was born. As long as she wanted to, any prestigious school would open her arms to her, and that she could appear in a public high school, which shows that she is not willing to study at all.

   "Everyone can change."

   Adam said solemnly: "I used to like to study, but you look at me now? Gretchen is willing to make progress, we as classmates should support her more!"


  Emmett Lemon Essence said sourly: "She just fell in love with you, you must have hooked up, the ghost believes that you are together for learning!"

   "I believe in Adam!"

   Juno smiled.

"You see?"

   Adam spread his hands to Emmet: "It seems that the band's joint practice time will be shortened in the future, let's hurry up."

   After finishing speaking, he rode his bicycle towards home.

   "Juneo, you don't really believe him, do you?"

   Emmet chattered: "He must be going..."

   "There are many kinds of courses~"

   Juno said leisurely, and he immediately choked on Emmet, speechless.

   Indeed, there are many kinds of courses in American high schools. Many of them are unpretentious and boring, but they can't hold back someone's liking.


   Emmet, who was awakened, is another classic foul language.