

Claire, the city's top assassin is on the run after finding out that her boss wants her life. Coincidentally, on the day she was supposed to leave the city, she gets into a fight with the president's wife and was almost killed during the fight. Claire swears to kill the lady but her plan was all ruined since it was a trap to make Claire become the president son's guard. She rejects the offer, but comes back later to take the job. In secret, there was something Claire needed and only the president had it. Things become complicated when she finds out that the president also wants her dead when he found out that she was the daughter of his enemy. Claire also finds out that the president was behind the trafficking of children and the death of her father, she vows to kill him. Claire, must find a way to bring the president and her master down, but she must choose between her thirst for revenge or her love for Harvey…

Idinna_Amaka · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter Two

Next morning,

Claire yawned loudly as she came down from her Large bed. She yawned again as she arranges her bed and went into the bathroom to watch her face, when she came back into the bedroom she found Micheal sitting on her bed.

"Hello baby, good morning" he said and stood up from the bed, smiling at her, she ignored his greetings and sized him from his head to his toe. An average guy, with a long golden hair, chocolate eyes and pink lips.

"Do you know what a knock is?" Claire asked as she kicked his leg, making him cry out in pains.

"Have you forgotten your leg was made of stone?" he asked as he faked tears.

"What do you want?" she asked and folded her arms glaring at him.

"I was told to inform you that you should go to France, you have a mission there" he reported.

"Which is?" she asked and furrowed her brows.

"There will be a protest today in France, I hope you know that?" he asked and squeezed her shoulders.

"Yes I know that" she replied and shoved his hands that were on her shoulders.

" There's a box you have to steal from the assembly. It contains a large information about the assembly, their past leaders and what they did throughout their leadership. But that's not the main reason why you are to steal the box. All you have to do is protect the box" he explained and offered a gentle smile.

"What are you still standing here doing? Is there anything else you'd like to say?" she asked and sat on her bed.

"Waiting for you of course" he exclaimed.


"The mission. I've been assigned to drive you to the airport and wait until you get into the plane heading to France.

"And you are going to do it?" she asked and smiled wryly.

"What's with that expression". He asked and grinned widely.

"Get out of my room" She ordered.


"I'll come and meet you when I'm done, I want to take my bath" she said and frowned.

"Okay, but don't you dare try to sneak out of the villa or Keith will get angry with you" he warned.

"I don't care if he gets angry" she snapped. "Now get the hell out of my room" she said and he slowly walked out of her room.


Claire looked around the airport, her white hair flowing in the cool breeze. She cracked her neck and flagged a taxi.

"Where to Madame?" the man asked in his french accent.

"Take me to The King's Dining Table hotel" she requested.

"Okay Madame, we will be there in a few minutes" the man replied and started the car, then drove out of the airport. She rewind the glass window and looked out of the window. The cool breeze made her silver hair cover her face and she gently removed the strands of hair covering her face. She smiled a little as she looked at the beautiful view of France.

"Is this your first time here in France Madame?" The driver asked trying to create a conversation with her. She sighed slowly and gave him a boring look.

"I don't like conversations, so concentrate on the roads." she retorted and continued to look at the roads.

"Weirdo" the driver murmured and continued to drive.

The traffic signal was on the yellow light, so it made her driver stopped. She continued to look out of the window, viewing the arts. There was a statue of a lady and a child, a french soldier and more which made her smiled a little. She frowned when she saw a group of guards forcefully dragging a young man, they were trying to push the young man into their car. Her eyes met with that of the man, his eyes were disturbing and she averted her gaze. She touched her chest and felt it beating faster.

The yellow light had passed on to the green light, making all cars continue their journey, and she sighed softly. The young man's looks were disturbing her, she couldn't help but try to think about him. Shortly, they were in front of The King's Dining Table hotel and she alighted from the car and paid her debt to the taxi driver then walked off. The taxi driver looked at her in awe.

"Weirdo" he repeated the same word he had said in the car when he offered her a conversation which she had rudely declined. Claire walked with boldness, she caught the attention of many young men. Some were signaling to her to come to them but she glared daggers at them and walked towards the reception. She waited among the queue until it was her turn.

" Hello ma'am, what room would you like to order ma'am?" The receptionist asked merrily when it was Claire's turn, but her expression only made Claire look irritated.

"Stop faking those smiles, It doesn't fit you. Let me have the key to room 606" Claire snapped making the receptionist blush in embarrassment.

"I'll do just that ma'am" the lady replied and brought out a key, she handed the key to Claire which Claire collected and walked out of the queue.

"I hope you enjoy your stay here ma'am" the receptionist said and smiled at Claire. Claire shook her head and looked at her.

"You could come over to my room and make me happy" Claire rudely replied making the people laugh at the receptionist. Then she walked away like she owned the world. She hurriedly climbed the stairs and stopped in her tracks when she saw the lots of rooms. She scanned the area suspiciously and silently walked through the hallway. She got to room 606 and waited for a while before inserting the key into the hole, she opened the door a little, looked at her back, two sides before entering the room.

The room was neatly kept, large and spacious. She hissed and was about to walk over to the bed when she heard a little noise. She stopped in her tracks and looked around suspiciously.

"Whoever you are it's better you come out right now, because if I find you myself I won't spare you" she warned with a cold tone and then heard a laugh from the bathroom. The bathroom door opened and Jace walked out of the bathroom laughing. His face was wet with water, Claire frowned when she saw him.

"So rude" he commented and sat on the bed, he tapped on the side of the bed motioning for her to come and sit beside him. She was hesitant, but later decided to sit beside him.

"Jace?" she frowned and looked at the smiling man.

"Yes it's me" he replied. "Are you surprised or should I say scared?" he asked in a mocking tone.

"I could have killed you, I hope you know that?" she asked.

"Come take a seat beside me here in the bed" he said and tapped the bed. She looked at him suspiciously and walked up to him, before she could get close to him he tried to kick her but she dodged it and kick his leg instead making him laugh.

"So what?" she asked and smirked.

"You are really smart young lady" he commented.

"I've always been smart" she boasted and sat beside him. "What are you doing here Jace?" she asked.

"I came here for a business, since we are both in the same country I decided to come pay you a surprise visit. Do you like my surprise?" he asked and get lower lip lit up into a smile. She quickly bit the lower lip so she wouldn't smile.

"I don't like it, and you know that" she lied, but Jace knew she was lying and gave out a long laugh.

"Laugh Claire, stop biting that lips you will spoil the lips baby girl" he said and released the lips, but she still wouldn't laugh then he tickled her making her chuckle.

"Stop it Jace" she laughed and fell on the bed but he wouldn't stop. "Oh my gosh, stop it Jace I'm laughing and it hurts" she complained and held her stomach making Jace worried.

"Are you alright Claire?" he asked but she pretended to be crying. "Claire?' Jace called and gently shook her. She quickly stood up and started tickling him making him shout, they both fell on the bed laughing.

"You lose your guard" she mocked.

"All because of you" he murmured and she laughed.

"Won't you go to the business?" Claire asked.

"Yes I will" he replied and stood up. She also stood up and escorted him to the door. He stopped and looked at her worriedly.

"What is it?'

"Be careful Claire, extra careful. Wherever you are going, when you are sleeping whatever you are doing, be veeeery careful Claire. I don't think we can keep trusting Keith" he warned.

"Yes I will. And please be careful" she said.

"Who are you?" he asked with a harsh voice.

"I AM THE WHITE DEMONESS!!" Claire replied with fire burning in her eyes.

"Goodbye then" he said and walked away then she went into her room.

"I'm ready for you Keith" she murmured with a murderous tone.
