
After the Reckoning

"You've been through a series of unfortunate events, some that should have broken you completely and left you to ruination; but you found a way to keep going and as you traversed the beaten path, you discovered you were not alone. From a child who was raised to become a ruthless killer to someone who is reaching for the truth, your story is one of walking from death to destiny.

The massacre of your clan, the betrayal you endured, the vengeance you sought, the battles that followed, the lives you've taken, the encounters you faced, the power you've awakened, all have led to this. The Rebellion, God's Tear, the Trials, the Pandora Conflict, Shatterpoint, the Road to Redemption, the Second Primordial War, Judgment, the Demon Gods' War, Purgatory and the Shattered Gate...the journey has been long and hard fought, and as a result of your efforts...life begins anew.

Behold the World, the Omniverse restored. History returns, humanity is revived, the infinite worlds and their timelines resume and the Counter Force oversees them all. It was like Legion and Arayashiki never held sway over life to begin with. The mission has been completed and all the souls can live their lives now, and live them freely. But the tale is far from over. Your fight must continue. The challenges you face will only escalate in difficulty and become more and more obscure to solve. You will face greater heartache as you must come to grips with the loss of others, and the treachery of more.

This path that lies before you will not be easy and you may find yourself once again teetering on the edge. Nevertheless, I say unto you—never give up. For every trial and error, for every challenge and failure lies a path to triumph and revelation. The blessings that lie ahead of you are plentiful in nature. The question that remains is are you ready? Will you continue to push yourself as hard as you have so far to even greater heights? Or will you settle and become complacent? Always remember, I believe in you. Do you, Raizo Arashi-Mercer?"

"Onee-sama...wait…" the boy responded to the distant voice of the Goddess-Above-All echoing within the forefront of his mind. As he felt himself trying to move, he was engulfed in warmth that he could not mentally comprehend the source thereof. In addition, he felt a certain sensation of soft, elasticity in his hands and against his chest. He was unsure if he was dreaming or awake. Then he began to open his eyes.

"Nnngh…" he groaned slightly as his eyes adjusted to the lighting within the room. As his blurred vision caught a glimpse of the surface above, he could make out the details of a vaulted ceiling with wooden beams cutting across them. The details were rather familiar.

"Well, well, well, look at who's finally awake," the sultry voice of a certain female wafted into his ears as the visage of Kimiko came into view.

"Onee...sama?" he asked in disbelief to which she merely smiled.

"Yes, welcome back~" she winked whilst touching a finger to his chest and tracing it across his skin. That was when he took note of how she wasn't wearing any clothing as her breasts were currently pressed against his body.

"E...Eh? What the…" the youth was about to ask.

"Raizo-san, good to see you come back to us," another female voice came from his left side to which the male turned his head to look.

"Vesta-chan?!" he gasped as he was shocked by how close she was. The male went to raise his right arm, but she was currently wrapping her body around it as the limb was firmly wedged between her breasts.

"Iyah...try not to move your hand, it's in a sensitive place right now."

"Heh, what's the matter? Still got some sensitivity issues despite the number of times ya hit those high notes?" another voice of familiar origin taunted from Raizo's right side. As he adjusted his sight to set on the source, he found himself starting at the all too well-known visage of the fiery redhead with cobalt eyes.

"A-Adena?" he gulped.

"Of course babe, who else did ya expect? Hey now, careful with the hands. You're going past my abs and towards something else ya know~" she playfully winked. Like Vesta, Adena was clinging Raizo's other arm to her body between the valley of her ample breasts whilst rubbing the lower half of her body against him.

"Addy, is it really wise to joke about sensitivity when you were a mindbroken virgin the last time we were like this?" Vesta responded.

"Coming from the one who literally turns into a total slut when she's horny."

"Just because I become a different kind of Stormbringer when I'm hungry doesn't mean I'm easy you know…"

"You two argue like little school girls, it's honestly amusing and somewhat sad at the same time," Kimiko chuckled.

"Um...I'm still confused on what exactly is going on you know. I mean come o-…" Raizo was saying trying to move around more but he felt his head bump up against something.

"Ara-ara...Raizo-sama, your pillows are properly fluffed~" a seductive yet motherly tone of voice came from overhead. The male tried to adjust his gaze to see who it was that said that, but the woman elected to lean over instead. As she did so, his vision was briefly obscured by the sight of two, massive, jiggling mountains before being greeted by a loving smile.

"Raikou-san? Y-You're here?" the male stammered.

"Yes, it's a long, almost tragic story; but that is unimportant right now compared to this moment fufu~" she responded whilst placing a single hand against the boy's cheek leaning closer to him.

"The short version is that basically she got medical attention from the best of the best here in Elysium after everything was settled. Now then, about the check-up," a fifth voice of renown called out. It was then that another face who just so happened to be in the nude along with everyone else came in between Vesta and Kimiko to hover over the boy.

"Nightingale??? Wait...you're alive?!"

"Yes, many things have happened since you were asleep...many things indeed," the normally serious nurse pursed her lips in a sexy smile that suggested her mind was occupied with other thoughts for a 'medical exam'.

"Excuse me, but would you mind backing off my territory? You had your fair share already," a sixth voice rang out.

"Using some form of Royal Privilege? Ya know, I have experience in taking those types down a size," Addy rolled her eyes.

"Tch...please, I know when I need to share, but Miss Nurse over here likes to get carried away," the voice continued before appearing with her curvaceous, divine body exposed between Adena and Kimiko.

"Se-Semiramis-san? You too?"

"Indeed, my sweet. I'm filled with joy over your return."

"Okay...um...I have several questions… First off, where are we? Second, how long was I asleep? Third, what the hell is going on? And lastly, why are all of you naked all over me?!" he inquired in a flustered tone to which Kimiko elected to answer.

"We're in your room in Elysium. You've been out cold for two days. We're enjoying the morning with you and we had to do a little ritual to help your body recover."

"Speaking of which...about that morning load...who gets first dibs?" Addy asked with a raised brow.

"Obviously me," the other females all answered in unison.

"I'm the one on top of his junk, plus I'm the strongest in the room so back off," Kimiko claimed.

"Aneki, using Goddess-Above-All privileges is off-limits in the bedroom. We agreed on this you know," Adena criticized.

"That's right Kimi-nee. We know you're the dominant female, but everyone else in here deserves an equal chance," Vesta nodded in agreement.

"I request an analysis firsthand of the morning sample so that I may test its viscosity," Nightingale elaborated.

"Stop hiding behind medicine and science to get what you want. You don't see me using my knowledge of poisons to craft a new elixir using my lover's seed," Semiramis analyzed.

"Ara-ara, but Raizo-sama requires tender care no? Shouldn't a beautiful mommy like me be attending to his needs?" Raikou stated.

In that next instant, a myriad of hands were caressing the youth at varying places all at once, each one trying to reach down towards his weapon between his legs. As for the youth in question, he could do little to escape as the women effectively had him pinned. The sensation of their warmth, the softness of their curves and their assets, and the sweet scent of their intoxicating perfumes all mixed together to stir the male's senses. As a result, his heart began to race uncontrollably and his body physically reacted faster than his logical brain could process which led to him getting a little excited. Unfortunately, he had little hope of hiding that fact.

"I want the first ride!"

"No, me first!"

"No, I shall capitalize on this venture."

"That's my throne!"

"Nope, I'm riding that harder than any of you."

"A mature touch is needed here."

They were arguing so much that it was hard to determine who exactly was speaking at what point. Just then, a knock on the door came along.

"Yo, get yer little horny asses outta the damn bed and bring mah kid. Breakfast is ready. Don't make me have ta Excalibur the whole lot of ya first thing in the morning!" Lucy demanded.

"And no flexing of that status there, Kimiko, in this house...Mom rules before Goddess-Above-All."

Silence then followed suit as the little morning games came to an end.

"I suppose the ritual is officially over then. Come along ladies, it's time to have a nice healthy meal," Kimiko sighed briefly.

"Wait a sec...I mean...there's still the morning shower scene that happens off-screen right?" Adena proposed.

The girls then looked at one another before facing towards the direction of the en-suite in the room. Then all eyes were directed to the youth currently pinned under their bodies. They looked at one another before nodding in agreement. All at once, they got off the massive bed and pulled Raizo along.

"Hey wait a second...let's talk about this first! Hey! HEY!!!"

Just as the steam from the water started to waft out, so did some playful giggles and soft moans followed suit.

After an enlightening wake up party, the ladies got themselves together to head on over to the dining room where breakfast awaited them. Wearing casual clothing, the Heroic Spirits along with Adena and Vesta went on ahead. Semiramis wore a black blouse over top a soft, red velvet skirt and slip on black shoes. Nightingale merely wore something reminiscent of her servant outfit being a red shirt over a pair of black capri pants hoisted by a white belt. As for Raikou, she wore a long white summer dress that was complimented by a pretty, straw summer hat; being inside, she elected not to wear it. As for Addy, she merely wore a white, deep cut v-neck t-shirt and blue jeans whilst Vesta wore a white blouse over a long red skirt. Kimiko still rocked her normal outfit of the red jacket over the black kimono, she just casually wove a fresh set together out of nothingness. Lastly, Raizo just wore a white shirt with black pants and a sleeveless blazer over his shoulders.

The group walked together to the dining hall. After a few brief seconds, they came to the massive area that was arranged almost like a formal celebration area with a gigantic sized round table and an entire buffet of delicious dishes prepared by none other than the sassy mother herself. From pastries to pancakes, eggs and rice, omelets, chicken and sausage gravy, biscuits, bacon, waffles, fruit salads, oatmeal, and bagels to name a few, this was truly a feast fit for a victory party among heroes.

The other servants from the original party that was thought to be loss were also present, each wearing their own casual outfits. Artoria was wearing a long-sleeved white shirt and a lengthy blue skirt with brown flat shoes. Mordred was sporting a sleeveless white shirt, thigh high, denim jean shorts, and a red blazer over top. Jeanne was in a naval blue outfit that consisted of a white collared shirt with a long-sleeved blazer over top and a skirt with black spats underneath. Her twin, Jalter, wore a black dress that cut off a little higher than the mid-thigh region with a dark blue jacket over her shoulders. The twins' hair styles matched at being cut short. Shuten-douji was wearing her black school girl's outfit once again enjoying the clothing that was given to her. As for Fran, she wore a black and white striped dress with a light blue denim jacket that was rolled up her arms revealing her skin which no longer had scars.

The enthusiastic Pirate Queen, Francis Drake, was present with a black tank-top on and a gray hoodie covering it over with long, somewhat tight jeans to match her outfit; of course, the shirt was cut in a deep V thus adequately displaying her cannons on her chest. Altera was also present. She wore a loose-fitting t-shirt that hung off her right shoulder that said the name of her noble phantasm—Photon Ray—across it. Complimented by a blue pair of ripped skinny jeans, the girl appeared much more comfortable and relaxed. Then there was the infamous Celtic Warrior, Scathach, whom wore a violet sweater over a black skirt looking a mix of formal and casual at the same time.

Following behind them was the trio of Akaro and the Akame twins. Akaro just sported a white t-shirt with a black blazer over his shoulders and dark red pants. As for the Angel of Death, she just elected to go with a long black dress with a velvet blouse over top. For her younger counterpart, she went with a black t-shirt and red shorts for kicks.

Hikari joined the celebration too as she wore a regular black suit that was just her go to thing. Even though it appeared like she was either some member of an underground crime syndicate or private security, it was just how she rolled in terms of comfort and did not care about anyone's opinion. For Inari, the girl wore an outfit that almost gave her the guise of one whom actively studied in a dojo for either archery or swordsmanship. She had on a light shade of pink for a top while the bottom half was a bolder primrose color. The two former horsemen of Arayashiki's personal army were among the guests as well. BB was present wearing a lavender dress reminiscent of Sheele's outfit except she had a black cloak over her shoulders as well. As for Esdeath, she didn't care for trivialities over clothing and just wore a darker gray version of her trademark military outfit.

There was an initial sense of shock when the Horsewoman of Famine revealed herself during Raizo's time spent unconscious; however, when she explained her position and showed her proof of good will by saving Esdeath from Arayashiki's clutches, that's when many of the concerns subsided. There was much more to the former horsewoman of Famine than what she was letting on, both Akames and Akaro shared that sense. However, the girl insisted that such things were best saved for a later date when the time was right. Knowing that in a way, she inadvertently saved Team AKARA from certain death and gave Raizo the tool needed to face Sakinah, the leader of the group let her slide for now.

The Symphogear group joined in the massive feast and celebration too. Genjuro, Aoi and Sakuya wore their usual clothing that they wore when at work for S.O.N.G. while Elfnein was wearing a black blouse with a tan skirt obscured by the normal white lab coat. Miku was in a while turtle-neck blouse with a long, purple skirt. Hibiki had on an orange and white t-shirt with blue jeans. Tsubasa wore a dark blue t-shirt with a lighter blue pair of denim capri pants and a white hoodie over it. Chris was in a dark red sweater, black skirt and black leggings. Kirika maintained the guise of a gothic lolita whilst wearing a black tattered shirt over a green t-shirt underneath with a matching black miniskirt. Shirabe wore a lavender shirt with a pink dress on. Then there was Maria in a silver, long-sleeved shirt and white pants.

Then there was the Cocytus group led by none other than Reina Arashi. The fabled Sovereign was perhaps the flashier out of the group. She wore an elaborate black kimono with red flower petals decorated all over the surface that sensually clung to her body as her long train of hair seemingly flowed like water behind her. Alongside the woman was her close friend, Garuda, still rocking the rather revealing outfit she normally wore except she left her staff and her hat elsewhere thus allowing her flowing shade of crimson hair to float freely as well. Ashura Gozen was opposite of Garuda's location as the Draconian woman boasted a leather jacket to wear over her body, but only a mesh-like bra underneath thus letting her skin be shown; even her leather pants tightly adhere to her shape. The female was one who normally was naked in her element letting only her scales be the thing that obscured her parts before giving into armor. Some habits seemed to die hard. Behind the trio of women was Yaten-douji whom only wore the black karate gi pants and a yellow over coat assuming a less intimidating visage. As far as Cthulhu and Zion went, their sizes prevented them from attending the gathering as well as their willingness to deal with so many people they were unfamiliar with at one time.

The last group at the event was none other than the host family themselves, the Mercers. The head of the family always wore his trademark suit with a crimson scarf wrapped around his neck holding a cigarette in hand. As for his sister-in-law, Jibril, she didn't care what setting it was, she was determined to wear a leather corset. In addition, she wore tight black jeans and knee-high boots giving her a more casual yet still foreboding look. Alexis was the most casual out of the bunch only wearing an aqua-colored tracksuit whilst Lucy mimicked the same style just more of a royal blue.

Mercer grabbed a glass of orange juice and a fork then tapped the utensil on the side to get everyone's attention. As all eyes were directed his way, the male began to speak.

"Ladies and gentlemen, heroes from realms across time and space. We are gathered here this morning in celebration of victory over Arayashiki and Sakinah Vashti. This meal before you is but a small taste of the feasts to come as we not only revel in joy over a long, hard fought victory. We also come together to rejoice in the discovery of new bonds forged through this trying time, as well as the unification of family. Thus, I say unto you, eat to your heart's content, smile and laugh as you will for this day is one to be truly remembered for the rest of our lives. To victory, peace, and family. Cheers."

With that, the heroes from all over found seats as they partook of the mighty display of food before them. As time passed, eventually some took a break from eating to mingle and socialize to get to know new faces while others continued to enjoy their fill whilst eating among familiars. Of course, regardless of what was going on, Kimiko was blocking out anything that had nothing to do with pancakes. Her guilty pleasure and perhaps her favorite dish was stacked high and she was determined to enjoy every bit of it. Even the Goddess-Above-All has a delicacy she cannot resist the joy of relishing in.

"It's good to see you again, my little sister," Yaten-douji said whilst reaching out and gently patting the head of the small Oni in the room.

"Big Brother, I was not expecting to see you again. How long has it been since last saw each other?" Shuten-douji responded.

"Millennia ago perhaps, I remember the day I set off to find my own path because I was sick of Father's decisions. Leading us into insignificant wars that would only serve to harm our people in the long run, he was such a foolish man."

"Yes, I recall the day you both fought each other without holding anything back at our old castle. You came into your strength so fast that he wasn't expecting you to throw him around thus leveling half of the house. I was deeply upset when he expelled you from the clan."

"Indeed, but I was preparing to disembark on my pilgrimage anyway. I just had no obligation to return. My biggest regret was not taking you along with me."

"Yes, when I came of age, I sought out to find you but it was like you and many of our kin disappeared off the face of the Earth."

"Ah...that was when I had fallen into Purgatory. I desperately sought for a way out, but it was for naught. How's little Ibaraki?"

"She's well. I see her from time to time when we appear in the same era. She still tries desperately to impress me with her bravado."

"Haha, she always was a little bit of a chuuni was she not? Always acting so tough and fearsome, when in reality she was the gentle one whom had difficulty expressing her true feelings."

The reunification between the strongest Oni siblings in the history of the Oni clan continued on as they shared story over the hearty meal. Though a variety of appropriate breakfast beverages were provided, the two shared a personal gourd of sake between them unbeknownst to everyone thus keeping it a secret so that no one gets thrown into drunken disarray.

Ashura Gozen was standing out casually ogling over Akaro from afar hoping to get the man's attention. However, with all the females in the room—some hanging around him—the female felt the competition in the air was rather fierce. In the most notable fashion, she could tell that the twin females with the long, black hair and red eyes held some form of significance to him. She could smell it in the air.

"Tch...damn...he must be married or...something," the Ryu-jin gritted her teeth.

"Oi, you've been starin' mighty hard for a minute there. Mind if I ask why ya lookin' at my Big Bro like a snack?" Adena came up with a raised eyebrow.

"Big Bro…? Wait, that man is your…"

"Not by blood but surely you've heard the name of Team AKARA, you're lookin' at the baddest redhead of the group. Name's Adena Zao-Long."

"Well aren't you the fiery one, I'm one of Lady Reina's Cardinal Four—the Dragon of the East, Ashura Gozen. And uh, not sure if you can tell but I too am a bit of a redhead so…"

"Eh, you kinda have a little violet tinge going on in there, but details. Hell my hair turns a shade of purple when I transform so," Adena shrugged.

"Oh really? I swear that's like a gimmick in transformations. Like it's some unwritten law or something."

"I know right? I mean, not that I mind because my conditioner game is on point so my locks always look good; still, makes you wonder at least. Anywho, getting back to the point...you never answered my question."

"Ah...well...I'm not even gonna lie, Akaro is something I got my sights on. I mean, he just triggers all the right senses within me as a Ryu-jin. Just getting a hint of his aroma on the wind drives me nuts and it's almost a certain kind of season…"

"Well, you're gonna have to get in line sister."

"Don't tell me you're after him too."

"What? Oh hell no...I'm his wing-girl if anything. He and I share a sense of cultural appreciation when it comes to taste. But you see those twins over there? Yeah...those are his wives. Well...one is his legal wife and the other is an alternate reality version of her, but those details are hella stupid to comprehend and ain't nobody got time for that expository bullshit. But yeah, he's spoken for; however, he does have his escapades so who knows...you might be a flavor of the month if ya get lucky," the enthusiastic redhead winked.

"Oya, oya...Nii-san and his escapades are fun, I had the privilege a few times...some with alcohol involved," the voice of the Pirate Queen arose as she joined in the conversation.

"Yo, Captain Drake, good to see ya girl," Addy smiled as the two bumped fists.

"Drake...another name for a young dragon, I approve. I can see in your eyes that you know a wild hunt when you see it," the Eastern General noted.

"Well the Wild Hunt is a thing of mine. So who's the lovely reptile that's interested in good ol' Akaro?"

"Ashura Gozen at your service, but my friends call me Shugo so feel free to both of you."

"Haha, sounds like a good time. Diggin' the outfit by the way, not afraid to let it out hang out eh? Were ya hopin' he'd notice?" Drake winked.

"Oh come on Cap, you got nerve to talk. Look at your cannons over here!" Addy pointed out.

"Well if ya got 'em, flaunt 'em and don't be afraid to let someone know when they're out of their league. And besides Addy, you got a pair on ya as well."

"Well...they are a decent size I guess, I mean...I can smother my man's face with 'em at night!"

"Hmm...speaking of Adena-san…"

"Oh just call me Addy, Shugo. No worries on formalities."

"Okay, well speaking of Addy, who is your love interest?"

"Ah well, that's a little tricky. See I swing in both directions...so uh the princess in the pink over there was once my hook up a long time ago. But my man...I only got room for one and that's Raizo."

"Wait...the boy that Reina protects? He's your…."

"Yeah...he's the man of my heart...though unfortunately I gotta share with a few others...which is annoying. But since the bedroom gets more interesting that way, I ain't complainin'."

"Jiiiii…." Shirabe watched off to the side as the trio of women were casually conversing. She observed the size of their chests before pressing her hands over her own getting a look of discouragement.

"Ehhhhh?! Shirabe-chan...don't cry! We're gonna get bigger-desu!" Kirika tried to encourage.

"Shut up, yours are already growing…"

"Oi, oi, don't get upset young one. Bigger ain't always better ya know?" Mordred randomly approached with a confident grin on her face.

"Yeah, too bad that philosophy can't do something about your thought process," the voice of a newly outspoken Fran uttered whilst carrying two plates of food.

"Oi, whoa...listen here you little shit, the fuck's that supposed to mean?!"

"It means you have no brain. You are a being of inferior intelligence...a moron of the greatest caliber. But that's none of my business," Fran responded effortlessly.

"I will knock the taste out of your mouth."

"And I will shock the brain cells into function for you...but that's a lot of electricity to waste in a futile endeavor."

"I swear I'm gonna kill you," Mordred gritted her teeth in frustration.

"Mordred be quiet, your annoying voice is spoiling the goodness of this wholesome breakfast," commanded the King of Knights.

"But father!"

"Silence, an unwavering sense of patience is key for a night."

"As is an apparent lack of decorum and awareness of consumption...shall I prepare some antacid pills for you?" Nightingale sighed whilst watching Artoria eat plate loads of food in succession.

"I'm so confused...they're twins, but they're the same person?! What does that even mean?" Hibiki tried to understand whilst standing near the two Akames.

"Relax Bikky, if you think too hard over it, your brain might melt," Miku reassured.

"Tachibana, stressing over the details is not good for your health," Tsubasa advised.

"Still gotta come up with a naming convention between us," Akame of the Gamma World Line said.

"I know, eventually we'll figure it out," the Angel of Death responded.

"So I was thinking...when the time comes, we could totally give you some upgrades that will totally make your scythe form look like the most basic thing ever. And about that essence you technically don't have…" Alexis was chatting with a very entertained Nirvana.

"Kaka, with that I'll definitely grow up and make Master all my own. Alexis-san, when can we get to work?" the devious blonde chuckled.

"Hey, how does your lab work here if you don't mind my asking?" a curious Elfnein interrupted.

"Ah well it's not a lab per se, just a super advanced forge. Here, you wanna see some draft notes?" the Primordial Blacksmith offered as the trio of women continued to converse.

A few paces away, Chris, Maria and Semiramis were standing by with their arms crossed over their chests as they held complex looks of jealousy and annoyance over the display taking place before their eyes.

"Ara, ara Raizo-kun, you should eat your fill to grow big and strong, yes?" the sensual voice of Garuda whispered as she held a fork with egg and sausage on it and was gently inching it towards the youth's mouth.

"Ara, ara Raizo-sama, don't forget to get your calcium in as well," Raikou added in a motherly tone of voice handing over a glass of milk.

The two big breasted beauties were leaning closer and closer towards the male as their ample cleavage would clearly draw his sights on either side. Knowing the danger here, the boy had merely tensed up as his face became dyed in a reddish-pink hue.

"Hey, you better make sure you savor each bite. Here, let Onee-san feed you properly," Jibril entered the fray by coming up from behind and caressing the youth's cheek as she attempted to reach around and feed him mouth to mouth.

"C-Could all three of you please stop?" he stammered in discomfort yet the trio of mature women clearly wanted to dote on him more.

"Wow Senpai, you seem to be having fun...but shouldn't you let me feed you too? I got some pudding you could lick off," BB smirked deviously as she held a pastry over her cleavage and attempted to crawl on the table to get to him.

"This is…too much for me!" the Son of Mercer cried out.

"So care-free, what an intriguing luxury," observed the aloof Devil Queen whilst nibbling on a biscuit.

"Why don't you take the time to actually enjoy yourself for once?" Inari asked from the side.

"Because this isn't really my thing, after this...it's over. We go back to our worlds and we part ways. I only sat my differences to the side for this fight. We still have a score to settle."

"Or we could all just let it go and move on with our lives. I mean come on, would the potential for peace be truly out of the question for you?"

"Do you really think it's possible given our history?"

"Do you really think it's not possible given all that we've been through with this war? We can't keep fighting each other forever. Sooner or later, we have to come together to face the threats to come."

"Maybe you're right, but we'll have to cross that bridge when we get there. For now, I suppose enjoying the delicious food isn't completely out of the question," Hikari uttered before taking a bite of her biscuit.

While all of the conversing carried on, Reina and Mercer wound up standing side by side sharing a glass of apple cider whilst watching the liveliness of the group ensue.

"This was nice of you to organize for everyone," the Sovereign acknowledged.

"Thanks, I figured that this was the least I could do before putting everyone to work. We have a lot of rebuilding to do after what has transpired. Erebus and Nyx left Elysium in shambles, many were lost and many more were injured. I have to do what I can to make sure we are ready for Azoth whenever he inevitably comes."

"I agree, I have to make arrangements in Cocytus. However, it would seem that you need not look any further for potential candidates for more Counter Guardians. Ahem...ahem…" she coughed whilst covering her mouth with her sleeve. It was then that she coughed again and again before looking at the fabric noticing blood.

"Does Raizo know?" Mercer asked being perceptive enough to understand what was happening.

"He does not...neither does any of my retainers from Purgatory. Kimiko-sama likely knows, but this is ultimately a burden all on my own to carry."

"I see...well when the time comes, you will be in good hands."

"You have my gratitude, but there is still more to do before it comes to pass. He has awoken to a new world of potential, one that he does not understand. I was only able to pass less than a tenth of my teachings onto him prior to Sakinah's arrival. Now is the time to give him the rest, and to face the greatest challenge any lone individual can face."

"The Trial of Heroes, I suppose it is around that time. Besides, he needs to learn about the Mercer side of his bloodline after all."

"Yes, and if he is able to proceed through that tower…"

"Yeah, he'll have to face her."

"The Final Frontier, The Last Stand, among other titles…"

"The arrangements will be made, I assure you."

"I know...and I will do what I can for your son's sake. After all, my oath still remains intact."

The breakfast and resulting merrymaking continued on throughout the morning as such optimistic feelings of happiness was shared evenly. As the hours passed, eventually the party vibe began to wane and the time had arrived to say their farewells.

Garuda, Yaten-douji, and Ashura Gozen said their goodbyes before heading back to Cocytus. As for the Heroic Spirits, they were going to remain in Elysium free to go back and forth to the Throne as they saw fit. To that end, Lucy led them off to another area so that she could help them find jobs to do for Elysium since all efforts to rebuild required as many skilled hands on deck as possible. Meanwhile, it was time to say goodbye to the mighty Valkyries.

"Sensei, will we ever meet again?" Hibiki asked for the group as she, the other gear users, Miku, Genjuro and the other S.O.N.G. staff were about to head through a doorway created by Mercer to take them back to their world.

"I don't wanna forget about Sensei or any of his family-desu!" Kirika whined in protest whilst hugging Shirabe.

"I'll miss you all…" Shirabe spoke with sadness in her voice.

"You taught us so much...and opened our minds to so many possibilities," Tsubasa expressed.

"So many beautiful memories...so many experiences, no matter how tragic they were during the battles we faced, I don't think any of us want to forget them or the people involved," Maria said in conjunction with Tsubasa.

"Sensei...it's not like I'm saying I'll miss you or your family or anything but...memories are precious you know…" Chris said.

"Our hearts are connected no matter what happens after this moment. Even if it seems like our time together will fade, as long as we are bonded together in our hearts then nothing is impossible. Remember everything that I taught you and become the greatest versions of yourselves. You all have the power to be the living, breathing purposes you were each made to be. I just hope our meeting will be the spark that sets it on fire forever," Raizo said.

With that, nothing more could be said to express the perfection of the moment. As the gate behind them open, the Symphogear family passed through to head back home to their world; the path sealed shut.

Addy, the younger Akame, Vesta, Hikari, and Inari were the next ones preparing to depart to head back to the Gammaverse. Just as they were prepared to leave, Raizo had some unfortunate news to deliver to the party which was expecting him.

"I'm not going home just yet...there's more that I have to do," he said.

"Wait what? What the hell do you mean babe? You know how long it's been since you've been home?" Addy protested.

"I know, but my return will have to wait a bit longer. There's a lot of self-discovery that needs to be done on my part before I can face the challenges to come back home; including the challenges of my mother. So just bear with me, okay?"

"Fine...but you better make it back soon dammit, no more keeping a girl waiting."

Addy gave the youth one last goodbye kiss over his lips before joining the other girls. In a crimson flash, they all disappeared.

The Mercer family had to get back to business concerning the restoration of the heavenly realm; however, the patriarch of the family arranged for one last send-off celebration. In that moment, the loud cracking of fireworks bursting in the sky one after the other occurred. Akaro and his wife, Kimiko, and Reina stood side by side in the fields of Elysium watching the display go on. As for Raizo, he stood there reflecting over what he has been through so far.

"So much has happened in my life since my path of vengeance began. It's been a crazy ride...especially in the past year or so," he said as the visages of all the different battles and learning experiences filled his mind.

Nirvana tugged the hem of his shirt as the male reached down and picked her up to set her over his shoulders. As he stood there with her watching the brilliant display, the youth saw a familiar visage off in the distance.

"You see? Everything's gonna be alright now," Assana's voice rang out from her ghostly appearance in the distance.

To that, the youth smiled joyously, "I know. I'm not alone anymore. Because...this will always be my family."