
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
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470 Chs

More effort... Put more back into it!

Alec really didn't know what they were all screaming about, but he felt like he had a faint idea. To be fair, it was pretty funny.

Though, when the few of them had come back from their baths all but catatonic and without any further screaming, some of them should have clued in. But still, that didn't discount him feeling like he was wrangling a bunch of unwilling toddlers to take their bath.

Honestly, shouldn't they have grown out of this kind of behaviour already? They were all filthy! Alec couldn't stand it. He'd already scrubbed his hands at least ten times. They should've quietened down when they saw that he brought them to the bath area, but instead they were more vigilant.

Mark his words, he was going to give that older disciple a piece of his mind.

If he had so much time to slack off and sleep, then he could help out and train harder!

Ugh. Just thinking about it got him all annoyed.

Actually, the way the Sins all gawked in disbelief when he brought them to the bathroom for a shower was honestly kind of funny. Now that they already knew where he brought them, the next time around wouldn't have such dramatic reactions.

While it may have been part of his annoyance that the entire place was just filthy (including the inhabitants) he was also a bit thrown off how easy it had been to add Dominique to the Main Character Page, so he'd been working through it by using the other twelve to distract himself.

Alec dumped a bunch of cleaning supplies inside their rooms when they were still out of it from being wrangled to have a bath.

Then, he went outside and eyed Marc, who was now spread out on the grass. He felt the tic that had disappeared form again seeing the drool at the corner of his mouth.

Alec dropped a heavy bucket onto his stomach, his annoyance dissipating slightly when the older boy woke up with a "Bwuh?!".

"Wake up, senior brother. You have to help me." If the smile on Alec's face was slightly more malicious than usual, no one would have believed Marc.

Marc groaned; his mind sluggish. "What…"

Before he knew it, he'd been swept up in Alec's pace. He hardly knew what he was doing.

By the time he realized that something was wrong, he was already donning cleaning garb, sluggishly scrubbing at the walls.

Marc paused. "???" What was he doing right now instead of his carefree life?

Alec strode past him with a purpose. "Put more back into it!"

Marc instinctively put more strength into his scrubbing.

The younger boy kept barking orders at him, and if his tone was too similar to his master's that Marc reflexively followed orders, that was not his fault.

It was only when he was done that he felt the conflicting mix of emotions. This was not what he had signed up for this morning.

"Hey," Marc said to Alec, "This isn't part of my job description, you know-"

Alec turned and smiled, and it was so saccharine and sweet that Marc shuddered and shut his mouth, feeling very real chills run rampant through his body.

He wondered if he'd been wrong about the younger disciple – he evidently wasn't just sunshine and roses, if this was how he usually was.

"Yessir. Shutting my mouth now."

By the mid-afternoon, Marc was ready to just pass out and collapse… and never wake up ever again if it meant that he didn't need to see this little demon anymore.

The Sins were more docile today than he'd ever seen them, and he wondered if it was something Alec did to them. It may be a bit vindictive, but Marc was glad that he wasn't the only one who was suffering from the smaller boy's tyrannical treatment.

He had no idea why he couldn't refuse the boy. Marc briefly wondered if it was time for him to hand in his resignation for this long-term job.

Marc slumped on the clean, clean ground, leaning on the equally clean wall, and just about fell asleep right then and there.


Alec huffed seeing the teen all but pass out after the short cleaning they had. He wasn't done yet, but he supposed it was good enough for the first day. He would just have to slowly train this older disciple…

As if hearing his thoughts, Marc shivered lightly.

There was a strange sort of pleasure he obtained from making an obvious slacker work. In fact, it was quite satisfying in a strange way. He would probably be doing this a lot now – as long as he was still doing this mission for the sect, that was.

He really wanted to do something about this – it was clearly inefficient in making the Sins 'reflect' on their behaviour, which he was sure that solitary confinement was playing a part in as well.

No one suffered punishment like this and came out without trauma of some sorts.

However, even if he wanted to, there was no way for him to change anything as of yet. He had no authority, nor did he have any achievements to his name.

As Alec thought about the problem, he stepped out of the cave, greeted by the warmth of the afternoon sun.

There was a figure standing in front of Solitary Confinement Peak, staring blankly at the entrance.

Alec raised his eyebrows, wondering who this was.

When their eyes met, Alec was struck with the familiar shade of purple eyes. The moment they exchanged a glance, the [Main Character Radar] that had been silent immediately started blaring warnings.

The figure that had been locking eyes with him turned away, their cloak sweeping in a dramatic arc before he strode away. Though their eye contact had only been a brief moment, Alec was hit by the sheer intensity in the man's eyes that seemed to radiate from him naturally.

He possessed a presence that demanded attention – like he would walk into a room, and all eyes would naturally fall upon him – and he wielded it with a grace and ease that spoke of practice that had sunk bone-deep.

His eyes narrowed slightly. He hadn't been able to read any of the man's body language since it had been covered under the cloak, but from his face, it seemed that he was feeling sentimental… and sad.

[Dorian Falren]

[Potential: 9]

[Intelligence: 10]

[Luck: 9]

[Determination: 10]

Alec sucked in a breath. Looks like the apple didn't fall too far from the tree indeed.

This should be Dominique's father – wait.

Dorian Falren. Wasn't that the current sect leader?!

Alec could have whacked himself for being dense. They even had the same surname. How had he let that slip by him?

The System clicked his tongue in amazement. What were the chances of both father and son being Main Characters? Genes were terrifying.

On the other hand, he couldn't see where Dorian could go from here on up, unless he was the type of Main Character that only started their story late. By all accounts, his story 'plot' should have ended already considering he was sitting in the seat of Sect Master.


So, the [Main Character Radar] didn't only alert him to potential Main Characters, but also those that had already finished their story?

Alec was suddenly burning with curiosity – what else would he find out from [System's System]? He had to hurry up and increase his magical capacity.

Top 150: 3 bonus chapters

Top 250: 2 bonus chapters

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