
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasie
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470 Chs

One Poor, Misguided Soul

Yuki sat in his cell in Solitary Confinement Peak and thought to himself. Besides the first recovery where he had truly been through some hellish pain, it wasn't so bad. He'd been stuck in here for about a year now.

He had food, water, 'shelter' and was able to continue bettering himself in seclusion where hardly anyone disturbed him.

Yeah, it wasn't so bad.

Even if he was stuck in this place where there was hardly any light, he'd tentatively talked to the various inhabitants that were stuck here with him to pass the time and had made friends.

It was no secret that Sins didn't quite get along, with their proclivity to using violence to solve problems, but stuck here in this hole with even less entertainment, it was no surprise that they'd gotten around to talking.

With the added bonus that Yuki couldn't hurt people inside here, it suited him just fine.

The new disciple around the block had just brought them their meals – the previous one had quit because the new round of disciples had filtered into the sect, glad to be finally rid of the burden of taking care of the Sins – Yuki habitually ignored them as best he could lest he lose control over his urges again.

While Yuki did like fighting, he didn't like the loss of control over himself once the situation escalated to violence. It was hard to stop once he started.

It usually happened whenever someone looked at him funny or cowered in front of him. Something about that just set off his primal urges that Sins were apparently supposed to have in spades.

In uncertain terms, it felt like something inside his head strongly urged him to resort to violence as the most logical course of action, egging him on to fight, fight, fight!

The lust for violence was something that he'd tried to abstain from before, but that only made things worse in the long run.

He'd got up shortly after being left the breakfast meal. Though it was dim in here, there was still some semblance of light that shone from outside the bars. He could never tell the time, but his body clock was accurate.

Mostly when he got hungry.

8am, 12pm, 7pm. His body was accurate like that.

But he wasn't hungry now, so he didn't know what time it was.

There was further banging down the way as the new disciple went through the motions of presenting food to the rest of them stuck in here.

Yuki bit lightly on the spoon, eating, nonetheless. It usually tasted better when it was still hot.

"Get out," came Dominique's unique raspy voice, filled with threat and annoyance.

Yuki inwardly lamented about how, yet another disciple was going to be chased off soon.

He expected that just like the rest of the disciples that took up Solitary Confinement Peak duty, they would leave very quickly after presenting the food, so when Yuki heard the footsteps that passed shortly after going in and out of the various 'rooms', he wasn't surprised.

With Dominique's prickly personality at the best of times, there were no shortage of terrified disciples. Even if he couldn't use his magic, he was still vaguely frightening.

He was, however, surprised when the same set of purposely loud footsteps – he appreciated the warning; it was very polite – came back around again.

The footsteps were marginally heavier now. Carrying something heavier than the food boxes?

The Sin cocked his head as he listened. It wasn't like there was anything else for him to do.

The footsteps stopped around Dominique's room, where he heard the banging knock on the prickly teenager's door, and the harsh grating of metal swinging open.

Yuki absently spooned more soup into his mouth as he tried to picture what was going on.

He heard the low rasp of Dominique's voice, always raspy and hoarse like he hadn't spoken for years – no doubt he was telling off the poor disciple to 'get out' like he always did whenever he was in a bad mood.

Not that he couldn't understand his bad mood. One hundred lashes from the disciplinary whip was pretty harsh, and the pain lingered for months. In fact, they hurt like a bitch even when they'd healed up. He still got phantom aches whenever it rained.

Yuki was pretty sure he still had the scar marks from them, even if he couldn't see it right now. He tried his best not to think about it.

So, while Yuki felt for the new disciple, it wasn't like he didn't understand Dominique's desire to be left alone, so he just sat back and prepared to have some drama with his breakfast.

Sure enough, the resulting growls from the teen echoed throughout the caves, followed by sounds of… Yuki squinted, trying to hear better.

Sounds of clothes… ripping?

"What -"

More rustling sounds.

"Wait- what do you think you're doing?" Dominique's signature raspy voice.

"Don't move." The voice sounded like the milky tones of a child, but the note of command in it startled him.

There was the resulting single grunt of pain and a long period of silence. The silence was more damning than any cries of pain could have been, and the following curses caused him to flinch.

Yuki's spoon clattered, clanging in his bowl as he lost control of it. He felt horrified. What was he hearing right now??

Was Dominique… getting some right now?! On the receiving end?! Was the world ending?!

Yuki made a low sound of disbelieving shock, scrambling off the bed.

"Rosabel!" Yuki hissed, tiptoeing to peer out from the bars.

"What!" Rosabel hissed back, but there was a shaken quality to her voice that suggested he wasn't mishearing anything.

Their eyes met across the cave.

"Oh my stars, Bel! Is Dominque being attacked?!"

"… Maybe they're just having some fun…"

Yuki was quiet for a moment as he strained his ears to hear more.

"Does that sound like fun to you!?" Yuki hissed back. "Is this consensual or not?!"

There were a few sloshing sounds, followed by Dominique's slightly strangled sounds. Yuki shuddered. Just who was that person, that they could put *Dominique* into such a state?

That was Dominique Falren, who was arguably the highest on the Sin scale in the sect!

Dear stars, what was happening?

Yuki didn't know how long it went on before Dominique's growls of pain tapered off.

"I'm leaving now," the new disciple said, and Yuki held his breath.

His thoughts had completely gone down the gutter – how was Dominique getting some when they were in solitary confinement? Then again – wasn't the Sin the one on the receiving end?!

Yuki laughed lightly – almost hysterically – at the thought.

"Thank you," came Dominique's low, slightly embarrassed voice, and Yuki might have to stab himself in the brain to get that memory out of his head now. Dominique being shy and shit!

No, no, no. This couldn't be happening. Yuki wanted to bleach this memory from his brain – right now.

The door to Dominique's room clanged shut, and the footsteps echoed down the hallway like a haunting grim reaper.

Yuki clapped a hand over his mouth, his heartbeat all but stuttering when the steps stopped outside his door. He backed away from the bars before the footsteps remotely approached him, hiding himself under the covers of his bed.

Bang, bang, bang!

Yuki's heart did its best to escape out of his chest when the door creaked open.

The sight of the child's young body and frame, coupled with his sweet voice when he said, "Hello senior brother," terrified him like nothing had before.

"G-go away," Yuki hissed out valiantly.

He would not be taken today! Over his dead body!

"I'm afraid not," the disciple said calmly, smiling at him. While it would have been gentle and soothing in any other situation, Yuki was already highly freaked out by his presence, so his smile looked more like a beckon of death.

Yuki chucked his pillow at the figure, gasping. "Away, beast!"

Before he could react, there was a hand that latched onto his leg, ripping a scream from him.


He wondered if he imagined the smile that kicked up a notch on the boy's face, but he was summarily dragged from the bed and out the door kicking and screaming. Unfortunately, he still had the bands on which meant that while he was able to practice his magic, it wasn't able to be discharged from his body.

"Stop! Leave me! Rosabel, help!"


Yuki was dragged down the hallway, away from the light and past Dominique's door, terror suffusing him.

Top 150: 3 bonus chapters

Eh, this is what happens when you make assumptions about what's happening without visuals (laughs)

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