
Beginning Again Part 4

-Late that evening-


For the next few hours, the four talked before it was time for Reckoning and Trickster to go. They promised they would try to announce themselves next time.

"We're back!" Lettie said coming into the room. "Brother husband, Lluvia, where are you?"

"In the kitchen." Lluvia announced.

"What did you two do all day?" Kasumi asked. "We felt his power all the way at the school."

"My parents came by and we spent our time talking with them and relaxing. Oh, he also has the Ogre Battle system back. Its heavily modified though."

"Nice. Hey, did you two.. you know." Lettie said thrusting her hips back and forth. "You know, get carnal."

"No, we just relaxed. I said that." Titan said giving her a bemused look as he took a swig of his drink. Pulling her with his psychic energy he gave her a quick kiss. "Muah silly woman."

"That's the reason we really went to school. We figured you two would want the alone time." Kasumi said. 'Rather her take the brunt of his desires actually. Especially since he was traveling through so many Sectors without company. And before the power catches up and they can't anymore.'

"No, we just relaxed. You should have stayed." Lluvia said as she sat down. "We just spent time togethor is all really. Well, we talked."

"So no baby-making?" Lettie asked. She was slightly bummed out. "So... "

"We will in a few months or so. After he gets to level 20. Which shouldn't take long. His Prime Soul is in a fragile state after everything that happened. However.." Lluvia stretched her arm out and a beam of light hit the other two. "Neither of you is getting pregnant before me now."

"Hey what crap is that!" Kasumi yelled. Immediately her cheeks flushed red. The outburst was a little to much. "No never mind. Still in school anyway." Excusing herself she ran to her room.

"That was different." Titan smiled. Looking at Lettie's eyes, he knew something was up. "What up?"

"Hmm, later. I want to rest like this." Leaning onto him, she felt it was weird. "Grow back another heart. This one in your chest beats weirdly. I am used to the others beating in that beautiful rhythm."

"Hahaha, I planned on it. Just waiting on a few things first to finish." Titan smiled as she put her hands around his head.

"Time for the Tutorial. See you later husband." Lluvia said as Titan was pulled into a Rift. Lettie looked at her menacingly. "Punishment for speaking earlier and spoiling things. You knew I was going to wait to have kids."

"Bleagh, the faster the better." Lettie stood up and looked at her. Her eyes checking her over intently. The power of the Millenium items glowing from within. Even weakened they did a lot for her skills. "I can feel you hiding something. What ever it is, do not regret it as Galtea did. You know what he is capable of. It is one of the reasons you love him."

The atmosphere became quite tense in an instant.

"I know but... I want to see the darker him more. The killer version of him is so much better to me. You also agree."

"Yes, I did before. But the kind him is addicting to me. As well as to you. Which is odd since Kasumi loves it when he acts evil for a little bit and returns to acting kind. Haaa, so many possibilities. I think I will go rip apart a few Yu-Gi-Oh Worlds again. Just to have our Millenium items at full power." Lettie turned to a Rift that opened for her. "I figure you already set it up for me. Was I wrong?"

"Nope you are right. This time however do not take in Slifer the Sky Dragon. Take in Obelisk the Tormenter for yourself. He already has a version of himself like you do. Give him the Wing Dragon of Ra instead. As for Slifer.." Lluvia stopped talking when she saw Lettie's face. "What is it?"

"To think you would tell me how to give my wedding presents. How rude of you. I have not messed in your gift-giving before." Lettie was a little upset. "I will listen to that part just to make nice since you were alone for a bit. However, I am giving him the Millennium Eye again. And I will take the Necklace for myself once more. As for the Scepter, I was going to give to you for past support but now.."

"Wait calm down a little." Lluvia said raising her hands in protest. "It was to give him more power faster. As well as yourself. No need for you take the same ones again honestly. Give the other to whoever you want but this was the best option. I want him as powerful as bad as you do. Just not willing to wait like you are."

The two stared for a bit before calming down. Lluvia had the power to end here. But Lettie's ability to survive would allow her to strike back violently before she vanished. Then the aftermath of doing so would get her killed by several others. Inside Lettie was a lot of power waiting to get out.

"Alright then. I will take your words to heart. Just do not betray my trust. I wanted you with him just as bad as some of the others. I would hate to find out we were wrong." Lettie walked into the Rift. "Do not start calculating, that is beneath you. The old ways were best."

"Haaa," Lluvia sighed in relief. "That girl loves him something fierce."

A set of eyes watched the two the entire time. A special dagger slid back into her palm. 'Glad I didn't have to get involved.'

"You were the same way. What changed while we were "away" let's call it?" Kasumi said as she walked closer to her. She moved stealthily down the stairs that a distracted Lluvia was easy to sneak up on. "Lluvia is everything ok?"

"Haaa," it is a long story." Lluvia sighed again and rubbed her temples. "I dont want to bore you with the details."

"We are friends so tell me." Kasumi grabbed the woman's hand and squeezed. "It cannot be bad. So go on and share with me."

"Alright..."Lluvia talked for a few hours. All the while Kasumi listened intently. Every now and then, she stopped. This was for she could collect herself. "..basically I have to do it as well. As a member of the Administration and someone who knows the details, I am a prime candidate for Rehabilitation helping."

"I think... this will piss him off. In the bad way." Kasumi said grabbing some tea from her inventory. Her hands were slightly shaking as she did so. "Maybe you should stop it somehow. Fail it on purpose. Claim medical reasons if you must."

"I can not. I am fit as a fiddle and I have trained extensively." Lluvia leaned back in her seat. "I want power for powers sake. That and to make sure I can see more. I want to always be ready. If he succeeds as A User again and an Operator at that, that will qualify him for Administration privileges. Only two Users have ever made it to that point in this way."

"But where are they now?"

"Resting from overworking themselves. But he is Pather. Way easier for him." She turned to Kasumi with a plan. "I have something for you, to make you more like Lettie. The ability to do what a User can do."

"How did you get the ability to do that?" Kasumi asked suprised.

"Actually, Titan made it possible. Some of the gifts he sent. One was an artifact. I had it inspected and then sent it to my father to check over. He grinned like a cat. It is old as hell but over time I have upgraded it. Completely wiped clean and ready."

Passing over the stone made sphere, it opened immediately. Inside was a thin metal that almost looked like crystal.

"Titan is getting a User assigned to him. But it will be under his old name of Azul that he speaks with her. I will become your Operator to help things along."

"The User that originally had this, where are they?" Kasumi stared it over oddly.

"Huh, oh dead of course. Self deletion. Back in the day before when it was just Word games and Stories to visit." Lluvia watched as the process went through. 'Now he has two technical Users on his side. Things are going great. Hope the Tutorial is going well.'


Across the Way-


Orion (Azul Renegade) was resting on his Ship. Faye was next to him just enjoying the sunset. The two had missed the chance to stop something from happening, but arrived enough to save the villagers at least.

"Hmm, he is back. Quite a few years displaced." Orion mumbled. Eyes shining slightly. "Galtea and Lluvia are to alike for their own good. A disgusting outcome."

"Are they not important to you as well in a way?" Faye asked a little worried.

"Nope. He has all the feelings for them. I have just memory caused by glimpsing the future. It will not go well." Orion sent a message to Thrasher to let him know a few things. Keeping him apprised about certain matters. "He does not have a Mira, so it will suck."

"Oh, I am great afterall." Mira was sitting on the rail next to them. Appearing out of the wind. "This body I acquired as an Avatar is not bad at all. It can only hold a 1/1000 of my power but good enough to do things with here."

The body was that of Bonney from the TV Special of One Piece. No real issue considering the soul inside was going to dissipate before she intervened. Mira took her soul in, allowed her to live on. To experience more than she ever will.

She had a certain tomboyish feature at first. But Mira's soul changed her disposition up. Her spiky silvery gray hair was gone and reaches down to her shoulders. She still had her hourglass figure and tan skin. No hoop earrings but studs in place. Bright emeralds that shined.

"The knowledge on a few places is good. We should go and take care of a few of the pirates nearby." Mira said.

"I am all for that." Orion looked to Kuina who walked up. "You alright?"

"Yup. I awakened my Personal Power. Take a look." Kuina stretched her hand out. Her power affecting them each. "Pretty cool right?"