
Beginning Again Part 2

System: Operator Lluvia.. has changed the name to Titan Nebula.

*Bwoom!* Space distorted as the large portion of Azul's Prime soul made it to the body. A small portion return to his old body in Mass Effect. Continueing to do what was needed and living that life there.

Repairs to places after he finished all the story content. He still owned it, but a different life now to oversee it. All the inhabitants were moving on happily last time he checked. Kasumi was the only one who did not return there.


Waking Up-


"Ughh.. that was a trip in a half. Worst than the last one." Titan sat up. The first thing he noticed, was the bed he was in. He was not alone. "Well shit that works for me. Kasumi & Lettie are both here already. How are you two?" Kasumi hopped up an ran into the bathroom.

It looked like duty called for the body she was in.

"Ah, morning brother-husband," Lettie said with a stretch. "Mhmm, I feel great. Just a tad bit weaker but I can spend my points and get right back to old body parameters. But it might make things to easy..." She paused mulling it over quickly. "I do like a challenge after all." Her eyes fluttered as the memories adapted slowly.

"You should not do that just yet. There is a new status screen and the shop is locked currently. We can wait till later to mess with that stuff." Kasumi said walking in. She had a tank top and running shorts on. "I think we should wait for a bit to do anything really."

"Alright." Lettie pouted. "I can wait, as long as no one or anyone else causes troubles for us."

"Good." Kasumi said sitting on the bed. "Your staring at us." Her voice was low. She was still getting used to no longer feeling trapped from the previous place. Capture during the war was not as bad as some of the others. Especially since Azul got to her quickly.

The escape pod was to confining, however. And suspended animation sucked.

"Yeah.. well you both look amazing.. what are you 19 or so physically? Heck, your hair looks longer than usual and you dont have those tattoos. Man, I miss those beautiful things." Titan said in happiness.

The search between Sectors was long and very lonely at times. Besides the Chaos Gods, Frostmourne, Dark Gundam, and a few others to speak with at times, it was a very troubling time.

"I know. You look different too. Look." Kasumi showed him a mirror. The reflection showed he still had his bronze skin but his eyes were different. They were white and clear at the upper areas like a cloud in in the sky almost. His hair was long and reached to his waist. But the crazy thing, was the color. He had anime-style hair with the full works. Light blue that was almost Turquoise. A little spiked in the front but slicked back. "I like it, the design I mean."

"I like it. But I think black with red streaks would have been better. More of an evil look to him." Lettie said touching Titan's arm. When she did, his hair changed colors. "Eh, that is so cool. That never happened before."

"Well, that is weird." Titan said thinking for a moment. "Ah, its locked in place now..."

"It went based on what we felt for you. I wanted the eyes to stay as they were. She wanted the hair to change." Kasumi said smiling. Her eyes flashed over a screen. It would be considered a dye job so nothing weird there in the future. "Lluvia decided on the body. You look as you did the first time we all met actually."

*Bwoom!* A Rift opened.

"Glad you all like." Lluvia said appearing in front of them. "Hi."

"So we all did make it. That's great. I am glad." Titan smiled before leaning back. The bed was really comfy. Slowly new memories of him here fusing with the rest of his memories. "So where are we and how can you stay like that?"

"As long as I want. I took a few tests upon arriving. Set up a bunch of scenarios in places you hate and sold them to other Operators." Lluvia said raising her hand up in a victory pose. "Dont worry, I have all my power and nothing limiting me from before. Heck, the Administration here doesn't even know it was me. Considering I sit on the Administration board here, making it easier to go unnoticed. As I said, I took tests for advancement to prepare."

"I dont have to start killing Admin people when they decide they want to mess with you all do I?" Titan sat up with a dark look in his eyes. "Tad bit foolish if they do."

"Nope. My dad and mom both are Avatars remember. Well, mom up to Avatar anyway. They operate here as well. They were both just inactive. However, in the last two centuries, they started up again. So the links to us won't happen. Besides, the System is not testing you are anything like that this time. So relax."

"So we can enjoy life, hop to different Worlds and have fun without problems?" Kasumi asked for clarification.

"Correct." Lluvia said then paused. This caused everyone to tense up. "We just have to help if there is an attack on the Administration and the like. That is, if it is hidden things of ill design. No weird hidden threat that I know about. So far. Titan is a User/Operator now."

Each of them looked at each other for a bit. A tacit understanding passed between them. They would still train for whatever future threat that would possibly show its head. As well as for any psycho User around in hiding.

"Where are we?" Lettie asked. "That matters big time."

The Soul shards that started in places had know idea of the greater design of things really. Unless told by the Operator setting things up of course. Helps with blending and learning. Then the Prime Soul comes and patches things togethor.

"History Strongest Disciple Kenichi. The Manga world version of it. Some of the other versions of it has bled in. Which is fine. It just started up. Well, the plot is on week two or week three anyway." Lluvia said looking at a screen.

She shared it for Titan could view the different parameters about the ins and outs of an Operator.

The levels of the various Pillars were something else. Higher than they should be for such a World. Titan left it for later. No reason to dive deep into things so simply.

"So things work a little differently here. We choose a side outright when we arrive in a World. Well, I choose one for us. I took the liberty of putting us as "Other" here. We can help Kenichi or any one of the various Pillars we like. That way, the World doesn't interfere to much. But it also means people can interact with us based on a quest they may have received."

"That is fine. We all have experience already so dont have to worry about a lot of things causing us problems. Just need to get up to at least 1/10 of our previous strength and we will be fine in this World." Titan said watching the others. "My Pather power is still here it seems. It is way stronger than before. But I have full control. Way more control of it."

"Same for me." Kasumi said. "My awakened power of "Blend" is still available to me." She then disappeared from sight. The bed returned to normal and it looked as if she was not sitting there. "Just need to strengthen my soul back up to use it as I did. But this will keep me from not losing it. Slower pace this time."

"I can still exist in any atmosphere." Lettie said. "I went through the memories already. I fell in a volcano at one point and walked out."

"Woah." Titan said looking at her. "How did you get here then? Wait, dumb question." Pulling the memories he understood how now. "Lluvia was an archeologist that found you and adopted you. How nice."

"What's nice is that we are all togethor." Kasumi said getting up. She didnt get far as Titan grabbed her. "Woah, what's the big idea?"

"Where are you going?"

"To school." Kasumi said simply. "I am not 19. I am 17 physically here. School is a cake walk with all we know anyway. Might as well just try the different things. Like being a student."

"Why not just relax for the day?"

"Nope, you horndog. I know what's on your mind."

"I will behave jeez. Just thought it would be nice to relax as we all reintegrate."

"Not needed. Besides, I rather give you all the time to adjust." Kasumi said giving his arm a pinch. The clue to let her go. "I have classes and club activities to attend to. I will see you all when I get back."

"Well.. that was disappointing," Titan said smiling sadly. "Well how about .. you.. to... You to Lettie?"

"Yup. I have a club activity that I am looking forward to." Lettie said leaving hastily. "Enjoy your day off and the Tutorial!"

"Well, that's just the pits…" Titan said looking at the bed. "Lluvia are you going to?"

"Nope." Lluvia said. Before he could look up, she jumps onto the bed. "Banzai!" She landed right on Titan. "All day just us two for the most part. And when they do come, we will start the Tutorial as punishment."

"Heh, I like that plan." Titan wrapped his arms around her and felt the connection. The Bond between the two pulsing wildly. "Haa, this is the life. Well, lives."

"Yup it is. I love my User." She nuzzled his neck as she held him. "I have found a lot of things as I waited for you and the rest. A cultivation manual that I have adjusted. One to help you and the others. Especially with your powerful souls."

"Alright. What is it?"

"For you, the World Ode of Heaven and Earth. I changed it to Darkness and Earth. Lettie Will have Fire and Light, Kasumi will have Water and Wind. With our memories, you all will be able to do the elements you have done before. However, I want you to focus on these new ones to help separate you from your previous self choices." Lluvia looked down at him expectantly. She also was waiting to see if he had any complaints. Seeing him just smile she was happy. "You are not mad?"

"Nope. You worked for a long time so I have no complaints. So do I get any spirits or anything like that? It has been a while since I read a Cultivation Novel. Considering I didnt need to with all the Worlds we went to."

"Yes you do, but it will develop from within you. Over time it will reveal itself. No Wolf or Dragon this time. But you will still be able to turn into them." Lluvia squirmed on top of him happily. "Everything is going so perfectly. Ah, this is so great."

"Well then, I will make sure I practice it when you work to gain strength quickly. That way I can put a baby in you faster."

"You really mean it?" Lluvia became embarrassed as he held her. "You really do. Ohh I should have picked another World were you could level up quicker. But I want to have a place we could all relax in as well. Especially when work gets tough."

"You picked fine. Dont worry." Titan gave her a peck on the nose. "Everything will be ok. We have time right now before work separates us."

"Start cultivating now! Your body has no toxins in it. I made sure to keep you healthy. As well as the others." She sat up and took off her shirt. Pointing at her navel she revealed a sigil. "This will help you gain strength like before. Your previous strength that I took when I brought you here. Just in case anything would happen. Take a little and finish the basic levels first." She turned and put her back to him. Her hearts pounding rapidly.

"Alright." Titan put his hands on her stomach and started to take the energy. Lluvia then laid back down as they relaxed again. "This will not go slow but we can take our time."

"You bet. Some more shopping as we wait. Oh.. you broke through the Elementary 1 Realm. Good work." She nudged her head against his face. His Pather ability already sending his feelings over again. "Keep doing both. I missed you a lot between intervals."

Titan missed the interval part. Not that he cared really at first.

"You got it." Titan pushed his power up a little more. His main mind worked on her while the others did the cultivating part. With 10 others making sure everything was going perfectly, he did not stress at all. 2 were spent on writing up the rules to give to the User he would receive. 'What intervals is she talking about? Must have meant when my soul was arriving.'


-A few hours later-


Lluvia was explaining the changes to his status screen. It was a change-up from his modified DnD to A modified simple one. The various Title's power was already applied to him. The Physical and Mental Traits were loading up while he cultivated.

"Display it all at once. Then, just need to think about which parts you want to see afterward. If there are changes it will show the changes afterward once integrated. Your Soul strength ignores the limit of level and Ranks."

Name: Titan Nebula

Level 1 First Class: Pure Cosmos

Level 1 Second Class: Class: Magical/Techno Martial Artist

Level 1 Third Class: Soul Maestar/Mental Warrior

Health: 54 Energy: 41

Attack/Str: 41

Defense/Dex: 34

Health/Con: 36

Special Attack/Int: 38

Special Defense/Wis: 36

Perception/Cha: 41

Soul: 45

(Ref)lex: 20= Dexterity + Level

(Fort)itude: 21= Constitution + Level

(Will)power: 21= Wisdom + Level

Speed: 3900 mph= Dexterity + Soul x10

"I see why you wanted to condense it. But this helps with the future. Defintely can tell where I am lacking when I fail a check." Titan defintely enjoyed the simple stuff. "Thanks for spending the skill points as needed. I take it once I level up, I will get the rest of my stuff?"

Lluvia gave a nod. Seeing Titan smile made things a little easier. Especially with the way his Pather power work. He had it unchecked right now so he was constantly sending out full good vibes. This, in turn, made her more happier. Nothing like having a loved one appreciate your efforts.

"Your health is determined by Constitution cut in half and appropriate additions from your three classes. A loose 3 points per level up is awarded. Energy by your Soul & Strength."

Titles: Wandering Soul IV (Hidden), Primarch, Everchosen of Chaos (Half), King Of Serenes Forest II, Destroyed Soul, Planeswalker, Triforce of Wisdom, Bolas Redemption, ?????, ?????, ?????, ?????, ?????, .....

Traits: Biotic Armored Body, Shirai Ryu, Lin Kuei: Grand Master, Ki, Overlord III, Living Rune, Seed Operative, Dark Heart, Geneticists,

Mass Effect-Biotic Armored Body: +1 to all stats. Increase in special power or devices that relate to Alliance, Cerebus, Leviathon/Reaper: +2 Soul.

Mortal Kombat- Shirai Ryu, Lin Kuei: Grand Master: + 10 to all stats. Increase in the desire to push oneself. Acrobatics, Climb, Perform: Martial, Stealth, Survival, and Swim +2

Tekken-Ki: + 2 Str, Dex, Cha. Martial desire increase.

Disgea/Makai Kingdom/Phantom Brave-Overlord: +4 to all stats. Increase in desire for destruction.

Suikoden- Living Rune: + 3 Wis, Spellcraft True Water Rune, Lighting Rune, Dark Rune & Fire Rune. Reduction in elemental damage taken.

Final Fantasy VIII Seed Operative: Knowledge Nature + 5, Perception +1,

Super Robot Taisen Dark Heart: +3 Soul, All +2. Increase in desire for creature understanding.

Halo-Geneticists: +2 Int. Desire in studying individual habitats. Desire in dissecting the meaning of lifeforms.

Magic The Gathering- Clockwork Mage PlanesWalker: + 2 to all stats. Easier to blend when Rifting with core soul.

Magic The Gathering- Bolas Redemption: Charisma 5. Overwhelming desire to bring Evil under you and changed them to your purpose.

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - King: +1 to all stats. Increase in Followers' desire to serve and be of use.

Fire Emblem Laguz: + 5 Strength, + 5 Perception

Final Fantasy X- Grand Summoner: Zanarkand + 2 all stats, increase affiliation with noncorporeal entities. Easier to form Aeons/Summoned creatures.

Yu-Gi-Oh-Shadow Realm Weilder of the Millenium Eye: + 1 to all stats. + 5 Magic Device Easier to blend when Rifting with core soul. Boost in soul and mental techniques.

Shadow Hearts Covenant: +5 Knowledge Arcana. Increase in Demonic growth.

Bonus to troops:

Wandering Soul IV: Increase in party growth. Stacks with Pather power.

Primarch: Humans grow stronger under you.

Triforce of Wisdom: Increase in Soul by 5, increase in Intelligence by +1. Increase in Soul and Wisdom by 1 every level.

Everchosen of Chaos: Mutated humans and Demihumans grow stronger under you. The killing of innocents does not affect mentality. Bluff, Persuade, and Intimidate increase.

King Of Serene's Forest: Human hybrids grow stronger under you. Able to adopt a calm demeanor at will.

Destroyed Soul: Return souls related to the User in better condition.

Planeswalker: Rifting is less harmful to Users and troops in a rush.

