
Beginning Again Part 3

"Hmm, a lot is missing. But no matter.." Titan closed the window. ".. can grow again however I want this time." His thoughts changed to the things in his Inner Soul. Those that "retired" or resting as they peacefully strengthen themselves. "they are still the same and the power going to increase it is still the best. I can worry less about that area.'

"Yup. Regretting anything yet?" Lluvia asked. "A lot of people are no longer here with us."

"They are with the other me. There is a little empty feeling there in its place, but I have already filled that void by holding you."


"This is the second time this has happened. I have learned ways to deal with it. Besides, I have the memories stored away. I can view them when things get too bad. One of the reasons I wanted you all to stay, was to make sure you all were okay. Just holding you right now, my Pather Power is letting me know how lonely you felt."

"Thank you." Lluvia said as she rested on him. "This is what I wanted." She fidgeted a little. Her thoughts ran over a few things that passed in her mind while she waited for him to arrive fully. 'Should I tell him what else I have been working on? No, too soon. I will wait till he settles more and continue my work. Have my own life to live the same as he does. It will get busy soon with that project unfolding. He will be upset but not too much once he sees what it does.'

"Good." Titan said as he rested.

"So about the birthday and anniversaries you missed, thanks for the gifts. I didn't know you had it set for auto-delivery." It was not bad because each of the items was picked with them in mind after all.

"Well with the constant travel and stuff, never knew where the Primary you would have to go to at a moment's notice. So I paid for a delivery for you and the others and gifts I picked out. It took a year to get all of them right. Had to make sure I didn't get anything more than once and something you would dislike. I think I may have gotten Kasumi the same thing every now and then."




For the next four hours, they remained like that. Moving the energy back and forth. It was when the first notification went off that they stopped.

System: XX-Pull has been auto-used.. no points were spent awarding additional rewards...

"What is going on?" Titan asked grabbing Lluvia ready to Rift away. At his level, it would hurt but it was doable. The others would receive a notification knowing he used an escape option.

"I don't know?"

"My fault kids." The Trickster said arriving out of nowhere. "No bad news. Only good."

"You could have sent a message first." Reckoning appeared next to her husband. She smiled at her Son-in-law and daughter. "You two are so cute together."

"Is anything the matter? Your good news varies from my own." Titan said. His arm instinctively went over Lluvia's back. Specifically over her hearts. He didn't notice but the others did. "Why did the System do that?"

"Well.. you see.. it is giving you back your Ogre Battle 64 System. The one you received a long time ago. Separated from the other you of course. You will need forces in the future and that is to help you." The Trickster said as he looked at his screen. "Things have been changed in it. But you will be fine otherwise. XX-Pull was to help with its powers here. Me and the wife filled in the rest. Don't worry about it. It's a wedding present. Well, an awakening present so to speak."

"Whew, thanks." Titan said relaxing. "I would offer you something to drink but... I really just want to remain in bed all day."

"Nonsense. We will go downstairs and make something." The Trickster insisted. He grabbed Lluvia and they started to vanish. "It will be fine as you talk to Reckoning for a bit."

"Um, that is just too pushy. Remind me if I ever get to that level to smack him for all the antics he pulled." Titan said as he swung his legs over to get dressed. "So how are you two doing?"

"Hehe, I will remind you in the future." Reckoning said stopping herself from all-out laughing. She watched the man who chose her daughter twice and smiled happily. "Titan.. you will always save my daughter won't you?"

"Yeah, I will. As long as she wants me and I want her I will. If she doesn't then... then I won't force that on her." He stopped dry and looked at her worried. Warning bells going off. "Why?"

"Just hearing it makes me happy. People become jealous of other people's success. As well as what they do for others. Not me mind you. I am happy about what you have done. Just .. Galtana.. is upset is all."

"Haa, well nothing I can do about that. Her daughter made that choice. If Galtana wants to talk, she can message me. As for coming by for anything, she needs to go through the others."

"Lluvia is ok with that. She would even be ok with Galtea coming around."

"I won't be. I don't want her anywhere near my home or homes. If they redo their friendship," Titan turned to look at her fully. "I want no part of it. Not a single bit. I felt Lluvia's pain a few hours ago when I was Rifted away by the System again. It reminded her of the first time that happened. Which was caused by Galtea. I won't be forgetting that look." He pointed to his head. "I have etched it in the forefront of my mind. That way I remember to do what it takes to make her happy and those near me. I also know what happened during the War with them."


"Galtea intercepted Lluvia when she was coming to me. What was discussed, I have know idea.... yet." Titan frowned. "But I know it caused problems for myself and others. I drove myself crazy looking for things to change it. I looked everywhere for them! Thinking they were in the worst danger. Thinking she was in the hands of those fuckers."

White light burned around Titan. His Cosmos burning brightly.

"I will protect her as long as she is with me." Titan forced himself to calm down in an instant. Extremely aware of his powers danger unchecked in anger. "No mistakes this time. I need only a little time to make sure we can be intimate again. No pain from the..."

System: Unbreakable Bond Trickster & Reckoning awarded to User.

"Thank you." Reckoning said smiling. A few tears fell down her face before she walked downstairs. "I am certain no mistakes were made. As long as you feel like this, I can let my worry go. Just remember... Lluvia is still young by our standards. She will make mistakes in the future. Just never give up on her. I am going downstairs to deal with that husband of mine."

"Uh-huh." Titan watched absentmindedly. "Swear everything is going cray cray again."

Galtana: You think so?

'Oh, it's you. That was quick.' Titan said as he walked to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face. Normal things always felt great to do. 'I am surprised you went through the link so soon.'

Galtana: She sent me the message and said you were okay with talking to me. So I was happy to do so. The situation over here is hectic. But the you here is doing fine. Still doing his thing of rebuilding and restructuring the Worlds he owns.

'That's good.' Titan said after he finished brushing. Grabbing a rag, he dipped it a little in the water and then wiped himself. 'So how are you?'

Galtana: Good. Things could be better. I just wish I had someone to share things with personally. The bastard ex-husband of mine deserves worse than jail. But I started dating again. Which is so crazy. Never thought I would do so at this stage in my life.

'You deserve someone. Definitely gave up a lot.' Titan remembered a few instances where she went out of her way to do things to help. 'Lucky person.'

Galtana: Yeah, the losses were more than I thought after sitting down and sending out messages. Not to mention how "she" is doing.

'Kidnap her and take her off somewhere. That's what I would do when they would be difficult anyway.' Titan started walking down the stairs to join the others. 'Crap I need to get my level up if I want to have a child with Lluvia. She is stronger than me again. But I can still do some damage. She does like to spar at the weirdest of times. And she wanted to have a kid before everything turned worse.'

Galtana: Maybe. I want to do an actual meet-up in the future. You turned out to be a very good friend to talk to.

'Set it up with Lluvia and everything will be fine. If she is to busy just hit me up when I go somewhere through the link.' Titan reached the kitchen and grabbed a spoon. 'Anyway later.' Galtana closed the connection.

"You ok?" Lluvia asked.

"Yeah, Galtana messaged me. She should be messaging you soon. That is your call on how to proceed."

"I have no problem with meeting her." Lluvia looked at the screen and started responding. "What did you talk about?"

"Nothing much actually. Oh, wait, here." Titan flipped the screen showing her the mental logs. Sitting down he grabbed an apple. Before biting into it, he decided to cut it. "I have time again. No need to rush eating too."

"Eh, no real mention of Galtea. You didn't even ask?"

"Cause I don't care." Titan said looking at her weirdly. "What?"

"Nothing. I just didn't think that would go down so smoothly. Expected resistance or something." Lluvia smiled. Her thoughts on another matter instantly. 'Haa, it will take a lot to get him over that. How do I even broach the subject of me helping with certain Operators that were affected by what happened?'

"Pft, fat chance. Love beats out on hate. And vice versa. I have made sure the vice versa doesn't happen." Titan said. He then grabbed her hand giving it a squeeze. "I may have learned to forgive, but that doesn't mean I will do it all the time."

Squeezing back she smiled. The bond already telling her everything she needed to know.

"Hmm, ok. Oh, we have to get you squared away before the Tutorial. Guess what I got you..it will be the best thing ever I promise." Lluvia smiled as she handed him a black mechanical sphere.

"Ehhh, what is it." Titan grabbed it and felt the cool surface. He couldn't believe it as he looked it over. "I swear it's a Bakugan.. or a.." His eyes went wide looking it over. Jealously when his descendant Thrasher had something close to it one time. "it is a.. no fucking way..."

"A Guyver unit. Taking the schematics from the System and building it from your memory with you." Lluvia said. "Oops. I wasn't supposed to say that part. Cats out of the bag now." Touching his hand, she unlocked the memory of them working on it together. Just 4 hours a day. He would then have his memories sealed back up. "Well, what do you.."

"I freaking love it." Titan said lifting her up. "Damn, you are the best ever." He twirled her around the kitchen. The problem was his Pather power was unchecked. "It was so hard for me to get one of these. So blasted expensive too!"

*Ripple!* lt washed out hitting his neighbors and even Kasumi and Lettie miles away at the school.

"Put me down you numbskull." Lluvia said playfully. "I can feel your happiness."

"Thank you." Titan said again as he inserted the orb into his chest. It slowly worked in his body. Unlike the actual Guyver units that did it insanely fast. His was moving slow. It had no choice but to follow the programming. With his body going through the upgrades as well, it would take even longer. 'Ah, the old stuff is the best stuff.'

System: Guyver Unit Armor. Hand made Bio-Boosted Armor created by User and Operator. Built with the entire knowledge of the User. Several functions are locked while integrating. Will travel to every location with Prime Soul. Stat upgrades are on hold.

'I so need to remove a few things from my Inner Soul for this. It will definitely help upgrade this baby. But that can wait for later.' A piece of his mind was set on finding that. It was going for a particular item. DG cells (Dark Gundam) that he acquired a long time ago that was repairing itself and having its program fixed. A promise was made that would finally get fulfilled again. 'If a part of it is in the shop, I will buy it to speed things along. The other half would be nice. And Thrasher received the new code we developed. So there is that.'