In the dismal, war-torn world of Akame ga Kill! a tyrannical Empire has brought ruin to the people of the nation resulting in an inevitable civil war formed by a rebellion created by the very people that the Empire once swore to protect. Raizo Arashi is a member of the Blood Wolves, an ancient clan of assassins working in the shadows to protect the Empire. After Raizo's father and clan leader sees the decline of the Empire from its mighty prime and into its current decadent reign—the Wolf King elects to have his clan turn his back on the Empire. However, before the Blood Wolves can join the rebellion a mole exposes the clan's deception. Esdeath and her army are then dispatched to massacre the entire clan. As one of the few survivors left in the wake of his clan's massacre—Raizo seeks vengeance against the Empire. His quest for revenge will eventually cause him to cross paths with the members of Night Raid and other powerful allies and foes. Find out more in the pages of this Crimson Rebellion.