

Claire, the city's top assassin is on the run after finding out that her boss wants her life. Coincidentally, on the day she was supposed to leave the city, she gets into a fight with the president's wife and was almost killed during the fight. Claire swears to kill the lady but her plan was all ruined since it was a trap to make Claire become the president son's guard. She rejects the offer, but comes back later to take the job. In secret, there was something Claire needed and only the president had it. Things become complicated when she finds out that the president also wants her dead when he found out that she was the daughter of his enemy. Claire also finds out that the president was behind the trafficking of children and the death of her father, she vows to kill him. Claire, must find a way to bring the president and her master down, but she must choose between her thirst for revenge or her love for Harvey…

Idinna_Amaka · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter Three

Next day,

Claire stood up from her bed and rushed into the bathroom, she came out soon and wore her assassin outfits. This time she wore a red cloak and her high shoes then walked out of the room.

"Good morning ma'am, how was your night rest? I hope you enjoyed every single minute you spent here ma'am" the receptionist greeted immediately she saw Claire, Claire took a deep breath then looked at her.

"You....Do you care about me?" Claire asked and walked close to her.

"Yes I do ma'am, it's my duty to make sure you are comfortable here." the receptionist explained.

"Mn, that's good" Claire murmured and shook her head slowly. "What's your name?" Claire asked, the receptionist looked at her for a long time before replying.

"My name is Josephine, Josephine Langford" she replied.

"Josephine?" Claire repeated and looked at the receptionist suspiciously for a long time.

"Yes ma'am, that's my name!" Josephine exclaimed and chuckled softly.

"Did I argue with you that it's not your name?" Claire asked, this time her speech wasn't rude, nor was it harsh.

"No ma'am, I thought you didn't believe. I don't usually tell people my name, you are the first customer I'll be telling my name" Josephine said and smiled at her.

"Why don't you tell people your name? And why am I the first person to know your name?" Claire asked looking suspicious.

"It's not like I'm a bad person, the reason why I don't tell people my name is because I don't trust anyone. The bad peoples are using background check to get young ladies like me these days, and I don't want to be a victim of it" Josephine explained and sighed weakly.

"You trust me?" Claire asked again.

"I don't know why, but I trust you. " Josephine replied with a shrug.

"Hmm, okay" Claire murmured and was about to walk away but stopped and looked at Josephine again.

"What is it ma?" Josephine asked as she looked at Claire.

"I'm Claire. Call me by my name"

"I can't promise to call you by your name because you are a customer, maybe I could call you by your name if by any chance we come across each other outside the Hotel" Josephine said.

"Take care of my room, do not let anyone get into it. Someone was already in my room before me, I don't want that to repeat itself" Claire ordered.

"Yes it won't repeat itself" Josephine replied and gave her a reassuring smile.

"I'll take my leave" Claire said and walked out of the hotel. She stopped a taxi and got into it. "Take me to The Empires" she said and off they went. The car stopped in front of a restricted building and she alighted, she paid her fare and walked into the building.

She stood at the large gate and looked at it with a grin. "He keeps giving me missions that might be impossible, just what is he trying?" she murmured in frustration and hissed loudly.

"Hello, please you are not allowed to be inside here." a muscular guard replied and looked at her with an hard face. "It's a restricted area" he added.

"I know" she replied and bit her lips. She held her backbag tightly and pretended to tie her shoe lace, but instead brought out a dagger and stabbed the guard in the neck. She dragged his dead body and hid it in a corner, she cleaned the bloodstain away from the knife and walked into the building.

Claire scanned the environment carefully as she walked into the large compound, detecting the safest way to escape when she finishes her mission. She dropped her backbag on the floor and unzipped it, she brought out a black face mask and wore it. She then stood up and massaged her neck for a while.

The previous night,

Claire was about to sleep when suddenly the room telephone rang out, she frowned as she looked at the telephone suspiciously.

"What does the receptionist want?" she asked herself and decided to pick the call. She picks it and a familiar make voice rang out.

"Claire you are in danger."The tone of the voice was shaky which made her heart beat fast.

"What do you mean by that Micheal?" she asked with a frown.

"The mission Keith had assigned you to do is a tricky one, he wants you dead that's why." Micheal explained.

"I already know that. He doesn't have any good thing to do asides plotting evil things. She replied with a calm voice.

"Claire?" Micheal calls in a worried tone.

"What?" she asked and frowned.

"You don't have to take the mission Claire, you could come up with an excuse for not doing it Claire. Just don't go there." he pleaded. Claire sighed slowly.

"I'll do it." she said, sounding determined to take the mission.

"What?!!" Micheal cursed at her, but she only chuckled.

"I said I'll take the mission". she repeated.

"Why?" Micheal asked.

"Because I won't get hurt, nothing's gonna happen to me." she replied.

"How do you know that? Do you already know about Keith's plot?" Micheal asked again.

"No I don't." she replied.

" What's on your mind then?" he asked again.

"You'll check whatever plot Keith has done, all I need is for you to tell me all about Keith's plot, cause I know you must have heard whatever he had plotted against me. she said with a dangerous smile.

" I can't tell you anything except to warn you about the mission" he said.

"You sure you don't wanna let me know about the plot Micheal?" Claire asked in an excited tone.

"I'll tell you all about it" he grumbly replied and told her all she has to know, on the other side Claire was looking really angry as she listened with rapt attention to what Micheal was telling her.


"Wait till I destroy you Keith" she murmured silently as her thought wandered to Keith. She walks soundlessly into the building, she heard voices coming from the opposite side of the building and traced where the voice was coming from, there she saw a gang of hoodlums holding a meeting. She was about to slip away unnoticed but one of them had seen her.

"Who are you? and what do you want in here?" the one that had seen her asked with an harsh tone.

"I'm about leaving, so nevermind". She replied.

"You think you can just leave?" another asked, making her sigh in annoyance.

"Of course I can leave if I want to" she replied in a sarcastic tone. "Or is it your father's building?" she asked with a frown.

"You..!!" the guard blushed in embarrassment.

"Ye what?" she snapped.

"She looks beautiful, what do you think Blade?" a guy asked a rough looking man.

"Yes" Blade replied looking at Claire lustfully.

"Do you want her for yourself Blade? Give us the order and you would find her in your bed right now" the guy said looking eagerto get his hand on Claire, Claire could only look at them with a dangerous smirk.

"Hmm, go get her guys" Blade ordered and two of the guys rushed at Claire, they both fell down dead on the floor before they could get to her. Claire hissed angrily as she walked over to their dead bodies, she removed two tiny objects from their neck and cleaned it. The boss was shocked and at the same time surprised when he saw what the object was. A pin!!

"A pin?!!" he looked at the angry looking girl in awe.

"What were you expecting? A bullet?" she asked and hissed.

"The rest of you get her" the boss ordered and soon four more lunged their selves at Claire.

"I have just five minutes" she hissed inwardly. "Gonna deal with you assholes" she cursed and rushed at them with her dagger, slaughtering them mercilessly. In three minutes, she had killed six of them leaving two half dead. She walked slowly towards the shivering boss and smiled proudly.

"Who....Who ....are ...you....?" he asked in a shaky voice.

"Simple question." she said and held his chin up. "I Am The WHITE DEMONESS" She replied and punched him hard in his face making him cry out in agony.

"Please don't kill me" he cried out.

"Oh yah I won't kill you cause I need you to get me something" she said and slaps his head.

"I'll do it please, just don't kill me." he said soaked in tears.

"Oh yeah, go upstairs you'll see a box there. Bring the box over to the balcony, there you'll find me waiting for you, throw the box to me then run for your life" she ordered. "Now stand up you asshole, go get the box" she commanded and the poor man ran quickly to do as she has instructed.

Claire then went out of the building to wait for him, no sooner had she come out the boss had also come out with the box. He threw it over to her and she smiled mischievously at him.

"Uh., I forgot to tell you that once you remove the box from where it was kept, you will unlock a bomb. So run for your life or else you'll die in the bomb blast" she said and laughed hysterically before walking out of the building, she counted to give, then suddenly the building had exploded.

"Wait till I get to you Keith, you think you can just take my life? uh..in your dreams. The battle line between the both of us has been drawn." she murmurs with a dangerous tone then walked away.