
Crossing The Twilight the Awakening

This fanfic is based on over 18 to 20 other fanfics that I have found interesting but a few very good ones that were never finished, I must write one of my own and since I have a lot a time on my hands, hope to finish by the end. I have read and researched all those fanfics and added what I thought was missing in them and put them all together in my own work. I have used examples but not copied any of their stuff to mine. Well maybe a few lines that were very good, but there are a few sections where I do copy ‘them’ and/or ‘the origin’ of the story. Please be advised that I do not own ‘The Twilight Saga’ and or any other movies or stories related to this fanfic that come into play. Most of these chapters in the beginning will be from 3-5 thousand words, then gradually increase later being between 5-7 thousand words per chapter as the characters progress. I like my fanfics long and sometimes comedic. Again, I do not own any movie rights or any characters that come out from this... THEY ARE FANFICS. RATED M FOR MATURE!!! Please be warned: there are some light and heavy lemons in this fanfic. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!! SEX SCENES YES!!! AGAIN, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!! Alexandro died saving a little girl from getting ran over, funnily after he died, he meets a ROB saying it died stupidly, he is given a wheel of powers to spin and a spin to when he will arrive in another world. He awakens as a baby in the world of Twilight. Having a good childhood, when he hits his teenage years, tragedy happens and is left alone, family murdered and a crisis of who his long-life mates will be. While adventuring in an old tomb, he finds an old relic that when after he put together something wonderous happened. He is transported through dimensions. Will he ever get back to his? Will he want to? Will he live for revenge or get passed his grief of his family being murdered by the same type of supernatural's that murdered his family? Or will he choose another route to happiness? This is not a pick-up all females he sees harem, the most he'll have is three maybe four. He started with three, that's because they were soul mated to him, not a choice. That ROB wasn't giving him one and he may have another along the way but that's it, no others, no midnight getaways, no rendezvous.

Roberto_0461 · Filme
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Meeting R.O.B. pt2, and Gifts

Chapter 2: Meeting R.O.B. pt2, and Gifts


"Well, like I said before you made me laugh and that doesn't happen very often. Your death was the most entertaining thing I've seen in the last million or so years. And in this one's eternal life, that's rare, almost impossible to be exact. So, yeah, I decided to handle your soul case and add a little something extra as a reward for making your death, amusing." The ROB chuckled as he said that...


"Really? So, you basically brought me here to mock me, then reward me for it?" I asked nervously, not wanting him to get angry and throw me out. "No, no, no, nothing of that nature. You seem to have misunderstood me, I brought you here to reward you for making your death entertaining, not mocking you, while you sit here. Please stop pouting, you're not a female and you sure as hell not pretty. You're not a child, either." 


The ROB paused for me to take a breath, "You do understand that the last person I reincarnated had no imagination to him at all. It's always the Path to Godhood this, Money forever that, and Easy Living this, and don't even mention how many requests for harems I get from that guy. Well, maybe you would, but I'm not about to use my power to abrogate the Agency of the girls these people lust after.


If the individual that passed through here chooses to use their new powers in such a manner, then they are free to do so. Once they get to wherever they get to on their own power and skills, it's all on them." The ROB took a breather continuing, "They just have to deal with the consequences of their actions by making that choice. They choose with how many girls they get to join him, her, or them for their own... HELL." 


Finishing his long-abused girl harem rant, in which I totally agreed on. Too many girls is a hassle. "Hell?" I asked, assuming ROB was talking about sin and afterlife placements. "No nothing like that... it would be worse. Women troubles man, that's worse than hell ever could be, in my opinion." Morgan deadpanned as I agreed with him after I thought it through. 


"Do you have any idea how many men wished for immortality, then found themselves wishing for the sweet release of death when their 100-member Harem has gone on a rampage. Caused that man to become hen pecked daily, verbally abused daily, and or physically abused as well. Because all of the females that man acquired, had to endure the times of the month the girls spend... not synchronized is a headache in on itself." 


Chuckled a little bit and continued, "Then the dude goes on and carelessly forgets someone's two-week anniversary or some other meaningless thing that females think is important to them, or their relationship. Small things, like I knew one that thought that a dentist appointment was the meaning of life. That was the stupidest thing one could say about a dentist appointment." 


ROB finishes describing that 'HAREM' dilemma, after shaking his head at me, to not make that mistake. I thought 'that actually happened to some shmuck.' I read about them a lot back then, in those stories I used to pass my time with. "So, hell it is, then, Demons on a rampage is a no go, for me thank you very much." I said dryly while I chuckled with the ROB afterwards. 


Hoping that no female angels or goddesses of any kind were overhearing ROB's jokes and take the remarks later on me when not in his presence. Morgan Freeman laughed again as I though that as well, before continuing explaining things. "Ok, I understand now, no harem bigger than 4, got it. So, what type of reward are we talking about here? Are you giving me wishes? Abilities? What?" I asked a little nervous. 


I had trouble hiding my budding excitement in receiving powers. "Well... we will be playing a simple game. From the new and improved reincarnator package. 3 spin abilities and a world spin. How does that sound to you?" He said as two giant wheels appeared out of thin air. Followed by arcade game music, that started playing from all around me, as I stood there dumbfounded.


I kept looking at the giant wheels in front of me, on one of the wheels was a vast assortment of names of movies, books, Tv series, animes, and Mangas of all kinds that I have seen and read before. The list was so long, I was sure I didn't watch nor read more than 1% of the material present. The other wheel had a whole list of abilities, heat vision, magical powers, the list went on and on. 


"As you can see, it's very simple, by simply spinning of this wheel," he points to the left one, "it will determine what world you will be sent to. But you have to spin it twice. The first spin decides the world you go to, and then the second spin decides the timeline you will be set into. So, two spins on the same wheel." Then points at the one next to the world one. 


"And the other wheel is self-explanatory, spin it three times and it will give you three abilities and or your body constitution types. Simple right?" Seeing this, I was awestruck, while staring at the two huge fucken ginormous wheels made of some unknown metal I've never seen before, because they sure as hell weren't made out of wood. 


The ROB *coughed* out loud and cleared his throat to get my attention, again from wherever it was just a second ago. "You may proceed to spin the first wheel young one. Whenever you're ready young soul, go ahead." The ROB snickered as I look toward him tapping his watch with one of his see threw gosht like fingers. In other words, he was letting me know to hurry fuck up. 


I felt my throat go dry instantly, that got me going straight to the wheel. I approached the first giant wheel of metal with many world names on it. I really hoped that I at least get sent into a world where I know the plot too somewhat but then started to think about it deeply... 'would it really matter since it would be my story not the characters of whatever world characters I go into'. 


Taking a deep breath as I stood in front of the 'World Wheel'. I grabbed the World Wheel with both hand and pulled downward as hard as I could. Then I stepped back almost falling on my ass. I heard a loud laugh as I looked over at ROB that was laughing his ass off at me from the side as he just saw the funniest thing ever. "HAHAHAHAHA!!!!" He sounded cruel as he laughed like that. 


I looked toward the wheel again and that damn thing barely moved down 7 world notches from the starting position then stopped. I just kept staring at the wheel in utter loss and utter defeat at where it landed. Hearing a loud, *DING*DING*DING* after... "WHAT THE FUCK!!! IS THIS WHEEL MADE OUT OF FUCKEN GRAVITONIUM?"


I gasped in utter shock at how heavy that thing was... (I really don't know what Gravitonium was anyways, but it sounded cool to say at the time.) I had given my 290% percent ( all I had... almost shit myself) into that swing because my arms to my shoulders hurt, like hell. It was a miracle that I didn't get a hernia spinning that thing that hard. 


That fucken thing barely moved; I think I sprained my whole body on that spin, everything hurts now. "It's made out of 100% pure Gold Essence, the heaviest material in the Void, but never thought about using Gravitonium. Hmmm... that's a great idea!! I'll use that next time, thanks for that great idea!!" The ROB replied to my question with a loud chuckle that revibrated throughout the room. 


While glancing at the giant World Wheel, that thing was easily 400 times heavier by normal gold weight standards. "Well, the world has been decided, so let's get down with the abilities wheel!!" The ROB said as he pointed at the other wheel. I looked at the world that the wheel landed on in defeat, a sigh of relief immediately left me in resignation. 


'Fuuuucccck,' is all I could think to myself. It read, "THE SELECTED WORLD IS !!TWILIGHT+!!" in bold letters across the top screen, as confetti fell to the ground around the wheel as if a prize was won. "Hmmm." I mumbled quietly after reading the world name, 'but what do the plus symbol stand for? And what the hell is up with the confetti?' I thought to myself looking around.


At least it didn't land on an apocalyptic world, right? This world is the normal, right? I started getting nervous and wanted to ask ROB. Hopefully it's not a world of war mongering races fighting for supremacy, people against people, no superheroes or villains who could and would destroy the planet by just simply sneezing. Let's hope this world is a relatively simple one. 


You know the normal romance world, a couple of diamond sparkling vampires here and some shapeshifting werewolves there, with a tad bit of animal shifters here and there for the mix. At least this general world geography is the same as my old world, so all in all it's not bad. I can use this world to make a lot of money for myself. 


Hearing the ROB speak again I refocused on what he was saying, "Go ahead, spin the abili... wait, you have one more spin to do, now you have to spin wheel again once more, one more time so I can send you in a specific timeline it lands on. And don't worry, I'll keep you as close as I can to the present civilization and not the Medieval bunken times." 


After the ROB finished explaining the context of the second spin. I asked a question before I took hold of the wheel, "Can I ask... aaah... what does the plus symbol that is displayed there means? Is that an extra life or something?" As I ask the ROB, as I pointed at the plus sign beside the word Twilight. He looked over to the plus and closed his eyes.


"Oh yeah, noticed that did you!! Well... that means that this world is not the canon one you know of. There are large differences in this world than the one you read or saw. Like some characters that were never there before, are there now, some characters that you might think to be evil are not same with the good, things like that, so better prepare your mind for different eventualities." 


The ROB explained only very little, while displaying an amusing smile, but hey... who am I to argue, at least he mentioned some of the differences before heading there. I shrugged my shoulders putting it at the back of my mind and walk up to the wheel to spin it again, "All right, here we go!!! Full body muscle motion!!!" I yelled out loud in my head of course, trying to get more strength out for the spin. 


I spun the wheel and one more time trying even harder than before, trying to make it go further than the previous seven clicks. Only to hear it stop at 4 clicks, "*Click, click, click, cliiick*." Again, fuck... the wheel didn't even move very far, this time it stops at 4 clicks. "DING... DING... DING..., TIMELINE HAS BEEN SELECTED, 45 YEARS BEFORE THE MAIN STORYLINE STARTS. December 15, 1956, "PLACE", Las Angels, CA."


"HAHAHAHA!!! Thought you could go further? Didn't you? Well at least you made it move further than one click, I made it heavier this time. You keep making it better and better for me, making me laugh that is, very entertaining. So, now that's done, your abilities are next, but we are going to spin the wheel for said abilities, then roll these dice I have here for what level of that ability are to be awakened too."


As he showed me one dice with a whole lot of numbers, looked like the D&D dice. Then he continued talking, "but remember, those abilities will only be activated when you arrive at that world. And after your body acclimatizes to that new world a few years after you are born, I'd say year 5 give or take." Said the ROB as he explained to me why he was making me do two things for each ability I got. 


"Can I have a wheel that I can at least be able to spin a full turn this time around... please? Make it a little exciting for me." I asked the ROB in a pleading manner. "Sure, Sure... I'll pull out an alternate light wheel this time, let me know when you're ready to spin." The ROB gestured as the old gold wheel disappeared, and a new wheel appeared in its place, and it looked like wood 'YAY ME'. 


As it immediately appeared in front of me letting me know to hurry up, and my surroundings turned purple awaiting for my spin to begin. I hope I get something strong but not too strong to the point my stay turns boring. I didn't want to be stuck in a Goku/Saitama like dilemma where everything is boring, being too strong for my own good not able to enjoy the world.


After a couple of minutes looking over the abilities on the wheel, I had finally made my decision and grabbed hold of the wheel. The moment I spun the wheel, I was immediately transported back beside the ROB. He simply looked amused by my surprised look, waiting for the wheel to stop spinning. It spun around twice finally stopping on:


Body Manipulation "Tier, to be determined..." After the spin some information directly appears in my head about the ability. It was the power to influence and control all forms of one's body. It could also include anyone the owner with this ability applies to other bodies as well. The level of modification will depend on how the tier level rolls to this ability... 


From tier level's 1-3, is considered low manipulation, level's 4-7, is considered mid-level manipulation, level's 8-10, is considered top-tier high-level manipulation. To be able to change any part of one's and other's bodies to perfection levels, the tiers must be considered between mid to high level for the change to take permanent effect.


Capabilities by Level:

Users can control modifications to various body type sections. Can also control others to do ones bidding like being mined controlled, as well as helping the modified body under certain situations, to use them against your enemies, use them to see locations and get information about a particular place to a certain extent, use them to fight your battles, for spying on others... etc. 


Caution to the controller: The controlled bodies may cultivate bonds with the user, for lust or love, thus creating friendships and/or bonds if not careful. Also, they may empathize or communicate with said body from far away distances and locations through the mind of the controlled modified body. "Warning!!! Must have high enough Tier level to meet standards of control, if tier is not met, power will not be activated."


Applications and Tier level

Anti-Body Scrying / 4-> (Anti-scrying will only work for high Tier level)

·Anti-Empathy / 1-> (The higher the Tier, the better the control and block)

·Anti-Mind Control / 7-> (May work both ways, against and for mind control)

·Mind Link / 4-> (Only works for low tier minds)


Techniques / Tier

·Body Empowerment / 7-> (Can give greater strength to all body parts)


 Associations / Tier

Body Creation / Modification / 7->

·Shield the mind (depending on Tier) / Telepathy / 4-6 will not work with lower Tier

·Magic Empowerment / 7->

·Body Physiology / 1->

·Psychic Persuasion / Mind Control / 7-> (The higher the Tier, the better the control)


Limitations: All abilities have an on/off switch, May be limited to only certain species applied to, user/caster can only control the bodies they create or summon. Range may be limited to Tier level, depends on environment being controlled or Tier level.


Once more I consciously chose to ignore the limitations and focused on exploring the possibilities and making this power stronger with practice. Even if the body Manipulation wasn't a power that he would have ever picked for himself, there were many possibilities in how to use this power. He could grow this power slowly once I roll the tier and do what he wanted with his powers in this new world. 


It was up to him. Next, I grabbed the dice which looked like those found in the D&D games off the table, they were circular, purple color, threw the dice on the table and it rolled around for a few spins... and a... '10' That scared me, almost. "Haaaa, that almost landed a 1, phew... that almost gave me a heart attack." I looked nervously to ROB, and he said, "Ability and Tier granted." 


Feeling a sudden pain in my head and chest, holding it tightly as a ton of information related to my new ability flowing into my mind, a burning heat coming from my chest to my head. The highest tier for this ability was no joke, almost passed out there. A few minutes later, I recovered from the splitting headache. I stood ready to spin the wheel for my next ability to be acquired. 


For the second time, I grabbed the wheel and spun as hard as I could. After a few clicks, it landed on, "Material Creation Manipulation, Tier to be determined..." The user can manipulate, create, and deconstruct materials by sacrificing other matter and or energy. Sacrificing material to create new material will come at a cost of 4 to 1 ratio. 


Depending on how high your tier level rolls, the cost will be as follows... from level's 1-3, ratio 6 to 1, low manipulation, level's 4-7, ratio 4 to1, mid-level manipulation, and level's 8-10, ratio2 to 1, Top-Tier high-level manipulation can be acquired. Unknown materials from that plane is at that cost, but materials from different plane are doubled.



The user can manipulate and create materials by sacrificing other matter, energy, etc... Control and shape your own creation and created matter and energy. Delaying/hastening when creation happens, speeding/slowing down creation, determine what parts should be created. The user can manipulate creations look, feel, attribute, powers, what it does, etc., and recreate things.



Created Attribute Manipulation

Created Elemental Manipulation

Created Energy Manipulation

Created Matter Manipulation

Created Object Manipulation

Creation Arts

Creation Attacks

Creative Force Manipulation

Most Creation-based powers

Most Construction-based powers

Most Generation-based powers

Process Speed Manipulation

Ability Creation and bestowal –> (3 abilities per person unless used for owner to self)

Constructs Creation

Energy Generation

Matter Creation



Creation Empowerment

Absolute Recreation

Construction/Deconstruction Manipulation to base materials

Creation-Destruction/Decomposition Manipulation



May be limited by raw power and imagination of user. May need to know how an object or material works or made of by atomic levels in order to be created, it fully functional. No living matter, organic or entity can be created of this ability. Distance and strength depend on the power tier and skill of the user but is limited to the users imagination. 


May need to acquire knowledge of chemistry and biology to use properly. Has to be created in order to manipulate into other uses. I hope I roll a high tier and do what I want with my powers in this new world as I please. Next, I grabbed the one dice, once again hoping for the best, shook the dice in his palms and threw the dice on the table making it spin and it rolled... landing on... a '9', "YESS!!" 


"Ability and Tier granted." The ROB said again, as I felt another sudden a pain, all the information related to my new ability flowing into my mind, but this time it lasted a lot longer. Twenty minutes had passed when the pain started receding, it stopped soon after while I laid on the ground and breathing heavily, a minute or two, I felt better.


For the third and last time, I grabbed the wheel and spun as hard as I could for the last time. Three full turns later, it landed on, "Combination of Magical Cores (Harry Potter + Dumbledore + Voldemort). All Magical Knowledge from the Harry Potter World... Tier to be determined..." To which, the Witch or Wizard can manipulate magical energy non-verbally and wandless casting.


Depending on what tier level is rolled.... from level's 1-3, low manipulation, level's 4-7, mid-level manipulation, level's 8-10, Top-Tier high-level manipulation can be acquired. No Wand is needed, for the cost of magic will be low due to caster being in tune to magic and being a magical prodigy. All magical spells, transfiguration, curses, and runes will be learned at a higher rate than normal if study new magics.


All forms of Wandless magic are the performance of magic, without the use of a wand. Such magic was often difficult to perform and could have unexpected or volatile results if not done properly. Usually, witches and wizards accustomed to using wands could only reliably perform wandless magic if they possessed great skill. 


However, within regions of the wizarding world that historically did not use wands, wandless magic was considered the normal in the past, and using one was optional. Witches and Wizards needed to channel their magic through their arms and fingers, making their spells more accurate and potent. Within cultures where wands were ubiquitous, only the most powerful and disciplined wizards and witches could perform wandless magic reliably. 


Transfiguration and charms were particularly difficult to perform without a wand, but with the mid to higher tiers of magic, it is easier. With all three cores that have been allotted to user, the magic will come at almost no cost and difficulty. Manipulated new cores to new users will cost them longer time to learn and cast, due to core not being in sink.


Limitation: None It all depends on users' imagination and application of said magic.


I grabbed the one dice for the last time, shook it in between my hands, and threw it on the table, while praying to the ROB standing beside me with all my heart as they rolled, hoping for a high tier... stopping at a... '10'. "Ability and Tier granted." The ROB said again for the final time. And again feeling another sudden pain giving a bigger headache. 


There was extreme pain to my heart for the cores were being inserted to my heart, which brought me to my knees. It was not only knowledge relating to all types of magic spells, runes, wards, enchantments, and rituals that flew into my mind, but the pain of acquiring the magical cores as well. Like the last time it lasted 20 minutes longer than before as I rolled around the ground because of the pain. 


About 45 minutes later, I started to regain clarity in myself from the pain as it seceded. I felt a lot better taking a few large breaths as buckets of sweat was falling on the ground. I felt all that knowledge that was imbedded in my brain and could feel the large magical cores near my heart. The Harry Potter Wizarding World magic, 'I was totally excited' I thought to myself as I giggled out loud. 


Anyways not only did I receive all magic knowledge from the Wizards, but I also got all magic from the Goblin's, and the Elves as well. As I looked further, no centaur or animalistic magic was here. No Dragon, Centaur, Phoenix, Thunderbird, nothing. Wonder why? The ROB didn't even give me time to say anything else when he started to talk again. 


"I wish you luck on your new adventure young little soul and please, be careful out there, don't come back until a few hundred million years." He added with sincerity in his voice. Fear of being sent off without asking for specific information. "I wanted to ask some specific questions about the gifts I was giving, if I could?" I asked pleadingly. 


"Sure, go right ahead and ask, but make it quick. I got stuff to do, you know." He replied tapping on his watch. "In the Twilight world there are mind readers and people who can read the entirety of your memories. Will these beings (vampires or other gods) be able to know that I'm a reincarnator or will my thoughts be shielded from them knowing?" 


I asked concerned that the vampires will know about my reincarnation. "In the beginning they will, but your thoughts will not be shielded after the first 20 years you are there. So, I would suggest you lay down some heavy shields in your mind and practice Occlumency for the few years that you're a kid and get a head start." He tapped on my head, and I felt shields protecting my mind. 


"But after that, I can make it so anything related to your previous life is inaccessible to those that can acquire that kind of information through their power skills, that would include the higher beings like gods and beings like that. You do know that with the powers you acquired, you could create a spell or use your mind shield for that purpose, right? Please think before you act or ask inconsequential questions."


He said and with a wave of his hand I felt as if some sort of net was created around my mind. But just in case I'll work on my Occlumency skills. "Thank you very much Mr. ROB, you're the best. Now lastly, how can I justify my unusual body and powers to people? Can my powers have some sort of origin like heroes in the movies or will I have to lie about them for the rest of my life?" I asked worryingly about the people I might meet. 


"Mhm, I'll make something up for you, so they can be explained if you like to tell anybody. That'll be up to you if you want to let anyone else know." He said while passing a hand through his goatee that wasn't there a minute ago. "Okay then thanks a lot for giving me this opportunity oh great ROB, you're the best." I genuinely said while bowing my head to him. 


"Take care of yourself Chris, and please live a long life this time, yes?" He tells me with a wide smile on his face. I got surprised again as a normal-looking door suddenly appeared behind me and the moment I flinched, the door opened itself, and I was forcibly sucked inside unable to resist it's pull by some sort of black hole that the door stood in front of.


I felt myself being squeezed and tossed around in all possible directions, that my translucent body had turned into a ball of light and shot off into the portal door. As I found myself floating in the darkness again, then the darkness parted, and I could see myself in a bright blue sky. As I looked below, a large city filled with shiny buildings was coming into view. 


In many different colors while my ball of light shot into a luxury apartment at the top floor of a building into a handsome baby boy's soul, that I think that I was just a few months old sleeping in a small baby carriage. As the ball of energy entered the body of the young baby, my eyes shot open. If anybody was here watching, they would see my babies' eyes shone great understanding. 


I decided to take my time and process all the memories this new body just accumulated. I closed my eyes and slept once again as I entered my mindscape. It would take a long time to go through this bodies new memories and organize all the new knowledge I've received. 'So, my new name is Christiano Leonardo Armandeo', the memories have nothing interesting, let's start. 


Only how to use the powers that have been given to me by 'The Great ROB' and that I have just joined a great wealthy family that lives in the great state of California. "TIME TO GRIND" I said loudly in my head as I fell asleep. Minutes earlier, as Chris disappeared from the view of the GOD, ROB stared at the spot where Chris had just disappeared from. 


"I hope you will forgive me for what we did to you my friend, for it needed to be done, to save you and constant lives that have been lost, you must change things, Chris. I hope I get to see you again, my friend. If you succeed, it means we never will and all those lives and worlds that were lost, you have saved." 


As he started to fade away, "I hope this will compensate the trouble you will soon be heading into, my friend. I could only do this." He waved his hand to where Chris had disappeared from, and four glimmering shapes appeared momentarily and disappeared as well after a few seconds. Then the ROB faded away into the nothingness, or so he thought...