

(THIS IS MTL I.E MACHINE TRANSLATED NOVEL) (FROM MTLNOVEL) (AUTHOR:qingsi looking back,日常系美剧) [ORIGINAL SYNOPSIS: Traveling through the world of American dramas, in order to avoid premature death, embark on the path of an ordinary doctor. Along the way. Existing The Big Bang Theory Group of Seven, Friends of the Six Group, and the Five Group of Xun Ma Ji as friends, There are also Interns Grey, Dr. House, and good doctors. There is also the disappearing lover, fruit hard candy, and the horror of Ulenka. Daily life is not ordinary, and American drama life is endless.] [MY SYNOPSIS: NOVEL IS IN MULTICOMPLEX WORLD CONTAINING AMERICAN TV SHOWS AND MOVIES. SOME OF THEM ARE BIG BANG THEORY FREINDS YOUNG SHELDON HOUSE M.D GREY’S ANATOMY AND SOME OTHER THILLERS MOVIES {NOT HORROR LIKE GHOSTS}. SO BASICALLY THIS NOVEL IS ABOUT OUR PROTAGONIST WHOSE LIFESPAN IS SHORT BUT HE CAN GET MORE LIFESPAN BY HELPING OTHERS GOOD KARMA SO HE DECIDES TO BECOME A DOCTOR TO LIVE HIS SYSTEM : BASICALLY GETS ATTRIBUTES FROM HIS FRIENDS SUCH AS INTELLIGENCE OR STRENGTH ETC .] (NOT MY NOVEL IT IS FROM MTLNOVEL)

binnu99 · TV
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102 Chs

Daily American Drama Chapter 22: My classmate is too stable

The daily life is going fast.

   One semester passed in a blink of an eye.

   The summer vacation in 1990.

   Adam is 16 years old, and like most American teenagers, he can finally learn to drive.

   Interestingly, the United States does not have an ID card from the East, and the driver's license is equivalent to an ID card, which is full of connotations.

   "Adam, really don't need me to teach? I have very good skills."

   Dad Bob muttered a little disappointed.

   "No, I made an appointment with Emmet. He is also very skilled. Besides, he has a lot of time, so I don't need it for nothing."

   Adam declined.

   Compared to Bob, he is naturally more willing to learn to drive with his peers.

   In the United States, there are almost no full-time driver's license coaches, and they are usually taught by acquaintances who have a driver's license.

   Familiarize yourself with driving knowledge in advance, find an open space, and drive directly under the command of an acquaintance. It is actually very simple to move forward, turn, reverse, uphill, and stop.

   Even Sheldon, who has a huge fear of driving, often crashes on the simulator, and then he secretly got his driver's license.

The key is to have time to practice continuously, and you can get started in half a day. Why is Dongguo Driving School so long? That's because a coach takes so many people and can only take turns in the car. Actually, there is very little time to practice in the car. The ones that are still intermittent are all used for waiting.


  Bob is helpless, he still wants to show his superb technique in front of his son.

   Don't look at Duncan's family now with four children, but the child with the most affection must be the boss of Adam.

   It's a pity that since Adam got rid of his former stupidity in the past two years, the relationship between father and son has been alienated a lot. Many activities between father and son, such as fishing together and playing rugby together, have been cancelled.

   Now he doesn't even need him for training.

  Bob is naturally a little lost, but he also understands the boy's mentality that he wants to play with his peers when he grows up, but he doesn't know that Adam is no longer the Adam.

   Now Adam really has no interest in fishing and rugby, and although Adam is well integrated into Duncan's house because of the familiar and warm family atmosphere, he is separated by a floor after all.

   toot toot!

   "Sorry, Emmet is here."

   Adam smiled apologetically at Bob.

   "Go ahead."

   Bob picked up his mood and patted Adam on the shoulder: "Be careful."

"Do not worry."

   Adam agreed, walked out of the house quickly, got in the co-pilot, and said to Emmet: "Let's go, early training ends early."

   "I really can't figure it out."

   As soon as Emmet stepped on the gas pedal, his mouth began to chatter: "Why don't you practice Gretchen? Her car is so cool."

   "Not safe."

   Adam said leisurely.


   Emmet was stagnant, and it took a long time before he squinted and breathed out fragrantly: "Bah!"

   "So you know, so what else to ask."

   Adam joked.


   There were countless pictures flashing in Emmet's mind, heartbroken, but the expression was clearly like a lemon like'a man should be born like this, he can replace him'.

   "Where is this? Real shameless people will charge for everything."

   Adam spit in his heart, jokingly said: "Don't you also have Ivy? Did you break up again?"

   Ivy, Adam's sister Ted's best friend, is African-American like Emmett. Unlike Emmett's thinness, Ivy is chubby and quite happy, and she has honey confidence in her own 'beauty'.

  Emmett has different opinions on this. Between Ivy and the single dog, he always chooses not unexpectedly, but he still feels a little disgusted in his heart.

   Therefore, there are several degrees of separation and recombination between them.

   "Don't mention Ivy to me! This time, I have completely broken off with her!"

   Emmet said indignantly the same cruel words, and when he saw Adam ignored him at all, he said uncomfortably: "You don't believe it?"

"I believe."

   Adam expressed his belief that he still believed in Wang Jingze.


   Emmet naturally knew Adam's perfunctory, but he really didn't have the confidence to prove himself, so he could only change the subject in a daze: "Why can't I see Juno lately?"

   Adam's eyes suddenly condensed.

   During this time, Juno's whereabouts are secretive, and he often does not participate in group activities of fruit hard candy.

   Emmet and Jr. Shelton were just strange and complaining, while Adam was a little flustered.

  Because since Juno started to read the thick and big medical book, he vaguely knew what Juno was up to.

   Regardless of whether it is for friendship or wisdom, he seems to urge Juno.

   But when he thinks of Juno's deep eyes that seem to be able to see through people's hearts, and her terrifying views on the introductory surgery of the Sunflower Collection, Adam feels the pain, and then he takes it from heart.

   I don't know, I don't know, I don't want...

   It's rare to be confused!

   All he wants is the wisdom points provided by Juno, regardless of what he does. If Juno really fails to provide him with wisdom points because of his butterfly effect, that is also fate.

   Who left him with only a trash system, it does not provide extraordinary power at all, and the gentleman does not stand under the wall.

   is neither a hot-blooded boy in Secondary Two nor gluttonous for Juno's body. He stood on the sidelines in the fight against the five scum. This is both the best choice and the final choice.

   Furthermore, he does not believe that as robust as Juno, he will fail because of his butterfly effect.

   You need to know that in the original time-space fruit hard candy movie, Juno's avatar Hailey actually didn't let the photographer practice the Sunflower Collection.

   It seems that she is just pretending to scare the photographer with a medical book. UU reading www.uukanshu.com, but Adam knows that Juno is not just just scaring at all, she really has that ability.

   In the biology experiment class, Juno made the science teachers admire the proficient anatomy technique of "Just You Show". If Juno didn't practice privately, Adam didn't believe it at all.

   This is a small town with a large forest next to it. The natural environment in the United States is very good, and there are not too many animals in the woods.

   There are too many perverts in American dramas that start from hunting and slaughtering. The most famous one is naturally Uncle Ba.

   After all, man is also an animal.

All the information Juno revealed to the photographer, including her name, family information, hobbies, etc., was all set by Juno in advance. It has been a year since she read the medical book, which means that she has prepared at least one In 2015, she was so stable to the dreadful level, where did he need to worry?


   "Hi, hi!"

   Seeing Adam seemed to be in a daze, Emmet honked his horn: "What are you thinking?"

"It's nothing."

   Adam came back to his senses and shook his head, letting go of Juno's affairs. The most important thing now is to learn to drive as soon as possible and get his driver's license.


   Emmet drove into an empty flat ground, stopped, and got off the driveway: "Just here."

   "Ok, you are the coach."

   Adam got out of the car, shrugged, changed seats with Emmet, and took the driver's seat.

   Emmet sat in the passenger seat, repeated his common sense of driving, and then said: "You are a novice, start in first gear, hi, hi, what are you doing?!"

   Adam proficiently stepped on the clutch to put the gear in second gear, and said with a smile: "For high-level people, always start in second gear!"
