
The Uncrowned Hero Part 1

The meadows of Elysium, the vastness and lush greenery combined with the colorfulness of plant life crafted a landscape that could easily grant one peace; especially watching how the wind would caress the fields to create waves. As the gentle breeze washed over the landscape, the noise was disturbed by the periodic banging of bamboo colliding against one another. Battling one another with wooden swords, Reina was currently in the middle of training Raizo to hone the youth's techniques.

Almost a week passed since he and his family and friends parted ways. The Heroic Spirits went about finding their own path whilst residing in Elysium, the Symphogears returned to their world, the Cardinal Four went back to Purgatory, whilst everyone in Team AKARA alongside those who joined on a temporary basis returned home to relax and solve their own problems. As for the newly awakened Legion Slayer, he needed to find his own path and discover at least some semblance of what he has become. Reina was here to help him do just that; it started with training, especially to master the techniques she began to hand down to him through the Resolute Blade Arts.

"You are developing a better form, that is a good thing. It would seem my lectures have begun to pay off," Reina observed whilst swinging her wooden blade at the youth from a myriad of angles to test his reflexes.

"After the hell you put us through prior to fighting Sakinah, I would be a fool not to have picked up something," Raizo responded whilst countering his trainer's movements in a flowing motion.

"Indeed, you are a quick study, however…"

With a strong swing of her arms in unison in a surprise zig-zag motion, the Queen of Cocytus disarmed the youth and batted his wooden sword away whilst holding her own against his throat.

"Your movements are still dull and have a predictable pattern. In other words, you are thinking way too much. What is the second principle of the Gateway Trinity?"

"Tch...the mind is prided upon wisdom and free-thought…"

"Precisely, free-thought...which means to empty your mind. You are being overly conscious in your movements whilst trying to read mine. You know that there are openings to take, but you let them slip by due to doubt. You are unsteady and out of sync with yourself."

"I'm sorry, Reina-san...I know what I have to do, it's just a matter of doing it that is bothering me."

"What do you mean?" the woman inquired whilst withdrawing the edge of the wooden sword from the boy's neck.

"I just feel out of sorts with myself. Ever since Purgatory, my body has been experiencing a series of rapid changes in development; especially during that fight against Legion. Now that time has passed and I have had some time to recover, I'm at odds. There's so much power swelling through my veins that it almost scares me to know what I can do. I'm hesitant...it's just...too much to process."

"That is because you are trying to digest everything at once as opposed to taking things one step at a time. You have made many changes in your life to accommodate your growth. This is just another one of those obstacles. Granted, the world that you are stepping into is vast and nigh-infinite in potential; however, you have the ability to forge your own path. You just have to immerse yourself in it. Trust in what you feel, not what you think. By thinking, you engage uncertainty; you let the consideration of risk hold you back."

"So in other words, I need to let go and the actions flow naturally?"

"Yes, that is the only way you will be able to master your techniques and the new powers you possess."

"I see...so...that means I have to retool everything I've learned from Aka-sensei and Aniki…"

"For starters, it is best that you let what you are trying to emulate go from your thoughts. What I am trying to teach you is not something that you can try and reforge based on someone else...it is strictly your own using everything that is within you right now. The Resolute Blade Arts is not a series of techniques that has a particular set of movements that everyone must follow. It is a system of guidelines that contain loose principles in which one can utilize their comprehension of it to achieve the depths of their skills. It is not meant for everyone. Some may only take what they need and discard the rest. Others may use it in conjunction with what they already know. As for you, you fall in a category where you can take what I am teaching you and go beyond it. That same fact goes for Kimiko-sama, as well as little Inari. However, your path will not be like theirs."

"So I have to find myself….within myself in order to better fight like myself? That's just way too confusing!"

"Goodness Master, you truly have moments where you can be so dense. Then, allow me to be direct with you. For you to create a vision of yourself, let us start with a simple task for you to gauge where you are currently at. To that end, power yourself up into your new forms."


"You heard me," Reina said as she stabbed the practice sword into the ground and gently folded her arms.

"You are too unsure of yourself and too afraid of what you can do. To tear down those anxieties, it is best that you face them head-on. To that end, transform. Go straight into your new forms now that you have seized the mantle of God of Thunder. Unleash it right now."

"But...I mean that's…"

"Raizo…" Reina's glare slightly intensified causing the youth to tense up a little. He recalled back in Purgatory the moment she got frustrated with him over the bath situation and elected not to argue anymore.

"Okay...here goes nothing…"

He spread his legs by a few inches and shifted his weight to his legs in order to firmly hold himself to the ground. Then he proceeded to take a deep breath to reach deep into himself and call up the power that lied within him. Flexing his muscles, he could feel the essence of the storm beginning to rage within his veins. Bolts of electricity coursed through every fiber of his body whilst energizing his nervous system. The spiraling arcs of lightning rotated around his body and began flickering outward like an overloading generator. Then the luminescent color of white slowly started to take over.

As the ground quaked beneath his feet, a great chasm of white light erupted from his body before he took on the guise of Eternity of the Storm. With the energy of this state elevating him to new heights, the male felt a great heaviness weighing on his shoulders causing his knees to buckle a bit.

"Tch...dammit...Reina-san, this is...feeling a little off to me," Raizo said whilst gritting his teeth.

"You are still holding onto the excess power that once belonged to Vesta. Try to ignore it for now and tap into the Primordial energy within you and go to your apex form, quickly!"


As Raizo's body flickered in between his base state and Eternity of the Storm, the male took another breath to reach inside and pull a greater power from within him. This was the first time he was trying to draw on the ability gifted to him by the original Primordial God of Thunder, so he had doubts. Nevertheless, he would not be able to know the full depths of his capabilities until he tried. As a result, he focused his mind and pulled that image to the forefront of his mind. The white radiance engulfing his body changed over to gold as the divine concept of the storm took shape.

Raizo was fully consumed within the golden cloak of Soul of the Storm. As its holy aura emanated from his body, the density of the power emerging from his vessel proved to be too much. In that instant, his eyes widened like he was suddenly pierced by a blade. Immediately following that sensation, the form dispersed as the youth fell to the ground sweating profusely.

"haa...haaa...haaa…Crap, I don't...get it...I felt like I was just being crushed...by the weight of cosmos or something…dammit all, did I just get weaker overnight?" the newly awakened Crusader panted in frustration. Reina merely pressed a finger to her chin whilst analyzing what she just witnessed.

"No, it is not that at all. You simply have a greater pool of power to draw upon now, you are just drawing upon it inefficiently. Before, you had powers that were being siphoned from a source. For example, with Indra's Judgment, you had the latent potential to draw upon in that form with Indra serving as your guide. Then when it was removed and later restored, you could access it freely without issue because it was familiar territory to you. With Soul of the Storm, the process was similar except Relepagus was present to help regulate how much you could channel without as much kickback after the form was used. Now, the conditions are completely different. You have your true power inherited as a Mercer to draw upon, the completely unbound power of Indra, the Primordial element of Relepagus' power, plus the excess strength from Vesta that you unexpectedly absorbed. In essence, you have four mighty rivers flowing through your body all being accessed by one well. The only problem is that the well is overflowing," the Queen of Cocytus explained.

Raizo then sat up and wiped his brow before taking a few deep breaths to calm his rattled nerves. Upon taking his trainer's words to heart, he merely crossed his arms whilst tilting his head.

"So...basically there's too much power going on and I have to find a way to channel it effectively so that I don't overwhelm myself?"

"Precisely. It is not that you have become weaker, Master...it is just that you have become so much stronger in such a short period of time that your mind has yet to catch up and fully grasp the capabilities of your body."

"Oi...thought I told you to drop the 'Master' thing already...besides, you're the one teaching me here…" Raizo quickly jabbed.

"Mou...is it really the time for you to be nitpicking at my use of formalities right now? Mas-…"

"Oi...you're about to say it again."

"Tch...it is a habit you must bear with for now. Getting back to the topic at hand, Raizo-san."

"Much better...I suppose."

"Focus. In order to truly get a hold of your newly unlocked potential, I believe that you just need to embrace a new method of handling your abilities. Do you remember what my Generals taught you in Purgatory for your training?"

"Yeah...Control, Instinct, Vision and Balance, those four principles right?"

"Correct. When you brought all four of those principles, your mind, body and soul were elevated to a higher perceptive plane that allowed you to just flow without thinking. That state of mind is what is known as Mugen, which in the common tongue, is called Infinite. The best way to adjust to your enhanced self is to apply this principle both to your powers and to what I am trying to teach you. Mugen in itself is the physical understanding of the Gateway Trinity, therefore your foundation is already established. Right now, you are at the level of Mugen Instant, which means you can activate this state at will. Work the feeling you have during that state and apply it to your knowledge."

The Stormbringer nodded along with the suggestion as he stood to his feet once more. Upon walking over to pick up his wooden sword, the male locked his feet in place once again as he closed his eyes. He then recalled the four principles that was taught to him during his stay in Purgatory and brought forth the sensation of immersion to fruition. In that moment, the crimson glow of his irises shifted to a bluish-silver shade as a similarly tinged aura in color tone wrapped around his body. It was here that Mugen was activated.

"Good, good, you still have a firm grasp of it. How do you feel?" Reina inquired.

"Like I...already understand everything without really thinking about it...like I just know what I need to do. This sensation is...different than the first few times I used this technique."

"That is because you have reached the next level. Now then, take everything that I taught you and apply what feels right for you. Remember, the Resolute Blade Arts is not something that is just taught. It is a set of guidelines to keep in mind whilst finding your own way."

"Earth is to be steadfast and firm. Wind is to be swift and precise. Fire is to consume everything instantly. Water courses freely yet intensively. The Void is shrouded in mystery and is unpredictable. Heaven is composed of pride and unity. And then there is Ultima, to be adamant and secure in oneself… How do I approach this? What helps me focus most? Wait...I understand now, this is my own way of doing things so all I need to do is…"

As Raizo finished his inner monologue, he felt what was called for him to do. In order to reach the depths of the arts that was in his mind, he needed to calm himself. The best way he knew how to do that was simply breathing.

"If I adjust my breaths to reach my own interpretation of the Resolute Blade Arts...then I know what I must do."

With his realization acquired, the male began to adjust his breathing and resume his training.

A few days passed while the training routine continued almost incessantly. After Reina watched Raizo polish his techniques and achieve mastery over certain elements of his abilities, the woman felt certain in the youth's current capabilities. As they reached the end of the daily training regimen, she yielded a soft smile.

"At long last, you are finally ready."

Before the boy had a chance to ask her meaning behind that, a cloud of cerulean energy wafted up from behind her. It was then that a platinum and silver plated doorway appeared with the design of two goddesses playing the same harp etched along its surface.

"What is this?" Raizo asked as he marveled over the sight of the threshold.

"That is the door that leads into the core of the Throne of Heroes – the Moonlight Palace. What lies ahead of you is a trial unlike ever before. It will determine your worth as a prospective God Hunter and your knowledge over the Resolute Blade Arts. This tower is one that you must face all alone. You will not be able to rely on anyone's help," Reina said whilst reaching out to the male.

In that moment, the visage of the sleeping Morana weapon encased in the amber sheath emerged from behind Raizo's back before floating over to the woman's hand.

"Including my own."

"Well that's kinda harsh, what about Nirvana?" the Stormbringer asked with a raised eyebrow.

"That sassy little brat...I mean, that child is currently undergoing her own evolutionary process under Alexis' supervision. Speaking of which, your niece wanted me to give you this once training was over. She said she finished adding more upgrades and that you will figure them out in due time," Reina said whilst handing over a certain familiar necklace.

"Heh...well I guess you might be a little wrong then, Reina-san. Aniki is with me...as is Nee-sama and everyone else who helped bring me to this point. Even if I can't call on you during battle, you'll be with me too," the youth smiled a bit whilst taking the pendant and placing it around his neck.

"That is true, our faith in you is unfailing. Perhaps I should rephrase what I said then. For this trial, you have to use all of your power and yours alone. I know for a fact that you can do this, but whether or not you make this a reality is all up to you."

"Heh...right…" the male said whilst grasping his arm. Taking another breath to steel his nerves, the necklace glowed as the Janus armor activated in response. Soteria rested quietly as the handle of the weapon was visible on his back. In that next moment, the door opened inviting the youth to walk inside.

The door closed as he entered before disappearing leaving Reina alone. As she smiled whilst seeing him off, the woman dropped to one knee being tossed into a coughing fit. More blood spewed from between her lips and splattered the flowers underneath her feet. She felt the strength leaving her body as her muscles did not respond to her will to calm herself. Suddenly, Mercer appeared behind her.

"It would appear that the time has come," the heroic figure stated.

"Yes...unfortunately it has," the weakening Queen of Cocytus agreed.

"Thank you for watching over my son for so long. He truly has come a long way. Do you really think he can succeed where I failed?" Mercer asked.

"Of course he can, he is your son after all."

"Hmm," the man silently smiled, "Well we will just have to wait and see. Until then, are you ready?"

"Yes...take me to Sanctuary. I have my own trial to face."

As the two disappeared, two blonde figures were looking at what just transpired from a top a hill in the distance. One was a male and the other was a female.

"Do you really think he has what it takes to pass that trial, brother?" the girl asked.

"Of course not, only the one true king can conquer the Trial of Heroes. It is a one time thing after all so once he fails, he'll never be able to test himself again. It's likely that he will not be able to withstand the feeling of that crushing defeat either," the male responded in kind.

"He carries our blood."

"He is a half-breed that just so happens to have a few neat tricks up his sleeve, sister. He'll never understand what it truly means to be a Mercer."


An empty void of darkness engulfed the Stormbringer as he passed through the threshold leading into the trial before him. As he peered around cautiously unsure of what awaited him within these depths, suddenly a gleam of holy white light began to dash through the air writing a mysterious message for him to read.

~You, who dares to enter this place, shall face the ultimate test to prove thy worth. Ye whom aspires to be the greatest among many, are you a keeper of the light? Or are you prone to the fall? Behold and bear witness. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.~

[Floor 1: Wraith of Vengeance]

Raizo hardly let the words that were written before his eyes deter him from the path ahead. He had a mission to accomplish and would face anything and everything that came his way no matter what. As he proceeded through the seemingly endless veil of darkness, the area suddenly illuminated due to the presence of small embers of flame.

An area of stone walls and flooring from the inside of a 19th century castle appeared as chains and blood spatter decorated the hard constructs. Piercing the sound of silence was a maniacal laughter that rang the youth's ears.

"So we meet again after what felt like so long! It amazes me that you are able to walk considering how our last encounter went. Then again, you were luckily saved by an irksome brat. This time, however, no one is coming for you," the voice of a confident man declared.

Emerging from the mist of a dark flame, a male draped in a charcoal suit with a dark leather overcoat on emerged. His matching fedora was tipped ever so slightly to one side thus obscuring one of his demonic looking yellow eyes. As his pale visage came to Raizo's sights, the memory of his battle with this individual came to mind. That phantasmal being that moved faster than he could react bringing him to his knees before his mother stepped in to help, it rushed to him almost instantaneously.

"Edmond Dantes correct? It really has been a while, hasn't it? Could have sworn that Mom completely bodied your ass, but then again...seeing you here doesn't exactly surprise me," Raizo shrugged.

"Is that so? Are you sure that you are not dismayed that a man who defeated you once is your first opponent in here? Perhaps you shall understand the depths of your misfortune when I unleash the might of Chateau d'If!"

The Count of Monte Cristo dashed around the chamber beyond the realms of space and time moving at insane speeds that dwarfed conventional terms. Several clones of his vessel appeared as a result as they lined up to take aim at the idle Stormbringer in the room. In that moment, an audible sigh released from Raizo's lips.

"How disappointing...the only measure of misfortune here…"

The Son of Mercer disappeared from the Avenger's sights then reappeared in front of his real body as a flash of motion then followed suit.

"Is the fact that you failed to realize how much stronger I've become…"

The clones of the phantom vanished into smoke and dust as reality seemingly cracked all around him. Dantes' eyes shifted over to see the glean of a steel blade in Raizo's right hand. Along its edge was the crimson trail of blood. The Avenger did not even see the boy pull out the weapon or anything like that. After a long, dramatic five seconds of shock, the Count of Monte Cristo's head rolled off of his shoulders before plopping on the ground. From there, the echoing of footprints were heard as Raizo walked past nonchalantly. A glowing red circle appeared on the ground permitting the youth the ability to ascend to the next floor.

[Floor 20: Lost Cause]

Decaying trees, rusted steel, fallen buildings, desecrated homes, that was the surrounding area that filled Raizo's eyes as he continued his march through this trial. The blackened skies above along with the devastated city around him gave a stark realization of the area he was currently in.

"New Fuyuki City again...this is unexpected," the boy analyzed.

The vivid memories of the dystopian future where humanity was completely wiped out and Heroic Spirits fought over how Earth should be revived remained clear in his memory banks. Seeing this place in shambles once again almost wanted to stir his inner dismay; however, he knew for a fact that the Earth of this timeline was restored and humanity was revived successfully. All in all, it still begged the question of why he was seeing this world in the first place.

"Simply disgusting, isn't it? To think that overzealous ambitions brought this world to its knees. How can lifeforms so advanced that they nearly unlocked the key to infinite potential become so ignorant as to destroy themselves? Because greed is the law of human nature. That is the sad fact of it," a hypercritical, cruel and husky voice echoed in the distance causing Raizo to stop in his tracks.

"Who the hell is there?" the Stormbringer remarked channeling electrical energy to his right hand carefully.

"Someone who senses your aspirations of being a hero in order to save that which is not worthy of saving."

In the midst of the shadows located past fallen light fixtures and sparking power generators emerged a singular figure with a dark crimson aura swirling with violet intent. As the grim lighting of the surrounding area brought his image into light, Raizo merely raised an eyebrow unsure of what to make of him. He had pure white hair that was cleanly shaven, a darker skin tone compared to the Stormbringer's that almost appeared like death, and golden eyes. His outfit consisted of vestments that cut off around the bottom of the rib cage with long, black sleeves patterned in golden accents ending in thick metal manacles; the lower half of his clothing consisted of black pants with a weave pattern and white boots. In his hands, he carried two bladed pistols: one that was red and black while the other was white and black.

"Huh well then...another edgelord, how fun. Listen, not sure if this is a joke or something by the throne but uh...just a bit of a tip, the edgy phase plays out pretty damn quick once you get a reality check and grow up. Now you look like a man who's experienced life quite a bit, ain't it time to let that shit go?" Raizo suggested nonchalantly with a shrug of his shoulders unmoved by the male's overwhelming malicious presence.

"Is humor your coping mechanism when you are on the verge of your imminent demise? If so, you are permitted to have one last laugh before your existence is wiped from this world. Change is but a fool's dream, and hope is meaningless to think otherwise. Humanity destroys anything and everything it touches, that is an unchanged fact that led to this," the assassin declared.

"Well that's just annoyingly cliché of you to say. Change doesn't come over night, that much is true. It takes time, but as long as anyone is willing to take the first step towards it then hope can never be truly lost. All that matters is being given a chance to do so. But my words obviously won't pierce that shaved head of yours Mister...whoever-you-are."

"Once upon a time, I was known as EMIYA, but that name holds no meaning to me as my fate was altered to this path. Whatever my past was, whatever memories I had in life are gone like my soul. Hope is meaningless, like your existence," the dark warrior proclaimed as he took aim with his weapon.

"Yeah...okay, whatever you say. Sounds like you're only saying that mess because you never truly tried to choose your fate and make your destiny. You gave up before the fight ever truly began…"

"I am the bone of my sword… - So as I pray, Unlimited Lost Works!"

The assailant squeezed the trigger and fired his weapon. A singular, streaking bullet enraptured within neon violet like pierced the air cleaving through space towards the heart of the target. Encapsulated within this bullet was a reality marble that was composed of the weapons he witnessed throughout his life, anything that bore the concept of "sword". Upon puncturing flesh, it would release that concept from within. However, to the target of this action, it was nothing more than a slow-moving insect.

Raizo caught the bullet between his two fingers before relinquishing a sigh. Before Emiya had the time to react with shock or disbelief, the bullet was flicked back at him with greater force and speed which caused the projectile to hit its target faster than he could cognitively process. A moment later, the countless weapons that the man witnessed throughout his life erupted within his body and shredded him to bits leaving nothing but a bloody mess to splatter the ground.

"Jackpot…" Raizo scoffed whilst walking away as he ascended to the next floor.

[Floor 50: Chariot of Ecstasy]

The next area opened up before the Crusader's eyes. It was a moonlit night along a dark stretch of road passing through a silent park. As the youth's footsteps echoed out through the lonely night, the clacking sound of galloping steeds came towards his way. The male instinctively stopped in the middle of the path and began to emanate crimson electricity within his right palm. As he peered into the endless darkness before him waited for the next opponent to show themselves, he found himself being sucked in by a wild vortex of wind energy. As he turned around, he saw the glimpse of a red and gold chariot passing by before his eyesight blanked out and he was absorbed inside the transport.

"All powers belong to me...the crown of total domination...the hard steel of oppression...and the terror that shakes the hearts of men~ Chariot My Love…" a sultry voice echoed in the room as Raizo gradually opened his eyes.

The Son of Mercer found himself sprawled out over a soft, pillow-like surface that mimicked the texture and firmness of a bed. He felt the room moving about as the sounds of the galloping continued from a short distance just outside of the room. As he looked around, he saw the figure of a female sitting cross-legged near his position with a devious expression upon her face.

She had long, cherry-blossom pink hair and vanilla cream colored skin with hazel eyes. She wore a white outfit that revealed much of her skin. The upper half of her clothing consisted of a white, lace bra that had an attached collar and frills that added subtle spice to the neck and shoulder area as if part of a lingerie set. The lower half was a white, double-layered skirt with frills and translucent fabric. Complete with long white boots and black and white elbow-length gloves and a diamond-like tiara on her head, the woman licked her lips sensually whilst tapping her hand with a black riding crop.

"Who the hell are you?" Raizo asked bluntly with an unmoved expression on his face as he attempted to get up.

In a flash, the woman mounted the youth unashamedly pressing her lower half on top of his while taking her crop and tracing up the male's torso to his chin. She giggled maliciously with a hunger in her eye for her prey.

"My name is Medb...the Celtic Queen of Connacht, but for tonight...you may call me Mistress...or Goddess, I shall accept either. Though you may refuse at first, once you feel my love, you will desire me all your life. The night is long and full of terrors, won't you face them with me?" the sinister female declared as she reached down towards Raizo's lower area.

"Won't you let me unsheathe your sword here? My scabbard is more than willing to accommodate~"

"I don't think so…" Raizo retorted defiantly.

"You don't have a choice, this chariot is my domain. My will is law."

"Guess you don't know what it means to deal with an Outlaw…"

Before Medb's brain could comprehend what was about to happen, Raizo reached up and flicked her forehead. Upon impact, the female's body was sent spiraling back smashing the chariot open as she tumbled through the air. Colliding against a massive boulder, her head was broken apart like a watermelon being hammered open by the swing of a bat. As Raizo walked out of the wreckage of the disintegrating Noble Phantasm, he dusted off his armor whilst approaching the queen's bloody corpse.

"Well then...guess I went a little overboard."

The Stormbringer crouched down over Medb's body and merely raised an eyebrow for a moment. He sighed heavily feeling indifferent yet somewhat guilty over the sorry state of the woman. Granted, he was used to dealing with women that had very unapologetic forms of affection; however, what he did to this one took rejection to a whole new level. He reached down and generated an electrical current that casually rebuilt her fractured skull. After her head was repaired, he gave her a jolt to restart her heart. Regaining consciousness, Medb saw the male standing over her.

"Sorry about that, I don't really know my own strength yet."

"You really know how to be rough with a girl, I'm not opposed to that," Medb smirked with a twisted sense of desire painted across her face.

"I will definitely make you mine."

Raizo turned on his heel as he gradually walked off.

"Good luck."


[Floor 100: Assassin's Creed]

Silence, another instance that washed over Raizo's vessel like the coolness of the breeze before dawn. The sound of the youth's footsteps combined with the rattling of his armor plates resonated in the space as he continued his ascent in this mysterious tower. The Stormbringer was unaware of who his next opponent would be, but so far this trial was rather trivial. Once upon a time, he would be feeling rather confident to the point where subtle arrogance could take over. However, this level of difficulty he faced so far only served him a dish of apprehension as he desired to know what to expect next.

The hissing noise of matches being struck to flame murmured in the darkness before the sight of ignited torches appeared. As the embers of light illuminated the domain, a great chasm of stone compiled of great arches, elaborate columns, and foreign architecture from a time buried in the sands of the Middle Eastern world appeared. Two statues of women holding skulls in the left hand and scales in the right hand appeared along with an ominous threshold adorned with two hooded individuals engraved on the surface. Above the doorway was another skull that appeared to cast a cold, harsh gaze towards those that approached.

Raizo's cautious instinct was serving him well. His guard was up as he carefully approached the threshold. Something was coming, something that was different than the opponents he faced so far. His heart began thumping faster in his chest as the anxiety tried to kick in, but the male staved off that feeling by taking the time to control his breathing with deep inhales and exhales. It was at this point that the audible ringing of a large bell filled the room. In tandem with this noise, the boy felt a cruel chill creep down his spine. This dreadful feeling was something he knew all too well thanks to past experience, it was the cold breath one felt prior to death. Her bewitching embrace reached out and grabbed hold of Raizo's essence.

Immediately, Raizo's red eyes changed to that of the bluish-silver radiance of Mugen. At the same time, Outlaw triggered and quickly began rewriting the presence of death all around him forcing the spirit away. He felt the air being cleaved in two as the singing of a ruthless, steel blade approached his vitals from the side. Instantly, Raizo raised his left hand and caught the sharp object before it had a chance to land. A black cloud of smoke appeared from behind as the blade came again to lop off his head.

Raizo's mind ran through his memory banks. In that momentary pause of time, he recalled the structure and image of the angelic, guitar-scythe—Nirvana. He reached over his back and instantaneously generated a perfect copy of the weapon to block the oncoming attack before turning on heel to press the attacker away from his position. The anonymous black cloud forced back by a few feet now began to mold in the shape of a person.

An ominous figure cloaked in black robes and charcoal steel-plated armor with the insidious rattling of chains wrapped around his vessel appeared. The visage of the assailant was only that of a white skull with burning, blue embers for eyes, a red mark on his head and devilish horns protruding outside of the hood like a crown. This entity was the personification of death given shape. As his identity was revealed before the youth, the tall pillar of doom held his black steel blade with a singular chained wrapped around the bloody edge down with the point stabbed into the ground.

"Behold the call, for the Evening Bell tolls. Thy head shall be thine offering for the sake of salvation. Submit and repent, for thou must be cleansed from this world for thine sins – the first of many in thy band of reckless thieves. So it is written, so it shall be done in accordance to the will of God," the entity stated as his glowing eyes then shifted to red in that moment.

"I'm gonna pretend I understood half of what you said. You wish to kill me, eh? You wouldn't be the first. With whom do I have the honor of fighting this time around? Because news flash, I'm about to severely upset your little sense of poetic justice," Raizo declared as he flipped his weapon in hand to prepare for the battle at hand.

"Thou wouldst request mine identity before thy imminent demise? Amusing, if thou wishes to know trivial details before thy eternal slumber, so be it. I am known by many names, by titles a-plenty given shape by the world of man. I, the one considered to be the founder of the Assassins, am known as the Old Man of the Mountain. In the eyes of the Throne, I am the original Grand Assassin. In the commoner's tongue, I am referred to as King Hassan."

"The founder of Assassins eh? I think you and two of my mentors would have a debate about that one. But anyway, aside from being yet another pain in the ass I gotta deal with in this trial, is there any particular reason why you're trying to kill me?"

"For thy sins against God, boy."

"That's real specific."

"In thy naming convention, thou knewest of him as The Architect."

Upon hearing that title drop from King Hassan's lips, the male's vivid recollection of the events of the Second Primordial War barraged his conscious mind. This caused his muscles to tense as he gripped the pseudo-Nirvana weapon harder.

"My sins against...HIM? Do you know not the sins he committed against the World? Against his the Goddess-Above-All herself? You would raise your blade against me over that bastard?!"

"Do NOT speak of the Lord thy God in such a blasphemous way!"

"He is not my Lord...that man is the furthest from the definition of God as you can get."

"Thine foolishness surpasses all expectations. Thou hast strayed from the path and lost thy way. Thou once possessed concise judgment, but hath become clouded by temptations of the heart. Thus, ye lost thine insight to the greater picture."

"The greater picture? What the hell are you talking about? He wanted to erase life as we know it all because he thought his mother was lost!"

"Thou wouldst not understand the intentions behind Allah's will. Salvation was the ultimate goal of all living things. The realms of men and divine alike hath failed. Ambition, pride, conflict, all of which brought forth chaos and thus gave birth to the cycles. The destruction of creation by the hands of Azoth is the result. Allah's vision was simply to create a true utopia of peace, one free from the terrors of conflict; for that, a sacrifice was required.

Akasha, possessing infinite wisdom, rendered herself blind. Her focused was channeled on creation of a perfect ending for her happiness with thee. She forsook her role as the Great All Mother thus enabling Azoth's birth. The mantle of Goddess-Above-All is unworthy of her breed. And yet, thy immaturity alongside thine band of reckless youth in AKARA, rendered judgment on the one with true wisdom. For thine insolence, ye must pay the price; as such, the Evening Bell tolls," King Hassan lectured sternly as the aura around him intensified.

"Is that….really what you feel? The man you thought possessed all the answers was short-sighted. He was just as maniacal as the incarnations of life he disdained so much! He only saw the negativity in all that was. He only saw what was wrong and refused to see the capacity of good that this World possessed! If he, in his infinite wisdom, was truly insightful. Then he would have recognized that the only reason life turned for the worse was because the very traits present in mankind came from our creators themselves! If we are flawed, then so are they! As children, we only forge our identities and morals based upon the foundations instilled in us by our parents, or by anyone most present and influential in our lives!

Yes, life is imperfect...yes, we all fail and fall short of the expectations set for us. But even so, the mistakes we make should not be used as a reason to condemn us. It should be an opportunity to help us grow into the best incarnations of ourselves we are meant to be. The Architect failed to see this, because he never tried to feel love for anything in the first place. His vision was nothing more than a ploy to strip away free will and individualism. That's the only way he could reach his perfect peace. A garden of order, a land where free thought would not exist. That's not a utopia, that's a damn puppet show!

Akasha saw the potential in everything and everyone. Whether anyone was in the right or wrong, she loved everyone equally. And even when creation tried to reject her, she never stopped loving us. She turned her back on life only so that the World could see its mistakes and recognize its wrongdoing. She gave life a chance to see that we didn't have to rely on her influence; that we were instilled with the power to make a difference from the moment we drew our first breaths. If you can't see even that much with your god, then that's one way of life I refuse to believe in," Raizo said with a burning intensity in his eyes.

"As I have fear, thy way hath been truly lost. Words of persuasion are wasted on thee. Thus, thou must accept thy fate and meet thy end," the dark assassin declared drawing his blade to bear.

"Don't insult me, just who the hell do you think I am? You obviously never heard of me. I defy my fate every turn. That's what it means to forge your own destiny," the Stormbringer responded in kind. In the following instant, the youth brought to his mind the image of the second blade and represented Morana. As it slowly began to generate in his free hand, the copy of Nirvana transformed. With a brilliant flash, the weapons resonated together as they became the sun and moon iterations presented as the fabled Eclipse blades. Channeling the might of the crimson thunder in the sun blade, and the essence of indigo rain in the moon, the two projected weapons harmonized as the crackling of electricity hissed within the space.

The mysterious bell rang once more as if becoming a cue for the clash to begin. In that instant, the two figures vanished from their positions and started their duel. Sparks of light persisted as the Manifestation of Death collided with the Incarnation of the Storm. It appeared as if the debate between dark and light was an evenly matched endeavor. The chirping of birds was synonymous with the resonance of clashing steel. However, Raizo was clearly getting the upper hand as he felt his blades cut through the veil of darkness thus injuring his opponent. As the duo separated, the Son of Mercer felt confident in the progress of this battle.

"Dost thou really thinketh that thine onslaught means anything? Thy skill, though finely tuned, is but of a fruitless endeavor that against Death. Behold, nothing is true but everything is permitted," King Hassan declared as his body fully regenerated before his opponent's eyes.

The combination of Crimson Thunder and Indigo Rain appeared to be a wasted attempt. However, the Red-Eyed Crusader did not wince or lose heart over the sight of his foe's regenerative prowess.

"Coming back faster than I can cut you? If it's a battle of speed you're looking for...then I got something for you…"

Raizo relinquished the copies of the Eclipse Blades whilst taking in a deep breath. In that moment, his mind tracked back to his training with Reina as he recalled a particular conversation with the woman.

"Reina-san, one thing that was always lost on me, why do we chant or recite some form of incantation before we use any major technique? I mean, I don't even recall how the words got into my head."

"Chanting is born of words etched into your heart, into the core of your being in order to tap into your latent potential. By reciting those words, your body inherently behaves in such a way to draw out whatever is necessary for you to use your signature techniques whether it is as complex as Cosmic Foundry or as straightforward as Akaro's Crimson Dragon Flash. They reflect your emotions towards your combat experience and bring out your feelings manifested through your will. They are the essence of who you are and what you strive to be."

"I am the reincarnation of the storm,

The rampant lightning is my body,

The torrential rain is my blood,

My thunderous voice ripples through the heavens,

Unchained from loss,

and freed from pain,

My striking hope creates countless blades,

Thus my path is forever changed,

So as I beckon, Cosmic Foundry."

A large electromagnetic wave pulsed across the ground. The embers within the great stone chamber blinked out of sight before the entirety of the domain was devoured in darkness. What felt like was a snap of the fingers, the space transformed into an alternate reality completely separate from the original world. Floating in what appeared to be heavy clouds billowing across an endless, expanse of ocean and towering skyscrapers, the Old Man on the Mountain found his position locked in an all new realm. The clouds around him clamored together before hallowing claps of thunder roared all around. It was then that great flashes of crimson and indigo bolts of electricity raced through the skies all around. Falling as fast as pouring rain, King Hassan noticed something particularly off about this light show. The streaks of electricity suspended themselves around the area at very points in space taking the shapes of swords before disappearing.

"Welcome to my world, King Hassan. If I can't outright end you in one decisive blow, then I'll just have to hack away at you faster than your body can revitalize itself," Raizo's voice reverberated.

"Dost thou really think thy pitiless attempt at creation can truly vanquish me? Thy vanity knows no limits akin to thine ignorance. This plight is but a fruitless trial to prolong the inevitable. If thy doth not wish to accept thy fate, I shall force it upon thee."

A waft of dark blue flames radiated from the vessel of doom as his aura intensified, then the echo of a menacing bell rang out. In that instant, the dark knight of the end channeled his strength as an entity of certain death.

"Listen, the evening bell hath tolled thy name. The feathers foreshadow thy death, and behead—Azrael!"

By peering into what he thought was the source of this fabricated reality, King Hassan channeled his focus to one particular crimson tower that stood above the rest. He figured that this was where Raizo was located. As a result, he invoked his Noble Phantasm. Using his fabled broadsword stained with his face over the vast lifetime he lived, he channeled the legend carried as one who walked the boundaries of the Valley of the Shadow of Death. In that instant, his eyes glimmered with the azure glow of judgment as he sought to bring about utter ruination to his foe. With a single swing of his blade, the sentence of death was rendered and the tower was severed in half.

"A one shot killing technique, compared to Onee-sama and Aka-sensei, you fail miserably. The red tower was mostly symbolism, not so much as a beacon of my location. Then again, I don't blame you for not being able to keep up," Raizo said before he appeared right underneath King Hassan's guard with a crimson blade in hand.

"After all, I'm right here."

In a sharp turn of the heel, the male cut the skull-faced target then disappeared again leaving a fatal wound.

"Now I'm over here," the Stormbringer said whilst appearing behind his foe before attacking again with an indigo blade.

After that, it was a pattern of sporadic movement that King Hassan could not keep up with. Raizo was beyond speed at this point. Cosmic Foundry, at the boy's current level, evolved into an 11-dimensional space. The Old Man on the Mountain did not realize that his younger assailant was moving through infinite space across infinite multiverses that were completely separate of each other operating under different laws of independent space-time continuum. Hundreds, thousands, millions, hundreds of billions...the onslaught strike counter was unknown at this rate. As Raizo relentlessly assaulted King Hassan, the regenerative properties of the Assassin of Allah was wavering.

"Now let's finish this once and for all," the Crusader spoke confidently as his Mugen state was thoroughly channeling his movements.

"Remember Raizo-san, the Resolute Blade Arts is your own. I can only give you the foundation, how you choose to execute and master it are based on your understanding."

Recalling the words of the Queen of Cocytus, Raizo closed his eyes and focused.. He noticed that when he channeled the principles of the arts through his lungs, everything became much clearer for him. He had to feel it within him as naturally as breathing.

"Art of Fire, to consume everything in an instant...right," Raizo thought to himself.

Reappearing above King Hassan's mangled position, the youth spread out his arms and began drawing in the energy from the great storm that circulated throughout Cosmic Foundry.

"Breath of Fire, First Form – Ruin Unyielding!"

Bringing his two hands together with the base of the palms touching thus creating a horizontal jaw-shape, the boy unleashed a massive chasm of lightning energy that completely consumed the former Grand Assassin's position. In that instant, the explosion generated then wiped away the existence of Cosmic Foundry in its entirety. As the brilliant radiance filled the room then dissipated moments later, the last remnants of the vestige of death were swept away into nothingness thus opening the path forward for Raizo to continue ascending the tower.


[Floor 200: Everlasting Guilty Crown]

Desert, the wasteland that spread further than the eye could see. Devoid of water and vegetation, all that one felt was the scorching rays of the sun above and the blistering, dry air from the heated winds that scattered the particles of sand about. The dunes that changed shape daily dependent on the gusts that carried them gave way to a series of mountains that seemingly divided the land half. To the east lied a lost kingdom, a conflagration of ruins that once beheld a great empire from the land known as Egypt; to the west lied a kingdom fabled throughout history as the foundation of royalty in a land called England.

The two kingdoms were at war with each other. Both of which disagreed fundamentally over the fate of humanity in the end times. Battles were fought frequently, the bloodshed was endless. The times were filled with chaos without end. However, the Western Kingdom was as the center of it all. Viewed as the only remaining hope for humanity as well as a kingdom of savage wolves in sheep's clothing touting self-righteousness, there was not a soul in this era that had some form of aspirations towards the great holy city known as Camelot.

Raizo emerged in this vast realm and found himself crossing the sea of sand in the middle of the night. The glistening of the stars overhead provided a breathtaking scenery over the vast dry ocean that was impossibly chilly at night compared to the suffocating domain it was during the day. The Stormbringer then reached the mountains that separated the vast wasteland in which he felt the cool night air shift to something he was not expecting.

"That...horrible smell…." he uttered to himself as he looked all around him for a source.

In the distance, he could see the air ignite with shades of vermilion as billowing clusters of smoke and embers ascended into the empty air above. Alarmed, the youth moved quickly through the rocky trails towards the source of the disturbing atmosphere. Without a moment's delay, he stumbled across a truly horrific sight. Scattered all about was numerous clay based housing structures and tents lit ablaze as the mixture of burning flesh and death permeated the air all around him. Even whilst covering his nose with the cloak over his shoulder, the smell deeply tickled the confines of his senses.

Treading through the ruined settlement, the young warrior saw various corpses scattered all about. Some were burnt beyond recognition while others lay in pools of blood. Hacked limbs, churned guts, severed heads, and blood-stained clothes were tossed about carelessly. Just by these clues alone, Raizo surmised that this settlement was ambushed by some military force and slaughtered like animals. This began to trigger flashbacks as painful memories of that fateful night when his life was changed forever came back to him.

"Even though I came to terms with the fate of the Blood Wolves...no one should ever have to live through that Hell. Yet...here I am standing in the midst of it all over again…"

"Guh…" a small voice whimpered aloud causing the lone wolf to be alarmed.

Raizo turned his head and saw in the distance a small figure slowly moving in the short distance. Rushing over immediately, he saw the body of a dark-skinned boy in brown rags with messy black hair no older than 10 lying in a puddle of his blood. Reaching down to attend to him, the male instantly tried to help by channeling his powers to try and help him.

"W-...Who are...you?" the child muttered meekly in a foreign tongue. Fortunately, Janus' translation ability helped in this current juncture.

"My name is Raizo, I'm just a traveler that was passing through when I saw the fires. Try to stay awake kid, I'm gonna help you as best I can…"

"Oh...you're not from...around here then, are...you...Onii-san? Hey...were you...going to Camelot?"

"Hmm? What's that kid? Is that where you're from originally?"

The child slowly shook his head, "No...that's where…everyone was...trying to go to. Mommy said that...only the chosen few...can get selected to pass through...its gates. Mommy...said it was...paradise…"

"Really? Where is she now?"

"They...took her….in...but left me. They...said I was...not pure enough…"

"What? That doesn't make…"

The child started coughing up blood in that case as his condition worsened.

"Hey stay with me kid, come on. Dammit...why aren't my powers working?" Raizo gritted his teeth in frustration. He was trying to use his electrical abilities to jolt the boy's blood cells to coagulate at the open wounds so that he would stabilize. However, the cells were not responding for some reason.

"People...who...get rejected...by Camelot's gates...came here. We're not….wanted by anyone, so we try to...live out our days as best we...can here…" the child continued.

Suddenly, as Raizo was continuing his attempts to heal the boy, the memories within the child flowed to the forefront of the Son of Mercer's mind. He saw the child's mother and how they traveled together across the desert in hopes of passing through the gates of the Holy City to escape the harshness of what the war brought to the land. He also saw how these knights in shining armor slaughtered those who were not chosen while others escaped across the desert. Then he saw the memories of the boy living his life here.

Hunters gathering game, women fetching water and crafting medicine, people weaving clothes together, men training with bows, spears and swords to protect their loved ones, and children trying to make the most out of what they had were just some of the flashes he saw in the child's memories. One thing that stood out to him the most were assassins in black wearing white skull shaped masks similar to his last opponent. Pulling together context clues, he discovered that this was not only a refugee camp but a resistance camp to lay siege on the castle known as Camelot. However, the attack all but crippled that task.

As the memories came to a stop, Raizo took a moment to look at the scene before his eyes again and saw what it was like before and after the assault. Such a stark comparison brought tears to his eyes. Then he felt the body of the boy convulse in his arms.

"Hey stay with me kid, you gotta be strong. I'll reunite you with your Mom, how's that sound?" Raizo suggested.

"Yeah...I wanna...see Mommy again. Hey...Onii-san…your eyes...they're red… I was told...that people with red eyes were...bad guys. But...you're being so nice...to...someone like me…"

"Yeah...you can't always judge someone based on their appearance. Sometimes you just gotta stare at 'em in the eyes to get a sense of who they are."

"I guess...those knights...aren't the good guys then...they took Mommy away…."

"Don't worry, like I said...I'll reunite you with your Mother, so stay strong for me okay? Just hang on. You gotta grow up to be big and strong so you can protect her, right?"

"Right...I wanna protect Mommy from bad people…"

"Good, good...so hang on okay?"

"Oh...wait...Mommy is right here...she's telling me...to come home…"

"Huh? No wait…" Raizo protested, but then he saw that the child was only getting worse with his condition.

"Then...go to her, you don't wanna make her upset you know?

"Yeah...it was...nice meeting you, Onii-san...thank...you…"

Like a leaf being carried in the breeze, the child's soul departed this world. As the boy's body went limp, Raizo sat him down gently and laid him to rest. Taking one last look around at the tragic sight, the Stormbringer knew that there was nothing more that could be done. After ensuring the bodies would have a proper chance to be cremated and laid to rest, the Son of Mercer left the village. His heart writhed in agony.

"No one should ever have to suffer like that. These people were innocent...and just because they were rejected, they were condemned to an unnecessary fate such as this? Someone must answer for it...they'll pay...Camelot will go down in flames for this."

Hundreds of miles away to the far western area, legions of knights were camped outside the great stone walls that made up the outer perimeter of Camelot. The immaculate shine of the brick-and-mortar, marble surface gave off the impression of a pristine paradise contained within. Before its giant, silver gate stood a singular knight that commanded the soldiers to perform drills, replenishing supplies and reinforcing the defenses of the outer area.

He was dressed head to toe in silver armor patterned with blue accents. The upper torso was compiled of black and gold fabric that allowed a navy blue cape with gray fur draped over the shoulder pauldrons on both sides to hang down. He had dishwater blond hair and aqua blue eyes carrying the famous greatsword known as the Galatine. Known as the Knight of the Sun of the Knights of the Round Table, his name was Sir Gawain.

The man was charged with the defense of the outer walls as well as structuring the order of the selection process for chosen individuals to be permitted entry inside Camelot. The noble looking man was given this role for his sturdy defensive measures that allowed him to wade into battle taking next to nothing for damage and his otherworldly endurance. However, he never had the opportunity to meet someone that was more than a match for him until now.

The brilliant blue sky that allowed the sun to bear down on the holy land slowly faded to darkness as a gigantic spiral of black clouds formed over head. As day gave way to an early night, the brooding explosiveness of thunder roared. Crackling sparks of crimson electricity immediately followed as the sudden appearance of a violent storm seemed to raise alarm among the ranks of the soldiers below. Feeling the approaching threat of a hellish night, the knights panicked trying to find cover. However, it was proven to be all for naught as the maelstrom of wind swept them aside and huge arcs of electricity rained down upon their formations scorching them to dust on impact.

"In the name of all that's holy and true, what manner of monstrosity is this?" Sir Gawain gasped watching his soldiers be eviscerated by what appeared to be the wrath of Mother Nature.

The crimson arcs of electricity culminated around a singular shadow as it waded through the carnage that occurred. With eyes glowing red, it advanced closer and closer to Gawain's position. The knight brought his blade, the Galatine, to a guarded position in order to prepare for whatever was about to happen next.

` "I know not your identity, nor your purpose beyond this meaningless bloodshed; however, on my armor as a Knight of the Round Table, I will not let you set one foot in Camelot. You cannot breach these impenetrable gates!" the Knight of the Sun declared.

Without further delay, the mysterious entity disappeared from the holy knight's sight. Shocked, the man panicked as he nervously peered around his surroundings trying to discern the individual's location. As his eyes focused back to his forward flank, all he caught a glimpse of was a hand reaching towards his face. Before he had the opportunity to react, Gawain felt himself being lifted off the ground and carried in the opposite direction. Camelot had a giant barrier of mystical energy protecting it from would-be invaders that was meant to repel anything that got near it; especially at the front gate. As the knight was taken from his position, the impenetrable reputation that the gates of the kingdom possessed was effectively shattered as the shadow passed through it with Gawain in tow quite effortlessly.

In the central palace of the kingdom gathered in the marble luster of the elaborate throne room filled with crystal portraits telling the story of the Knights of the Round Table stood 5 figures, one of which was sitting on a sapphire and silver throne. One had long red hair with white armor plating over top a black bodysuit; he also had on a gray fur-collared, white cloak with golden accents whilst carrying a white bow with harp strings attached to it. He was known by titles such as the Child of Sadness or Knight of Lamentation, but to his fellow knights, he was called Sir Tristan.

Next to him was a giant of a man wielding a golden blade that was called Arondight. Head to toe in white armor with golden accents and a blue cloak over top, he had violet hair and yellow eyes. He was renowned as the strongest of the Knights of the Round Table known by the title of Knight of the Lake. His name was Sir Lancelot. Across from the loyal knight was one of more devious renown. The bastard child of the king, the Knight of Treachery, the one whom always wore their helmet among the knights except now where her blond hair and green eyes was on display – Sir Mordred. Last, but not least, was the man whom played as the advisor to the King. He was a stern man of strict discipline with a shrewd demeanor. Draped in all black armor with black hair and gray eyes. He was known as the man who knew no wounds, Sir Agravain. The knights gathered in the great hall to discuss the proceeds with the next selection within the audience of the King.

"The next group to be rounded up should be gathering soon. However, the Sun King plans to make his advance any day now hence why our security is being bolstered around the city gates," Sir Agravain reported in.

In that instant, a loud crashing noise filled the room as Gawain's body came crashing through the doors and went sliding across the floor towards the foot of the throne. This caused the knights to instinctively reach for their weapons on high alert.

"Sir Gawain, what is the meaning of this? You are supposed to be guarding the front gates right now with the men I assembled for you," the soulless knight in black declared whilst criticizing the man's presence.

"You don't...understand," the Knight of the Sun winced in pain as he struggled to lift his body up in all of that heavy armor.

Footsteps echoed out within the chamber as the dust began to settle. The haunting advancement of the mysterious shadow with crimson thunder spiraling around his body strolled through the dust and rubble before revealing itself before the fabled knights.

"Oh...shit…." Mordred uttered as she began to get memories of this entity's identity.

"How sad, this creature made the mistake of attacking the Knights of the Round Table all on its own," Tristan uttered.

"Creature, you say? I'm just a man like you...I just happen to be very pissed off right now," the presence uttered before the lighting in the room revealed Raizo's face to the entire crowd.

"So this is where the cowards gather after slaughtering innocent lives?" the Stormbringer criticized.

"He must be referring to the mountain villages," Lancelot uttered in slight dismay.

"Ah yes, I rained fire down upon all of their homes….everything," the redheaded archer declared almost in a bragging tone of voice.

"Thanks for saving me the trouble of trying to figure out who is the one responsible for the destruction I saw on the way here."

Raizo rushed Tristan in the blink of an eye and snatched the bow out of the man's hand. He wrapped it around the knight's neck and pulled it back before it snapped and smacked him hard in the face. Then he picked the redheaded male up by his ankles and slammed him into the ground over and over again before throwing him into the wall. Lancelot attempted to get revenge for his comrade by channeling his power and focusing his strength on one giant cleaving attack. The Stormbringer saw this and grabbed the blade with one hand before pulling it away and reversing it to impale the man then kick him aside.

"I don't know why you're here Mordred, but I'm sure Aniki would be upset to see you here. I would tell you to run, but…" Raizo zipped over to her before chopping her on the back of the neck.

"A simple knock out blow should suffice."

Gawain gathered his strength to stand up once more. He readied Galatine and took the point of attacking first. Raizo evaded by bending backwards to let the blade pass him before pulling the Knight of the Sun in and nearly flipping him over. Midway through the motion, the speedster delivered a bone-crushing blow to the midsection of the knight. The impact launched Gawain so high that he went flying out of the castle and presumably landed somewhere outside of the palace.

Sir Agravain tensed knowing that this man was one that could not be stopped, yet he did not want to admit it aloud. As he reached for his sword, Raizo was already standing before him and held the black-armored man's wrist. With a tightening grip, Agravain was brought to his knees.

"Without even needing to see you in action, I know exactly what kind of lying, manipulative bullshit you're capable of. Begone from my sight," the Stormbringer uttered as he backhanded the man across the face so hard that his head popped off his shoulders.

"Now that the trash is taken out, it's just you and me...Your Highness. For starters, why don't you remove that ridiculous helmet?" Raizo uttered.

The person known whom was ordained King wore silver plated armor with blue garbs underneath. An immaculate white fur-collared coat was draped over this person as they wore a helmet with a white mane that obscured their identity. For the Stormbringer, he recalled who the King of Knights was and what she was like after fighting alongside her against the Demon Gods. Knowing that he was in her kingdom, he did not want to believe that it was the same female; but his mind was too shrouded by anger to really think that possibility through.

"Very well, you have more than obtained my attention," the person replied whilst complying to Raizo's request. Upon removal, the face of the King was revealed. She had blond hair that was tied up in a fancy bun with a golden crown on top. Two long, trains of hair draped down past her mature face revealing an older visage that was similar to that of Artoria Pendragon; however, the soulless emerald color eyes dictated that she was fundamentally different.

"So...it really is you, Artoria. I was hoping this was not the case. But with Mordred's presence and your face, it confirms my worst fears.

"That is a name I have not been called in many years. The ideals of the legendary King of Knights, Artoria Pendragon, has long since been dead as is any lingering will of her spirit. I am simply the Lion King or the Goddess Rhogomyniad."

"I don't give a damn what you're calling yourself now. Why did you let one of your subordinates wipe out an entire small gathering of what could have been the last traces of humanity in this world?"

"They were not selected and was trying to insight rebellion, therefore I wanted them to be disposed. I gave them the courtesy of a quick demise. Any soul deemed unrighteous must be purged as their iniquities may affect the purity of those chosen for the next world."

Raizo clenched his fist and gritted his teeth as he recalled the visage of the settlement and the boy that died in his arms. His anger was gradually building up within him desperately clawing at his nerves to break out.

"What gives you the right to make such a decision? Who said that you had the power to determine who lives and who dies?"

"My authority as the King of Camelot permitted me such amenities. The World is approaching its end, it is an indisputable fact. I hold the power to save many people, but only those worthy of such. Mankind's demise is one that is long overdue and inevitable. Over the course of human history, war, greed, envy, and destruction has perpetually crippled true advancement in knowledge. Humans hold the innate desire to fight even if it is over trivial things. It is ultimately the greatest downfall of creation's most sentient races.

If there is a way to survive the apocalypse, then only those who have the capability to change should be spared. Only those who are truly good in the depths of their being can be spared. My endeavors in this land has been to pursue my ideology. Pure souls can be kept, protected and given true happiness; for that vision to happen, sacrifices must be made."

"You make it sound like you are building some utopia, a heaven that will grant peace to those scared of the days to come. Yet, you are willing to slaughter so many people desperate for help for this? You allude to this being the burden of a King, but you sound like nothing more than a tyrant!"

"I would expect nothing less from a man who is the very definition of unclean. How many lives have you taken in your life? How many souls did you carelessly deem unworthy as you ruthlessly slaughtered them? You criticize me making me out to be a murderer yet your history is paved in blood, assassin. Did you not do the same when it came to felling those before your blade? Do you not still continue to do so now as you seek to reform the structure of the World and save it from its fate while still killing any of those who think otherwise? The perspective may be different, but the context is the same. You are no different than me."

"You're wrong Artoria… I fully acknowledge the bloodshed I've left behind in my life. From contracted marks, to bandits, to beasts of prey, soldiers, former friends, and even the gods themselves, I lost count of how many lives I've taken. Murder is murder no matter what context it is in. However, I see more value in life now than I ever did before. It is a precious entity, one that must be protected."

"So we are in agreement...then why oppose me?"

"Because every living thing, regardless if you're a human, a monster, or a god...everything that lives, breathes and has the capacity to think for itself must be allowed the opportunity to make a choice for itself. They have to be allowed to live freely and be given the chance for change. Everyone has that right because freedom exists as gift given from the first breath!"

"Even though that very same freedom allowed so much sorrow and suffering to manifest in the world?" the stern knight raised an eyebrow.

"No one is perfect...we're all flawed, damaged in some way, shape or form. However, the beauty of mistakes is the ability to learn from them. And that paves a path towards change, correction...and redemption. You just want to bottle up everyone and give them what they want so that they can never fail. That's not peace, that's just keeping people in a cage! You're not a king, just a tyrant with a massive ego. You and a certain Golden Bastard I know would go great together."

"I expect nothing less from a child whose understanding is as paper thin as the thread of life all mortals carry," the King of Knights turned Goddess of the Holy Lance said as she lightly kicked at the ground.

The pair was whisked away into a new dimensional space that was separate from the insides of the castle. Only her throne was seen as an endless white marble floor laid at their feet whilst the sky turned into an aurora displaying all shades of red, blue, green, pink and so on. The Lion King reached out to beckon forth her weapon of choice: a conical drill-like spear that was a platinum shade with golden energy spiraling around it.

"Behold, the power of what it means to be a King...one who bears the weight of a kingdom and its subjects along with all of their dreams. The lives deemed fit to live on make up the power within this weapon. The faith they placed in me, I shall release it and erase you. Should your soul survive, perhaps I will grant you the courtesy of joining them."

"All of...those souls…" Raizo gasped realizing what she meant behind those words. He bit his lip and felt his fury transform into something else.

"I almost repeated my old mistake...and let my rage get the better of me. Though I still feel the pain of that horrific sight, I'll make this right by setting everyone here free. Even you, Artoria Pendragon…"

Raizo took a deep breath as his eyes held a saddened tone to them whilst examining his opponent. He had to make her realize the error of her ways. Whatever took hold of her and created this false image of the famous King of Knights needed to be broken and there was only one way to do that. He needed to give her a wake up call using something that would surely get her to recognize the error of her ways. It was then that the image of a certain blade entered his mind.

Extending his right hand out, sparks of crimson electricity fluttered out before a pole of light was generated. It was then that blue electricity combined with hints of gold dust culminated together before revealing the visage of a particular sword. A blue handle fixed underneath a golden, boat-shaped guard with a shining, stainless steel blade that was dyed in a matching golden radiance was born. The very essence of the legend of King Arthur was given shape as the Sword of Promised Victory was brought to the Stormbringer's hand.

"That's…" the Lion King's eyes slightly widened upon seeing the weapon before her eyes.

"I remember a time in that dystopian world sitting down and talking with you. You told me all about Camelot and your time as a king. From your greatest triumphs to your greatest regrets and all the things you learned since then, one thing that you said never failed you no matter how much grief you held in your heart was this sword. Its presence alone tells a story far greater than words could ever imagine. Perhaps using this to finish you off will make you see the error in your ways," Raizo stated whilst swinging the weapon around.

"That blade is one that is meant for those chosen to be king. Even if I discarded the need for it long ago, someone like you should not possess it. It must be a fake."

"Maybe, maybe not, but even if that's true...I still feel the weight of the promises it carries within its edge. I carry my own weight, one that seeks to fight for everyone who can't. For those whose hands are open, may they never feel burdened again. Even if I can't save or protect everyone, I'll carry all their hopes, their dreams, and everything they ever loved on my shoulders. I'll make sure that their stories are told to the next generation, I'll become a guiding light that soars through the skies piercing through any veil of sorrow that threatens them. I'll save anyone I can so long as I have the power to do so...I'll even save you."

"Then let me see your resolve, Stormbringer. Holy Lance, weigh anchor!"

The drill began churning around as the golden radiance generated a slew of kinetic energy that shook the space.

"Let light be released from the Ends of the World. It shall split the heavens, and connect the land. Anchor of the Storm – Rhongomyniad!!"

"Let the guiding light of your legend be one that cleaves a path to the future! Libera me From Hell—Excalibur!"

Two shockwaves of golden energy were discharged from opposite ends at the same time traveling at the same speed. One carried the souls of those who were given bliss inside a perpetual utopia granting eternal peace; the other carried the weight of those lost and those yet to come, adding the possibility of a brighter tomorrow for all those who wish for it. Fear of the end battled against hope for the future, and as the argument debated intensely...Hope prevailed.

The Lion King was consumed by the luxurious blast emitted from the projected blade. As her emerald irises glanced over, she saw the noble weapon dissipate from Raizo's hands.

"I see...even if it was just a realistic projection, it still carried the same hope instilled in it from my younger days. Perhaps you truly are worthy of a similar mantle. It suits you, Crimson Stormbringer. Very well, I entrust the future to you. Protect humanity at all costs."

The dimension and everything contained therein was destroyed all at once. As the space faded to black, Raizo's shimmering eyes turned towards the ascension pad to the next floor. Headed towards it, he only relinquished the following words in response.

"I know, after all...Onee-sama is watching over me."